F3 Baton Relay Race

9 men and 5 2.0’s rolled into the Deep on a mildly chilly Saturday morning for what turned out to be a fun workout.

We started with a short mosey around the parking lot and then…

COP-SSHx30/Annie’s(in lexicon)/Abe Vigoda’s/The non-insulting Produce Pickers.  All exercises were interlocked with Arms to the Sky-Touch Toes-Down Dog-Honeymooner.  We finished the COP with 5 4×4 Merkins.

The Thang

We moseyed on across the street to the school’s track where I had 2 12 pound dumbbells waiting for us.  The mission was for each Pax to run a lap holding both dumbbells in their arms while the rest of the Pax do an exercise of the runners choosing waiting for the “Baton” handoff.  The 2.0’s only had to carry one around the track and went 2 at a time to speed thing up a little.  The exercises picked were Lunges/”Happy Dance”(which I don’t know if that is in the Lexicon)/Merkins/SSH/Moroccan Night Clubs/Bent Over Shoulder Raises/Back Bridges(Hip Thrusters?)/LBC’s/Freddy Mercuries/Burpees.  There might have been others but they are lost to memory.

Plenty of shenanigans with the 2.0’s running around the track making for some light hearted, fun moments.  The second F was definitely in play while waiting for the handoff making this workout one of the funnest I’ve been to.  We then grabbed some wall so I could give the Pax a small taste of my previous Zero G workout but I soon realized that this time around it did not work out as smoothly as in my previous Q.  

From a Balls To The Walls position we did Peter Parkers x10 and Parker Peters x10 in cadence.  Half the Pax could not do it so I quickly decided not to do anymore Zero G for the day.  So we moseyed on over back to COT where I played out 3 cones in a triangle formation where we did a 7 of Diamonds.  We split up in 3 groups and started with 7 Burpees at each cone, then I had a different Pax pick an exercise but round 2 was 14 reps at each cone till we hit 28 reps.  I forgot the exercises picked, I think there was also squats and Mountain Climbers involved.  We then finished with Royale’s favorite exercise of 10 Big Boy Sit-ups.

The 2.0’s bring a different energy to the workout and it was a blast being their Q for the day.  Prayers for sick and injured Pax/Cancer victims/ and for our Soldiers and Sailors all over the world doing their thing and representing the Stars and Stripes.  Till next time, peace.

TClap |

Cindy Circuit DRP at The Deep

Oh yeah! Nice rainy day for your DRP. Some chose to stay in bed, nice and warm and all snuggy-like. Some unfortunately could not post in the gloom for whatever reasons. But those who did made that choice to take their DRP to get better. Two participated in a 4mi pre-ruck, and one knocked out a pre-run.

A good crowd for a rainy Saturday gathered, ready to go. No FNGs, disclaimer was made, and off we went……

About 20 yards to the back of my truck where a load of cinder blocks awaited the crowd. Each PAX buddied up with your ruck or a Cindy – even the 2.0s (KUDOS!!) – and off we moseyed to the far end of the parking lot for the COP:

  • No weight/ruck (slick):
  • SSH x 20
  • WM x 20
  • IW x 15
  • Hillybillies x 15
  • MNC x 20
  • Sun Gods x 20
  • PJs x 15
  • Downward dog and honeymooner to round it off

Now that we were all warmed up we moseyed over across the street carrying our buddies to the track at the elementary school for the fun stuff…..

DRP – You vs You – Cindy Circuit:
At one corner, the PAX knocked out the following circuit . 8 exercises, 10 reps each, non-stop, followed by a 400M lap. No breaks.

  • Merkins *
  • Squat **
  • Box Cutter, weight overhead **
  • Lunge, 2 ct **
  • CDD **
  • Thruster **
  • Flutters, 2 ct, weight OH **
  • Burpee *
  • Run a lap*
  • Rinse and repeat
    * With ruck (if you have it) >> cindy pax are slick/no weight
    ** With cindy or ruck (if you have it)

A good overall circuit that hit every major muscle group. You vs you, as fast as you could grind it out. We just ground it out. No music, no non-sense, good mumblechatter, in the rain/wet. Each PAX completed at least 3 complete circuits. That ground out at least 45 minutes of glorious fun. After a brief discussion about the DRP and Get Right, we had about 10-15 mins left. I wanted to add in a little ‘fun’ in the wet, mucky conditions before we went back to COT.


