Welcome to Golden Corral – Enjoy the Buffet o’ Pain

17 PAX posted for the first Tega Cay Tuesday beat down. It was promised that it would be warmer than 9 degrees and that was provided (by about 11 degrees). The impromptu obstacle course was brought to you by Black Ice, when you really want to bust your a$$.

The Thang

Run to Church lot for COP
SSH X 25
Merkins X 12
Imperial Walkers X 20
Mountain Climbers X 20
Squats X 20

Mosey to karate curb
Double Leg curb jumps X 40
Right leg curb jump X 20
Left leg curb jump X 20
Fast step up/down X 1 min
Double Leg curb jumps X 20
Right leg curb jump X 10
Left leg curb jump X 10
Fast step up/down X 30 sec

Mosey to Bank wall
Derkins X 20
Modified bridge with heels on top of wall X 45 sec with 20 arm pulses
Derkins X 20
Modified bridge with heels on top of wall X 45 sec

Mosey to Driving Range Hill
2 groups, first person run to top of hill with 10 burpees
Rest of group does call out excercise from next in line

Mosey back to Parking Lot for last COP
SSH X 25
Ukranian Twists X 25
Leg Raises X 25
Squats X 25
Mountain Climbers X 25
Plank Punches X 25


Naked Moleskin
What a great start to the Tega Cay expansion for Tuesdays. We completed the task of naming the work out: Golden Corral – The Buffet o’ Pain. The Q’s will make sure the name fits. The location is great with lots of ad lib pain stations to make a great workout and something new everytime. Shout out to Smuggler for having nothing else better to do.

Please keep Maggie and her family in your prayers as this 17 year old struggles with cancer. Please pray for healing, peace and hope for her and her family.

To PAX – Thanks for posting and making the first beat down at Golden Corral a memorable one!

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Cock Pit – High Seas


Warm up:

5 burpees

Light jog

Imperial walkersx15

Mtn climbersx15


Peter Parkerx15

Sumo squatx15

Run to Sugar Creek

Partner carries

Wheel barrow

Sprint w/5merkins

Bear crawl w/5merkins sprint back w/5merkins

Lunge walk w/5merkins  sprint back w/5merkins

Sprintx2 w/5burpees

Run to next pain station

Rotation x3

People’s chair (45sec each)

Balls to Wall (15sec each)

Merkin set

Merkins x10

SSH x15

Diamond x10

SSH x15

Wide arm x10

SSH x15

Staggers l/r x10

LBC x15

Pull ups with partners (Sets of 10, 8, 6)

Swinging LBC 3 sets of 10

Hill work

Bear crawl up hill 5x add burpee each round

Plank rotation

Right high

Left high


6 min of Mary (literally it was 5:54 on the clock)

Sprint to COT


Prayers for all the PAX and the stresses of life.

We sometimes feel the “waves” swelling above our heads and we can’t see anything but water or (job, finances, sickness, etc), however if we look to heaven for our strength when we feel weak, the QIC in the heavens will walk us through the storms of life.

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Cock Pit @ NAFO – Did someone say Ciabatta?

The rain, thunder, and lightning throughout the night did not stop 9 brave men from posting.  It may have been that they thought they were signing up for coffee and ciabatta!?  After some early morning conversations, one of which is that Cake Boss may have an in with getting the lights turned on at 5:15, we headed off for a beat down in the Gloom.  Welcome FNG John Cookson (Crock-Pot).


Mosey to the ROTC parking lot.

  • 30 Side Straddle Hops
  • 20 Imperial Walkers
  • 25 Windmills
  • 25 Jumping Lunges

Mosey to the marching band parking lot via sidewalks, did not want to get PAX wet feet prior to Tabata.

