KB Tabata Time!

Good times for my 1st Q at Lake Wylie’s Premier (and only) Kettlebell workout!

Everything you see below was completed with music going on.  Because why not?  Music makes the workout more fun.  And yes, mumble chatter can still happen.  Events below kicked off with Kickstart My Heart-Motley Crue… booyah!


Mosey around the full parking lot. Followed by toy soldiers, high knees, and butt kickers.

Exercises in quick succession:

Windmills, SSH, Weed Pullers, Imperial Walkers, Mountain Climbers

The Thang-

Tabata!  8 sets of 20 seconds AMRAP of an exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest. After set completion, Indian Run with 40 (or 50?) pound sandbad up front. Switch weight to person in front when they make it there.  Order of sets as followed:

  • Jack Press
  • Goblet Squat
  • Partner Curl/Merkin (one partner- merkins– the other takes both KBs for double curl)
  • Flutter w/ Press
  • Triceps Press
  • (And a couple rounds of KB American Hammers to finish out)


Great group of guys this morning with strong work.  I heard a lot of huffing and puffing from the group so I know that everyone worked hard.  We finished up with praise for Wolverine’s positive trip to the doctor, prayers for the tragic loss in Columbia and that the suspect was found, and prayers for the continued investigation for the lady in Lake Wylie.


Thanks for the opportunity to Q Two Ferns!  Can’t wait to make it back our for the next round!

TClap |

Flag Day

15 High Impact Men rolled up to the Crow’s Nest for a very humbling day for myself.  I did a quick disclaimer as we did have a FNG in the house and we moseyed on over to one of the side parking lots for some COP.

SSHx20/Windmillx10/Reach To Sky,Touch Toes, Down Dog,Honeymooner/Annie’s/Produce Pickersx10 

We then moseyed on over to the back playground which where all the fun toys are.  With the crowd at the Nest this morning I decided against having each individual PAX doing monkey bars swings while the rest of the PAX did Burpees as it would have taken forever and most of the PAX would’ve beed smoked within the first 15 minutes of the workout, so I went right into the …

Main Event

My very first post was the Crow’s Nest during the very first time there was an F3 workout there and in honor of this I borrowed from Flux’s workout all the way back from last March 5th, 2018.  He had us do crazy 8’s so I followed suite but with a little modification.  We all did 8 Pull Ups/ 8 Merkins/ 8 Squats for 8 rounds.  In between each round we traveled in between the parking lot islands in a figure 8 pattern but each time there was a different mode of travel. First was a normal run, then bear crawl curb to curb, then Crab Walk curb to curb, then bunny hop around islands, then pylo skip around islands, normal run, bear crawl, finishing off with a run.

Co-Main Event 

Bear Crawl up ramp to park area with plenty of stone seats where I had us do Elevens of Step Ups(each leg) and merkins.

Moseyed on over to side wall for some people’s chair while end Pax did 3 burpees each. Much to the chagrin of Flux, Qbert had the best burpee form though Flux’s bear crawl is second to none. Moseyed on back for COT.

Observations-never drink a protein shake before a workout or it might splash back up on you.  Luckily I was able to hold it down as it would have been real embarrassing to splash merlot while Q’ing.  Also welcome FNG Meltdown!  Someone wanted to name him Chernobyl but that would have been just wrong(LOL).

Grateful and honored to receive the Crow’s Nest shovel flag from Flux.  He has truly been a great leader. The 13 months I have been a member of F3 have been some of the best months of my life.  To many more adventures with you crazy people! Prayers for the families of some high profile murders that have been in the news lately, God give them strength.  Till next time, peace.

TClap |

Bermuda Triangle gets introduced to Olaf’s capture the coupon

Loaded up my truck with all the goodies the night before since YHC usually does it the morning of as a preworkout routine but since I had a bit longer commute it was deemed necessary.

First time making it to the triangle of Bermuda and was excited because I know that region is constantly finding FNG’s.

The disclaimer was disclaimed in dept before the party started.

If you haven’t experienced the joy of childhood games while almost killing yourself and your friends, all while trying not to throw up, you really need to look for my next Q.

NMM: Homebrew remains the mastermind strategist of capture the coupon and will forever have him on my team. It was great meeting so many new faces.

FLUX owes me a replacement kitchen or bathroom sink.

