Kettlebell Tabata Emo Beatdown

Imperial walker
Moroccan Night Clubs
Shoulder taps
Dying Cockroach

tabata kettlebell style workout – 1 minute on exercise, 20 sec rest
3 area has 5 exercises, go to each area 2x as a team
Bonus points for lunge walking between areas.
Area 1
1. Swings (back)
2. Curls (arms) (5 left, 5 right)
3. Flutter high bell (abs)
4. Deadlift single arm (back)
5. Shoulder press (arms)
Area 2
1. Turkish Getups (body)
2. Goblet squat (legs)
3. Triceps (5 left / 5 right) (arms)
4. American hammers (abs)
5. Renegade Rows – (back)
Area 3
1. Deck squats (legs)
2. Bent over rows (back)
3. Calf raises (legs)
4. Side lunges (legs)
5. Chest press on 6 – (chest)


COT Everyone loves the Emo music and will be downloading and playing in their cars on the way home.

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Chad 1000x

THE THANG: The location was at FMHS stadium, 1,000 bench step-ups with a rucksack on our back in honor of soldier Chad Wilkerson and all those men and women who suffer from PTSD. All 14 pax completed it.

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It’s only 30 seconds can you last that long

Rolled in with 8 min till go times with only 3 pax there. Soon more and more started to pour in till there were 14 of us. T since we did not have any FNG’s we got right after it.

The Warm Up
10 Wind Mills
10 Imperial Walkers
6 On Your Six Reach For Your Toes And Hold

The Thang with the help of my Seconds App
30 seconds of Kettle Bell Goblet Squats
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Kettlebell Sumo Squats With A Pulse
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Kettlebell Left Leg Lunge
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Kettlebell Right Leg Lunge
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Right Leg Roman Dead Lift
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Left Leg Roman Dead Lift
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Wide Leg Kettlebell Deadlift
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Left Leg Apolo Ohno Kettlebell Lunge
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Right Leg Apolo Ohno Kettlebell Lunge
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Kettlebell Pass Under Lunges
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Lateral Kettlebell Lunges
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Right Arm Kettlebell Bent Over Rows
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Left Arm Kettlebell Bent Over Rows
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Kettlebell Overhead Press
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Right Arm Kettlebell Chest Press On Your Six
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Left Arm Kettlebell Chest Press On Your Six
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Kettlebell Upright Row
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Kettlebell Thrusters
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds of Halo’s

The music selection was as follows
Click Click Boom by Saliva
Superstar by Cypress Hill
Fade to Black by Metallica
I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace
Sabotage by Beastie Boys
Head Strong by Trapt
Dig by Mudvayne
Monster by Skillet
Fade by Stained
Sober by Tool

Last but not least some Global warming with a twist. I broke out the 15lbs slam ball as we got in to Al gore position and each person took a turn slamming the ball as hard as you lived 5 times. Based how hard some slammed the ball they had pretty easy lives so far or they where just hurting from all the kettlebell swings.

BBQ & Bourbon
Shanking with Stang
Skeet shoot

Prayers and praise’s
Straight up son Yoshie killing his Cross Country Meet
Crab Cakes neighbor that fell with a broken ribs and punctured organs
YHC little brother visiting and it’s been 12 plus years since I have seen him.

Great work by all men, my legs and lower back are going to feel this one for a few days.

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17 enjoyed my Q at the yard on Saturday Oct 22.

We stretched a bit at the beginning and then moseyed to start a Thang from a weinke I had done at the Yard three years ago.

Paired up

We ran to the back driveway and at each light pole was an assignment. Each pole had one letter of THEYARD, except for the excitement that the letters were out of order. You had to Jog to find the next letter. Lots of grumble.

Donkey kicks (10)
Merkins (10)

LBC (25)
Dying Cockroaches (25)

Mountain climbers (25)
Grave diggers (20)

SSH (25)
Burpees (5)

Box cutters (15)
Burpees ( 5…yes more burpees)

Bobby Hurley’s (10)
Hello Dolly’s (20)

Squats (30)
Lunges (15 ea)

Overall I would say it was a big hit and everyone loved my Q. I’m sure I’ll be asked to Q again in the near future.

