Game Plan – Proverbs 26 What not to do!

8 PAX arrived in the cold rain at Chickfiet for some Chicken n Wizdim.

Studying Proverbs 26 and winding down the book with 5 chapters left, the wise authors are not holding back and telling it like it is. 26 breaks down into 4 sections for us that covers the following:

Fools, Sluggards (lazy), Those careless with words, and liars/deceitful people.

The Challenge is What not to do and don’t fall into these categories even in the slightest way in order to avoid obvious trouble.

Key verses:

4 Answer not a fool according to his folly,
lest you be like him yourself. Engaging with a foolish person makes you a fool
5 Answer a fool according to his folly,
lest he be wise in his own eyes. Warn or correct the fool so they know the right way, but then move on

8 Like one who binds the stone in the sling
is one who gives honor to a fool. Like getting hit was a misfire, Be careful of the crowd you run with and people you “honor” as it can bite you and hit you in the face one day.

13 The sluggard says, “There is a lion in the road!
There is a lion in the streets!” Any excuse not do to what we need to do…..How driven are you at work, but not in your marriage and with your kids….don’t be lazy where it matters!

22 The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels;
they go down into the inner parts of the body. Gossip and words of destruction are like taking little poison pills….they go in deep and kill from within.

27 Whoever digs a pit will fall into it,
and a stone will come back on him who starts it rolling. Liars and deceitful people not only end up trapped, but can get killed by their own web of deceit

Proverbs 27 Next Friday. Come and join us!

God Bless!


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Fort Running Crew Preblast to Cola


To All Fort Pax looking for another challenge.  Whether you ran the Kiawah Half/Full or have never ran one before, WE NEED YOU.    

Who is man enough to step up and join the crew to Columbia on March 8?  Let’s make a good showing in Cola.  It is a challenging, but good route.

Visit the F3 Columbia Preblast with all the information necessary.  F3 Columbia had secured a special $ 35 registration fee for their group and all previously interested runners.  All we need to do is provide Chaser with a ballpark number and he will help with requesting the same special rate. Please respond to me by COB 1/18/2014 and I will help coordinate with Chaser.

Here is a training schedule similar to the Columbia routine.  I am out each morning and some evenings for a run.  Sunday morning 6 am runs across Fort Mill.  All are welcome to tag along.  The more the merrier.  Saturday tweets will go out to find all takers.


Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total
1/6 – 1/11 3 Miles F3 4 Miles 3 Miles Off F3 5 Miles 15
1/13 – 1/18 3 Miles F3 4 Miles 3 Miles Off F3 6 Miles 16
1/20 – 1/25 3 Miles F3 5 Miles 3 Miles Off F3 8 Miles 19
1/27 – 2/1 3 Miles F3 5 Miles 3 Miles Off F3 10 Miles 21
2/3 – 2/8 4 Miles F3 5 Miles 4 Miles Off F3 11 Miles 24
2/10 – 2/15 4 Miles F3 6 Miles 4 Miles Off F3 12 Miles 26
2/17 – 2/22 4 Miles F3 5 Miles 4 Miles Off F3 9 Miles 24
2/24 – 3/1 3 Miles F3 4 Miles 3 Miles Off F3 8 Miles 18
2/3 – 2/8 2 Miles F3 2 Miles 2 Miles Off Race / 13.1 Give Thanks 19
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No Cadence Makes Me Sad

18 PAX posted at The Fort “Laces IN/ OUT” for a balmy 25 degree workout

In honor of the Fort Mill Police Department and our friends from the neighborhood we conducted a tribute to The Marine Corps Silent Drill Team, and please understand that no cadence makes me sad.

The Thang:

We conducted a long walking warm up around the path of the park with a high level of mumble chatter and no cadence calling to include: Lunge walk, butt kickers, high knee, and walking imperial walker with a few stops along the way to circle up for COP to get cold tired muscles ready for fun.

Run the drill bits of WEP = 5 exercises x 7 repetitions – Burpee, Merkin, SSH, Monkey Humper & Squat.

Partner up for partner push and partner pulls.

Arkloader series along tree line = bear crawls, lunge walk, duck walk and baby bunny hops.

Back to COP:

Dealer’s choice for AB-LAB, we made it through the group twice at each selection for 10 repetitions. It was fun to have the runners join us for some additionally painful suggestions.

Slow short mosey to COT:

Naked Man Moleskin

Consider Alcatraz on Saturday 1/11/14 because of the 7K running race immediately following our WEP workout, details of the race

Stay in tune on the weekly email from THE FORT

Chicken & Wisdom Friday Morning with Cake Boss + 210  pounds (equal to my body weight) of food donated to the Food Bank from our group.

