Bubbles short run

WARMUP: 20 side Stratal hop, mosey to loco
THE THANG: partner Dora: 100 merkins, 200 big boys, 300 flutters. Ab circle: flutters, hello Dollie’s, box cutters, big boys, lbc. Up down sprints 10x return to cot
MARY: around the circle group Q

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Smoked the “Moderate”

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Imperial Walkers, Strawberry Pickers, and Broga
Phase 1: Cheese Shredder
Phase 2: 7s= Plank Jacks & Big Boy Sit Ups
Phase 3: Four Corners = 10 reps each exercise
Corner 1: Seal Jacks, Bomb Jacks, and Squats
Corner 2: Shoulder Taps, Mountain Climbers, and Lunges
Corner 3: Merkins, Peter Parkers, and Dips
Corner 4: LBCS, Flutters, and Hello Dollies
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Stone Cold Crazy

Nine men met at the Fort Mill Lowes for 45 minutes of Slow Burn to get ready for the weekend. Here’s what they did:

The Pax were disclaimed and then mosied around the parking lot until we found a good spot for COP (all in double cadence):
SSX x 20, windmill x 10, cherry picker x 10, merkin x 7, alternate lunge x 10, mountain climber x 15/hold/6″/down dog/up dog, squat x 10, wide arm merkin x 7

Mosey to a new spot for some side shuffles with broad jump burpees and bomb jacks. Pair up with a partner and start on a parking lot line. Side shuffle along a parking lot line, broad jump burpee to the next line, side shuffle along that line, broad jump burpee to the next line, and so forth. Continue with a zig-zag fashion for roughly 10 lines. Follow the same path back to the start, but run backwards, side shuffle, and do 2 bombjacks at each line (crowd pleaser).

Mosey to a new spot for classic Jack Webb 1-8, 4:1 ratio.

Mosey to a new spot for one suicide run with merkins, squats, side straddle hops, and finish with a plank hold.

Mosey to a new spot for Airborne’s killer hip workout

Freddie Merc x 15, LBC x 15, American Hammer x 15, Hello Dolly x 15. Finish with the Body Destroyer
Dam to Dam race registration opens in one week and sells out quickly. Make sure your captain doesn’t miss it.
Prayers for ST’s friend’s son who was in a serious motorcycle accident and has a serious brain injury and long rehab ahead. Prayers for the people of Isreal, Gaza, and Ukraine.

For whatever reason, Slow Burn has earned a reputation for a lot of mumble chatter and today was no exception. More than once, I had to raise my voice to be heard over all the talking! The chatter started before the workout and continued until the Q finally silenced the Pax for the Body Destroyer at the end of the workout. But, it’s what makes Slow Burn such a fun workout and why it consistently has good attendance every Friday. Well done, men. It was a pleasure this morning!
PS: The title refers to a classic Queen song that was brought up today. Those who don’t know it (if anyone will actually read this backblast) should check it out – if you like Queen, you’ll love this one!

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Get up stand up… Stand up for your rights

WARMUP: SSH x 24 IC, MNC x 24 IC, Windmills x 8 IC, Imp-Squat-Walkers x8 IC, Hillbilly Walkers x 24 IC

Plank Series (8 count holds once in position): Straight, Right, Left, Straight, So.Gentleman, No. Agressor
Finish w/ “John Hancocks”

THE THANG: Mosey to stairway & on up
24 dips on bench, 12 Irkins, 12 Dirkins
Down stairs, mosey to Picnic Tables, repeat 24/12/12

Over to Pavement track – Parnter Dora (1 moseys a lap/other exercises)
50 Plank-Jack Merkins
100 Am. Hammers
150 Get-up/Stand-ups
200 LBC’s
250 Gas Pumpers (where we cut it for Mary)
MARY: Hello Dolly x 24 IC, Heel Taps x 24 IC, Hello Rosalita x 24 IC, Freddy Mercury, Some other Bitcoin punishment I forgot
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Iron Pax, other stuff in newsletter
COT: Prayers for the recently departed (JCruise friend Tom) and being mindful/present when with family despite distractions

