2024.27 Block Party

Run up Massey hill to the parking lot, and short warmup. Then the workout split up into 4 segments. (2 strength and 2 intensity)
1. 100 burpees: 10 minutes, 10 burpees EMOM
2. Run to Print Shop for 3 rounds of 5 pullups and 5 toes to bar
3. Run to CoG for 10 flights of stairs
4. Run to Improper Pig for 3 rounds of Balls2Wall (with shoulder taps) and wall sits (with overhead claps, arm flutters, and air presses)
Run to COT

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Iron Pax-esque

SSH x 10, IW x 10, Merkins (IC) x 10, Downward Dog, Peter Parker x 10, Upward Dog.

Stations were set up in a T shape where “Home Base” is at the intersection of the 3 points.

Round 1
15 burpees at “Home Base”
Bear crawl ~ 25yds to station 1 do 15 merkins
Jog back to home base

15 burpees at “Home Base”
Lunge walk ~ 25yds to station 2 and do 10 hang cleans w/ sandbag (5 each arm if using KB’s)
Jog back to home base

15 burpees at “Home Base”
Broad jump ~ 25yds to station 3 and do 10 sit up get ups
Jog back to home base

Round 2
Following the same modes of transportation,
10 burpees at home base
25 merkins at station 1
20 hang cleans at station 2
15 sit up get ups at station 3

Round 3
Following the same modes of transportation,
5 burpees at home base
35 merkins at station 1
30 hang cleans at station 2
20 sit up get ups at station 3

Sweaty Barry, Summer CSAUP series, F3 Dad’s

COT: Family and loved ones

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300% humidity and 80 degrees

Cherry pickers
Low slow squat
Maraca nightclub
Arm circles

Mosey to the track where shield and his 2.0 were already putting in the work. Great job!

Run a mile
100 merkins
110 yd bear crawl
Run .75 mile
100 merkins
110 yd bear crawl
Run .50 mile
100 squats
100 LBCs
Run .25
100 squats
100 LBCs

Run stadium steps till time

Finished off workout with Airborne hip exercises. Dark Helmet is not a fan so he didn’t participate.

Great work by all Pax. It was extremely hot and humid but they all pushed to get through at least the last round of bear crawl. Leaders were running stadium steps when time was called.

This was a workout created to honor DEA Special Agent Terry Watson. Who was killed in Bogota Colombia June 20, 2013.

Workout was modified, but it still sucked.

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14 hours and 32 minutes of daylight

WARMUP: Mozy followed by windmills, flutters, Moroccan nightclubs, shoulder taps
THE THANG: Mozy to back of the school for brief discussion that it is the Summer solstice. In Charlotte there are 14 hours and 32 minutes of daylight today and that we should do something for/with our 2.0s or Ms.
At the “horseshoe” (looked like a sunrise to sunset) we did 14 reps of one exercise then ran the sunrise-sunset to do 32 reps. Run sunset-sunrise and repeat until all reps completed. Exercise pairings were burpees/squats, merkins/mountain climbers, big boy sit ups/Carolina dry docks, Superman’s/plank jacks, Plank jacks (oops)/LBCs, Diamond merkins/SSH, American hammers/curb dips, Windmill merkins/shoulder taps.
Mozy to picnic tables for 14/32s of step ups/dips, dips/stepups, derkins/irkins, irkins/derkins.
Mozy to field by the light tower for full field sprints. Don’t recall how many but likely about 8. 10 count between sprints then rinse and repeat.
MARY: Full body destroyer at 5:59
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Upcoming events
COT: Marriages, health

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VQ – The Ranch

WARMUP: Mosey to turf area behind elementary school for SSH, windmills, moroccan nightclubs, imperial and hillbilly walkers and then mosey back to soccer field.
THE THANG: 7 of diamonds – 4 stations, 4 laps, same exercise at each station for each lap… 7 merkins at each station then 14 flutter kicks then 21 lunges then 28 squats. Mosey to parking lot, hold plank while each person bear crawls out to curb and back. Mosey to picnic tables for inclined merkins, dips, and step ups. Lunges back to parking lot and then mosey to picnic tables for rinse and repeat on inclined merkins, dips, and step ups. Mosey back to parking lot for ab exercises.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read newsletter, upcoming men’s shelter and blood drive.
COT: Shared prayers and praises and ended with a prayer.

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WOD: Zachary Tellier

25 EA – SSH
10 EA – Cherry Pickers
10 EA – Imperial Walkers
10 EA – Hillbilly Walkers
Mosey around NAFO to front of school

WOD: Zachary Tellier
10 Burpees
Run to and around the traffic circle

10 Burpees
25 Pushups
– Run to and around the traffic circle

10 Burpees
25 Pushups
50 Lunges (25 each leg)
– Run to and around the traffic circle

10 Burpees
25 Pushups
50 Lunges (25 each leg)
100 Sit-Ups
– Run to and around the traffic circle

10 Burpees
25 Pushups
50 Lunges (25 each leg)
100 Sit-Ups
150 Air Squats
– Run to and around the traffic circle

Mosey to bars
5 Pullups
5 V-Ups
5 LBC’s
5 Freddy Mercury’s
(4 rounds)

Zackary Tellier Story – Background: Dedicated to U.S. Sgt. Zachary D. Tellier, 31, of Charlotte, NC (USA) a combat infantryman with the 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, at Fort Bragg. He died Sept. 29, 2007, of wounds sustained while on a ground patrol in Afghanistan.

The previous April, Tellier’s unit was conducting a mounted patrol when one of its vehicles drove over and detonated a bomb, which set the vehicle on fire, according to a statement from the 82nd Airborne.

Tellier pulled two paratroopers out of the vehicle to safety, suffering severe burns to his hands. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal with valor for his actions.