Chop block owes me a replacement log. yeah, (I know what you’re thinking), “how do you break a log?”

Note to self: Always locate keys before loading up truck after beatdown. Finally found them under some logs.

Grateful for the opportunity to lead.

Stay frosty my friends!


TClap |

Walk around the Kettlebell Clock…

Two Ferns was kind enough to put me on the Kettlebell Q at Cannonball.  I decided P200 will be plenty of running, so why not work the rest of the body?  I showed up to set up and it was pitch black in our parking area… seems Two Ferns didn’t change the timer at the church for day light savings!  Well he fixed that in two minutes and I set up for the fun.

Guys were gathering and it was great to see two of our FNGs this week, Whitesnake &  Speed Handle show back up for there 2nd and 3rd WO (respectively).  And it’s ONLY TUESDAY?  These guys are in for a treat… and are hitting the ground running!

Gave the long disclaimer, and we left our kettlebells and started a mosey around the parking lot.

High knees, butt kickers and some Toy Soldiers

Circle Up for some COP

Standard exercises with a varied rep count to keep the guys guessing.

Side Straddle Hops – Windmills – MNCs – Imperial Walkers – Ranger Merkins – Mountain Climbers – Peter Parkers

We moved on to my setup. So I’m still new to kettlebells, so I stole this WO from my friend Fishsticks WHO DID THE PROPER THING AND POSTED A BACKBLAST!  Let’s keep that going Site Qs and QICs.

12 cones, one centered. One PAX move from clock to center, KB Lunges then 5 burpess at center and lunge back. Rotate to next spot holding KB overhead. Continue pattern for as long as I want.

  1. American Hammers
  2. Curls
  3. KB Swing
  4. Flutter
  5. Upright Row 10x times 2
  6. Goblet Squat
  7. Tricep Press
  8. Figure Eight
  9. Shoulder Press Single Arm and rotate
  10. Floor to Shelf 10x times 2
  11. Chest Press
  12. KB Clean 10x times

After we make it around the whole clock, do a lap without KB –  We repeated around the clock 2 times.

Round 2 finished right at 6:00am to we moseyed back to COT


Read your newsletter, join us tonight for 2nd F at Mac’s Speed Shop

Praises and Prayers for unexpected passing of F3 WaterBug, our children and being present, and a friend to the PAX’s mother who is 92 and in the hospital for potiential NORA virus.

Two Ferns shut down the lights, and it was time to go!

An Honor to Lead


TClap |

Constant Movement @ Crow’s Nest

A week late… but it’s here!

(I don’t remember everything… this was my first Q without writing stuff down and just going with the flow.  The template is accurate… the exercises on the other hand, probably not)


Started with a quick disclaimer and some light static stretching.

Mosey to the facing the building left side of Crow’s Nest (that I don’t think gets used very often?).  Warm-O-Rama in quick succession… Windmills, Weed Puller, SSHs, Hillbilly Walker

1st Workout-

Partner up- A runs the loop and back to starting point, B completes AMRAP of the following… 1st Round- CDD , 2nd Round- Squats

Long Mosey to opposite side of building (facing front right side of building)

2nd Workout-

Exercises completed in quick succession…  LBC, Prison Cell Merkin Burpees x3, American Hammers x 20, Prison Cell Merkin Burpees x3, Flutters x20, Prison Cell Merkin Burpees x 3

Mosey to the very back loop of the parking lot

3rd Workout-

Hold People’s Chair while going 1×1 down the line, person jumps out and completes 10 Curls with 50 lb sandbag.

BTTW x 2

Return to COT by means of Indian Run with person in front carrying/trading off the sandbag


Thanks for the opportunity to lead Flux!

TClap |

Cindy Circuit DRP at The Deep

Oh yeah! Nice rainy day for your DRP. Some chose to stay in bed, nice and warm and all snuggy-like. Some unfortunately could not post in the gloom for whatever reasons. But those who did made that choice to take their DRP to get better. Two participated in a 4mi pre-ruck, and one knocked out a pre-run.