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#eastwardexpansion – OTB with PLC

– Partner Bear crawls and running.
– nuR uphill
– bball court legs: squat variety and lunge walk
– Life’s a bench: chest and upper body burner
– Jailbreak
– Mary

Parking Lot Coffee (PLC) post-COT

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Spicy Prep Work for the Tortoise&Hare

WARMUP: Salutations and Disclaimer was shared. Mosey on to the back lock for some warm up movements:
10 Reps Each all done in Cadence
Morrocan Night Clubs
Over Head Claps
Wind Mills
Cherry Pickers (aka produce pickers)
Hillbilly Walkers
Imperial Walkers
Mosey to the track
Track Work for Tabata
5 Pain Stations with 2 Exercises Each
45 Sec of Work followed by 15 Seconds of rest.
2 Sets Per Station then Move on to the next Station
After 4 sets 1 minute of plank work/Rest

Station 1 = Squats & Lunges
Station 2 = Shoulder Taps & Big Boys
Station 3 = Merican Hammers & Freddie Mercury
Station 4 = Plank & Milk the Cow
Station 5 = SSH & Moroccan Night Clubs

Mosey to Adjacent Lot for a series of wrap moves:
15 Reps each OJO x2 Sets
Box Cutters
Calf Raises
Dry Docks
Flutter Kicks
Mosey to COT
With 1.5 minutes of work we performed 10 Heal Taps & 10 Leg Lifts
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Fort Mill Care Center Lawn, Survey, Tortoise & Hare, 9/21 Sundae Ruck, Read your newsletter
COT: Always Stays in COT !!!:male_superhero:

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Keep Going

WARMUP: 100yds down the field: Toy Soldier x 20yds, Lunge Walk x 20yds, Duck Walk x 20yds, Right Shuffle x 20yds, Left Shuffle x 20yds
THE THANG: 1. Mosey the long way to pull up bars–come back for 6 OR LBCs–5 & dime (5 pull ups, 10 merkins);
2. Mosey the long way to ticket booth at stadium–pick up 6 OR LBCs;
3. Mosey up the hill to the road and back down to the field entrance, Bear Crawl back up the drive–pick up 6 OR Flutter;
4. Mosey to band lot–pick up 6 OR Flutter;
5. Up/Downs and sprint across the field x 4
6. 100yds down the field 20yds at a time x 4: Chosen from the following: Lunge Walk, Toy Solder, Bear Crawl, Duck Walk, Karaoke (right & left), NUR, Reverse Lunge Walk, Sprint 50 with 25 Merkins x 2, Frog Jump

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The Bradley

0500 Honey Badger

A great group of HIMS descended on NAFO to start their week like a Hero.


10 Windmill IC
20 Mnc Climbers IC

Run to the Pull Up Bars

“ The Bradley”

100 meter sprint
10 Burpees OR (10 HR merkins for ppl preserving their knees)
100 meter sprint
10 Pull-ups

Wash rinse repeat 10 times.

I’m happy to say that we all finished with plenty of time to spare. A lot of great chatter, and great support for everyone along the way.

Got to COT and did 2 sets of 4 rounds of various ab exercises to finish right at 0600.

Always honored and privileged to lead at this AO. The stories and workouts here in remembrance of those who served are great reminders of what has been sacrificed for us and give us the perspective to tackle whatever life throws at us.

Take care and SYITG!

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Tabata with some FMHS legends

2 men joined me in the gloom for a kettlebell beat down.

After a brief warmup we did the following

1 minute of work followed by 15 seconds of rest in between rounds.

Set 1:

Shoulder press


Set 2

Tri ex.


Set 3
Calf raises
Overhead press


Set 4
Man makers


Set 5



Set 6

Tri ext.
Upright rows


All done! Thanks for the opportunity!!

Eastward expansion! :facepunch: :facepunch: :facepunch:

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