Worst 100 Yards Ever

Mosey to football field

“Worst 100 yards ever”

Cocaine bear crawl 100 – merkins 1-4, back down
Lunge walk 100 – squat jumps 1-4, back down
Side shuffle (side bear crawl) 100 – jump twists
Broad jump 100- burpees 1-4, back down

50 SSH AT 50

MARY: yes- at the field
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Luka 5k, Bethel Men’s shelter, Speed for need
COT: yes

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Painful 8

WARMUP: Stretching, windmills, IW, HW
THE THANG: Mosey to HS, in the parking lot, established the figure 8 we would run around islands. Started the Painful 8 Ladder:
8 Burpees
16 Merkins
24 LBC’s
32 LSS
40 Grave Diggers
48 Flutters
56 SSH
64 Shoulder Taps
Run the figure 8 after each round and progress back up the ladder to the next wrung.
MARY: No Time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Fast 5K, Bethel Men’s Shelter, Canoli 5K
COT: Kids, 2.0, What are you living for?

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One Shining Moment

American Jackal 3/17/2025

One Shining Moment

Imperial Walkers
Peter Parker
Plank, L arm high, R arm high
Hillbilly Walkers
Cherry Pickers

The Thang:
PAX got ready for March Madness during the Hoops themed Bootcamp

– 2 X Hands Up defense – Shuffle: shuffled along the court perimeter with hands above shoulders. When whistle was blown, 10 plank jacks in place, then continue with shuffle.
– 3 X Defensive Drill – Eyes forward so PAX ran a route of Sprint, Shuffle, Nur, Shuffle, Sprint, Shuffle, Nur. When you get to a cone, shuffle around once then continue.
– 2 X Suicides – Gotta touch the lines, boys!
– Layup Line DORA
– 100 merkins
– 200 squats
– 300 CDDs
– 400 LBC (only got in 200)
– Two teams: first team does exercises above, go by highest/fastest PAX
– Other team must complete 4 layups in a row. If not, try again. Switch with first team.
– Backboard Taps – PAX bounced ball off backboard 50 times in a circuit
– Knockout: when you lose, do leg lifts on sideline

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Big bucket of suck-it

Moroccan night club
Mosey to the football field

PAX draw a card from the bucket which specifies the exercise and # of reps and mode of transport. PAX do exercise every 5 yards to the 50 yard line with mode of transport in between. Once at 50, run back to bucket for next round. Made it through 5 rounds including lots of merkins, crawl bears, shoulder taps, burpees and other fun activities. Lots of complaining by all!
Convergence Friday at the hive
Jaeger on Saturday
Ass kicking April
Luka 5K

COT: Welcome FNG Chum!

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My version of pendulum of pain

WARMUP: Side straddle hops, Smurf Jacks, Windmill, Mosey
Split the exercises, repetition with your partner
Up hill:
Station 1 – 20 – Burpees
Station 2 40 – Merkins

Circle of pain: Both partners execute 4 cardio/legs exercises in cadence quickly without a break
20 – Side straddle hops
20 – Smurf Jacks
20 – Squats
20 – Bobby Harley

Station 3 – 80 – LBC
Station 4 – 100 – Freddie Mercury
Repeat the sequence downhill

Transportation mode: alternate between Bear crawl and walk when moving stations
American Hummer
Hello darling

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Touchdown! … Or not

– Moroccan nightclubs
– Cherry pickers
– Windmill
– Hillbilly walker
Mosey down the hill to the football stadium. Stop at curb and 10 inclined merkins on curb in cadence, mosey, 10 calf raises on curb in cadence, mosey

Head to the football field parking for 4 corners:
– 2 burpees every time you make it back to the center
– Run to boards:
Board 1 – 40 American Hammers in single count, then bear crawl back to center
Board 2 – 15 bomb jacks, then run back to center
Board 3 – 20 squats, then karaoke back to center
Board 4 – 15 Mike Tyson’s, then Nur back to center

Head to football field for some 10 yard intervals
– run forward to 10 yard line and do one burpee, then nur to start and complete exercise
– Run forward to 20 yard line and do 2 burpees, then nur to start and complete exercise
– Repeat for 100 yards

Exercises per 10 yards :
– 10 Mike Tysons
– 20 leg raises
– 30 low slow squats
– 40 diamond merkins
– 50 American hammers – single count
– 60 Carolina Dry Docks
– 70 squats
– 80 merkins
– 90 LBC’s – proper form – per <@UGU3XR5RP>
– 100 calf raises

MARY: flutters and LBC’s

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Bucket of pain, Trivia and Wheelbarrow

Overhead clap, Moroccan night club, side saddle hope and squats
Bucket of pain / trivia with wheelbarrow push
– pick an exercise card / trivia question, announce the exercise for the group, nur to the wheelbarrow, push the wheelbarrow up and down the incline, bear crawl back to the group.
– Ask the trivia question. Wrong answer = 5 burpees. We did a lot of burpees. C was the most common answer.
– Repeat process until all PAX had fun with the wheelbarrow.

Partner exercise
– 40 burpees
– 60 Merkins
– 80 Squats
– 100 LBCs
– 120 Side straddle hop
– Repeat

Returned to COT.
– D2D
– Bethel men’s shelter
– Convergence for Battle bot


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Post Super Bowl Hominy Grits

– Mosey a lap
– Side Straddle Hop
– Heels to Heaven
– Imperial Walkers
– Hillbilly Walkers
– Windmills
– American Hammer
– Plank (remain in plank, then put right arm then left arm in air)
SOUNDTRACK: See Amazon playlist: “Post Super Bowl American Jackal” This playlist had various songs relating to Philadelphia, Eagles, as well as just general winning.
Part 1:
80-160-240 Dora
– 80 Merkin
– 160 Squat
– 240 LBC
Part 2:
Complete the first exercise on the active list. Then do the first static hold exercise. Run lap with a 10 pace bear crawl to start. Repeat with the second exercises on each list. When you hit the end of each list, repeat.
Active List of Exercises:
40 Big Boys
40 Merkins
40 Low Slow Squats
30 LBC
30 Carolina Dry Docks
30 Calf Raise on the Curb
20 Flutters
20 Bench Dips
20 Lunges
Static Hold Exercises:
30 Second Plank
30 Second Hold Squat
30 Second Forearm Plank
30 Second Bench Dip Hold
MARY: n/a
COT: Commission to go out and be leaders this week.

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Moderate or Not?!? American Jackal

Wet morning, decent amount of time under the walkways.

Decent warmup after a weekend full of F3 events.

Pairs of lower body exercises, in cadence, then sprint to end of walkway. New pair of exercises. 5 combos. Plus a pair of core exercises before moseying to a new location.

New location by front of school. Pairs of lower body exercises, then bear crawl to end of walkway. 5 combos, additional core combo.


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