  • Planks (regular, 6 inches, left arm / right arm high)

8 Exercises, 8 Reps, 20s per rep, 10s break between reps.  Sounds easy right?

  • X8 Merkins
  • X8 Squat Jumps
  • X8 Carolina Dry Docks
  • X8 Calf Raises
  • X8 Burpees
  • X8 Side Tri Rise
  • X8 Turkish Get-Ups
  • X8 Abs (LBCs, Hello Dolly, Freddie Mercury, Russian Twist) – 50s on 10s break

A PAX called out for some Ultimate Burpees and did not want to disappoint.

  • X5 – Jumping Knee-up -> Carolina Dry Dock -> Parker Peters (Right and Left Leg) -> Combined Broad Jump (Forward/Backward) -> Regular Burpee


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Cock Pit @ NAFO – Stairway to Heaven


The snow held out for great work out in the blustery cold (by Charlotte standards).   Okay so I’ll admit that workouts always look easier and quicker on paper than they do in the Gloom.  Bear Crawl sprints on the basketball court seemed like a good change of pace but for those that attended Crabcakes beat down yesterday they may have been a little much.  Needless to say we didn’t have DNF in the group… Men I tell you MEN!


40 Side Strattle hops

30 Wind Mills

25 Monkey Humpers

Planks (regular, 6 inches, left arm / right arm high)

20 Imperial Walkers

20 Mountain Climbers

20 Peter Parkers


Warm up Part 2:  Quick mosey to the playground at Sugar Creek.  Let’s line them up on the base line and do some old school wind sprints


Running Sprint style + 5 burpees

Rinse and Repeat

Bear Crawl sprints (editorial note… you can’t imitate the speed of a bear when you only have two legs) + 5 burpees

Crab Crawl sprints (Wow, what a knot this one created in the triicepts) + 5 burpees

Backward running sprints + 5 burpees

Whoever said getting to heaven was easy!  The stairway to heaven routine is just a reminder that there are always bigger hurdles that follow the previous trials of life.  The road is narrow…. But the prize is eternal!

10 – Burpees

20 – Pull ups

30 – Mule Kicks

40 – Bomb Jacks

50 – Maq tar Jai (?)

60 – Dips

70 – Air Squats

80 – Merkins

90 – seconds of rest

100 – LBC


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Cock Pit – A New Day….A New Era!

The forecast was ominous with rain on its way and the #Cockpit already thoroughly doused.  It was dark, it was cold, it was wet but 11 brave men joined the PAX to initiate a new era at Nation Ford High School.  Thank you to Little Mike for being Site Q for the Abundance of Pain site the last year and for helping to make a smooth transition to the new Site Qs at the #Cockpit.

Warm Up:   COP with a little merry go round action by the PAX

Started with Side Strattle hops (PAX running circle)

Air Double unders (PAX Running backwards around circle)

Planks (PAX running High Knees around the circle)

Sumo Squats (PAX running butt kickers around the circle

Carolina Dry Docks (PAX Running around the circle)

Main Course:  Quick mosey of a third of a mile to the band practice lot.

The blood was flowing so the work began…to learn the Ultimate Burpee


Knee-ups x 10

Carolina Dry Docks x 10

Parker Peters x 10

Combine Broad Jump forward, then backward x 10

Put it all together for the Ultimate Burpee

Knee-up -> Carolina Dry Dock -> Parker Peter -> Combined Broad Jump -> Regular Burpee x 10

LBCs x 20

Long Slow Flutter x 20

Freddie Mercury x 20

Partner up – Partner one did exercise while partner two ran 100m to the end of the parking lot and 100m back then flap jack.  Here were the excercises…

* Merkins, SSH, Merkins

Partner one did exercise while partner two ran 50m to the end of the parking lot and 50m back then flap jack

* Merkins, Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey back to parking lot

Russian Twist x 36


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Preblast – Abundance of Pain transforms to the Cockpit #TheFort

Launch of the #Cockpit, Wednesday, February 5th at 5:15AM.

This Wednesday begins The Cockpit at Nation Ford High School in Fort Mill.  The Cockpit will be an intense bootcamp workout but will be sure to have plenty of variety.  Tell your friends, neighbors, and anyone who is interested in the core values of F3 to come on out and enjoy the beat downs. Let the Site Qs know if you have any interest in leading a workout and will be sure to build a steady rotation to vary the workouts.