Friday movie night, props to Navy Seals, almost as tough as a Marine.

Drink plenty of water and remember to be a better man today than you were yesterday.

CSPAN-over & out

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Game Plan – Proverbs 24 “Do the Little Things”

Proverbs 24 cuts to the chase and is to the point in its delivery. This chapter really teaches us to have a foundation and plan before building our house. That house can be at work, home, marriage, raising kids and other relationships. Be prepared in all we do and have wise council when doing it. The lazy and unprepared person ends up in a disaster; however the wise and well prepared can sit in content because they were ready for life to happen.

Key Verses:

3 By wisdom a house is built,
and by understanding it is established;
4 by knowledge the rooms are filled
with all precious and pleasant riches.

All knowledge and wisdom comes from God and by having him in our life, we not only gain wisdom and understanding but we can rest in his promises and hope.

11 Rescue those who are being taken away to death;
hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.
12 If you say, “Behold, we did not know this,”
does not he who weighs the heart perceive it?
Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it,
and will he not repay man according to his work?

When we see someone on a road towards destruction, we need to throw a lifesaver. Sitting back and claiming ignorance or “none of my business” is not how we show God’s love to others.

17 Do not rejoice when your enemy falls,
and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles,
18 lest the Lord see it and be displeased,
and turn away his anger from him.

“No Pay Backs”….do not seek revenge or gloat in the wake of other’s failures, but rather lend a hand and look to Glorify God in their situation.

30 I passed by the field of a sluggard,
by the vineyard of a man lacking sense,
31 and behold, it was all overgrown with thorns;
the ground was covered with nettles,
and its stone wall was broken down.

Keep our house in order so that anyone passing by can see that God is first in your life. By doing the little things each day in our marriages, kids, financial and prayer life /spiritual life we keep ourselves from wondering down the wrong road and asking ourselves “how did I get here”? It take a little work each day….don’t be lazy!

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Tribulation Leads to Hope

The Virtual Shovelflag was planted and 8 Faithful headed into the Gloom…

The Thang:

Mosey to upper parking lot behind NAFO;

COP – SSHX25; IWx25; Merkansx15 – stay there – MCx25; Copperhead Squatsx25;

Short Q School (SSHx10 led by Chicken Wing or maybe Chicken Hawk I can’t remember which one of yous twos is which; SSHx10 led by Gilmore) TCLAPS to these guys for stepping up into the Sneak Attack Q School;

WideArmsx12; Peter Parkers x 20;

Follow me around back of NAFO gather at top of parking lot hill – Partner up for Tribulation Relay – Partner 1 does 5 burpees while partner 2 lights out, partner 1 then chases and catches partner 2, when caught, partner 2 does 5 burpees and repeats.  Did two laps around NAFO to Plankorama.

6MOM – Dolliesx25; Rosalitax25; low flutterx25; Oblique V ups 10x each side; Russian Twistx25; Superman; Merkan x 15.

Follow me to Elementary School Playground for circuit – Foot on swing Pikeups x 20; Pullupsx10; Dipsx15 – Two circuits.

Mosey to bottom of ROTC Hill – Sprint to Top,


Naked Man Moleskin –

After absconding for a number of weeks, It was good to be Back in the saddle at AoP.

Prior to launch, as we gathered in the Gloom to await the 0530 light switch flip, we discussed IronMags (who has been conspicuously absent from the workouts, allegedly because of cold weather induced asthma or some other #lameoexcuse) message from Sunday about the Hope of Christmas and that Hope finds its roots in something that is not normally associated with Christmas, but that is part of the foundation of F3 – tribulation.  He provided the analogy of the 4×100 relay and that each leg stands on its own for the individual runner, but that the combined effort of the team enduring the agony of their leg and pushing through is what elevates to victory.  By digging as hard as possible through our tribulation, we learn perseverance.  Through persevering through trials, we develop character.  And as our character develops we develop that true Hope that has its foundation in Christ.  Thus, we had an opportunity to experience all of these in the Tribulation Burpee relay.  We also had opportunity to help our partner out by not sprinting whilst our partner was doing burpees (like Cake Boss did out of the chute, making it almost half way around the school before I caught him).

Aye.  Keep the Tribulation and the Hope coming.

LM Out.

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A Fort Family Reunion / “KEEP RUNNING!”

28 PAX posted at The Fort “BLOCK PARTY” for our first of many “family reunions”

We started off with a prayer for the Kiawah group, and for the continued success and health of each runner and The Fort.

