Monday morning Bells

WARMUP: Basic Warmup: disclaimer , short mosey, SSH, windmills, hillbilly walkers, MNCs, Mountain Climbers, Merkins
THE THANG: Walk to opposite parking lot. 20 each of Swings, Upward Rows, Curls, Tricep Extensions, and Bell Merkins, then a short loop. 3 rounds.
Transferred the KBs to the other side of the lot for another set of exercises. 20 each of Am Hammers, Flutters, Skull Crushers, Chest Press, and Goblet Squats.
Only 2 rounds completed due to time.
On your six bell pass back to starting point.
Walk back to COT.
2O each of Pass Through Lunges, Dead Lifts, Overhead Press, Figure 8s.
Ended at 0600.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas party, Thanksgiving Convergence 2023z
COT:Yes. Lots to be grateful for, lots to pray about.

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WARMUP: Imperial Walker, Hillbilly Walker, Cherry Picker, and Windmill

4 rounds of each
40 sec. Cross Country skiers . 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Flutters 10 sec. Rest
2 min. Sprints
40 sec. Shoulder taps 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. 8 count mercans 10 sec. Rest
2 min Mosey
40 sec. Hello Dollys 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Mt Climbers 10 sec. Rest
2 min Bear crawls
40 sec. Rowers 10 sec. Rest
40sec. Lbcs 10sec. Rest
2 min Crab walk

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Lack of Creativity, Excess of Difficulty

One Mile Warm Up to Dave Gibson, across 160 to Emory and around to Brayden Pkwy. Sun 6 pace for the front men.

Hill Suicides
Start at base of Brayden hill, run up, run down.
At Median Break
10, 20, 30 Merkins/Flutters
10, 20, 30 Curb Dips/American Hammers
10, 20, 30 CDD’s/Hello Dollies

Do your ten at the first median, back to the bottom. Then twenty at the second median, and back to the bottom. Hit the top at 160, 30 reps, back to bottom.

After three laps, head back to Earth Fare for COT. Looped the building to make it an even four miles before calling it. Five 8 Count Bodybuilder’s to end.

Strong work by all. The Brayden hill is unforgiving.

THERE WILL BE MEAT at the bourbon tasting on 11/18
This week we’ve also got Change Order’s Veteran’s Day clay shoot – 11/11. Hit up CO for more details.
Chad 1000x is on Thursday at S2S.

Prayers for Band Camp traveling for work. Safe travels, brother.
Praise for Poppins’ leadership at the Bethel men’s shelter
Prayers/praise for our attentiveness as fathers and husbands.
Praise for the new faces today.

Olaf’s prayer hit me right between the eyes. He dropped a timely prayer request after a weekend of distracted parenting. How much presence would my kids perceive that I give, if I asked them? Am I giving them all of me, or only some of me?

Thanks for the tap today, Badlands.

Punch List out.

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Spooky pumpkin of pain and suffering

The usual

Spooky pumpkin of pain. To the tunes of Halloween
DORA style – man in the middle does 10 manmakers as the timer
1. Squats
2. Deadlifts
3. Lawnmower pulls
4. Chest press
5. Overhead press
6. Clave raises
7. LBC
8. Flutters
9. Swings
10. Snatch
11. Clean
12. Push-ups with bell
13. Pull overs
14. Reverse Lunges

Last round, we switched it up for 20 american style KB swings (that’s the ones where it goes over your head). Finished right at 6

MARY: no time

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Rainy morning Pantheon

WARMUP: SSH (IC), honeymooners
THE THANG: moseyed over to the entrance of the school where it was dry and pulled out a deck of cards. I had a much different workout planned, but was thinking being in the rain was not the best idea for YHC, so this was plan B.
Breakdown was:
Diamonds = merkins
Spades= squats
Clubs = mountain climbers
Hearts = BBSUs
Aces were 14 count, that made everyone happy and the 2 jokers = 10 burpees
Finished early so we started some 11s with diamond merkins and lunges, but only got about 1/2 way through. Original MOT was bear crawl and crab walk, but was quickly revised to run and nur
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter

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No Naked PAX is a Good Thing!

5:15am – Welcome, no FNG’s, disclaimer was said. Carry KBs over to fire pit/circle area.

– Mosey – loop around the parking lot
– 20 SSH, 11 Imperial Walkers, 10 Hillbilly Walkers, 10 Moroccan Night Clubs

THE THANG: 5 Burpees OYO then run across parking lot. 5 Burpees OYO and run back. Pax partner up. Pax1 does exercise while Pax2 runs a lap around the parking lot.