We will meet in the parking lot near the football stadium at a new start time of 5:15 AM in hopes that an earlier time will be more conducive to the PAX’s morning routine.  The lights go on around 5:30, so if you would like, bring a Pretzl light.

We are looking forward to building this workout and to grow F3 on this side of town.


Chicken Hawk and Chicken Wing

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Game Plan – Proberbs 29 – Cooler Heads Prevail!

9 men seeking wisdom gathered at Chickfilet to see if the Cow could explain humility! The Cow had nothing to add, but Proverbs 29 had plenty to feed us.


As we circled around to discuss “The Word” this week, we found in Proverbs 29 kicked up some of the language a notch, by using works like havoc, hate, rage and ruin. Throughout Proverbs we have been told, it is not God’s plan that leads us to bad places, but our own decisions. We need to seek the Lord, surround ourselves with good councilors, and make decisions wisely….not in haste!

Some Key verses this week:

1 He who is often reproved, yet stiffens his neck,

will suddenly be broken beyond healing.

When we refuse to change our ways or repent, which means turn away from, we endanger ourselves beyond any bounds.

11 A fool gives full vent to his spirit,
but a wise man quietly holds it back.

How many time do you hear, Think before you speak? Let’s slow down and use our minds before our words get us in trouble.

20 Do you see a man who is hasty in his words?

There is more hope for a fool than for him.

More of verse 11, don’t let words fill you with regret or guilt. Be wise with the tongue.

23 One’s pride will bring him low,

but he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor.

Pride will lead to humility eventually because our pride will bring us to our knees…. ”I can do it!” Go in with Humility first and you will be honored and respected by all.

Great group discussion today. Guys are really helping one another and sharing insights and views. The Word is coming alive at Game Plan for sure.

Prayers for the Millen Family who lost their husband and father to liver disease.

Prayers for those whose marriages are under attack and that they can get on the road to recovery.

Prayers for unemployed or underemployed that they find peace and comfort in that God will provide alongside their diligent search for work.

Next week is 3rd F convergence with Bible Study Challenge Crew. Please try to attend…this is exciting to see men sharpening men with the word!


Two Chapters of Proverbs left…..31 total in 33 weeks….Impressive PAX!


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Patches for all!

3 polar bears shook off the hibernation cobwebs to post at Abundance of Pain for a dose of accountability before the snow day sillies take over the family.

The Thang

DD in lead

Warm up run to and around SCES playground


SSH x30

Slow sumo squat x30

Mtn climber x10 / merkin x10 / Mtn climber x10

Monkey humper x15

Diamond merkin x10 / Parker Peter x20

Mosey to playground

Pull ups x10 / Decline merkins x15 / jumping lunge IC x10 (rinse and repeat)

Handoff to Chicken Wing

Run to front of SCES

20 burpees OYO

LBC x20

Carolina dry docks x20

Run to side of SCES

People’s chair / flutter x20 / merkins x12 (rinse and repeat)

Run to hill behind school

Modified Jacob’s ladder to 6 – bear crawl to top w/burpees on odd rounds and merkins on even rounds

Handoff to Cake Boss

Run to SCES entrance from NaFo

Freddie Mercury x15

Rosalita x15

Parker Peter x15

Run home


Naked Man Moleskin

Little Mike was not able to navigate the luge track from CLT (aka I-77) so YHC and CB were thinking a two-man adventure in the snow was in store.  After last week’s two-man show at AoP (CB and Shutdown), YHC drove into the parking lot as CB was arriving.  Chicken Wing was already present after doing his best Eric Heiden impersonation on a run from his neighborhood.  Game on!  50% growth from last week!

Even the light towers fartsacked today!  Thankfully there was plenty of white stuff on the ground to light up the scene.