Starting on one side of the football field, everyone got in the downward dog (DD) pose, shoulder to shoulder, creating a tunnel of PAX. The PAX on the far left proceeded to army crawl thru the tunnel and out the other side then got back in the DD position, extending the tunnel to the right . Once the first person got about half way thru, the next in line on the far left proceeded thru. So on and so forth. Rinse and repeat until we got all the way to the other side of the field. About 50-60 yds across. We had to adjust a little because we started heading towards the center of the field. That would’ve been lovely….a 100yd+ ToL.

This was a real crowd pleaser in the wet, mucky field. We left a real nice swath thru the nice turf. Hopefully the grass will recover.

After that we gathered our buddies and headed back to COT.

Kudos to the PAX…..especially the 2.0s who did not modify at all. We really ground it out, encouraged each other. It was awesome!

COT – Announcements, P&P:

  • Keep taking your DRP. Hold others accountable for it. Get Right!!
  • Read your newsletter and GET INVOLVED
  • Yeti, P200, DSM custom GoRuck, Rooster – alot of events coming up. Get after it!
  • Children’s Attention Home / Guidance today at 4pm.
  • Prayers for injured, sick PAX
  • Prayers for Wild Thing and his M with their 2.0
  • Praises for Wolverine’s son’s birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! WOO HOO!!
  • Prayers for Qbert and his M regarding children and expanding their family
  • Praises for the new addition PAX that they continue to post and get better
  • Prayers for me and my M in the struggles we are having with my older 2.0 and his struggles w ADHD
  • My apologies if I missed any others……pre-respect brain I am working with here.
  • Praise Him!!
  • It was an awesome morning! GREAT job PAX!!


Every day you wake, you have an immediate choice……do I stay stagnant or do I get better? Seriously. Everything you do may have this two-sided choice. From then on your choice dictates your actions. Do you continue to do the same thing, or do you try and change something, anything, regarding an aspect of your life that could make you – or others – better. Do you take the red pill for change, or the blue pill for stagnation? It can be a real struggle. Change hurts at times, disruption can be difficult, ‘new’ can be scary in that it moves us out of our comfort zones. But if you want to get better, get right, you have to take that DRP. You have to make that choice. Only YOU can do that. Folks can EH you all they want, but in the end it is YOU that proactively decides to change, get out there to do something, continue to do it to where it is a new positive habit, and keep taking that DRP. The real kicker that helps is letting others know you want to do that……letting others hold you accountable. Whether it is a “HC” to a workout notification, or posting that you are going to lead a workout, a pre run/ruck, or whatever. If you stay quiet, nobody knows your intentions so you stay in the shadows until YOU decide to come out. Once you advertise an intention, the spotlight of accountability from others comes down on you. It takes commitment, discipline, and a dose of vulnerability to advertise and intention and thus bring accountability out in the open. Just today I was thinking “well, I am not feeling 100% (not a hangover), so if nobody shows up for the pre-ruck I advertised, I’m going to nap in my truck until the workout time”. Man that was a total clown attitude! I was SO thankful when I saw Wild Thing’s car pull around the corner. That was a motivational boost and dose of accountability he provided just by committing to be there himself. POW!! That’s how it works. Once we put our rucks on and started off at ranger pace I was so grateful he was there. We had a great conversation throughout the pre-ruck. That’s what it is all about. That is how the 3 F’s really come full circle and help us all accelerate together. You can try to do it alone, but man is it SO much better, effective, and easier when you do it in a group setting. But it takes the decision to take that DRP and get out there and get after it.

Make the choice to take it!!

Thank you for the opportunity to lead.


TClap |

Legs on fire

This was my first Q of the year and the first one since the Christmas season brake I had to take and due to a scheduling mistake on my end I ended up with back to back Q’s which I loved so I can focus on different muscle groups each day.

Monday and Tuesday WO were brutal on upper body at Honey Badger Anniversary with Cheddah and Fire ant with Deacon so I decided to focus on legs and abs, noting else, PAX were in for a surprise as I usually bring my props but my shoulders, chest and arms needed a brake.

We had no FNG’s and a quick disclaimer was given while moseying around the parking lot followed by the warm up:



Low Slow Squats

Mountain climber

Peter Parker




A “simple” routine to be repeated 7 times for a total of 49 reps of each of the following, a lap around the parking lot was completed after each circuit:


7 dying roach DC


7 rosalitas

7 squat jumps

7 flutters DC

7 monkey humpers 

7 circuits were completed with about 16 minutes to spare, great push by all the PAX with lots of mumble chatter about burning legs. We moseyed to a “comfy” grass area and had a visit of my favorite web exercise Captain Thor (1 big boy sit up followed by 4 american hammers, all the way to 10 BBSU and 40 AH) abs were burning by then so we had to go back to legs and found a wall for some people’s chair, everyone will hold position while PAX starting from the left end will perform 3 burpees, legs were on fire so the best thing to do was to rinse and repeat for a total of 2 wall circuits.

