The Fort: Sandbag Sleds to a Stairway to Heaven

17 PAX posted after a carb loading Thanksgiving day weekend.  In lieu of IKEA, Wal-Mart, Carolina Place Mall, and/or early tailgating at the Cocks/Tigers game, the Pax posted for an early morning down painment.

Shamus decided to do his first ever double down solo by posting an hour early to ensure adequate calorie burn in his shorts and t-shirt only.  (with gloves).  Only to join the Pax on-time for a cool down in his second hour.   FNG to 3 weeks later a double down!  AYE!

The Thang:

Lay out 8 50LB sandbags.

Mosey to warm up – SSH, Windmills, Merkins, SSH, Monkey Humpers, Carolina Dry Docks

Then to 3 Squad formation:  Multiple stations of Low Crawl with sandbag 25 yards, 20 Seal Team situps, up the big hill Bear Crawl, down stairway to heaven and then back up at each lightpole do ascending burpees 1 – 5, then to Devils Pass for a down the camelback and up 20 merkins, back to first station.  Rinse and Repeat (a crowdpleaser)  Squad leaders organized choice exercises until PAX completed.

Sequence through bear crawl, bomb jack, and low crawl with Sandbags.  2 times.

Alternate LBC, Merkin, LBC, Merkin, Flutter, Merkin quickly

Repeat Sandbag sequence.  Then teams alternate with sandbag crawl, one team on Dips/Pull ups (10 each), and the other running sprints around playground.

TClap |

Wa-Wa or Kum & Go? It ain’t that cold…

6 Pax posted at The Armory Monday morning making a down payment on planned overindulgence in Turkey & Dressing.

The Thang:

Full speed across Church parking lot and then kettle bell up walking balance

Armory COP:

  • Imperial Walker
  • Squat
  •  USMC Push up / Slow Merkin
  • Parker Peters
  • Peter Parker
  • SSH
  • Carolina Dry Dock
  • Windmills

Kettle Bell = Discussion included favorite convenience store chain = Deacon was extremely uncomfortable with the Kum & Go. Wa-Wa and QT seem to be the highest quality.

  • Figure 8
  • Around waist
  • Halo
  • Triceps
  • Curl
  • Cross curl
  • Squat

Apply, rinse, & repeat.

Onto AB Lab

  • Dollies
  • LBC
  • Slow      flutter
  • USMC      push-up
  • Freddie
  • SSH


Naked Man Moleskin

Boy Band was the only true born and raised southern gentlemen with a coat that got out of bed today, enough said about that.

Thursday is at 0700 followed by Baxter Fun Run.

3rd F Friday morning Chicken and Wisdom with Cake Boss.

Continued prayers for all the lost men in our area that do not have a nickname or a gang to be a part of. Work on your EH on new and lost members of our PAX.

As always F3 is a true blessing in my life to be a part of / lead a group of energized men, makes me a better man.

Semper Fi,


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9 Knowledge seeking PAX Attended Game Plan this morning as we covered Proverbs 19.

We broke into 3 groups to get a little more participation and perspective on the word.

For verses 1-9, some key points included:

5 A false witness will not go unpunished,
and he who breathes out lies will not escape. – Telling lies will catch up to you!!

verses 10-19

17 Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will repay him for his deed. – What are you doing with God’s resources and are you serving his people??

verses 20-29

23 The fear of the Lord leads to life,
and whoever has it rests satisfied;
he will not be visited by harm. – Knowing the Lord gives us peace when all around us is chaos.

Game Plan will be open for Business on Black Friday. Proverbs 20!!



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AOP Backblast – Keep Serving


Star Jacks (21x), Imperial Walkers (21x), Diamond Meerkins (15x), Vups (21x), Peter Parkers (15x), Peter Parker Push Ups (5x), Oblique Ups (15x), Jumping Squats (15x)

Run around the school then pause for the people’s chair on the wall.

Two rounds of pyramid runs.

