Bing was in town. It was a real good time.

Bing probably has a much more interesting version of all this, but suffice it to say, it was a good time. I went first half and Bing ended the hour. It’s not going to be a great backblast, but it will capture the fact that there were men there and what their names were. That’s gotta count for something…

We did.

We lifted some stuff. Then Bing made us do a lot of Bear Crawling and something called a “Pit of Misery”. Hateful stuff…

No chicks.

Read your newsletter.

The 5th Core Principle.

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No more burpees….sort of.

WARMUP: mosey to fire station lot
Windmills, low slow squats, imperial and hillbilly walkers and seal jacks all in cadence with a few burpees in between exercises – but just a few. YHC said no more burpees – but YHC should have said no more burpees…..for now.

THE THANG: part 1 – Mary to pull up bar for 30 seconds of pull ups or bar hangs while pax held plank. Upon completion of 6 rounds – pax moseyed on bottom of Tega cay drive hill.

Part 2 – Dora 1-2-3
100 burpees
200 squats
300 flutters

Change Order thought the idea of doing burpees and running hills was questionable. He wasn’t wrong. Pax persisted nonetheless.

Running to different points on the hill
Burpees – partner 1 run to yellow sign and back down to relieve partner 2 and flapjack.

Squats – partner 1 starts run from yellow sign to top of hill and back to yellow sign to relieve partner 2 and flapjack.

Flutters – partner 1 runs from top of hill to cluster of crepe myrtles and back to relieve partner 2

Mosey to ball field for part 3

Part 3 – left, right & center

Partner 1 planks at edge of infield behind 2nd base. Partner 2 runs to come in left field does exercise and returns to flapjack with partner 1. PAX did 3 rounds per partner

Left field cone – 10 lunges
Center field one – 20 bomb jacks
Right field cone – 30 flutters

PAX moseyed to COT for a stretch at 0728 where many of us were reminded of our lost flexibility and time was called at 0730.

MARY: she wasn’t there

ANNOUNCEMENTS: were announced

COT: 5th core principle

Thanks for the men who posted and chose the tougher thing on a chilly but glorious morning. And Uber – thanks for the call.

Cyclops :eye:

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Murder Bunnies pre-season

WARMUP: a short mosey followed by The usuals with some Apollo Ohnos thrown in.
THE THANG: mosey to the Pull Up bars, 5 PUs, 15 dips 10 Squats, run around to COT, 10 Merkins, 25 LBCs, 15 Apollo Ohon, back to PU bars. 3 rounds of this. Grab a rock and head to the field for some Murder Bunnies, overhead press, curls & rows. Put the rocks back head to a nice steep hill. 30 second plank at the bottom Burpees at the top, 5 trips. Native American run, guy in the back does 5 merkins runs to the front. Do this around the park head to COT.
MARY: 5 minutes rotating lead. Special shot out for the Big Boy Flutters, not fun.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read the newsletter
COT: Pryaers for friends of Senator with serious health issues. Prayers for safe travels home for Training wheels visiting from Spartanburg.

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Towards the Sunrise

Mosey all the way to Windjammer park

Stop along the way for COP (circle of pain)

Did some exercises and yoga on the dock

Great fellowship this morning. Beautiful weather. Not gloomy at all in spirit or in atmosphere.

Got back to COT and had my 60lb bag there. We planked and went down the line performing one man maker each

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Tour De Rock

WARMUP: SSH, 5 Burpees OYO, Squats, 4 Burpees OYO, Windmills, MNC, Mtn. Climbers, minimal Broga
THE THANG: Yog around to baseball diamond. Lunge walk to 1st for 10 CDDs, Bear crawl to 2nd, 10 Squats, Lunge to 3rd, 10 Donkey Kicks, Bear crawl home for 10 Burpees. Rinse/repeat. Head to playground, 2 rounds of Dips, Step ups, Derkins. Run in between.
Turn over to Uber for Indian Run, pull ups. Parter up for Cindy curls then run to Pull up bars and do exercises there.
The fog and Super Moon made for a memorable gloom.
MARY: none
COT: prayers for community, praise for Dojo’s new job.
SS Out

