Traveling Suitcase

WARMUP: yes, we did some

THE THANG: travel the big parking lot suitcase carry stoping at the corners

Swings 10 sets of 10
Split Squats 3 sets of 12
Goblet Squats 3 sets of 12
Hand switch snatches 12
Lateral Lunge w/ Row 8

MARY: yea, core work is helpful

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4 corner….ish 4-11-23

WARMUP: Mosey to the middle school loop for:

Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Seal Jacks, Side Straddle Hops and of course burpees in between – working down 5-4-3-2-1

THE THANG: 4-11-23 – at each corner:

Round 1 – 11 burpees and 23 squats

In between – Wall sits with gratitude

Round 2 – 11 merkins and 23 lunges

In between – BTTW with gratitude

Round 3 – 4 burpees, 11 merkins and 23 side straddle hops

On the way back to COT – burpees at light poles – just because.

MARY: no time
COT: 5th core principle

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AO The Fort Shovel Flag Handoff

WARMUP: Motivators, Windmills, Cherry Pickers
1. 1 round at the stage: Partner 1 bear crawl to playground and mosey back while partner 2 cycles through 10x burpees & 10x donkey kicks. Switch.
2. Crawl bear up Massey St & 10x burpees at the bottom. Al Gore for the 6.
3. Mosey to the Print Shop. 10x Pull-ups
JWOW:Dora @ Fort Mill Church of God
1. 100x Merkins
2. 200x Heels to Heaven
3. 300x Squats
4. Mosey back to COT
MARY: Included
COT: Surviving children of domestic tragedy

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Strength & Sprints: Embracing the Rain

After the thorough disclaimer which YHC is famous for we circled up and started with Warm-O-Rama:
Side Straddle Hop
Produce Pickers
Hillbilly Walkers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers

Lined up at one end of the parking lot for some,
Lunge Walk
Toy Soldiers
Butt Kickers
High Knees
Bear Crawl

Two rounds of 11s with,
CDD & Squats
Shoulder Taps & Monkey Humpers

Partner Dora’s:
50 LBCs
50 Freddie Mercurys
50 Flutter Kicks
50 Heels to the sky
50 Lunges
100 Squats
100 Calf Raises

Mary’s, storytime with PAX choice that included,
Gas Pumper
Freddie Mercury
Box Cutter
Ended with Hello Dollys


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Dave Lyle to Gold Hill and back????


THE THANG: 1.75 out and back for a total of 3.5 miles. Option to add on 2 loops around the very large building for another half mile.
MARY: Yes – handful of the fast runners
ANNOUNCEMENTS: CSAUP, Bethel Men’s Shelter, Litter Pick up coming soon, Canoli Run….
COT:Well done well attended and knocked out in a timely manner.

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Dora of Death

WARMUP: plank, down dog stretch claves, up dog, plank. Moroccan night club, cherry pickers
THE THANG: Partner Dora
100 4ct Imperial Walkers
200 4ct Side Straddle Hops
300 Squats
200 4ct LBC’s
100 4ct Merkins
Sasquatch kept the faster pace entertained and others helped finish
Mozy to picnic tables for dips, step ups, box jumps, incline merkins
MARY: 37 American hammers for a birthday celebration
ANNOUNCEMENTS: acceleration project, blood drive
COT: prayer and/or praise from everyone

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Smells like…..well, you know 🤷‍♂️

WARMUP: Mosey to Grace Presby – SSH, LSS, MNC’s out of people’s chair, merkins, planks and a bit of Broga posing….but just a bit.
THE THANG: Dora appeared where the smells were most suspect
100 – burpees
200 – squats
300 – flutters

Mosey to the tire store for 7’s – Mike Tyson’s with Diamond merkins bear crawling in between.  

MARY:  just enough time for boxcutters before 0600 called
COT: 5th core principle

Thanks 1/2 shell for the call. Always honored to lead.

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Gunnery Sergeant Sudduth WOD

WARMUP: Disclaimer & Mosey towards soccer field upfront
THE THANG: Seven Complex Movements with Coupons
1. SandBag Balance Step Lunges x5 each leg
(Step for the lunge, recover and balance on one foot for 3 seconds)
2. SandBag Bear Hug Squats x 10
3. SandBag Bent Over Rows x10
4. SandBag Curls x 10
5. SandBag Kneeling Around the World
(Kneeling move sandbag over and around yourself 10 rotations to the left and 10 rotations to the right)
6. Plank Position & Lateral SandBag Drag x 10
7. SandBag over the shoulder throws x 10

1 Lap SandBag/Coupon Carry around the parking Lot
Rinse & Repeat !!!

4 Circuits completed by all.

MARY: “She was missed”

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Church Mens, read the newsletter, remember to spay & neuter your pets.

COT: Stays in COT, Always Faithfull

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It’s Monday. It’s Honey Badger Time.

WARMUP: Farmer’s Only killed it. VQ on the Warmup…
Get a brick and head to the field…
– Buy in: 100 yd bear crawl, 100 yd partner carry (switch at 50)
– Partner 1: run 400M (brick optional)
– Partner 2: 5 burpees, 10 curls, 15 flutter with press, 15 big boys, 10 bent over rows, 5 overhead press
– Flapjack for 35 minutes
MARY: No chicks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.
COT: The 5th Core Principle

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