– Merks / Run Lap
– Curls / Run Lap
– Squat Thrusters / Run Lap

5 Burpees then run across lot. 5 Burpees then run back.

– Flutters* / Run Lap
– Box Cutters* / Run Lap
– Hello Dollys* / Run Lap
*holding up KB (or chest press if so inclined)

5 Burpees then run across lot. 5 Burpees then run back.

– LBC’s / Run Lap
– American Hammers / Run Lap
– Bent Rows (or Lawnmowers, alternating) / Run Lap
– KB Swings / Run Lap
– Chest Press / Run Lap

Back to COT. It was 6:02am, I believe.

MARY: None

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter. Lots of 2nd & 3rd F events coming up.

COT: Prayers for Anchorman’s father, for all the prayers unspoken, and for the family of one of our late F3 brothers – Jared Cacciola (F3-Ex Lax) who passed yesterday.

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Freeze warning

WARMUP: A jog down the hill for some COP. Tesh was shirtless.
THE THANG: after running back to our bells, a four corner AMRAP session ensued. 8 minutes for as many rounds as possible of the following:

Corner 1 – 5 manmakers 10 merkins on the bell 15 swings and 20 tricep extensions

Corner 2 – 5 burpees, 10 goblet squats, 15 swings, 20 curls

Corner 3 – 5 manmakers, 10 lunges, 15 swings, 20 calf raises

Corner 4 – 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 swings, 20 curls

MARY: had to hustle back at make 0600
COT: you had to be there.

Thanks 3D for the opportunity. Always an honor to lead.


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Creative Assembly ( Tesh )

WARMUP: Side Straddle Hops ( 10 ), Diamond Merkins ( 5 ), Front Straddle Hope Seal Jacks ( 10 ), Regular Merkins ( 5 ), Side Straddle Hop Press Jacks ( 10 ), Wide Grip Merkins ( 5 ).

1 2 3 4
REPS 20 15 12 8 Cardio
Strength KB Hip Swing KB HS Front Raise KB HS FR Press KB HS FR P – Tri-X SSH Press
Core 30 Secs Skull Crunch SitUp SitupBoat SitUpBoat Scissor A Frame Crunch
Strength Chair Hold 1/2 Sumo 1/2 Sumo UpRow 1/2 Sumo UpRow Curl High Knee Jaw Breaker
Core 30 Secs Plank Hold 1 arm PetPark – L 1 arm PetPark – R SuperMan ISO MTN Climbers
Strength 1 arm Supin Row – L 1 arm Supin Row – R Shrug ScapTrap Side Lunge Bus Driver

MARY: I forget what this is, loopy lexicon!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 on Good Morning America today at 1pm EST, Bourbon Tasting, Bourbon Trail Race in May.

COT: Prayers for Lookouts son’s shoulder surgery and seizures, Prayers for 3d’s Mother’s Knee Surgery, Praise for Uhaul’s family chemo recovery.

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38’s truckload of pain

WARMUP: SSH, cherry pickin’, imperial walker
THE THANG: mosey over to pain town where pain stations have been prepared.
1. Electric slide with 100lb sand bag (and two 12lb black iron pipes wrapped in duct tape). Each man grabs a side and side squat to the left/right)
2. Swings
3. Brick merkins (hands on pavers. Pavers are flat, on their side, or on the end)
4. Goblet Squats
5. Calf Raises (on 2×6’s)
6. Woodcutter
7. Step ups with weight (22″, 24″ or 30″)
Backup pain stations were not necessary as 15 PAX showed up.

The tabata app was set to 50s work, 20 seconds rest, 8 cycles, 60s between rounds. PAX paired up and worked together. After 8 cycles drop your weight and do a lap around the parking lot.
MARY: Hold your bell over your head, stand on each foot for 10s
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Things to shoot, things to drink. Shower Curtain is looking for coats tomorrow.
COT: Praises and prayers offered up

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Band Camp Tabata Kettle Bell WO

WARMUP: Started the Motivator, but Pax were unruly and we stopped after 5.
Tabata 40/20
Performed 2 rounds of each row below before moving to the next exercises.
Burpee jump over / over shoulder toss
Chest press / overheads
Squats with sandbag / deadlift
Curls / triceps
Lawn mower / upright rows
Swings / front pat raises
LBC / leg raises
Bulgarian Split Squats / Calf raises

Since we didn’t finish the rest of the motivator we had about 5 minutes left so we finished with the following

2 Broadway Burpees – ask BOB and training wheels
10 curls
10 squats

Repeat until 6:00


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