A good crowd for a rainy Saturday gathered, ready to go. No FNGs, disclaimer was made, and off we went……

About 20 yards to the back of my truck where a load of cinder blocks awaited the crowd. Each PAX buddied up with your ruck or a Cindy – even the 2.0s (KUDOS!!) – and off we moseyed to the far end of the parking lot for the COP:

  • No weight/ruck (slick):
  • SSH x 20
  • WM x 20
  • IW x 15
  • Hillybillies x 15
  • MNC x 20
  • Sun Gods x 20
  • PJs x 15
  • Downward dog and honeymooner to round it off

Now that we were all warmed up we moseyed over across the street carrying our buddies to the track at the elementary school for the fun stuff…..

DRP – You vs You – Cindy Circuit:
At one corner, the PAX knocked out the following circuit . 8 exercises, 10 reps each, non-stop, followed by a 400M lap. No breaks.

  • Merkins *
  • Squat **
  • Box Cutter, weight overhead **
  • Lunge, 2 ct **
  • CDD **
  • Thruster **
  • Flutters, 2 ct, weight OH **
  • Burpee *
  • Run a lap*
  • Rinse and repeat
    * With ruck (if you have it) >> cindy pax are slick/no weight
    ** With cindy or ruck (if you have it)

A good overall circuit that hit every major muscle group. You vs you, as fast as you could grind it out. We just ground it out. No music, no non-sense, good mumblechatter, in the rain/wet. Each PAX completed at least 3 complete circuits. That ground out at least 45 minutes of glorious fun. After a brief discussion about the DRP and Get Right, we had about 10-15 mins left. I wanted to add in a little ‘fun’ in the wet, mucky conditions before we went back to COT.


Starting on one side of the football field, everyone got in the downward dog (DD) pose, shoulder to shoulder, creating a tunnel of PAX. The PAX on the far left proceeded to army crawl thru the tunnel and out the other side then got back in the DD position, extending the tunnel to the right . Once the first person got about half way thru, the next in line on the far left proceeded thru. So on and so forth. Rinse and repeat until we got all the way to the other side of the field. About 50-60 yds across. We had to adjust a little because we started heading towards the center of the field. That would’ve been lovely….a 100yd+ ToL.

This was a real crowd pleaser in the wet, mucky field. We left a real nice swath thru the nice turf. Hopefully the grass will recover.

After that we gathered our buddies and headed back to COT.

Kudos to the PAX…..especially the 2.0s who did not modify at all. We really ground it out, encouraged each other. It was awesome!

COT – Announcements, P&P:

  • Keep taking your DRP. Hold others accountable for it. Get Right!!
  • Read your newsletter and GET INVOLVED
  • Yeti, P200, DSM custom GoRuck, Rooster – alot of events coming up. Get after it!
  • Children’s Attention Home / Guidance today at 4pm.
  • Prayers for injured, sick PAX
  • Prayers for Wild Thing and his M with their 2.0
  • Praises for Wolverine’s son’s birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! WOO HOO!!
  • Prayers for Qbert and his M regarding children and expanding their family
  • Praises for the new addition PAX that they continue to post and get better
  • Prayers for me and my M in the struggles we are having with my older 2.0 and his struggles w ADHD
  • My apologies if I missed any others……pre-respect brain I am working with here.
  • Praise Him!!
  • It was an awesome morning! GREAT job PAX!!


Every day you wake, you have an immediate choice……do I stay stagnant or do I get better? Seriously. Everything you do may have this two-sided choice. From then on your choice dictates your actions. Do you continue to do the same thing, or do you try and change something, anything, regarding an aspect of your life that could make you – or others – better. Do you take the red pill for change, or the blue pill for stagnation? It can be a real struggle. Change hurts at times, disruption can be difficult, ‘new’ can be scary in that it moves us out of our comfort zones. But if you want to get better, get right, you have to take that DRP. You have to make that choice. Only YOU can do that. Folks can EH you all they want, but in the end it is YOU that proactively decides to change, get out there to do something, continue to do it to where it is a new positive habit, and keep taking that DRP. The real kicker that helps is letting others know you want to do that……letting others hold you accountable. Whether it is a “HC” to a workout notification, or posting that you are going to lead a workout, a pre run/ruck, or whatever. If you stay quiet, nobody knows your intentions so you stay in the shadows until YOU decide to come out. Once you advertise an intention, the spotlight of accountability from others comes down on you. It takes commitment, discipline, and a dose of vulnerability to advertise and intention and thus bring accountability out in the open. Just today I was thinking “well, I am not feeling 100% (not a hangover), so if nobody shows up for the pre-ruck I advertised, I’m going to nap in my truck until the workout time”. Man that was a total clown attitude! I was SO thankful when I saw Wild Thing’s car pull around the corner. That was a motivational boost and dose of accountability he provided just by committing to be there himself. POW!! That’s how it works. Once we put our rucks on and started off at ranger pace I was so grateful he was there. We had a great conversation throughout the pre-ruck. That’s what it is all about. That is how the 3 F’s really come full circle and help us all accelerate together. You can try to do it alone, but man is it SO much better, effective, and easier when you do it in a group setting. But it takes the decision to take that DRP and get out there and get after it.