Great job by Chicken Wing on his virgin Q!  He did not let the elements or the sucking sound coming from YHC and CB diminish his enthusiasm for dishing out pain.  Glad to have you in Qrotation!



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Abundant of Pain – Bricks with No Straw

Like many of us, I had decided at 8pm Tuesday I was not going to post Wednesday morning. Then you get the call the Q and you sigh, but suck it up and realize you got to be there for the guys and give them a good showing.

So 5am rolls around and I load up and go post. 5:28 there is 1 other car in the lot and I am praying it’s the school principal opening the school. 5:30, time to roll so I get out of the car and it’s me and Shutdown posting.

After some pleasantries, I ask Shutdown…”Want to call it and go back to bed?” His response, “We are here, we might as well do something.”

Thank you to Shutdown for keeping me focused and not quitting. If there is 1 there is enough to post and workout!

The Thang:

Jog to Sugar Creek Parking lot


SSH, IW, Merkins, Slow Squat, Mtn Climbers

Jog to SC Playground

1st Man did pull ups while other ran around playground, swap

1st man did dips while other ran around playground, swap

1st man did swingers in the gloom (new exercise move); while other ran around playground, swap

Rinse and Repeat.

Jog to bottom of hill

Run sprint to NAFO parking lot, walk back

Rinse and Repeat


LBC’s, sprint to NAFO football field wall, 30sec wall sit, sprint back

Hello Dolly’s, sprint to NAFO football field wall, 30sec wall sit, sprint back

High slow Flutters, sprint to NAFO football field wall, 30sec wall sit, sprint back

Rosilitas, sprint to NAFO football field wall, 30sec wall sit, sprint back


Shutdown and I had a good conversation about youth sports and his playing days at Wake. Although it was just us, it was a great workout and happy we held each other accountable.

The Bricks without Straw references when the Israelites had to make bricks without the straw as Pharaoh become hardened against them trying to be freed from slavery.

Today we are faced with doing more with less….more at work, home, in the community with fewer resources. This leads to discouragement and feeling forgotten. God did not forget the Israelites and he does not forget you. He provides each of our needs and will always be faithful. Know he is walking with you every minute of every day especially when feeling discouraged.



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Goodbye COMFORT Zone= Hello Filthy Fifty

24 PAX posted at a cold and windy WEP Fort looking for a motivating start to their weekend, what they found was an Audit / CSPAN challenge to push beyond their normal comfort zone.

The Thang:

Audit welcomed the group to the “filthy fifty”, the first two were in cadence, and all others were OYO.

50= SSH

50= Slow and deep squats

50= Burpees

50= Bunny hops

50= Merkins

50= Walking lunges

50= Pull-ups

Lap around WEP

Seal Team sit-ups until everyone finished with a group set of 15 for fun.

Line up and sprint the long way across the park & sprint back.

Hand off to CSPAN:

Walking stretch of jog, walking imperial walker, butt kickers & high knees

Line up along tree line:

Series of bear crawl and walking lunches down and back = way too many times

Series of duck walk and bunny hops down and back = way too many times

Circle up

Dealers choice for 10 repetition around the group twice =exhausting and high level of chatter as each PAX selected the next and more painful exercise.

Audit reminded us that we are formed in God’s image, and our mind is the weakest part. Our bodies are always capable of more when our mind thinks we are finished. Today was a perfect example as many felt the “filthy fifty” was impossible but all the PAX finished strong.

Naked Man Moleskin = Check weekly email for updates and details

Doc Holliday is conducting free Oral Screenings at the Baxter Race, sounds like a great potential double down with a 0900 start time for a 5K = See Doc Holliday, Pusher or CSPAN

FNG = Welcome to Butterfly and Double Dribble

Crab Cakes & 10 Square F3 1 year anniversary

Blue Ridge Relay = See DD

Paint Ball =See Crab Cakes

2/10/14 first meeting for Bible Challenge group = See Pusher

Drink plenty of water and remember to be a better man today than you were yesterday.

CSPAN-over & out

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