Round 1: LBCs, Merkins, Burpees (5 repetition increments to 15 and then back down until finished)

Round 2: High Slow Flutters, Carolina Dry Docks, Donkey Kicks (repetitions are in increments by 5 to 15 and then back down until finished)

Wind sprints in the parking lot.


SSH (21x), Wide Arm Merkins (15x), Boxing Twists (21x), Jumping Lunge (10x), Bomb Jacks (15x)



We are called to serve others. Our self-centered focus can sometime distract us from helping those in need. This week, look for the opportunity to step away from your interests and to make an effort to serve others.

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Game Plan – Over the Hump

Game Plan is through Proverbs 16, “over the hump” as we are more than halfway through the book. We been together for 17 weeks now and the PAX has continued to grow and share lots of wisdom.

Here is the link to Chapter 16. I encourage everyone to read this chapter a couple of times and discern over what God is telling you personally.

This week there are 3 major groups of text:

  1. Comparison between man’s plans and God’s sovereign direction
  2. The well being of knowing God, “Fear of the Lord” and wisdom.
  3. Bad is not always bad and being able to see the good in bad circumstances.

Key verses:

All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes,
but the Lord weighs the spirit. Where is your heart? How do you act and talk in public and private?

11 A just balance and scales are the Lord’s;
all the weights in the bag are his work. Knowing God is a just God balances all of the injustice of this world. Take comfort his authority is above all.

31 Gray hair is a crown of glory;
it is gained in a righteous life.
32 Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty,
and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city. Old does not mean weak and big does not mean strong. We need to look at things as God sees things not as our culture defines things. Grey hair speaks to wisdom, experience knowledge. Someone who controls their emotions is stronger than someone quick to violence or anger.

Have a great week! Deacon will lead us through Chapter 17 next Friday at Game Plan!


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Don’t Call it a Come Back

The AOP Special Shovelflag (Aye Rader) was planted and 14 PAX headed into the Gloom…

The Thang:

Mosey to upper parking lot behind NAFO;

COP – SSHX25; IWx25; Merkansx15 – stay there – MCx25; Copperhead Squatsx25;

Follow me to Upper football practice field – Down field 60% 15 merkans; Down field 70% 5 Bombjacks; Down field 75% 5 Burpees;

Split the Field – Group One 2x laps; Group Two Dips and Derkans until Group One finished – Flapjack;

Mosey to Undulation Hill;

15 Burpees OYO;

Jacob’s Ladder with squat thrusts at top;

Mosey to side of NAFO – People’s Chair;

Mosey to Back of NAFO – People’s Chair;

Mosey to ROTC parking lot – Sprint to top of hill – 10 Merkans – Sprint Back;

Circle up for Mary – Hello Dolliesx21 and Fluttersx21;


Naked Man Moleskin –

After absconding for two weeks with a back injury, It was good to be Back in the saddle. After we launched, there was no looking Back…

Prior to launch, as we gathered in the Gloom to await the 0530 light switch flip, we pondered Agony’s post about Expanding Your Sphere of Influence (which can be found at  After relaying the story, and confirming that the guy in the story was only servicing the single Mom’s cars at the Body Shop, He does a great job of discussing the importance of finding your dolphin and daffodil.  We took it a step further to throw in a little bit of @IronMags message from two Sundays ago – that we are called to fellowship and out of our comfort zones to really get to know our Brudders so that we can help them discover their #D2X and see if there is room for us to #LockShields or to facilitate it with someone else.


TClap |

Abundance of Pain – “One time at Band Camp”

14 PAX arrived at Nation Ford High School for Band Camp with Pain

Now I just want to put it out there, I am impressed with our local High School Marching bands. They are very impressive, so in no way am I mocking the band. Ok, end of disclosure.