With about 5 minutes left on the clock we went back to the parking lot for some sprints, jog one way and sprint at 100% on the way back X 4,  some more mumble chatter then but everyone gave their all.

The lucky runners that missed leg day joined us at the end for announcements, prayers and praises at COT.

Thank you copyright for the opportunity to lead.

Tinsel out.. till the next day

TClap |

Lazy Q-san

7 pax came out to be Abyss for a chilly Q.

After pax were thoroughly disclaimed, we mosied around the parking lot and over to the track for COP.

COP- usual: SSH, IW, MNC, LSS, windmills, Peter Parkers

The thang:.

No rules, just right (see below).   Pax were given the following guidance: every pax had to complete the list, but could transfer to any other pax what they wished.  Cinder blocks had to make it around the track 4 times, twice overhead and twice as farmer walks.   Goal was to have 2 rounds, but took a bit longer than anticipated so on to ab lab we went.

Abs: Pax mosied back to COT, everyone called out an exercise then sprinted to end of parking lot for 5 burpees while pax did exercise down the line.

  1. COT: read your newsletter.


TClap |

Getting Your Mind Right at The Deep

YHC took the Q on a brisk morning at The Deep for a pre-QSource beat down.  One hour workouts challenge even the toughest Pax; I’m pleased to report the 8 who joined me were more than up to the challenge.  Here is how it went down:


  • We began with a comfortable 1/2 mile mosey around the OMS parking lot to the back of the school
  • 10 Windmills IC
  • 20 SSH IC
  • 15 Imperial Walkers IC
  • 10 Merkins IC
  • 10 Low Slow Squats

The Thang Part 1

  • 100 yard long suicide course with 5 squats at every marker (8)  on the way down; sprint home
  • Same course, alternating lunges and bear crawls for mode of transport, with 5 merkins at every marker

The Thang Part II

Mosey 1/2 mile to the track at the elementary school.  On opposite sides of the track, about 200 meters apart there were two stations:

Station 1

  • 30 SSH – Single Count
  • 20 Flutters – Double Count
  • 15 Werkins
  • 15 CDDs

Station 2

  • 15 Jump squats
  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Nolan Ryan’s (10/side)
  • 25 LBCs (single count)

Rinse and Repeat once

The Thang part III

Partner beat down; partner runs 100 yards and back while other works the list; adding the counts until finsihed:

  • 100 Lunges -Single Count
  • 75 Diamond Merkins
  • 75 Bobby Hurley Squats
  • 75 Carolina Dry docks
  • 75 Crab Cakes
  • 75 Werkins
  • 75 Monkey Humpers

The Thang Part IV

  • Mosey to the back of the elementary school
  • round one, alternating 5 big boy sit-ups and 3 pull-ups until completing 25/15
  • round 2: 5 squats and 3 pull-ups until completing 25/15
  • 2 minutes of Mary: Freddie Mercurys, Crunch Frog,  American Hammer


We kept it short in anticipation of getting together for our first Q-Source discussion on Language.  Reminded Pax about the Yeti and to read the newsletter.  Gave thanks to the Lord for the ability to gather; lifted prayer for healing for injured pax and sick kids.  Always and honor to lead.

Aye, Wolverine



TClap |

Capture the Dodgeball Bear Crab Crawl

Not feeling well and with three Qs in four days, YHC almost requested a substi-Q, but decided against it. Knowing I would need to be up and moving for the Wednesday Q Source launch, what better way to guarantee my attendance than having me Q the workout before? So I dug through past workouts, found one that was fairly straightforward yet enjoyable, modified it, and prayed it would work out well.

0515, and a whole bunch of PAX posted, as is the standard for Abyss these days. Short disclaimer given (I think all the points were made), and off we moseyed out of the parking lot, toward the entrance, wrapping around the island for side shuffles, flap jack, then heels to butts, knees to chest, and toy soldiers. Circle it up in a random area behind the school before we got to the “track.”

Truth be told, the delay in the writing of this backblast has led to the forgetting of what was done in COP. Vaguely remember SSHs, windmills, MNCs, merkins, and maybe some downward dog/stretching. I don’t know. We warmed up.