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Up and Down

WARMUP: Uber started w Yog round main rd of Tega Cay and back to parking lot for all your favorites including SSH, night club brothers, and hammy and groin stretch stuff.
THE THANG: Indian run to pull up boards 6 does 2 burpees. Round the horn pull ups. 1 PAX does pull up while others do merkens. Can’t stop till pax completes reps. Mosey to hill in back of baseball fields. Up and down more times than I can count w squat and LBC work. Soup took over. Mosey to basketball court for Dora exercises with coupons. Mosey to baseball field w coupons. Round the horn stations w coupon completing squats, flutters, merkens, hammers, curls, man makers, lunges. Mosey to hill in front of Runde for 7’s including squats and big boys b
COT: what’s happens stays. Prayers and praises spoken.

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Full Moon Fever

A dedicated 3 met at Runde to kick off a beautiful SC fall Saturday. Here is what they did.

Mosey out of the park, jog a loop on Windward Drive, and circle up by the basketball courts for COP. All in cadence:
SSH x 25, windmill x 10, IW x 10/HW x 10, wide arm merkin x 10,cherry picker x 10, squat x 20, LBC x 20, mountain climber x 20 left arm/leg high, right arm/leg high,Morrocan night club x 20, walk to parking lot lines

Line up at the first parking spot, side shuffle along the lines, advance to the next line, side shuffle along the line, 5 merkins. Rinse/repeat until all lines are covered.

Mosey to the field for Lt Dan’s (knee-tar-jay, squats, 1:4, to 10/40).

Mosey to the bottom of the big hill behind Runde. Run back up/down the hill and each Pax chooses an exercise at the bottom. Run up/down the opposite hill and Pax chooses an exercise at the bottom. Rinse and repeat 2 times.

Mosey to the playground for pull-ups and straight leg lift hold (10 pullups, 60s leg holds) x 3- crowd pleaser!

See above

Bourbon tasting event Nov 8. F3 Christmas party, Dec 21.

Low numbers today, but good mumble chatter and fellowship. Before the start of the workout, a ‘mysterious’ van pulled into the parking lot and someone mooned Fishtix. We believe the van was driven by Uber, but there was no mistaking whose butt was exposed – Alcatraz regular Changeorder! He is a pit-crew member/chaperone for the Fort Mill Band, and parents can rest assured that their children are in the hands of a responsible adult. That incident set the tone for the workout and sparked mumble chatter for much of the hour. Thank you, my friend.

Prayers for Abbie (Guillain Barre) and Zach (motorcycle accident) as they continue their long road to recovery. Prayers for our divided country and all those affected by the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.

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Ladder Burpee Fest

Warmup: all in cadence
– 10 Moroccan nightclubs
– 10 cherry pickers
– 10 windmills
– 10 hillbilly walkers
– 10 low slow squats
Mosey around park, stop to do 10 Merkins in cadence, mosey, 15 calf raises in cadence, mosey
Mosey to the parking lot, where cones have been set up in 10ish yard intervals
Ladder workout
– run forward to first light pole and do one burpee, then nur to start and complete exercise
– Run forward to second light and do 2 burpees, then nur to start and complete exercise
– Repeat for 10 sets of cones. When done, work back down the ladder, completing the exercises in reverse
Exercises per cone :
– 10 archer merkins
– 20 bomb jacks
– 30 wide arm merkins
– 40 squats
– 50 chair crunches
– 40 diamond merkins
– 30 leg raises
– 20 Carolina dry docks
– 10 American hammers – cadence count
– 10 burpees
MARY: walk around the park

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Chainz Return to Alcatraz

Django: SSH, Ch-Pickers, Windmill, MNC, (all IC)
W/Chain: ChainKins, V-sits, Side-Plank-Pulses, Pickle-chain-pounders, Low Slow SquatCH,

Partner Chain Lateral Raises, Partner Chain Front Raises

Laps around Lot (Catch me if you can): Each lap, chained-pax different exercise: OH-Press/hold, Curls

Up & down hill: Django picks MOT (other than mosey), Chained-Pax shuffles

MARY: American CHammers, Flutter-press, Chained-Supermans
Django: CH-LBCs, Vowels & John Hancock, Some boat-flutter thing from Nestel (IDK…)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Aide for WNC victims, read newsletter
COT: WNC / H-Helene

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