Exercising the ghost of gluttony

  • QIC: Double D
  • When: 04/29/14
  • Pax: Repeat, Maximus, Menthol, Cable Guy, Decibel, McGruff, Sea Ray, Spark Plug, Mr Clean, Funhouse, White Lightning, Free Bird, Atticus, Cornhole, Cash
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

After traveling 14 days out of the month of April, many of those on personal agendas instead of work), YHC had fallen into the trap of too much unhealthy food, too much drink and not enough discipline.  16 Pax posted at Golden Corral and endured a round of pain-filled penance for our collective sins on the gluttony front.

The Thang

COP warm up — mountain climbers x20, IW x20, backward lunges x10, squats x20, peter parker x20

Form two lines for karaoke to Harris Teeter and karaoke back

Match up w/partner in opposite line, run to benches along store fronts and rotate through 6 benches alternating between derkins x15 and dips x20, plus some bomb jacks and LBCs thrown in.

Run to Jersey Mike’s for dietary redemption sequence at each food outlet:
Jersey Mike’s — Gravediggers x10 R/L, Burpees x10 OYO
Domino’s — People’s chair, Burpees x10 OYO
Papa Murphy’s — Slow Freddie Mercurys x20, Burpees x10 OYO
Fort Mill BBQ — CCDs x10, Burpees x10 OYO
Red Bowl — Sumo Squats x20, Burpees x10 OYO
Treetz — Hello dollies x20, Burpees x10 OYO

Two lines for karaoke back to top of parking lot, sprint back (switch direction & repeat)

Plank sequence on the curb

Flip over for bridge sequence + superman

Run home


Nakedman Moelskin

Terrific showing at the Buffet o Pain, gents!  Record crowd excluding the launch?

Provided a good send off for Maximus, who departs for China Wednesday to bring home his new little girl Olivia.  He said he needed a workout out to hold him over for 3 weeks — hope he got it.  Pax laid out some Great Wall challenges for Maximus — need photos of Balls to the Wall and other moves at the Great Wall…keep an eye on Twitter for follow up.

Good to be with Mr Clean, out for his second post following surgery and recovery.  Looks like he is on a rapid rebound.

Good week to all!  See you in Rock Hill Saturday!


TClap |

@F3TheFort Fitness Test 04/22/14

4/22/2014 1-Mile Pull-UP Push-UP-60 sec LBC-60 sec
Fun House 6:17 4 40 56
MacGyver 6:26 10 54 85
Senator 6:35 15 46 51
WWL 6:40 20 46 56
Maximus 6:51 15 42 51
Audit 6:55 17 42 61
Decibel 7:16 10 52 52
CSPAN 7:17 6 42 62
Menthol 7:19 5 69 59
Repeat 7:25 10 53 63
Deacon 7:27 20 101 70
Tatanka 7:29 8 45 48
Beast 7:37 7 31 48
Pebbles 7:48 14 51 49
Chicken Hawk 7:54 18 45 62
Freebird 8:00 7 20 71
Package 8:00 21 38 51
Atticus 8:01 5 57 50
White Lightning 8:05 2 32 62
Green wave 8:10 8 38 60
Cable Guy 8:33 12 45 74
Corn Hole 8:51 5 38 48
Crab Cakes 8:52 0 17 45
Trucker 9:21 17 45 60
Cake Boss 10:08 3 38 48

Strong words by brother Fun House on his one year party with F3, proud of him for bringing his bricks to his own party.

Check the weekly email for all of the items I am too busy to type here.

We will do this again around July, always work to improve your scores, your body is a temple, build it strong

TClap |

Mud Run Tough

Four Gentleman fresh from the USMC weren’t intimidated by the threat of rain.  They were rewarded with plenty of pain and a little bit of Jacob on the hill.

Mosey to the Church

Cherry Pickers x20


Imperial Walker x20

Mountain Climbers x20

Chain Breaks x20

Parker Petersx20

Mosey to Wall

Peoples Chair

Wall Walking Merkins

Peoples Chair

Walking Balls to the Wall

Mosey to Hill

Jacob’s Ladder with Burpees at bottom x7

Mosey to back of Center

Lunge Walk


LBC x30

Rosalitas x20

X’s and O’s x15

Bear Crawl

Crab Walk

Mosey to COT area

Plank Series



Thanks to the three men who joined me even with the threat of rain.  For those that Fart Sacked it was only a threat!  Come out next time and have some fun. I am proud to be associated with class men from F3.  It is ironic that all the guys that showed had just done the USMC mud run.

Prayer Request:

Decibel’s family(especially brother in law)

Libby who is a child fighting cancer






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All you can eat “Mud” buffet

11 PAX decided to feast on some “mud” buffet to prepare for the upcoming Mud Run. Before we began, Jekyll shared with us his itinerary for his sales trip through South Carolina and trying to sell wine to residents of Clemson (box wine only please). He also graced us with a showing of how F3 has shed his keg into a might tight 6-pack…. well not really.