Quick mosey around the school to the middle of the track for the Thang:

Flag capture the dodgeball bear crab crawl

PAX were divided into two teams. Every PAX received a length of fabric to use as a flag/tail (think flag football). A dodgeball was placed inside the perimeter of a hula hoop (to keep it from rolling away) roughly 20 yards from the “start” line. Cones were lined up to mark the outer limits of the course. Rules were simple-ish:

  • Complete the buy-in exercise
  • Bear crawl to the ball (or equidistant to the ball if somebody else got there first)
  • Crab walk back to the start
  • The team that gets the ball back to the start “wins” that round and does half the penalty
  • Losing team gets the full penalty
  • Any time you lose your flag, you have 5 burpees on the spot (even if you step on it yourself)
  • Forward passing after losing a flag is not allowed (this was Omaha’d in later)

After every round, PAX ran a lap for good measure.

Buy-in exercises:

  • 50 merkins
  • 50 squats
  • 50 CDDs
  • 50 monkey humpers
  • 50 werkins
  • 30 lateral lunge leg lifts


  • Odd rounds: 20 donkey kicks for loser; 10 for winner (teams tied first round due to rule confusion and all did 10)
  • Even rounds: 20 jump lunges/leg for loser; 10 for winner

Mosey back to to COT, arriving at exactly 0600 (as though I planned it).

Quick name-o-rama, announcements, and prayers. Apparently YHC was rushed to get out to Q Source, so apologies to any PAX who didn’t get to share.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead, Copyright, even though I was scheduled by Bones.


TClap |

Santa’s Trip 2.0

Similar to the last Santa Trip in terms of exercises and idea, however we changed from a 4 corner style workout to a run-around-stop-somewhere-and-exercise type of workout.  What would you call it?

Mosey to North Pole (Salsarita’s)

  • Warm-O-Rama (Windmills, hillbilly walkers, weed pullers, light stretching)
  • SSH, Boxcutters, American Hammers in cadence to “Little St. Nick”-Beach Boys

Mosey to Asia (PetSmart/Fuel Pizza-ish area)

  • Dora w/ Partner… Partner A-Bear Crawl and back to start Partner B-Sumo Squats.  Repeat until “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”- Andy Williams is over.

Mosey to Australia (Home Depot)

  • Dora w/ Partner… Partner A- run to a tree and back Partner B- Peter Parker. 2nd Round- Partner A- same Partner B- Prison Cell Merkin Burpee.  Repeat until “What Christmas Means to Me”-Stevie Wonder is over.

Mosey to Antarctica (Between Home Depot-Target)

  • Seal Jacks, Imperial Walkers (during instru. part), back to Seal Jacks to finish out during “Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree”-Brenda Lee plays.  (Not gonna lie, this was my favorite part… I thought it looked cool.)

Mosey to Africa (BAM)

  • Dora w/ partner… Partner A- Crocodile Crawl to spot and back Partner B- Moroccan Night Clubs.  Complete this during length of “Do They Know It’s Christmas”-Band Aid (Not gonna lie… this was my least favorite part. But still fun?)

Mosey to Europe (CVS)

  • Dora w/ partner… Partner A-Run laps around parking lot Partner B- Freddie Mercury.  2nd Round subst. ski jumps for Freddie Mercury’s over a parking spot line.  Did this while playing “Wonderful Christmastime”-Paul McCartney.  (cut short due to running out of time with 2 continents left!)

Mosey to South America (Fountain Area)

  • Dora w/ partner… Partner A- run a lap while Partner B- mountain climbers.  Subst. monkey humpers for mountain climbers.  Complete to “Jingle Bell Rock”- Bobby Helms.  (kudos to Witch Hunt for pointing out that “Feliz Navidad” would have been better.  Just couldn’t pull myself to do it… didn’t want that song stuck in my head all day.)

Mosey to North America (COT)

  • CDDs, Crabcakes, American Hammers during the length of “Christmas in Hollis”- Run DMC
  • We had 1 minute left… Witch Hunt led us in some LBC’s to his favorite Christmas song/artist of all time Mariah Carey- “All I Want For Christmas”.

Name-O-Rama (almost forgot it)

Announcements- Convergence, Q Source, possible late start for Abyss on the 26th?

Prayers- traveling this season, Cha-ching’s M w/ surgery Wednesday


I had fun planning and executing this workout.  It was fun… silly… slightly awkward at times.  But the lighthearted conversations and laughs are always welcome in my opinion.  Even so… we still logged in somewhere between 2-3 miles (who knows?) and other stuff.


Come out to Poopdeck Thursday for the 3.0 version of this workout!  #SYITG


Thanks for the opportunity to lead Jedi!

TClap |

Santa’s Trip Around The World

It was a cold one at the Abyss on Wednesday.  Sub-freezing temps at COT as everyone slowly made it out of their warm vehicles before starting.

Nice-long mosey to get the blood flowing and the body warm… again… sub-freezing temps.


