It’s a moderate without Bs

Started at exactly 6:30 AM with a professional disclaimer stating that YHC is not a professional.

We moseyed around the lot and warmed up with,
Side Straddle Hop
Produce Pickers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers

Mosey to the benches for,
50 step-ups (25 each leg)
25 25 calf raises

40 step-ups (20 each leg)
20 calf raises

Mosey to the running tracks for some partners work.

100 Merkins
150 CDDs
200 Big Boys
300 LBCs

Mosey to the shovel flag for some Mary, PAX choice as we went in circle one by one until time ran out.
There were,

Toe touches
Freddy Mercury
Box Cutters
and more


Burpees and Bear Crawls

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Tour de Bushwood

Short mosey run
Warmup: SSH (12xI/C); windmills; Imperial Walkers; Low Slow Sqts; big arm circles; peter parkers; parker petes; plank stretches
–mosey Run–

Thang 1: Fish Tracker: do transportation, then the exercise called.
Toy soldiers walk – called bobby hurley’s
Bear crawl – merkins
Lunge walk – squats
Crab walks-LBC
–mosey Run–

Thang 2: leg lift loop dora: Partner 1 runs loop, other does leg lifts (we held onto the fence) cumulative to a 100 leg lifts
Thang 3: pass the ammunition: found a concrete weight, all pax curb plank. Pass block down the line, at end all do 3 curb merkins, pass the block back, repeat a few times.
–mosey Run–

Thang 4: burpee relays: base line is the flags in front of the school.
Run to light pole 1, do 4 burpees, run back to start
Run to pole 2, do 4 burpees, run back to start
Run to pole 3, do 4 burpees, run back to start
–mosey Run–

Thang 5: wall work
Wall sit, pax individually ran out did 4 merkins, ran back
Muscle ups, 3x
Wall tar jais in cadence
–mosey Run–

Thang 6: shuffle work
Low stance, shuffle right, left, do exercise when called. We did monkey humpers, smurf jacks.
–Run to shovel flag
Some Mary

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Sweep the Sweat

I hot a sweaty morning at STL. Shirts were popping off before we started running.
Simple circuit route:

1st Stop (South State Bank) – 7 HR Merkins, 15 CCDs
2nd Stop (Kuester Mgmt) – 7 Lunges, 15 Squats
3rd Stop (TC Coffee) 7 LBCs, 15 Flutters
4th Stop (Pet Supplies +) 7 Man Makers

Rinse and Repeat, adding 1 man maker each lap
1 lap = 1 mile
All got 3 mile minimum

Great job guys!

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Beautiful Morning Beatdown

Rolling in late, had stepped up to start the beat down while I got out of the car. I gave a quick disclaimer and continued with a warm up of IW, SSH, LSS, runner’s stretch, merkins, MC.

Mosey around the campus. Every few hundred yards, circle up to hold a plank for the 6, then five merkins. Then continue. After about 5 minutes of moseying and merkins, an unnamed PAX asked whether there was a weinke for this workout to which I ~threatened~ answered, be careful what you wish for. We moseyed some more and after the second lap, we went to the railings at the back of the theater for supine rows x15 oyo. Mosey to more railings and more supine rows for a total of three sets & mosey back to COT to unload some kettlebells from my car

Partner up and each pair grab one of four kettlebells: 20LBs, 25LB, 35LB, 50LBs. With partner & bell slow mosey to the ~bottom of the hill~ adjacent parking lot. The bells are arranged from lightest to heaviest. Partner one does exercise with the kettlebell and partner two runs to the opposite side of lot, does and exercise and return, and switch. After each set, all pairs rotate up to the next bell, except the PAX who were on the 50LB, they get some relief by going to the start. We did this until all PAX got in reps with all the bells before starting a new round of exercises which were:
P1: KB swings, P2: 3 burpees
P1: one arm row, P2: 3 merkins
P1: thrusters, P2: 3 lunges 2is1
P1: Romanian DL, P2: 3 flutter 2is1

Riffle carry the bells back to COT, swapping with your partner or another PAX as needed.