Make the choice to take it!!

Thank you for the opportunity to lead.


TClap |

Legs on fire

This was my first Q of the year and the first one since the Christmas season brake I had to take and due to a scheduling mistake on my end I ended up with back to back Q’s which I loved so I can focus on different muscle groups each day.

Monday and Tuesday WO were brutal on upper body at Honey Badger Anniversary with Cheddah and Fire ant with Deacon so I decided to focus on legs and abs, noting else, PAX were in for a surprise as I usually bring my props but my shoulders, chest and arms needed a brake.

We had no FNG’s and a quick disclaimer was given while moseying around the parking lot followed by the warm up:



Low Slow Squats

Mountain climber

Peter Parker




A “simple” routine to be repeated 7 times for a total of 49 reps of each of the following, a lap around the parking lot was completed after each circuit:


7 dying roach DC


7 rosalitas

7 squat jumps

7 flutters DC

7 monkey humpers 

7 circuits were completed with about 16 minutes to spare, great push by all the PAX with lots of mumble chatter about burning legs. We moseyed to a “comfy” grass area and had a visit of my favorite web exercise Captain Thor (1 big boy sit up followed by 4 american hammers, all the way to 10 BBSU and 40 AH) abs were burning by then so we had to go back to legs and found a wall for some people’s chair, everyone will hold position while PAX starting from the left end will perform 3 burpees, legs were on fire so the best thing to do was to rinse and repeat for a total of 2 wall circuits.

With about 5 minutes left on the clock we went back to the parking lot for some sprints, jog one way and sprint at 100% on the way back X 4,  some more mumble chatter then but everyone gave their all.

The lucky runners that missed leg day joined us at the end for announcements, prayers and praises at COT.

Thank you copyright for the opportunity to lead.

Tinsel out.. till the next day

TClap |

Love Hurts

Maybe it was three days early, but YHC thought it would be fun to do a Valentines Day Q. It was 37 degrees and raining – love was in the air.

9 of the regular LW crew and 1 FNG (this must be the winter of the FNG) showed up to feel the love. After a full and complete disclaimer, we moseyed to the back of the school.


A bunch of the normal stuff. Merkins, low slow squats, produce pickers, downward dog. Probably some others.

The Thang


Cupid Shuffle

YHC had his speaker in tow so all the PAX could have a romantic Valentines dance. First, the song Cupid Shuffle was played. When “down” was said we did a merkin. “Kick” = donkey kick. “Left/right” = side plank to the left/right. Mountain climbers were done in the intervals.


Get Lucky

Next on the Valentines playlist was the Daft Punk song Get Lucky. Because, let’s face it, we are all hoping to get lucky on V-Day. “Up” = bombjack, “get lucky” = burpee. Crab cakes to the rhythm during the rest of the song. Lots of mumble chatter by this point. Repeatedly going from a bombjack directly into a burpee is a great crowd pleaser.


Heartbreak 1,2,3

Sometimes playing the game of love you get your heart broken. This routine is like Doras, but with a heartbreaking hill to run. And they don’t come more heartbreaking than the Green Monsta. We moseyed to the Monsta and PAX partnered up and as a team completed: 100 diamond merkins (diamonds are forever), 200 boxcutters (boxes of chocolate), and 300 monkey humpers (the ideal end to Valentines Day). Originally YHC had thoughts of playing 80s love ballads during this segment, but I decided against it and went for 90s rock instead. Who knew Two Ferns was such a Pearl Jam fan?



