No Legs for Cakeboss

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Windmills
THE THANG: Pick up Cindy. Carry Cindy to the band lot.
Round 1: 15 curls, then Murder Bunny 10 yards. Rinse and Repeat for the length of the field.
Round 2: 10 Overhead Press, Rifle Carry 10 yards. Rinse and Repeat the length of the field.
Round 3: Starting with 10 man-makers, walk 10 yards, and then decrease by 1 man-maker to the 50-yard line. Then, 10 Swings at every 10 yards to the end.
Take Cindy home and put her to bed.
MARY: Was done at the end of each round until the 6 was in.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: If you can’t find something to do over the next 8 weeks, you’re not trying.
COT: There is a lot going on in the PAX lives. Prays for strength all around.

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Bubbles Everywhere

WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Picker, Mosey
THE THANG: Mosey to A: 11s with Merkins & Big Boys; Mosey to B: Wall Sit while each PAX runs a lap including 3 Burpees; Mosey to C: Partner for a Mosey/Squat/Al Gore DORA; Mosey to COT
MARY: A few to add reps
COT: Life shared, prayers lifted

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Hard Core

WARMUP: Disclaimed the group and we started to Mosey around the COT parking lot. While moseying we did some buttkickers, high knees, & karaoke. Made it to the 1/8 mile track area and circled up. Performed SSHx7inCadence, 1 burpee oyo, WindMillsx7inCadence, 2 burpees oyo, CherryPickersx7inCadence, 3 burpees oyo, HillbillyWalkersx7inCadence, 4 burpees oyo, & ImperialWalkersx7inCadence. Group was ready to roll.

100 – LBCs
90 – Flutters
80 – Freddy Ms
70 – American Hs
60 – Mountain Climbers
50 – Reverse Crunches
40 – BigBoySitups
30 – Straight Lower Leg Lifts
20 – V-Ups
1 minute plank

Starting at the top of the list PAX were asked to take a lap around the 1/8mile track after completing the 1st exercise. While running the lap PAX started with 1 burpee and then half way around completed 1 burpee. Burpee counts increased by 1 for every lap. 10 Exercises = 520 total reps, 10 laps = 110 total burpees. Add in the warmup mosey and we covered 1.5miles.

MARY: No time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: AMRAP for Autism, Mike Doty Memorial Run, 427 burpees on 4/27, Rock Hill 10yr Anniversary, Trash Pick Up o 4/27, Jaegar on 5/11.

COT: Show to know.

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Luce-Jared at HB

F3 HoneyBadger 20240415
Luce p.146
Three rounds
1 km run (from pullup bars run back behind NaFo, run across the front of the school, run down the center aisle of the parking lot, then back to the pull up bars)
10 Manmakers with cindy
100 squats

Jared p.150
Four rounds [but only got one round in due to time]
800 meter run (from pullup bars run to the bottom of the hill, then back up and all the way to AO Jones road, then back to the pull up bars)
40 pull ups (modify 40 curls w/ cindy)
70 push ups

Prayers for CakeBoss on the Marathon.

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A Beatdown Unlike Any Other

Wanted to put together some fun as a tribute to Masters weekend. Pulled a few ideas from other regions in years past and put together a Masters themed weinke.


Per typical golf warmup routine….very minimal.

Divot Fixers (Cherry Pickers)
Back Rotations aka “This Thingy Right Here”
Touch Your Toes 3 or 4 Times
Let It Rip

Moseyed to football field to start “Round of 18”. Wind prohibited setting up “tee markers” beforehand, so carried them with us as we went along.