The Thang:

Slow mosey to COP:

10 each X 10 different exercise = warm up

Run the drill bits of WEP = 5 x 4 exercise (Burpee, Merkin, Squat & SSH)

We were supposed to make a full lap, and then return to the slowest man so we could all finish together. While Waldo and I stretched out the last man, and Red Banjo made multiple laps it became obvious my instructions were not clear, and at that point the town of Fort Mill heard me scream “Keep Running”.  The group basically got another ¾ lap in and some even got the exercises in.

Back to COP:

25 each X 10 exercises to complete the waking up process

Line up and complete 3 rounds of Ark Loaders using the tree line for sequence changes

Quick set of Ab Lab

This was not planned to be easy workout, and I apologize to any if felt shorted…but that is OK because the “PAX chatter” was great to hear again, and the PAX spirits were so high. Special call out on the return of FNGx3 (to the works too much / fartsack third power) === REDEYE

Slow mosey to COT:

Naked Man Moleskin

We all discussed the success of the Kiawah group, sounds like a great race & fellowship

Happy Birthday to WWL

Thursday Christmas Party

Joe Davis Run

Check the weekly email from THE FORT

The Fort is looking at some additional races / runs and activities to keep the momentum up on the fitness training.

Great shares yesterday on both prayer requests and answered prayers, continue to pray for our group, especially those under additional pressure because of the holidays. Safe travels & Merry Christmas.

Drink plenty of water and remember to be a better man today than you were yesterday.

CSPAN-over & out


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Audit & CSPAN inspired tribute to Kiawah

12 PAX posted at a rainy Fort looking for a motivating start to their weekend (Trucker reported in 12 to Alcatraz, & 14 of The Fort looking at a quick jog on the beach at Kiawah).

We started off with a prayer for the Kiawah group, praying for a safe, and successful race for each runner.

The Thang:

Audit @ Q:

Tribute to Kiawah, warm up was running the drill bits at WEP and 20 SSH hops. Plank fest until group finished lap.

Partner up= 5x series of a long run Jacob’s ladder with partner with bear crawls, merkins and run to the hill and back. Partner 2 did jumping lunges until the flapjack.

COP of exercises “The Crowd Favorite” was Jack Webb at a 10 to 1 ratio = shoulders are smoked/well done after this…wow

CSPAN @ Q for “Act 2”:

Mosey to hill= short run Jacob’s Ladder of 7 to 1 of Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey to Playground=3 sets of=10 pull-ups, 10 side pulls left & right and 20 dips.

At this point I was second guessing the groups commitment because it is rainy and cold and there was no chatter. The PAX step up and finish up at full speed

Partner back up for a series of partner push/pulls.

Form back in small COP for “dealers choice”, going round the clock calling out exercise, man to the right calls cadence until the man who called the exercise sprints around the outside the circle. We did this 4 full rotations and steady expanded the circle. High speed with low repetition equated to a full body workout.

Slow mosey to COT:

Naked Man Moleskin

We all discussed looking forward to hearing/comparing #warstory with Kiawah group

Happy Birthday to WWL

Thursday Christmas Party

Baxter Trail Run

Joe Davis Run

Check the weekly email from THE FORT

CSPAN discussed the leadership training that @gnarleygoat and NODA F3 is doing. Dr. Hartle gave his testimony over lunch on Friday. This is the 2nd and 3rd F. How can we do someting similar to this in Fort Mill?

Drink plenty of water and remember to be a better man today than you were yesterday.

CSPAN-over & out


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AoP – Easing the Pain through Relationship

Chicken Hawk

The Thang

The PAX came together and started at 5:30 sharp once the lights came on.  Starting at a cool 24 degrees the men were ready to get the blood flowing.  Today marks my first Q with the F3 faithful and it was a blast.

Before the sweat begins to spent a few minutes stimulating the mind.  My challenge to the PAX was to evaluate relationships in their life and try to love as God loves us.  God calls us to be in relationship with him and with one another.  It is a command from the lord and something we should all reflect on… what relationships in our lives do we need to invest in today?  John 13:34 A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

Then we started the fun, first we mosey up the parking lot in a single file line with the last member of the PAX being called by the line leader to run to the front to get the bodies warmed up to create the COP


Seal Jacks – 20

Monkey Humpers – 20

Jumping Lunges – 20

Carolina Dry Docks – 20

Squats – 20

Freddie Mercury – 20

Mosey to the band parking lot for a little endurance team work… pair off and work together to finish!

50 Burpees while partner sprints

75 Mule Kicks while partner does bear crawl

100 Bomb jacks while partner runs backwards and then sprints back

100 Carolina dry docks trading off between partners

Excellent commitment to success by all to finish!

Mosey to the football field parking lot for a little more COP

Create a circle and everyone gets an opportunity to call an exercise and runs while the rest of the PAX does the exercise until he gets back from a run around the perimeter of the lights.  All exercises included 15-25 reps.

