Spanish Invasion comes to The Fort

@Cohiba ran on Puerto Rican time today at #ao-varsity. This also explains why @Bobber chronically pushes past 0515 arrivals. There were a lot of words; many of us understood very few. Let’s not allow cultural differences to impede F3 being OPEN to ALL men.

@Cohiba likes Big Boys
@Bobber understands more than he says, but when he’s in cadence it’s sweetly melodic
@Jazz Hands has invisible Big Boys
@Bitcoin counts well in many languages, and also likes Big Boys
@Boogie Down didn’t translate much for us, but could have
@Saw Dust apparently went of some kind of rant in name-o-rama
@Cousin Eddie spent the entire time confused (as did YHC)
@Mark Twain said something like: “Me da cólera” about the DORA. I just hope it doesn’t turn into dysentery
@Retiree wondered what he’d stumbled upon, but his buddy @chickenhawk was there to guide the way
@SouptoNuts put his Criminal Justice degree to work. Just like he does every other day, by being a more educated human
@HarryCarry was there early for “Ironing Pants,” but I might have misheard that. @CakeBoss and @Shield were helping. When you have to carry something that harry (hairy?), I suppose you need help ironing your pants? :man-shrugging:

You could spend the whole day wondering if you’ll fit within a new environment, read up on the lexicon, ask guys about procedure, examine backblasts, and consider where your priorities really are. But if you don’t set that alarm and get out of the fart sack…well: “too mah-leh-teen!”

This report is subject to verificación by @Punch List….if he ever opens slack again to check all these notifications
The names should be above

***********Bandcamp’s Version************

@Cohiba ran on Puerto Rican time today at #ao-varsity. This also explains why @Bobber chronically pushes past 0515 arrivals. There were a lot of words; many of us understood very few. Let’s not allow cultural differences to impede F3 being OPEN to ALL men.

@Cohiba likes Big Boys
@Bobber understands more than he says, but when he’s in cadence it’s sweetly melodic
@Jazz Hands has invisible Big Boys
@Bitcoin counts well in many languages, and also likes Big Boys
@Boogie Down didn’t translate much for us, but could have
@Saw Dust apparently went of some kind of rant in name-o-rama
@Cousin Eddie spent the entire time confused (as did YHC)
@Mark Twain said something like: “Me da cólera” about the DORA. I just hope it doesn’t turn into dysentery
@Retiree wondered what he’d stumbled upon, but his buddy @chickenhawk was there to guide the way
@SouptoNuts put his Criminal Justice degree to work. Just like he does every other day, by being a more educated human
@HarryCarry was there early for “Ironing Pants,” but I might have misheard that. @CakeBoss and @Shield were helping. When you have to carry something that harry (hairy?), I suppose you need help ironing your pants? :man-shrugging:

You could spend the whole day wondering if you’ll fit within a new environment, read up on the lexicon, ask guys about procedure, examine backblasts, and consider where your priorities really are. But if you don’t set that alarm and get out of the fart sack…well: “too mah-leh-teen!”

This report is subject to verificación by @Punch List….if he ever opens slack again to check all these notifications
The names should be above

TClap |

11…it’s one more

Started with a Mosey run

Warm up with: SSHs, windmills, imperial walkers, Moroccan n/c, Low slow squats, big arm circles, peterparkers, plank stretches. All in a variation of 11 reps I/C.


bench work: step ups (11 each leg), incline merkins (11 I/C), dips (11 I/C), butt touch squats (11), decline merkins (11 I/C), calf raises (33).


One Pax does exercise, other pax on the cinder block, we did:
Curls // run out and back
Block held at 90° // 22 merkins
11 manmakers // squats
There was another one, can’t remember.


