Rucking with…….thoughts, a Socratic and a few exercises (but just a few)

WARMUP: Nope – off at 0500

THE THANG: Ruck and insert exercises at different points along the 3 mile route.
Merkins with ruck on
Calf raises
Peter Parker’s
Parker Peter’s
Incline merkins with Ruck on
Lunge walks around circles
More merkins with rucks on

Lessons and questions shared from a recent reading YHC absorbed:
Be tolerant of others and strict with yourself
Control what you can control
Raise your children well
Contribute to your community
We are all vessels of something – what are you a vessel of?

All PAX got 3 miles plus exercises – 60 minutes of solid work put in by all. And great to see some newer and less familiar faces returning to the gloom. In the words of DD – Just Keep Posting.

MARY: nope – open to all men


COT: 5th core principle

Thanks for the call Sofrito – always honored to lead. :eye:

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?️Webs and high reps ?

WARMUP: Moroccan night clubs
Low slow squat
Mountain climbers


High pulls. Curls 1-4…10-40, yes 55 HP and 220 curls

Take a lap

Around the world, 4 reps each side, everyone takes a step to the left and uses neighbor’s kettlebell, repeat until you get back to your bell.
Total: 52 reps each side

American hammers double count, Chest press 1-4…10-40, yes 55 AH and 220 presses

Take a lap

Around the world, 4 reps each side, everyone takes a step to the left and uses neighbor’s kettlebell, repeat until you get back to your bell.
Total: 52 reps each side

MARY: 1 minute downwards dogs and honeymooners

COT: 5th core principle

Tinsel OUT :christmas_tree:

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Med balls, sandbags and sledgehammers

WARMUP: Moroccan night clubs, low slow squats, low slow merkins. Windmills
THE THANG: mes balls and sandbags were lined up. Pax formed a line and started tossing them over the shoulder, rotate, we had 9 bags of different weights for the rotation.

Bring bags to bottom of parking lot. 4 pax will bear crawl and push/roll the medballs up the hill while rest of pax will toss sandbags forward, rotate as needed between to complete 2 circuits.

We had 3 sledgehammers waiting for us…

Next. 3 pax with hold one sledgehammer each with one hand with arm straight out and hold it while rest of pax mosey around parking lot carrying, sandbags, medballs and rucks. Rotate as needed for 10 minutes alternating between hammers and mosey.

Back to pushing medballs up the hill while bear crawling, 10 pax bear crawled up and down the hill in a rotating form while 3 pax made “halos” with the hammers, rotate again between hammers and med balls. another 10 minutes.

I’ve been wanting to try the bear crawl /med ball push for a while and now it’s one of my favorite modes of transportation.

Shoulders will be smoking tomorrow.

MARY: broga
ANNOUNCEMENTS: jaeger, Q source happening once a month at Sweetwaters.
COT: fifth core principle.

Tinsel OUT

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Fort 12 Year Anniversary

THE THANG: Liberty led boot camp, 3D led Kettlebell and Time Machine led run
MARY: Dark Helmet rambled about cadence and people not keeping up with the rhythm of his glorious mane
ANNOUNCEMENTS: NASA presented the purpose of the Children’s Attention Home
COT: Esso talked about the purpose and greatness of the work being done by the Fort and Rock Hill regions.

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The hump day run(s)

WARMUP: Rolloff and YHC put in some pre-run miles and Bandcamp ran to the AO from home. Besides that just the standard jaw/mouth warmups aka a lot of mumblechatter

THE THANG: 4ish mile route – head across I77 and take left at QT – take left at 6th Baxter crossing and go down to the YMCA lake trail – pass YMCA and take a right onto Market St to get back up to 160. Make a right and back across interstate to get back to CoT.

Some added the old Kinglsey loop to get closer to 5. Some added some parking lot striders/speed work.

MARY: never heard of her


COT: yup

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S2S meets the coach’s box

WARMUP: rucks up
THE THANG: ruck towards FMHS, approximately 0.75 miles, the night before I had talked to Badlands to meet with the coach’s box crew at the hill by the football stadium so we can share our gear.
Quick warmup led by Badlands: circled up for SSH, WM, IW, MNC, LSS all IC. We brought 3 sandbags and 6 rucks to the party so we utilized them in a mini-DORA. Instructions were a little mixed up at the beginning because we ended up with 5 groups of 3 PAX… bottom of the hill: 50 burpees – while 2 of the PAX did overhead rifle carry up the hill with sandbag/ruck 100 squats – while 2 of the PAX did farmers carry up the hill with sandbag/ruck 150 merkins – while 2 of the PAX did bear hug carry up the hill with sandbag/ruck, for the final movement we split into 3 groups of 5 PAX and rotated throwing the sandbag up and down the hill

Time to head back to COT, another 0.75 miles to go.
MARY: broga and stretches.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Manion hero Ruck on 9/14.
COT: stays in cot

Tinsel out…

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Goat Track

– SSH x30
– Merkins x10
– Peter Parkers x10
– Windmills x10
Ran to Fort Mill Golf Club which has apparently moved to Augusta National status because we were turned away by the guy pulling the carts out. So a quick audible turned us around and headed back to the top of the steep hill on Withers St.

Here we would still play golf on something not nearly as nice as the course we planned to play. Nasty courses are commonly referred to as Goat Tracks.

9 Holes of Golf:
– Top of the hill is the tee box (perform 2 squats for the first hole, 4 for the second, etc.)
– Circular grass island in front of Fort Mill Baptist Church is the green (1 burpee for the first hole, 2 for the second, etc.)
– Run back and forth between the two points to complete 9 holes.

Most people got through the 7th hold before we needed to call it to mosey back.

Took turns calling exercises for 5 min

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Club 813

What a way to start my 50th birthday.
Short mosey run
Warmup: SSH (12xI/C); windmills; Imperial Walkers; Low Slow Sqts; big arm circles; peter parkers; parker petes; plank stretches
–mosey Run to awesome parking lot across from First Baptist Ft Mill– Thang 1: Burpee relays, Start at baseline.
Run to cone 1, do 5 burpees, run back to start
Run to cone 2, do 5 burpees, run back to start
Run to cone 3, do 5 burpees, run back to start
–mosey Run to Ft Mill Church of God–
Thang 2: leg lift loop dora: Partner 1 runs loop, other does leg lifts (we held onto the fence) cumulative to a 125 leg lifts
–mosey run back to nice parking lot
Thang 3: Mtn climber relays: Start at baseline.
Run to cone 1, do 15 mtn climbers, run back to start
Run to cone 2, do 15 mtn climbers, run back to start
Run to cone 3, do 15 mtn climbers, run back to start
–mosey run to the Print Shop—
Thang 4: Pull up dora (there was a lot of pax)
Partner 1 does pullups while partner 2 runs to front of Print Shop and back
Continue to 75 cumulative…later reduced to 50
–Run to shovel flag–
Badlands led the Mary
I am truly grateful for being a part of F3. Special thanks to Deacon for the constant persuasion to get me out to try this F3 thing 8 years ago.

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