The Thang

18 Holes of Pain
Burpees each hole = 1 x hole par (Par 4 = 4 burpees)
Chance to shave a stroke (burpee) each hole by answering trivia question correctly
Exercise reps = Hole par x 10
Run distance of yardage to next tee (1st two numbers only. 430 yards = 43 yards)
72 burpees total
720 exercise reps total
.43 miles of yardage covered

1 – Par 4 – 455 Yards – Merkins
2 – Par 5 – 575 Yards – LBCs
3 – Par 4 – 350 Yards – Monkey Humpers
4 – Par 3 – 240 Yards – Squats
5 – Par 4 – 495 Yards – American Hammers
6 – Par 3 – 180 Yards – Diamond Merkins
7 – Par 4 – 450 Yards – Plank Jacks
8 – Par 5 – 570 Yards – Air Chair
9 – Par 4 – 460 Yards – Shoulder Taps

10 – Par 4 – 495 Yards – Mountain Climbers
11 – Par 4 – 505 Yards – Moroccan Night Clubs
12 – Par 3 – 155 Yards – Lunges
13 – Par 5 – 510 Yards – Flutters
14 – Par 4 – 440 Yards – Carolina Dry Docks
15 – Par 5 – 530 Yards – Calve Raises
16 – Par 3 – 170 Yards – Wide Arm Merkins
17 – Par 4 – 440 Yards – Good Mornings
18 – Par 4 – 465 Yards – Dollys

Timing worked out great. Had a chance to hit a few shots at the end to add a few more exercises. Great crowd and mumblechatter.

Mary: Yes

Announcements: AMRAP 4 Autism, 4/27 Burpees, Mike Doty Run at Winthrop

Prayers/Praises: Praises for PAX/fellowship

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Hero WO Honoring Master Sgt. Michael Maltz

WARMUP: Held plank position while reading the bio of Master Sgt Michael Maltz
THE THANG: Modified Maltz
Complete all reps of each exercise before moving on to the next one.
Close to a 800 meter run – starting at the JOC pullup bars run around the perimeter of the COT parking and head back towards the JOC building continuing down the hill taking a right at the stop sign at the bottom, going around the playground and come back up the hill and stop at the pullup bars
50 Pull-Ups
Close to a 200 meter Farmer’s Carry with 2 Cindys – starting at pullup bars head down the hill, take a right at the stop sign, go around the playground loop and head back up the hill to the pullup bars
50 dips on Cindy on the curb
100 Diamond Merkins
50 Knees-to-Elbows on the bar
100 Big Boys with Cindy
Run the same route described at the start

MARY: Had an AB BOP for those that finished early. No one finished the 1st exercise on the list which was 100 LBCs.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:Jaegar, Trash Pick Up, Amrap for Autism, Mike Doty Memorial Run

COT: ShowtoKnow!

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There’s that smell again…

Started with a mosey run. Then a warmup circle:
Warm up with: SSHs, windmills, imperial walkers, Moroccan n/c, Low slow squats, big arm circles, peterparkers, plank stretches. Count of 15 reps I/C.

The Thangs
Thang 1: Mountain Climber relays
Run to line 1 and do 20 mtn climbers
Run to base line
Run to line 2 and do 30 mtn climbers
Run to baseline
Run to line 3 and do 40 mtn climbers
Run to base line

Thang 2: Interval routine. Had a Nirvana playlist going, 30 years since Kurt Cobain’s suicide.
Three sets:
Set A: Do the below 32 seconds on, 10 sec standing rest in between
Cherry Pickers
Squats (w/ Block)
Bobby hurleys
Set B: Do the below 40 seconds on, 15 sec rest in between
American Hammers
Curls (w/ block)
Mountain Climbers
Set C: Do the below 45 seconds on, 20 sec standing rest in between
Imp Walkers
Squat Jumps

Thang 3: Pull up bar assembly line
Nine pull up bars. First one: 4 pull ups, second: 5 thrusters using cindy, third: 6 knees to chest. The sequence repeats. Pax go down the line and end up doing the sequence three times; bear crawl back to the start and do 7 squats with the block. Then get back in the pull bar sequence again.


