The final call

WARMUP: mosey to the flag for pledge and mosey from there to the basketball courts for warm ups including flying squirrels.

THE THANG: PAX took the hill – 4 & 27of various exercises at each light pole always returning to the start line after each set.
MARY: time for one minute of protractors.


COT: 5th core principle

The book was closed on Matterhorn at 0600 on 4/27/23.

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Manion WOD in torrential rain

WARMUP: start moving before the rain
THE THANG: 29 back squats with rucks and sandbags, 400 meter ruck
Repeat 7 times

By the time we started the first 400 meter ruck and monsoon hit us and we could see rivers running by our side on the hill.

We finished strong right before 6am

MARY: one last 400 meter ruck

ANNOUNCEMENTS: amrap for autism is happening at Chupacabra next Friday feo this that missed it on 4/22

COT: prayers for healing and love

Tinsel, out

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Currahee is the hardest AO in The Fort and we’re going to prove it!

Low slow squat

Partner up – 1 sandbag per group
20 manmakers
20 thrusters with sandbag

March to the hill
At “Basecamp”
10 manmakers
10 thrusters

If you have a sandbag, ATTACK the hill
If not:
20 merkins
20 squats
RUN up the hill

Take a breather at the top, return to bottom, switch and repeat

Return to COT
We were a few minutes behind getting to COT. Taking the hill twice can be done in under an hour, just skip the pre-manmakers/thrusters

We were already 8 minutes late to COT


Prayers for Luka

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Large Investments only. Start with 100…

Mosey to warm-o-rama an open section of the lot.
Side Straddle Hop
Produce Pickers
Hillbilly Walkers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers

Avoid HT Garbage can and head behind Express oil change for,
100 Step Ups

Run to the front lot for,
Toy Soldier/ Run
Lunge Walk/ Run
Karaoke Walk
Side Run

Head to the dollar store for 100 each with Partner Dora,
100 LBCs
100 Calf Raises
100 Arm Raises
100 Squats
100 Carolina Dry Docks
100 Lunges
100 Mountain Climbers
100 Skipping Without Rope
100 Shoulder Taps
100 Freddie Mercury
100 Merkins
100 Monkey Humpers
421 Burpees

As we could not get to burpees and ran out of time, One Burpee at 6 before CoT

ANNOUNCEMENTS: AKA continues, Blood Drive, Read Newsletter
COT: Prayers said and unsaid, health for family and friends

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Mike Tyson’s Knockout


Hill walkers
Imp walkers
Low squats


Mosey to benches

Single circuit of following exercises

4×20 ( It was 4/20 you know)

Box jumps or step ups
Bulgarian squats

Head to small circle

Sprint lap with timer
Thats how many squats you do
Next lap try to beat time, if you do you only have to do 1/2 of time
One more lap same thing

Next head to playground for a quick Dora

20 pullups
50 Mike Tysons
100 Ab crunches on swings

Partner 1 runs small lap for timer

Next go to basketball court

if you get out you do Bobby Hurleys, played two rounds

Headed to side of school

Bear crawls up hill
Crab walk down

Hill repeats x 3

Run back to COT

MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Amrap, Odd Kidneys, Bethel
COT: Had to be there

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Stop chasing me

WARMUP: YHC arrived 2 min early so was on time. Gather the troops and ran off to the drop off circle for a warmup. Included: windmill, low slow squat, merkins, hillbilly walkers, downward dogs, honeymooners.
THE THANG: Ran to the playground. Partnered up. Parter 1 was the timer so would run around the small track and tag Partner 2 who was doing AMRAP exercises. Exercises included: merkins, squats, pull ups, dips, step ups, derkins, American hammers, shoulder taps. Once you maxed out, you’d hold plank, Al Gore, or hang on the bar.
MARY: Ran back to COT with a few exercises along the way. Did a few exercises at COT in a rotating fashion.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: yes, cannoli run, wild at heart series and new 3rdF AO, mentoring at the men’s shelter
COT: prayers for marriages, prayers for patience with our big mouths

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Detective Mike Doty WOD

– Mosey around the big loop in front of the school
– Windmill X10
– Imperial Walkers X10
– Cherry Pickers X10
– Merkins X10

DOB 2/2/1978
– 2 OH Squats
– 2 Ruck Thrusters
– 19 Merkins
– 80 Single Count Flutters.

12 Years of Service and 37 Years of Life
– 12 Man Makers Run 100 yards
– 37 Ruck Swings Run 100 yards
– 12 SQUATS Run 100 yards
– 37 Bent Over Rows Run 100 yards
– 12 Merkins Run 100 yards
– 37 Ruck Curls Run 100 yards


Shield 809 (we did not get to do this, probably b/c I spent too much time during the warm-up)
– 80 Flutters with Ruck OH
9 LBC’s with Ruck OH

– Round Robin picking exercises

– Pints and Padres tonight at the Print Shop

-Prayers for marriages
– Prayers for healthy families

Thank you Divac for the opportunity to lead!!

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Hills and Heavy things are hurtful

– Mosey the track loop around Runde Park
– Peter Parker x10 cadence
– Merkin x10 cadence
– Windmill x10 cadence

Part 1:
– Separate into 2 groups. One group starts at YHC’s truck and the other group starts at the batting cages

– Each station will have two sets of exercises. The first exercise will be done when the count is and odd number and the second exercise will be done on the even number.

Batting cage:
– Wall paver stones native to the AO. The general consensus was that they weighed about 70lbs.
– Odd: Bent-over Rows
– Even: Squats holding the massive paver

– “Hell Pavers” as previously labeled by Dark Helmet. Equivalent to a cinder block but more compact.
– Odd: Curls
– Even: Overhead Press

Rd 1: 15 count of the Odd exercise at the station your group started with. Then run to the other station and do a 15 count of the Odd exercise for that station.
Rd 2: 14 count of the Even exercise at the station your group started with. Then run to the other station and do a 14 count of the Even exercise for that station.
– Continue decreasing the count as you complete the exercises.
– We called it after the 7 count to be sure we had sufficient time for Part 2.

Part 2: Half-Pipe
– Ran to the bottom of the big hill. Once there we were nicely positioned at the bottom of 2 hills on either side of us….like a half-pipe.
– The moderate hill had 5 cones positioned moving up the hill. And the steep hill had spots marked with duct tape at various points up the hill with the last one at the top.

How the half-pipe works:
– Run to the first cone on the moderate hill. Complete 2 merkins. It was called out that if you were not matching Funhouse’s form, then you were doing it wrong.
– Run back to the bottom and up to the first marker on the big hill. Complete 2 burpees.
– Run back to the first cone on the moderate hill and complete 2 merkins. Continue to the second cone and complete 4 merkins. Run back to the first cone and complete 2 merkins facing the way you are running. This makes them derkins.
– Run to the first marker on the big hill and complete 2 burpees. Run to the second marker and complete 4 burpees. Run back to the first marker and complete 2 burpees facing downhill. Coming up on those while facing the downhill sucks on the legs!
– Continue the series for the 5 stations on each of the hills.

– Read your newsletter
– Prayers and Praises: Parenting, health, job searching

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