Meat sleeve

WARMUP: pull-ups at print shop
THE THANG: 30 merkins of all sorts and 20 squats and 20 SSH at top of hill in crappy lot then run to top of hill on other side near 160 and repeat over and over and over.
MARY: there’s something about her
ANNOUNCEMENTS: convergence Saturday
COT:prayers up for all men traveling and praises for sobriety. Dueces!

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Brayden Burpees

WARMUP: mosey through parking lot over to the light, cross 160 and down to bottom of Brayden
THE THANG: hill repeats- 10 squats at bottom, 10 merkins at first street, 10 flying squirrels at 2nd street, 10 burpees at the top. Rinse&Repeat
ANNOUNCEMENTS: convergence/invergence this Saturday

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Slowest WEP lap ever

WARMUP: 10 ssh, 1 burpee, 10 hillbilly walkers, 2 burpees, 5 Abe vigodas, 3 burpees, 10 imperial walkers, 4 burpees
THE THANG: partner up – partner 1 = 5 burpees, 30 lbcs, 15 merkins; partner 2 begins a lap around WEP via lieutenant dans

Upon completion, partner 1 runs to catch up and they switch roles

Continue until lap is completed (we got 3/4 of the way around in the time allotted)
MARY: no
COT: as always

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Afton Brayden Hill Climb

Run to Afton Way (.39 miles)

15 dips
15 merkins derkins

Run to Afton and Galbreath Intersection (shoulders)
30-60 second hold plank rockers
15 Superman I Y T (alternate arms to make a I Y or T

Afton/Lizzie Lane (Legs)
15 Squats
15 Calf Raises

Back to Brayden Parkway and up Hill
15 Burpees at the top of the hill.

Back down Brayden to Afton and repeat loop

Return to COT (3.5 Miles or so)

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Stealing from Tesh

WARMUP: Not enough

THE THANG: stolen from Tesh:

YHC did change the route so the burpees were done at the Nazarene and then ran back to the location of the bear crawl

Most got 3+ miles

MARY: no, time was of the essence

An excerpt from a poem by Amanda Gorman:
Just like a skill or any art,
We cannot possess hope without practicing it.
It is the most fundamental craft we demand of ourselves.

Getting to start my day with the caliber of men in the Fort is one way I practice hope. I’m grateful for it.

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Core and Cardio with a big Donut

– SSH / IWS / CP / mosey to hill by gun shop
– Sprints: 3x hill sprint with at least 50% / 75% / 100% steam
– donut flip: 2 teams, traveling PAX calls exercise which all remaining PAX have to complete until traveling PAX has reached other team, rinse and repeat until all have traveled.
– Sprints: same as above
– mosey back to COT
– Core and Cardio: various core exercises for 3 min, then 1 min cardio exercise, rinse and repeat 4x
– Jack Webb: 1/4 pushups + OH claps
– read newsletter
– was held

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Pull up your zipper

WARMUP: run to old Hardy’s and do something while waiting for the six
THE THANG: the zipper run to Elliot street turn right. Run to Unity turn left. Do 10 merkins and 15 squats run to pine turn right and repeat till you run out of time.
MARY: nada
ANNOUNCEMENTS: to many to list. Call pusher
COT: prayers and praises.

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