After he was burned, Tellier jumped up in the turret to return fire, said Sgt. Michael Layton, a member of Tellier’s unit. A lieutenant made Tellier get out of the vehicle because of his injuries, Layton said.

“Zachary Tellier has to be the biggest hero I’ve ever known or heard of, not just because of what he did, but because of his personality,” Layton said. “He came in the Army because he wanted to be around soldiers and serve his country, and he paid the ultimate sacrifice.”

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Track and Field

WARMUP: At 50 yard line of NAFO football field…low slow squats, flutters, Carolina Dry Docks, Moroccan Nightclubs, Windmill
THE THANG: Mozy to goal line and 5 yard line. Pax were evenly split and faced each other in plank position starting on the sideline. Pax completed 4 plank jacks, 4 mountain climbers, 4 shoulder taps then moved 4 arm widths toward the opposite side of the field. Rinse and repeat until Pax reaches opposite sideline.
Once completed, Pax moved to the track for bear crawl 1/2 of curved portion of track followed by lunge walk remainder of curved portion. At straightaway, ran to the next curved portion for rinse and repeat of bear crawl and lunge walk. At the next straightaway, sprint to initial starting point.
Return to the field for rinse and repeat of 4s until Pax reached the opposite side of the field. Once completed, we started the rinse and repeat of the track lap but modified to full run after initial bear crawl/lunge due to time considerations.
After the lap, Pax moved to the goal line for run to the 50 yard line for 50 LBCs then back to goal line for 5 LBCs. Rinse and repeat descending distances for 40/4 SSH, 30/3 CDD, 20/2 windmill merkins, 10/1 burpees.
Back to COT.
MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: upcoming CSAUPs + patch for completing the trifecta.
COT: Prayers for families, travel, marriages, heart health

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Flag Day 2024

Plank for Flag Day History

50 SSH
13 Moroccan Night Club
13 Windmill

Mosey to fountain in apartment complex.

Bear Crawl around the fountain.

Up and Down the “Bowl”
Run up the hill to Fire Station
Run down the hill
Stop at fountain for Bomb Jack
Nur up the hill to Light Pole
Run down the hill
Stop at fountain for Bomb Jack

Fire Station Excercises (50):
Mountain Climbers
Calf Raises

Light Pole Excercises (13):
Alternating Lunges
Leg lifts
X’s and O’s

13 Shoulder Taps waiting on 6

Mosey back to COT

Jack Webb
1 BBS:4 American Hammer

Read Your Newsletter

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Officer Aaron Smith Memorial WOD 2024

As promised we honored a fallen hero at the Honey Badger who was a friend of my brother in law.

Officer Aaron Smith’s life of public service began at the age of 16, when he joined the Mineral Wells Volunteer Fire Department (MWVFD) as a junior firefighter. He began serving the MWVFD “in full capacity” at the age of 18, and also went on to work as an emergency medical technician (EMT) for Roane County Emergency Medical Services, the St. Joseph Ambulance Service, Jackson County Emergency Medical Services, Camden Clark Memorial Hospital, and Med Trust of Myrtle Beach.
Officer Smith later became a South Carolina State trooper before joining the Horry County Police Department as a police officer.
His cousin Caroline Arthur wrote “Anyone who knew Aaron knew his passion for front line service. His many hours of service, lives touched, and lives saved will not go unnoticed.”
Officer Smith died on September 5, 2021 and was laid to rest September 12, 2021.
Officer Smith left behind his wife, Chelsy, as well as his parents, two sisters, and his brother.
– SSH x25
– Merkins x20
– Windmill x10
1. 1.Start on the far side of the parking lot and complete the first exercise.
2. 2.Run to the next island and complete that exercise. Run back to the start and complete the first exercise.
3. 3.Run back to the second island complete that exercise. Continue to the next marked exercise and complete. Run back stopping at each island to complete the exercise.
4. 4.Continue until you complete all stations on the 5 rep lane.
5. 5.Run one lap around the parking lot (0.40 miles). This is done after each lane is completed.
6. 6.Graduate to the next lane (10 reps) and do the same thing done on the 5 rep lane.
7. 7.After completing the 10 rep lane and running a lap, grab a block to use for all stops on the 15 and 20 rep lanes.
Lane 1 (5 Reps per exercise) & Lane 2 (10 Reps per exercise)
– Island 1 = HR Merkins
– Island 2 = LBC
– Island 3 = Bear Crawl
– Island 4 = 4ct Plank Jack
– Island 5 = Burpees
Lane 3 (15 Reps per exercise)
– Bent over Rows
– Curls
– OH Press
– Squat Thrusters
Lane 4 (20 Reps per exercise)
– Bent over Rows
– Tricep Extension
– OH Press

The counts:
– Total distance = 3.15 miles
– HR Merkins = 45
– LBC = 60
– 4ct Plank Jack = 30
– 8 Burpees = 15
– BO Rows = 105
– Curls = 60
– Tricep Ext. = 80
– OH Press = 70
– Squat Thrusters = 15

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WARMUP: SSH, cherry picker, imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers. (Or vice versa) , arm circles forward and backward
THE THANG: mosey over to Walgreens
10 burpees one corner, bear crawl to next corner
20 hello dolly’s, lieutenant dans to next corner
30 CDD, bear crawl
40 flutters, lieutenant dans
Repeat once
Mosey over near COT
Four corners
1 burpee in center
5 squats
5 merkins
5 Bobby Hurley
5 flying squirrels
2 burpees
10 squats
10 merkins
10 Bobby Hurley
10 flying squirrels
3 burpees
15 squats
15 merkins
15 Bobby Hurley
15 flying squirrel
MARY: she was present

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