The final segment of the morning. Sometimes in a relationship you need a tie-breaker, and a little rock-scissors-paper is as good a way as any. In pairs, PAX played RSP. First round: winner does 1 merkin, loser does 1 burpee. Second round: winner does 2 merkins, loser does 2 burpees. Go all the way to 10 rounds. We managed to get to about 8 rounds each before time was up and we headed back to COT.



FNG AJ was asked to tell a story that he would use to impress people at a cocktail party. After a detailed account of getting conned by an old man, he revealed that the whole thing was a fabrication. He hoodwinked us. Therefore, we welcomed FNG Ponzi to the crew.


Thanks for making a rainy morning fun fellas. And thanks to Flux for the opportunity to lead.


Stay Classy,


TClap |

Kraken Burpee Bearmuda Triangle

Another 20 something degree morning in the Carolina’s bared witness to 5 Pax climbing out of the Fart Sack to get better. We started with a lap and a half run around the track to get warmed up and ended on the basketball court for the COP.

COP-30xSSH/SunGodsx10 fwd and reverse/Cotton Pickersx10/WindMillsx10/Down Dog to Honeymooner

The Thang Chapter 1

If there is a pull up bar anywhere near a workout I Q, we will be doing pull ups.  So we started with 10 BigBoy Sit-ups to 1 Pull Up in a ladder that finished with 1 BigBoy and 10 Pull-Ups.  We then moseyed on over to the more illuminated part of the Bermuda Triangle. We got to a light post where I had us sprint from one light post to another and unfortunately 1 of the Pax pulled a hammy.  Fortunately he was alright but he had to heavily modify the rest of the workout.

The Thang Chapter 2

In the F3 exercise lexicon I came across a perfect workout for the AO called the bearmuda triangle but I had to be a tough guy and modify it to having us do 2 Kraken Burpees at the first cone, 4 Kraken’s at the second and 6 at the third while bear crawling from cone to cone.  (Kraken Burpee is a Lake Wylie specialty that has you do 3 hand release merkins at the pushup portion of the burpee).  After 3 rounds of this the Pax were totally wiped.(In the future, that will be a grand finally-live and learn).

The Thang The Final Chapter 

I was going to have us do a crabmuda triangle(don’t ask) but decided against it due to time and pain considerations so I had us do another ladder.  There is a small loading dock at the back of the school where I had us do a ladder of 10 Squats-1 CDD to 1 Squat-10 CDD while jumping up on the loading dock to do the squats.  We did a real slow mosey back to COT because of the injured PAX.

Thoughts and Prayers

Costanza has a lot of family and work issues he needs prayers for, Two Ferns and Respectable Olaf has some family members to pray for as well and just the state of the Nation with some of the news coming out this week.  God help us all.  Till next time, peace.


TClap |

Rosetta Stones

8 pax came out to Crows Nest for something new I’ve been wanting to try.   After a comprehensive disclaimer, we mosied over to the rock pile for a warm up.

COP – usual… SSH, IW, MNC, Sun Gods, Squats, Peter Parkers

SSH one step forward one step back with stones to the back of the school.  PAX grabbed a stone, shuffled two light posts, ran back one added 10 SSH, ran back and took stone to next light post, ran back for 20 SSH …. Until 50 SSH.

The Thang

See picture below….  PAX had a stack of excercises with a number, exercise, and was in a foreign language.  Pax had to guess all three categories, after which we would perform the guessed exercise.  YHC would then inform PAX which they got right/wrong and each had a different reward/punishment.   PAX would then complete the correct exercise and reward/punishment.   Overall YHC was surprised how many the PAX got right… next time it won’t be so easy.  Had to cut it short and book it back to COT.   This Q needs some work, but it was fun to try something new.

Welcome FNG Chop Block.   I liked the other name IcedT came up with, but also don’t want to get PAX fired…so deferred to Royale’s judgement as I have no idea what a Chop Block is.  Also dropped the Q ball on getting his info, but saw Royale getting it as I drove off, so Tclaps to Royale.

Scorecard: French (Y,Y,Y), German (Y, N, Y), Norwegian (N,Y,Y), Polish (N, N, Y) , Bulgarian (N,N,N) (#, exercise, language).  Exercises included in same order: 25 bicep curls, 10 pullups, 25 situps with weight, 25 pushups, 20 bulgarian split squats

The Rosetta Stones we got through


TClap |