The Thang:

Jog around the Teeter parking lot to COP:

Side Straddle Hops = 30x

Slow Squats = 30x

Imperial Walkers = 30x

Mountain Climbers = 20

Mossy to end of parking lot and line up in a line and complete square bearcrawls:

Bear crawl from first island to the second island, side bear crawl to opposite side of far island, backwards bear crawl to beginning island, side bear crawl to opposite side of beginning island.

Lunge walk from first island to the second island, side squat/lunge to opposite side of far island, backwards lunge to beginning island, side squat/lunge to opposite side of beginning island.

Partner up for wheelbarrows to island and back

Mossy to retaining wall:

merkins 15x

derkins 15x

inmerkins (incline pushup) 15x

reverse dips with feet up on top of retaining wall 15x

Rinse repeat for roudn of 10 and round of 5

mossy to side entrance drive:

bombjack hops to fire hydrant, run to Teeter wall for wall sits,

continue down drive with bombjack hops to dumpster, run to Teeter wall for wall sits

Mossy to back of Teeter for Sprint Squares: PAX split into 2 groups – sprint to far island, side shuffle to opposite side of island, spring back to beginning island, side shuffle to opposite side of island (second group planks until first group gets to far island) Rinse and Repeat twice

Abs circle of Pain:

LBC = 30x

Russian Twist = 20

Hi-Low Flutters = 20

Hold at angles = 30 seconds

Hello Dolly = 20x

Mossy to COT


Naked Man Moleskin:

T-Claps to all of us who made it out in the gloom. T-Claps to the PAX for bring cereal to the Golden Corral! YHC looks forward to the upcoming Mud Run Saturday and for the strong mental and physical encouragement, this is what F3 is! Aye!

TClap |

Cereal Drive Challenge


The Fort PAX,

Back in the late Fall we did a Food Drive for the Ft Mill Care center. The PAX collected just over 200lbs of food to be donated to the center. Well Done!

We are now going to ask you…..no I Challenge you to step up again in this way.

It will not be a long drawn out food drive, but a precise strategic special operations maneuver just right for men to accomplish.



Beneficiary: The Children’s Attention Home (Home for abused and Neglected kids)

  • The home houses, feeds, clothes and educates 42 kids
  • Kids eat….a lot!
  • They love cereal and not the yucky kind. Seriously…they specifically asked for the Good Stuff we all loved as kids.


  •  What: Each man to bring 5 boxes of cereal with goal of 250 plus from the PAX (See Challenge)
  • Where: Bring to any workout and turn in to the “Who” pax members
  • When: Now through Saturday April 12, (4/2-4/12)
  • Why: First step in building relationship with Children’s Attention Home
  • Who: Chicken Hawk, Senator Tressel, Cake Boss will collect items

The Challenge:

  • PAX goal is 250 boxes collected (approximately 4 boxes per man)
  • For every box short of 250 the PAX will do 1 burpee
    • For math majors 200 boxes collected – 250 goal = 50 burpees
    • Better 251 plus collects – 250 goal = HAPPY KIDS AND HAPPY PAX!!
    • Peer Pressure is encouraged!


Let’s get it done!!


TClap |

Tuesday Morning Breakfast Buffet

The virtual shovel flag was planted and 13 strong showed up under the lights of the Harris Teeter parking lot for another serving at the Golden Corral.

The Thang:

Take three steps and circle up

Warm up stretch of the back and legs

All in cadence:  SSH x 30, squat x 30, IW x 30, Merkin x 5, slow LBC x 50

Around the clock merkins – while in a plank position, move around the numbers of a clock and do that number of merkins at each number.  Alternate diamond, regular, and widearm merkins.

Mosey to the hill by the driving range (can’t believe it’s closed) for Jacob’s ladder to 7 with burpees.

Mosey to the Grace Presby lawn for 40 yd intervals of bear crawls, backwards running, power skips, karoake, crab walks, and a run back to the starting line.

Almost 5 minutes of Mary:  Hello Dolly x 25, Freddie Mercury x 25, Russian twist x 20, Low slow .flutter x 15.

Easy jog back to the COT


Great work by the Pax today in perfect, cool. conditions.  The clock merkin drill proved to be too tough for YHC to get through without taking 10 counts.  Gotta keep working on that.   The Fort has done so many variations of Jacob’s Ladder that a Q call of Jacob’s ladder to 7 with burpees still prompts 20 questions from the Pax on what to do.  #Qfrustration.    It was another fine morning and an honor to lead the men of the Fort.


Columbia Mud Run on April 12 – pay your $40 for the bus and don’t forget sign the waiver.

Rock Hill expansion on May 3,  Paint Ball on April 5 (Palmetto Paint Ball -Team WWL vs Team Crab Cakes)  Fort Mill Care Center needs help unloading boxes on Friday around noon, April 11.

Prayers for Bill Chepul (brother of Pete and John from Area 51) who is battling brain cancer.



TClap |

The name of the game is: flexible hips

10 strong at the third week of #GoldenCorral (even though every time I hear the name, I think of the place I will send my parents to retire and die) and we did not disappoint on the buffet of pain.