SSH, Windmill, Hillbilly Walker, Peter Parker, Mountain Climbers, Honeymooner/Downward Dog

The Thang:

Take the 4 corners concept and make it into 7 to represent the different continents of Earth.  In the center is the North Pole. Partner up.

One partner runs to one of the locations while the other stays in the center (North Pole) and chooses an exercise (AMRAP) until the partner returns.  When the partner returns, they switch places.  Repeat this until all places have been visited twice (2 different exercises at each place).

What made this fun for me was choosing exercises that were loosely connected/related to each continent/location.

EUROPE- Visit 1- Freddie Mercury x 30 and Visit 2- Ski Jumps x 30

ASIA- Visit 1- Sumo Squat x 30 and Visit 2- Bear Crawl (to cone)/Crawl Bear (back)

AFRICA- Visit 1- Diamond Merkin x 25 and Visit 2- Moroccan Night Club x 30

ANTARTICA- Visit 1- Seal Jack x 30 and Visit 2- Imperial Walker x 20

AUSTRALIA-Visit 1- Peter Parker x 25 and Visit 2- Spiderman Crawl(Cone & Back)

NORTH AMERICA-Visit 1- Carolina Dry Docks x 40 and Visit 2- Crabcakes x 20

SOUTH AMERICA-Visit 1- Mountain Climbers x 30 and Visit 2- Monkey Humpers x 30

North Pole-: Rotate between Sleigh Stuffers (with weight, start to the side of one foot and raise above head to opposite side of body, wash/rinse/repeat), Boxcutters, SSH’s, and American Hammers

Some of us made it through the full rotation.  Some others got relatively close.  Due to it being cold, I didn’t fully go over my master plan.  PAX had a choice on how they and their partner would complete the 7 corners.  Some chose to complete an exercise, swap with partner, then return to the same location to complete the second exercise.  This was the way it was intended.  Others chose to run to a location and complete both exercises before returning.  This was also acceptable, however it did lessen the amount of running.  As long as PAX are completing exercises, does it really matter?

Circle up for COT… annoucements, prayers… and peace out!

I really enjoyed getting my first chance to Q at the Abyss.  I look forward to Q’ing again in the future… thanks Bones for the opportunity!

TClap |

Working Hard @ Crow’s Nest

Of course this is way late and will be abridged but it is my duty to put together a backblast and I’m not going to slouch.  #LeadByExample

We started off with a disclaimer (had an FNG) and some light stretching… don’t want anyone to get hurt out there!

Took a nice mosey around the left side of the building (facing the front) and circled up for some Warm O Rama.  SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers were completed in quick succession.  It started to get cold again, so we went to work.

Partner up… partner A runs front start point around the loop and back while partner B completes an exercise until they return.  No keeping up with numbers, we just kept going until they came back and switched up the exercise each time.  1st- SSH   2nd- Squats  3rd- CDDs

Mosey back around the front to the opposite side of the building. Circle up and completed the following together.

Seal Jacks, 5 burpees, Merkins, 5 burpees, Freddy Mercury’s, 5 burpees

Mosey back to the back parking lot and back around to the Green Monster.

Partner exercise again.  A runs down the hill and back while B completes an exercise with weight (we had 50lb sandbags and 15-20lb kettlebells/dumbbells).  Exercises were: 2 rounds of overhead press, 2 rounds of curls, 2 rounds of tricep extensions, and 1 round of bent over row.

Mosey back around the front parking lot for a quick 3 rounds of Mary.

Numbered off, Name O Rama, and naming of a new FNG!  Welcome to Cousin Eddie!  T-Claps to Two Ferns for bringing him out!


Thanks for the opp. to lead Flux!  I look forward to the next time!

TClap |

Hills, Hills, Hills

We ran.

Mile and a half-ish warm up around the parking lot, up the back hill, around the front on 49, back into the parking lot, around towards the back of the school, around the track, and back out to the front entrance near the metal barrier.

Ran the hill from the barrier to the stop light on 49 x 5 at a 3-5K pace with a light jog back down and a 30 sec – 1 min rest between.  Note: some people’s 3-5K was more like a sprint.

Indian Run from the stop light to the back bus parking lot hill.

Hill sprints from the 2nd light pole to the gate x 6.

After final sprint, we took a run up 49 in front of the school again back down to the main parking lot .  With a few minutes to spare, we were able to get in one final Indian Run around the parking lot before COT.

Announcements: Turkey Day Convergence, Band Aids, F3 Christmas Party…

Prayers: Travels for Turkey Day and Royale for patience as he continues the journey of Fatherhood (which we all can use).


Thanks for the Q opp. Hauschka!  Put me back on more often to keep me accountable for getting out and keeping me honest in my runs!

TClap |