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Cmon Bitcoin

9 enjoyed my Q at Footloose.

Did some stretching, then went to an Assassin favorite.. the hill chase … partner 2 chases partner 1 up that hill beyond the church and back a few times..

We then moseyed to Church Of God parking lot for a variety of fun including:
Dry Docks
Wheezy Jeffersons
Jump Squats
Calf Raises

(Run around building)

Plank Jacks
Donkey Kicks
Sumo squats
Overheads Claps

(Run around building)

Big Boys
Monkey Humpers
Imperical Walkers

(Run around building)

Peter Parkers
Diamond Merkins

(Run around building)

We Toy Soldiered, lunged and bear crawled back toward COT.

Mission NOT accomplished …. getting Bitcoin into the munblechatter of negative grief toward his fellow Pax (or specifically Twister). We are trying to get him to step up.

Thx to @dojo for the Q opp.


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Homo Sapien does NOT melt in rain, drizzle or from a wet arse

Do you ever ride a high from a funny, proud or specific moment of the day?

It rained right before my bell Q started today. 2nd warm-up exercise was LBCs. Holy cow! that was the funniest moment I have seen in years, 7 grown men “chattering” about sitting in a puddle, you would think they were just dropped into a grave full of snakes. Still on a high. If you see me randomly laughing at a workout over the next week, you know the vision I am thinking about.

Any whoooo …

warm up, stuff like:
imperial walker, LBC, hillbilly walker, shoulder tap, LS squat, dying cockroach (there it goes again), morrocan NC, plank stretch

then we lifted stuff up and put it down:
curls, BO rows, chest press (standing and on 6), flutter with bell high (yup once again), goblet squat, around the world, tricep extentions, each arm dead lifts, good morning, side lunge, plank row

In between we did bootcampish stuff: burpees, flying squirrels, merkins, carolina DD, mahktar N’diayes, kneetar n’diayes (some did this) , bombjacks, jump squats, BB sits

wrapped it up with Assassin suicides with the bell
merkins, tricep extensions, curls
and goblet, chest press, around t world

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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No Naked PAX is a Good Thing!

5:15am – Welcome, no FNG’s, disclaimer was said. Carry KBs over to fire pit/circle area.

– Mosey – loop around the parking lot
– 20 SSH, 11 Imperial Walkers, 10 Hillbilly Walkers, 10 Moroccan Night Clubs

THE THANG: 5 Burpees OYO then run across parking lot. 5 Burpees OYO and run back. Pax partner up. Pax1 does exercise while Pax2 runs a lap around the parking lot.

– Merks / Run Lap
– Curls / Run Lap
– Squat Thrusters / Run Lap

5 Burpees then run across lot. 5 Burpees then run back.

– Flutters* / Run Lap
– Box Cutters* / Run Lap
– Hello Dollys* / Run Lap
*holding up KB (or chest press if so inclined)

5 Burpees then run across lot. 5 Burpees then run back.

– LBC’s / Run Lap
– American Hammers / Run Lap
– Bent Rows (or Lawnmowers, alternating) / Run Lap
– KB Swings / Run Lap
– Chest Press / Run Lap

Back to COT. It was 6:02am, I believe.

MARY: None

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter. Lots of 2nd & 3rd F events coming up.

COT: Prayers for Anchorman’s father, for all the prayers unspoken, and for the family of one of our late F3 brothers – Jared Cacciola (F3-Ex Lax) who passed yesterday.

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Freeze warning

WARMUP: A jog down the hill for some COP. Tesh was shirtless.
THE THANG: after running back to our bells, a four corner AMRAP session ensued. 8 minutes for as many rounds as possible of the following:

Corner 1 – 5 manmakers 10 merkins on the bell 15 swings and 20 tricep extensions

Corner 2 – 5 burpees, 10 goblet squats, 15 swings, 20 curls

Corner 3 – 5 manmakers, 10 lunges, 15 swings, 20 calf raises

Corner 4 – 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 swings, 20 curls

MARY: had to hustle back at make 0600
COT: you had to be there.

Thanks 3D for the opportunity. Always an honor to lead.


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