Imperial Walkers


Wide Armed Merkins

Side Strattle Hops


Mountain climbers

Hello Dollies


Several lessons learned about being Q:

– Learn to gauge the level of complexity of the work out

– Adjust on the fly

– Include fielder’s choice exercises because then the PAX can’t blame the Q for level of difficulty

– The key benefit is knowing when the pain will stop because as Q you are in charge



Canned food drive every weekend

Gathering at Town Tavern on December 19th including Ms and 2.0s

Please pray for those traveling to Kiawah

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The Fort: 12 Days of Christmas

21 Pax beat the cold and rain for a pre-winter workout at Walter Elisha Park.  (Site location for upcoming Convergence January 4 – PLUG – Go Register)

Santini in lead:

Mosey up Stairway to heaven, avoid walker with Dog and position in line on hill facing down.  Begin downhill merkin sequence, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters.  Up and down hill wind sprints.  High Life takes out an eyeball with a branch.  Begin Bear Crawls up hill.  Turn around, Lunge, Bear, Crab walk across deck and sprint to other side of Park.  Return.  Up and down hill sequence again.  Warm up circles with SSH (50), Windmills, and Imperial Walkers.

Squat Platoon – Crowdpleaser of 4 squad leaders in platoon formation.  10 Deep Squats, 10 deep lunges each.  Repeat.

Low crawl 30 yards, Bear Crawl, and lunge.

Moleskin:  Santini gave a challenge for end of year goals.  Developing a broader set of goals for 2014 in all facets of your life.  Personal, Spiritual, Professional.

DD in lead:  Begin 12 Days of Christmas.  Basically, sing the 12 days of Christmas, “On the first day of Christmas my site Q gave to me…” and yes we did the whole song with the

1 Donkey Kick, 2 Wide Arm Merkins, 3 Jumping lunges, 4 Merkins, 5 Squats, 6 Burpees, 7 Bomb Jacks, 8 Sumo Squats, (started blacking out here) 9 ?, 10 Monkey Humpers, 11 ?, and 12 ?.  (PAX please feel free to post response with what you remembered.

Circle up for Christmas Carols with Rosalitas, Flutters, LBCs  (Confirmed that Pusher knows the entire Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer song including the names of all the Reindeer).


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Looking back before moving forward

8 Pax posted at Abundance of Pain for some remedial abuse on the elementary school grounds.

The Thang

Launch from Nation Ford High School with warm up run to Sugar Creek Elementary School campus

COP – SSH x20, Mountain Climber x20, Imperial Walker x20, Peter Parker x12, Parker Peter x12

Run to hill behind school for Bear Crawl Marathon:
– Line up along fence line
– Bear crawl to top of hill
– Complete exercise at top
– Run to bottom and plank
– 8 Cycles up and back / 8 Exercises (each move called by one of the Pax: bomb jacks, merkins, squats, burpees, carolina dry docks, LBCs, squat thrusts, jumping lunges)

Run to side of school for Wall O’ Fun – People’s chair / balls to the wall (3 cycles)

Run around front of school to other side

Flower bed step ups – R x20, Lx20

Mosey to playground

Rotating pain stations – Pull-ups x10, merkins x15, dips x20 OYO (3 cycles)

Mary — Freddie Mercury x20, Flutter x20, Dollies x20

Mosey to basketball court

Suicides to each concrete seam and back for full length of court (3 cycles)

Run to JROTC building parking lot (head fake…not time for COT yet!)

Karaoke across and back

Merkins x10

Plank sequence


We started a balmy morning with thoughts of our personal history…a challenge not just to reflect back and reminisce or make changes but to “own” our history – the good, the bad, the ugly.  To accept ourselves in all the messy and beautiful realities that are there so that we can turn to others around us in this holiday season with the same spirit.  We finished with a challenge to carry the traditions of the past forward and to create new traditions in this season — with our children, our family and our friends — especially in terms of finding ways to extend the tradition of community service to the next generation.

Looking backward took the form of action as well as word as we rolled back the clock from high school to elementary school in terms of workout grounds.  Apologies if we left any LIFOs in the dark not knowing where we were.

The Thanksgiving hangover was still lingering among the Pax at the start – talk of indulgence in food, drink and fun last week that needed to be redeemed.  I am pretty certain redemption was accomplished over the next 45 minutes!

Little Mike is proving himself to be quite the runner (is that Kiawah 2014 I hear?)…of course the basketball court suicides is where he felt most at home.

Especially nice work by all Pax on the Bear Crawl Marathon – no one took the easy path as each round pushed the Pax harder and harder to the end.  Well done brothers!


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