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A brick workout broke out in the midst of a Shield Lock discussion

WARMUP: Took a lap around the COT parking lot performing karaoke, buttkickers, and highknees. Circled up close to my vehicle because we needed to grab some bricks. But, before each man grabbed his source of pain we performed 10xSSHinCadence, 10xWMinCadence, 10xCPsinCadence, 10xMNCsinCadence, and 10xMerkinsinCadence. Short mosey to the vehicle, popped open the tailgate, and everybody grabbed some bricks.
THE THANG: COT parking lot is marked as a football field. Started at the goal line and lunged walk to the 50yard line. Every time PAX went down into their lunge they were asked to perform a lateral raise with the bricks. We stopped every 10 yards and executed 10 Burpees.

Next, we moseyed to a nearby grassy area. Time for a Jack Web of pain. 1 Merkin – 4 OCs w/ bricks. We definitely felt the pain by the time we made it to 10 Merkins – 40 OCs w/ bricks.

Moseyed back to the 50yard line. Ask the PAX to reverse lunge walk back to the goal line. Every time the PAX went down in to their lunge they performed a front raise with the bricks. We stopped every 10yards to perform 10 BombJacks with the bricks.

Didn’t need to travel far for the next Jack Web of pain. PAX circled up and we started with 1 Squat – 4 LowSquatPulses. While pulsing PAX were asked to hold their bricks in a front raised position. Legs & shoulders were burning by the time we made it to 10 Squats – 40 LowSquatPulses. A lot of funny commentary regarding everyone’s pulsing technique and pulsing speed ( apparently I’m a slow pulser ).

Last, but not least, asked the PAX to lie down on their bellies for some Superman Poses. We held each pose for a 10 count by YHC ( apparently, I’m also a slow counter, blame it on my Southern upbringing ). 1st pose was arms straight out with bricks in hand and legs together, 2nd pose was arms in field goal position and legs spread slightly apart, 3rd pose was arms in airplane position with legs spread shoulder width apart, and 4th pose was arms in parachute position with legs spread wide apart. Performed 2 sets of each pose.
MARY: Had time for 15xAlternating Single Leg V-Ups and 30x Touch your toes crunches, of course, all exercises performed with bricks.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter serve tonight, the upcoming Jager CSAUP ( can’t wait for this one ), Rock Region’s 10 year anniversary, and a few others that I’ve failed to remember.
COT: ShowtoKnow

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Ring Around the Parking Lot

WARMUP: Mosey and some other things
THE THANG: Dora – one partner ran in one direction while the other farmer carried two Cindy’s the opposite direction. Connected with the partner and did two burpees, switched the run for the farmer carry. Each time we met our partner increased burpee reps by two and switched the run and carry. Completed four laps in the parking lot for about a mile of run, mile of farmer carry split by each team and a total of 72 burpees by all. Hit the pull up bars for a series of three exercises: 3 pull ups, 6 leg raises, 9 bar taps/squats ran through this for about ten minutes.
MARY: Flutters until we couldn’t flutter and merkins til the six.
COT: Many prayers and praises for all varieties.

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Lucky Board Seven

WARMUP: Disclaimer Followed by some movements:
Moroccan Night Clubs x 10
Cherry Pickers x 10
WindMills x 12
Imperial Walkers x 10
Hillbilly Walkers x 10

Mosey to Pull Up Bars to grab some Cindy’s and meet back at the gate by the track !

Lucky Board of Seven
1 Set = 7 Movements x 7 Reps each!

W/Cindy Bent Over Rows
W/Cindy Flutter Kicks-Chest Press (Right Leg Count)
Cindy Swings
Big Boy Sittups w/Cindy
Cindy Squats
Over Head Press
Run 1 Lap around the track!

Rinse and Repeat
We did all of them, some got up towards 12Laps others a bit less. Great WOD HIMs

MARY: Cindy showed up instead!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter, HIM Camp see for info! Read your newsletter !

COT: Just Like Vegas! What happens in COT, stays in COT !!!

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