Cindy’s Flipboard of Pain

WARMUP: Get 2 blocks. Take to the parking lot and drop one, then carry the other to the far side of the lot. Indian run back to pick up the people who forgot that we started at 0515. Circle up for SSH, Morracan Night Clubs, Windmills and Merkins.
Round 1

10 Merkins
15 Squats w/ Block
20 Overhead Press

Sprint to the Other Side of Lot

15 Bentover Rows Each Arm
20 Curls

Sprint to the Other Side of Lot

Rinse & Repeat

Round 2

10 WWII Big Boys w/ Block
15 Flutters with Block Overhead
20 Chest Press

Sprint to the Other Side of Lot

10 Thrusters
15 Straight Arm Lifts
20 American Hammers
Sprint to the Other Side of Lot

Rinse & Repeat

Take the blocks back

Since we were running out of time, but too much time to go back and just Mary, we did 6’s at the hill. Sawdust picked burpees and Bluey picked merkins. Burpees at the top of the hill and merkins at the bottom. Then 1 more burpee when everyone was finished at the top and back to COT.
MARY: Ran out of time.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read Your Newsletter. Saw Dust planting seeds for a rafting trip down the river and Daisy (or Daffodil) walk through a gorge.
COT: Prayers and praises that stay in COT.

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Upper body spa day.

WARMUP: 15 side straddle hops, 10 Hill Billy Walkers, 15 Windmills

15 – Under The Wires 3x
100 Yard Sprint

30 – Bicycle Crunches 3x
100-Yard Bear Crawl

15 – Walk-Out Push-Ups 3x
100 – Yard Sprint

30 – Jacknifes 3x
100 – Yard Bear Crawl

15 – Diamond Push-Ups 3x
100 – Yard Sprint

30 – Chair Crunches 3x
100 – Yard Bear Crawl

15 – Clapper Push-Ups 3x
100 – Yard Sprint

30 – Swipers 3x
100 – Yard Bear Crawl

15 – Explosive Negatives 3x
100 – Yard Sprint

MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter

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Dying ain’t much of a living

There was a steady, light mist that was more annoying than anything else. With Johnny Cash playing as everyone pulled into NaFo, the chatter began and it never, ever stopped. YHC was fine with it since it was my first Q in many moons, and I exceeded my own expectations by remembering how to call in cadence.

I will fail miserably trying to recount all of the stories that were told, but perhaps I could list some of the many subjects:
Johnny Cash & June Carter
King Soloman
Taylor Swift
White Snake
Nate Bergatze
Clint Eastwood, his movies and his quotes
The 6th Sense
The comedic relief was welcomed with the steady light mist beating down on us. And we still got our work in.

Mosey around parking lot
• 20 SSH IC
• 10 Windmills IC
• 10 LSS IC
• 10 MNCs IC
• Yoga – 4 rounds each side
o Chaturunga
o Warrior 1
o Skier / Humble Warrior
o Warrior 1

Mosey to Pull Up Bars
• Partner up – 3 rounds of 7 pull ups and wall sits

Mosey to football field.
• Figure 8 with 6 stations (2 at goal line, 2 at midfield, 2 at goal line). Movement will be run, nur or shuffle always facing the red clock.
o 15 Merkins
o 15 Big Boys Mountain Climbers
o 15 Overhead Claps
o 15 Squats
o 15 Flying Squirrels
o 15 Freddie Mercury Hillbilly Walkers

IT band stretches

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D10K this weekend, Trash pickup next weekend, Bethel Shelter 2/1, Pints & Padres on 2/6

COT: Stays in Cot

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Cold.. at a place named Fire

Ridiculously cold morning at a place named after Fire.
15 SJ IC
10 Windmills IC
15 Mtn Climbers IC
15 Plank Jacks IC
Everyone Grabs a Cinder Block.

Tabata Series: 45 Seconds on 15 Seconds Off
Round 1
Toe Touches
Lap (2 minute rest)
Round 2
(With Block)
Incline Merkins
Decline Merkins
Squats with Block
Flutters with Press
Leg Lifts over Block
Round 3
With Block
Tri Extensions
Upright Rows
OH Press
LBCs (no block)
We got through 5 total rounds before we put the blocks back. With about 2 minutes left before 6 I had everyone do HR merkins, Squats, and BBS until we hit 6:00. Thanks to all who showed on an exceptionally cold morning!

