lezzzzz go

DOAH wanted his teeth kicked – I tried to oblige

WARMUP: count off – head towards baxter. Stop at 160 and Front street stoplight for 16 IC monkey humpers and 16 IC goofballs – wave to passing cars and let them know we dgaf (except helmet – he doesn’t do goofballs)

THE THANG: route through Baxter – Front street to Birkshire Heights to Downing to Morris Hunt to Gardenia to Mills to Sutton to Richards Crossing back to Front St

Stop every 1/4 mile for exercises – 6 joins in where ever we are at and takes off at the same time after each stop.

15 SSH IC – 1 Burpee OYO
14 SSH IC – 2 Burpee OYO
13 SSH IC – 3 Burpee OYO
12 SSH IC – 4 Burpee OYO
11 SSH IC – 5 Burpee OYO
10 SSH IC – 6 Burpee OYO
9 SSH IC – 7 Burpee OYO
8 SSH IC – 8 Burpee OYO
7 SSH IC – 9 Burpee OYO
6 SSH IC – 10 Burpee OYO
5 SSH IC – 11 Burpee OYO
4 SSH IC – 12 Burpee OYO

running low on time so skipped last couple stops.

Total 4 miles for all

MARY: maybe


COT: yup

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Lieutenat Dan’s Braden Speedsters

WARMUP: Mosey to Braden Pool 20 SSH
Simple winkie to prep for running season.
Braden Loop w/ 3 Pain Stations: (5 Lieutenant Dan’s @ each)
1. Braden Pool
2. 160 & Braden Pkwy
3. 160 & Emory Ln.
4 loops & 4.1miles for most PAX today.
5 loops for <@U5DLC6D7X> as he was the king today!
MARY: None
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Golf Outing, Prayers for Soup to Nuts 2.0 with Pneumonia

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Funhouse sendoff at the Pond

WARMUP: ran to Hardee’s, did SSH, planked, ran more. Ran down to city hall building.
THE THANG: 2 exercises at the city hall building, ran down to 4 way stop for 1 burpee (added 1 burpee each time we passed it, then up the hill to the parking lot for the same 2 exercises.

10 pushups (change pushups each time between diamonds, ranger, regular) and 10 double count flutters.

Last added part was to try and push your way up the hills just so you weren’t dialing it in.
MARY: got some hammers in, bicycles, more hammers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: CSPAN style positive vibes to Funhouse!
COT: like all of us when we’re in the flux, we go up and down just like the hills we ran today. Sometimes easier going down the hill, but that push and pull from another guy, and that guy to lean on and talk to when you need it, that’s the goal of leaving no man behind!

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Thirty Twenty Ten

Total of six pax for an awesome morning of wind and rain. I had to lash the flag to a light pole as anything else would have resulted in “flag down!”
Count was three for bootcamp and three for IPC make-up.
Bootcampers had 1980’s tunes going and did the below.
Brief warmup: SSH, windmills, stretches.
Thang: 30-20-10
Pax do 30 reps of two exercises, then do 20 reps, then do 10 reps. Run a loop (we used the bus loop). Then proceed to the next pair of exercises. One exercise of each pair used a cinder block. The exercise pairs were:
Curls (w/ cindy) – Crunches
–run loop–
KB Swings – Flutters (count only right leg)
–run loop–
Merkins – goblet squat
–run loop–
OH Press – Pickle pointers
–run loop–
Chest press – big boy sit ups
–run loop–
Side bends – leg raises
–run loop—
Curls (w/ cindy) – Crunches
30-20-10 because (in my mind/experience) 30 is the limit to executing with good form. I tend to get sloppy after that. The get down and get up aspect between exercises adds something.

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Smelly Loops

The smell from Golden Coral has migrated to Sweep The Leg.
Simple route this morning – loops around the parking lot with sprints in the middle. Two stops with exercises: Stop 1 – merkins and squats. Stop 2 – CCDs and lunges 10 reps each

With ten minutes left, the loop was shorten, one exercise at each corner, sprints still in place.

Great job by all.

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VQ Running AO Q – Spectre

Got at it
Munn Rd. To Harris To White To 160 – 4ish miles
12 year convergence
Iron Pax
Acceleration Project
Show To Know

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uncle visits Currahee

Was greatful for the opportunity to lead since I’ve been on the IR with my foot. Minimal miles were the target while still trying to improve mental toughness in the PAX.
WARMUP: BOSSmen special. Super slow windmills, Plank, honeymooner, downward dog, merkins, runners lunge, slow deep squats, hula hoop, hoop hulas.
THE THANG: moving around the front soccer field loop with various modes of rucksack carrying until someone says “Uncle”. Then we perform an exercise until someone says “Uncle” then we continue moving around the loop until someone says “uncle”.
Various exercises were performed and many modes of carry were performed. See screenshot of Weinke
MARY: hip strengthening was on the agenda so we did the airborne cycle. Also did 100 airplanes, more core than desired but necessary.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: most reps were counted to 9 to symbolize that even when you’re not 100% you can still show up and do work.

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