Wall work:
Bear crawl out 30 feet and do 11 bobby hurleys
BTW 22 count
Wall tar jais for 11 I/C

Ran to Pullup bars, and did:
Chin ups
Switch grips
Toes to bar
Knees to chest

Run to COT
Mary: Box cutters, pickle pointers, body destroyers, V-ups, LBCs

TClap |

Ramblings at The Ranch

Five guys rambled around The Ranch for an assortment of exercises and much mumblechatter. Here’s what we did:

– 10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
– 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
– 10 Seal Jacks (IC)

Mosey to the picnic tables
– 10 Irkins (IC)
– 10 Dips (IC)

Mosey to the back lot
– 4 Corners Escalator (10, 15, 20, 25)
– Merkins, Calf Raises, LBCs, Overhead Claps (70 reps of each exercise)

Mosey to the back of SMS
– Boberry Laps (4 laps, 10 Burpees per lap)
– Various stretches to catch our breath

Mosey back to the picnic tables
– 15 Step-ups each leg
– Calf Stretches

Mosey to the hill
– Sevens with Bobby Hurleys and Monkey Humpers

Mosey back to COT
– 3 Minutes of Mary
– 10 American Hammers (IC)
– 10 Hello Dollies (IC)
– 10 Gas Pumpers (IC)
– 10 Boxcutters (IC)
– 10 V-Ups (IC)
– 10 Ab Mat Sit-ups

2.41 miles total

Today I learned that Mainframe calls Food Lion the “Shitty Kitty,” Change Order was the reason the bell curve exists at school, Saw Dust cried when Coach K retired, and Senator Tressel is running off to Europe with a much younger woman. If that type of info doesn’t get you interested in The Ranch, I don’t know what will. Thanks for the opportunity to lead. Enjoyed our time this morning.


TClap |

50bpm Metronome

WARMUP: mosey to playground; upward<>downward dog variations, high plank<>merkin/peter parker/plank jack/parker peter/wide-arm merkin; child’s pose
THE THANG: partner up- listen to 50 bpm metronome, merkins to 50 bpm metronome until failure (your total + partner total x2 = merkins for Dora later); 50 bpm metronome big boys (your total + partner total = big boys for Dora later)
[Partner merkins x10 and partner leg throws x15] x3
Dora: Toes2Bar/Knees2Chest x50, Hand-release Merkins (total from above), Big Boys (total from above); other partner bear crawl across turf and returns on foot
MARY: Brief Broga Session
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Thou must read thy newsletter.
COT: My Grandmother (Betty) is getting married to her partner (Patricia) of nearly 20 years. Prayers for them and my family, please.

TClap |

Worked to silence

– yes and various with some mosey
– jack webb: 1-4 push-up and LBC
– hill repeat dora: 100x big boy / 200x squat / 300x American hammer
– airborne hip flex
– read newsletter
– bier-ruck on 9/28: 6@6for6
– was held

TClap |

Leg Day

WARMUP: Dynamic Stretches
THE THANG: Dora! Dora! Dora! Hills, bearcrawls, kraken burpees, and monkey humpers galore
MARY: LBCs x 200 and Stang is more flexible than anyone could have guessed.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 6k 6pm 6 Biers
COT: Occupations, back to school cold season

TClap |

Smokin Modification

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Imperial Walkers, Strawberry Pickers, and Broga
3 Rounds of (10) Burpees, (20) Lunges, (30) Shoulder Taps, and (40) LBCs
Mosey to Church parking lot to perform 2 Rounds of the Cheese Shredder
Ran to the Print Shop for 3 Rounds of (5) Pull-ups, (10) Dips, and (20) Big Boy Sit Ups. Ran back to COT
MARY: American Hammers, Hello Dollies, Flutters, and Box Cutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

TClap |

We all have trampstamps👍

WARMUP: SSH,Moroccan NC, Merkin
THE THANG: Dora: With a Partner-partner A runs 1/4 mile loop with hill at the end and partner B does exercise: 100 Burpee, 200 Squats, 300 BBSitups(I think max was 150-200),400 flutters
MARY: Finish the Flutters

TClap |