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At the Gym not In the Gym

Did some warm ups
3 sets of exercises
3 rounds each set
Last move to failure 😨

Leg lifts
Ankle touches

Read Newsletter
Work hard Play Hard

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Leg Day

This morning we honored PFC Estopinal
Read about PFC (below), then Disclaimer was given and we got to work.

Warm up with SSH, imperial walkers, some moseying around the parking lot then over to the field.

2 laps around the track (OYO)
15 hello Dollie’s IC
20 low slow squats IC
10 Freddie Mercury’s IC
Rinse & repeat

Moseyed over toward baseball fields
2 burpees
15 Bulgarian split squats (each leg)
20 flutters (4 count)
10 reverse lunges (each leg)
Rinse & repeat

Still had some time so headed over to the hill by the JROTC to do some 11s
Top of the hill did LBCs and one legged squats (each leg).
Got about halfway through then jail break to COT.

The theme was remembering the day PFC gave his life serving his country 2-15-2010

Announcements, then Prayers and praises.

Private First Class(PFC) Jason “JJ” Hill Estopinal
Raised in Dallas Georgia, Graduated HS in 2007.  Joined the Marine Corps in Jan 2009.   Was assigned to 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marines Golf Company as an infantry rifleman and was deployed to Afghanistan by October 2009.   In Afghanistan he served in Golf Co 3rd platoon, 4th squad and was the squads radio operator. Carrying the radio meant more weight, more work,  and more knowledge of how the system operated.   It wasn’t an easy job, and he did every bit of it with pride and dedication.   Constantly trying to improve and learn as much as he could.   We called him “Ears” because of his obvious massive ears but also because he was the squads “Ears”.   He was a quiet, shy guy but humble and very hard working and always had an ear to ear smile.  
February 15th 2010 we started a large scale house clearing mission that was going to take a few days, but half way through the first day, he would step on and IED and was killed.   He served for just over a year before he was killed.  (he was 21).

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Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast

WARMUP: Yes, it was cold and these bones don’t move without waking up the muscles and joints first.
THE THANG: BassO posted the morning after eye surgery with a plan to get some fellowship at the start and finish and walk the school campus solo in between due to an activity restriction from his doc. His plan became the perfect timing mechanism as the other 5 worked in short bursts interspersed with periods of catching up to BassO on the move. We did lots of core, lots of Moroccan Night Clubs, a sequence on the benches, and a series on the picnic tables as we traversed campus. Along the way we swapped experience and wisdom around the benefits of slowing down even as the season, the economy, and the world in general send us messages to speed up. Sawdust was a man of wisdom and humor throughout:
1. From one of his military leaders: ” Slow is smooth and smooth is fast”
2. He researched the proper form of Moroccan Night Clubs while interacting with a dual citizen from Morocco last week.
3. He skillfully pointed out that the planet in the sky Tater was asking about was “Your Anus”. Could there be a better way to start a dark, still, cold Tuesday morning?
MARY: Yes, we wore her out!
COT: Read your newsletter, then show up somewhere outside the Gloom!

Thanks for the invite Boogied Down and for keeping The Ballroom hot!

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Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast

WARMUP: Yes, it was cold and these bones don’t move without waking up the muscles and joints first.
THE THANG: BassO posted the morning after eye surgery with a plan to get some fellowship at the start and finish and walk the school campus solo in between due to an activity restriction from his doc. His plan became the perfect timing mechanism as the other 5 worked in short bursts interspersed with periods of catching up to BassO on the move. We did lots of core, lots of Moroccan Night Clubs, a sequence on the benches, and a series on the picnic tables as we traversed campus. Along the way we swapped experience and wisdom around the benefits of slowing down even as the season, the economy, and the world in general send us messages to speed up. Sawdust was a man of wisdom and humor throughout:
1. From one of his military leaders: ” Slow is smooth and smooth is fast”
2. He researched the proper form of Moroccan Night Clubs while interacting with a dual citizen from Morocco last week.
3. He skillfully pointed out that the planet in the sky Tater was asking about was “Your Anus”. Could there be a better way to start a dark, still, cold Tuesday morning?
MARY: Yes, we wore her out!
COT: Read your newsletter, then show up somewhere outside the Gloom!

Thanks for the invite Boogied Down and for keeping The Ballroom hot!

TClap |