It’s always an honor to lead in the Fort and always fun to challenge myself as I hope I challenged the PAX. Good work to everyone and let’s hope I didn’t scare away the FNG

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No Run Dora

Had my weinkie prepared by Wed. afternoon. Participated in the SweatyBarry on Thursday night. Immediately afterwards grabbed the weinkie and reduced the rep count by half. I and the rest of the PAX this morning thank you .

WARMUP: Started with 2 laps around the Bob Jones parking lot while mixing in some high knees, buttkickers, and karaoke. Circled up near the flag and performed the following: 10xMNCsinIC, 1 burpee OYO, 10xCPsinIC, 2 burpees OYO, 10xLSSsinIC, 3 burpees OYO, 10xIWsinIC, 4 burpees OYO, 10xHWsinIC, 5 burpees OYO. We were warm and ready.

50 – Alternating KB Lift, Clean & Press
1 partner performs the exercise until the other partner completes 10 Kraken Burpees, then switch until total rep count is completed

75 – Alternating 1 Arm KB swings
1 partner performs the exercise until the other partner completes 20 SSH IC, then switch until total rep count is completed

125 – 2-handed KB Thrusters
1 partner performs the exercise until the other partner completes 20 MCs IC, then switch until total rep count is completed

150 – KB Bent Over Rows
1 partner performs the exercise until the other partner completes 25 LBCs IC, then switch until total rep count is completed

175 – 2-handed KB Swings
1 partner performs the exercise until the other partner completes 25 Flutters IC, then switch until total rep count is completed

MARY: No time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: CSAUPS, Blood drive in Massey this weekend, lots of 2nd F opportunities out there so get involved, read your newsletter.

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Sweaty Masey Marathon Prep

WARMUP: Discuss the route
THE THANG: A 4-mile run through the Masey neighborhood and Dobys Bridge with some hills along the way
MARY: American Hammers and Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Cold Calls

DORA: Timer 100yd run
200 step ups
100 Erkins
125 Squats
50 Derkins
100 Calf Raises

Thang 2

TABATA (40 sec of work, 15 sec rest)

Round 1 – Mountain Climbers, Bomb Jacks, Squat Thrusts, High Knees

Round 2 – Lunges, S.S. Hops, Merkins, Speed Skaters

Round 3 – American Hammers, Flutter Kicks, LBCs, Hold Plank

MARY: Few Exercises
COT: Closed in Prayer

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Iron Pax-esque

SSH x 10, IW x 10, Merkins (IC) x 10, Downward Dog, Peter Parker x 10, Upward Dog.

Stations were set up in a T shape where “Home Base” is at the intersection of the 3 points.

Round 1
15 burpees at “Home Base”
Bear crawl ~ 25yds to station 1 do 15 merkins
Jog back to home base

15 burpees at “Home Base”
Lunge walk ~ 25yds to station 2 and do 10 hang cleans w/ sandbag (5 each arm if using KB’s)
Jog back to home base

15 burpees at “Home Base”
Broad jump ~ 25yds to station 3 and do 10 sit up get ups
Jog back to home base

Round 2
Following the same modes of transportation,
10 burpees at home base
25 merkins at station 1
20 hang cleans at station 2
15 sit up get ups at station 3

Round 3
Following the same modes of transportation,
5 burpees at home base
35 merkins at station 1
30 hang cleans at station 2
20 sit up get ups at station 3

Sweaty Barry, Summer CSAUP series, F3 Dad’s

COT: Family and loved ones

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Sweepin’ like it’s 1776

Hot Humid July in SC pre-run with Grout and Re-tread.

WARMUP: run to parking lot where old tega cay coffee used to be and do 17 in cadence American Hammers then run to lowest point on Dave Gibson and do 7 in cadence merkins then run to flag pole at the school and do 6 in cadence low slow squat

1776 sweet the Leg style
17 American Hammers
7 Merkins
6 Squats

At flag pole and at tega cay coffee parking lot. Every time you pass the low point of dave Gibson do 3 burpees.

Get as many rounds as possible

MARY: no time


COT: 5th core principle

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