The Thang:

Warm up jog, 2 laps


2 burpees


4 burpees

20xImperial walkers

6 burpees


8 burpees

15xMountain climbers

10 burpees

10xGrave diggers left

8 burpees

10xGrave diggers right

6 burpees

10xMountain climber right

4 burpees

10xMountain climbers left

2 burpees

Mosey end of parking lot, partner up

Partner one on the wall for wall sits, while partner two does:

Butt kicks half way, jog half, repeat going back

Flap jack

Partner one wall sits, partner two high knees

Flap jack

Partner one wall sits, partner two side shuffles

Flap jack

Partner one wall sits, partner two karaoke

Flap jack

Partner one, 2-10 counts of BTW (balls to the wall) followed by wall sits, partner two The Beast (full suicide with 5 8-count body builders at each line)

Flap jack

Mosey to hill of broken golf dreams (there is a now closed driving range there)


Partner one hill sprint, partner two freddy mercury

Flap jack

Partner one hill sprint, partner two flutter kicks

Flap jack

Partner one hill sprint, partner two hello dolly

Flap jack

Partner one hill sprint, partner two mac-tar-jive

Flap jack

Mosey to COT


Great workout in the Corral this morning! We continue to push our limits, push each other and prepare for the day at hand. Jekyll couldn’t have said it any better when he shared words of how “busy” is a blessing and how we should be thankful and optimistic that we’re staying busy from 0515 to 2100.

I think Jekyll also gave him self the Golden Corral handle of “white chocolate fountain”…. coupled with Funhouse’s comment during karaokes “you’d like a man with 5 kids would have better hip movement”

CSPAN was a no-show… probably to embarrassed by his March Madness bracket.

Good work men.


TClap |

Fort Tournament Challenge

Who is up for a March Madness tournament challenge?  For all those interested, join us on the ESPN “F3 The Fort” Group and complete a bracket.  PAX are encouraged to complete one or as many as necessary to advance their chances.  
Each bracket will be $ 10……..Winner will have the honor of picking up the 1st round of drinks at the next 2nd F and donating his proceeds to F3 Foundation or FM Charity of his choice.  
I hate to say it, but I will have to pull for Florida.  Painstaking, but better than Duke.
The ESPN group name and password are below.      

This message is from Jay Neal who is challenging you to play Tournament Challenge on ESPN.com.

Get in on the excitement of this year’s NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament. Compete against other fans as you fill out a bracket and earn points for every correct pick! Come out on top and you could win a $10,000 Best Buy gift card. Get a group together and earn plenty of bragging rights among your friends by winning it all. Best of all, it’s free to play and win.

Get in the action now:

Group:           F3 – The Fort
Password:     ilovemerkins

Here’s what else they had to say:     “We are a strong as the strongest man when we stand together, arm to arm, locking shields”……..Dredd.

TClap |

The Fort: Not one burpee…

32 Strong Posted at The Fort for a Spring morning beat down.  Compliments of Santini and Dredd.

Great to have EG leadership down to the upper upstate and land of cheap gas over the last few weeks.  We wait for the full audit to be published….until then we keep going.

We remembered our PAX who headed out for Go Ruck last night.  Thier courage to do something bigger than themselves.  (Crab Cakes, Package, Cable Guy, World Wide Leader)

We are always as strong as the strongest man when we stand together, arm to arm, locking shields. – Dredd

Santini on Q – COP

SSH warm up, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, Carolina Dry Docks.

Move to Pain Platoon.  Squad formation.  Squat on commands, lunges, walk, sprints.  Seal Team Sit ups with flip to Merkins.  Rinse Repeat.

Dredd on Q – COP

SSH, Ab lab, Merkins x 400 in varying formations.  (Chuck norris, Jackie Chan, and some other marshall arts stuff I forgot)

TClap |

Wheel o’ Pain – Part Deux

16 PAX wandered into the gloom of Harris Tetter’s Lot to see what was being served up on the Buffet o’ Pain at the Golden Corral! When the cones come out for the Wheel, everyone knows(now) that it sucks to get stuck with the 15 Burpees right from the start (right DD?).

The Thang

Run the lot

Find way to the Hill
6 minutes of Sprinting up with a jog recovery down – about 9 trips?

Mosey back to Lot
Wheel o’ Pain – added bonus of +1 Bomb Jack when at the middle cone for every trip = Total 105 Bomb Jacks
30 Peter Parkers
30 lunges
25 LBC
10 Burpees
25 Mountain Climbers
30 SSH
15 Merkins
30 Parker Peters
30 Plank Punches
30 Freddy Mercury
25 Squats
30 Hello Dolly
15 Burpees
Missing one…….

Mosey to Suicide track
3 sets of suicides with 3 stops, plank and wait after each one
1 Big suicide with 25 yard intervals, 3 intervals

Mosey for Abs
Multiple Up and Downs, In and Outs with a healthy dose of Scissors – about 3.5 minutes


TClap |