Bring Your Wife to F3 Day

Shady led the Pax out of Runde Park to the circle at the end of Windward Drive for windmills, cherry pickers, yoga type back stretches,Peter Parkers and Parker Peters. The Pax then ran back to Runde and met up at the parking lot.
Shady gave each man a tennis ball and instructed us to write our wives’ first initial on the ball. That ball would stay with us for the rest of the workout.

Dora with your wife as your partner. From the playground, we did the following exercises and ran to the back of the basketball court and back between each set.
50 pullups (set of 10)
100 decline merkins (set of 20)
150 step ups were planned, but we ran out of time.

Hand off to Senator
Circle up on the right ball field

Lt Dan (1 knee tar jai, 4 squats) to 10 (crowd pleaser)
Line up along the concession stand wall for people’s chair. While the rest of the Pax sat, 2 ran to the outfield fence, hopped over, ran up the hill, did 3 burpees, and ran back
Balls to the wall hold for 20 secs, move to 1/2 way down for 20 secs

Return to the circle for the <@UJGS2BBQD> killer hip flexor routine

LBC x 20, Hello Dolly x 20, Boat and Canoe x 3
Finish up with the Body Destroyer

Trash pick up today on route 21 (thank you <@U0617222M3M> for your continued commitment to this). Jaeger next week, various other (READ YOUR NEWSLETTER)

Prayers for <@U686LEPLH> in the loss of his mom. Another Pax in the loss of his father. We prayed for several family members and friends of the Pax with cancer and other serious ailments. Prayers for safe travels for <@UN6PTD007> and his family to WI.

<@UGRNYPPUM> always brings something unique to his Qs, and his idea of having a tennis ball with our wives’ initials was a good reminder of how lucky we are to have our spouses. YHC and Shady picked up the Q spot as last minute subs for our friend <@UN3JKG18C> who will be handing off site Q duties in two weeks. Thank you for your leadership, my friend. It was a beautiful morning at Runde and always a pleasure to lead the Pax on Saturday mornings. We are truly lucky Men of the Fort!

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hills burpees and Broga

WARMUP: mosey to fire station. Moroccan, the windmill, low sli squats, merkin, downward dog, honeymooners, side straddle hop
THE THANG: run to hill merkins and squats x10 then run hill while parter does curls rotate then goblins squats, overhead press. Run back to COT. Pit of misery. 1 x burpee 4 x side straddle hop run and lap. Double it rinse and repeat until at 10 burpees and 40 side straddle hop. Predator run on hill. The finished with 10 mins of broga.
MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jaeger.. read your news letter
COT: prayers for those running D2D

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Words that Hurt but why??‍♂️

YHC brought up local story of Cam Newton calling teammates losers because were a losing team when he got drafted.
Is he wrong? What really drives people getting upset with those comments.
Come back to COT to see
Along mosey we did
5 burpees
10 CDDs
15 sumo squats

Stopped for some 7’s on long steep hill
1 merkin 6 sumo squats

Continue mosey with 5,10,15
At tennis courts

10 merkins
10 big boys
10 lunges
10 plank jacks
Bear crawl to each corner of tennis court
2 rounds

Continue mosey back to basketball court at COT

Another round of tennis court routine

Yeager——sign up
Being called a Loser is not nice and rude but when in a race or working we have goals and we either attain them or not
Are we all losers??
I think not but we get wrapped up in the identity of loser versus knowing we are Children of God loved valued and chosen
He proved this to us over and over again but we focus on earthly things not Godly things.
Change the focus
Who cares what the horizontal says and know the ONE who calls you by your name

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cold morning but 1-0 for the day

WARMUP: mosey, windmill, Moroccan night club, peter Parker, imperial walker, merkins
THE THANG: Dora 50 merks, 100 lbc, 150 squats, 200 flutters then wall squats somd pull ups, step ups and dips. Then bear crawl, lunges and crab walk around the bases. Indian run up a hill. 15 mins of broga
MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: d2d bar, Valentine’s day wins dinner
COT: thankful for everyday

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Little bit of rain and jacked up jack webbs

WARMUP: collected in the parking lot, very quick disclaimer and off we went. Ran a nice big lap around the baseball fields, settled in for some SSH, windmills, low slow squats, and then we went into a Jack Webb. Senator wanted to go faster in the Jack Webbs but Uber started to get air.
THE THANG: Ran over to hole #2 where we did 3 exercises.
1. 10 diamonds at the tee box
2. 10 jump squats at the valley
3. 10 4-count flutters at the green

Then rinse and repeat in reverse starting at the green with the diamonds and back to the tee box. We did this 3 times and running back to the tee box was horrible and very hilly and it’s as terrible as I remember it.

We ran back to the Runde parking lot for some 4 corners.
1. 20 CDD
2. 10 hammer sprinter combos (hammer left/right, into left/right crunch)
3. 20 merkins with (Parker Peter into Peter Parker – so 4 merkins for each Peter movement)
4. See #2 again

Rinse and repeat 2x more times but cut the numbers in 1/2 because some of this looked better on paper.
MARY: Airborne special along with some Superman.
COT: of course!

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One Word for the Win

WARMUP: Killed some time with usual fare in pkg lot while Mainframe and Pusher fixed the wrinkle in their panties
THE THANG: Ran past the golf course (with some exercises along the way) to the lower part of the trail that goes up the hill from Tega Cay Drive to the tennis courts. We did hill repeats with squats at the bottom and burpees at the top. We did so many that Dark Helmet cried and our Q (YHC) lost count. Then we did some more. And then more. When Fishstix proved to be unbreakable, we ran past tennis courts, out the golf course entrance and down the road back to Runde with some exercises along the way.
MARY: Flutters in parking lot for last 2 mins
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Pusher is leading 8 Blocker exercise 1st Sat of Jan at Panera after workouts.
COT: Falconcrest brought our FNG Slurve who showed up in a golf cart but somehow we have him baseball name. Thanks for the EH! Let’s get him back out this week!

We addressed the One Word topic throughout, including examples of random words that don’t motivate and thoughtful words that do. Pusher added some best practices, Senator gave his solid plug for Why F3 still matters to him in his 13th year. Finally DOAH stuck the landing with a heartfelt example of how F3 and One Word can come together in mysterious ways to make Impact.

A great morning for all present. You were missed Uber!

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