Peter Parker’sx10

Parker Petersx10



Mosey to front of school

Partner 1-15 derkins

Partner 2-wall chair

Rinse and repeat

Mosey to band lot

150 Carolina Dry Docks

Partner 1- run to end of lot (100yds)

Partner 2 – CDD


150 lbc’s

Partner 1-run to end of lot (100yds)

Partner 2 – lbc’s


150 bomb jacks

Partner 1-run to end of lot (100yds)

Partner 2 – bomb jacks


Lunge walk 50 yds

Karaoke 50 yds and back 50 yds

Lunge walk 50 yds

Partner carry 50 yds – Switch


Freddy Mercuryx10

Mercury Freddyx10


Merkins x15

Hello Dolly’sx20



 Moleskin: The ladies cried a little when the COP was in the wet grass, so being the gracious Q I kept the activity vertical. (Last time I do that….this is Boot Camp!!)

Investigated new territory in front of the school for derkins, did not lead itself to a quality location, so had to move to Band Camp parking lot. The PAX was doing well until I mentioned 150 bombjacks. Thought we were back in the wet grass 🙁 However, they survived and finished strong.

Triple claps to Package for carrying two times his body weight 50 yds in the partner carry….Impressive!! Go Ruck!!


To those involved in the Nevada school shooting, Deacon’s family and mom, High Life’s friend dealing with devasting news of MRSA diagnosis. Need to pray for health, Dr’s and finances here! High Life, keep us posted each Post!

Men – Be Godly in all you do and you be doing pretty well.


TClap |

Abundance of Pain – Back to School


First Post at Nation Ford High School. Arrive and scope the terrain with no lights….at all! Pitch Black out there.

5:30am – Let there be light! NAFO lights popped on and the pain was delivered.

Lil Mike gave some words of encouragement and advice to take that time in the mornings to be like Jesus and prepare our hearts, minds and souls for the day ahead.

Take off on warm up lap to front of NAFO high school

COP on Band Field

  • SSH x 25
  • CCD x 15
  • Imperial Walkers x 20
  • Mountain Climbers x 15
  • Squats x 20
  • Peter Parker x 10
  • Parker Peter X 10

Mosey To Hill and Partner Up

  • Exercise 1
    • #1-Run up hill and back x2
    • #2-Burpees
    • Switch
    • Plank at end
  • Exercise 2
    • #1-Bear Crawl  up hill and run back x2
    • #2-Burpees
    • Switch
    • Plank at end
  • Exercise 3
    • #1-Run up hill do 10 squats run back x2
    • #2-Bomb Jacks
    • Switch
    • Plank at end

Mosey To Band Parking Lot for COP

  • Freddy Mercury x 20
  • Hello Dolly X 20
  • Merkins X 15
  • Flutter Kick X 20
  • Wide Arm Merkins X 15
  • Rosiltas X 20

Line up at end of Parking Lot and Partner up

  • #1 – Sprint to 50 yrd line and back X 2
  • #2 – Merkins
  • Switch
  •  #1 – Suicide Sprint to 30 yd line and then 50yd line X 2
  • #2 – Squat Kicks
  • Switch

Mosey To Main Parking Lot COP

  • SSH X 40
  • LBC X 20
  • Hi Slow Flutter Kick X 20


  • 18 PAX
  • Announcements
    • Thur – Laces In/Out WEP
    • Friday – Third F Baxter Chick filet 6am
    • Sat – Alcatraz Tega Cay 6:30am / The Fort WEP 7:00am
    • Prayers
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Game Plan – Combo # 5

Evel Knievel

16 PAX attended an  encore presentation by Evel Knievel at Game Plan this morning.

EK ordered up a Combo #5 for Proverbs Chapter 14 and split the group up into 5 small groups in order to consume all the wisdom from the chapter in our 45 min workout.

Some of the key verses are below. Triple claps to Evel Knievel for excellent leadership and insight into the word.

Proverbs 14:

4 Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean, but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox.

  • We need to invest in the “dirty work” in order to harvest the fruit in our lives. Marriage, Kids, Career….do the tough work and the crops will be abundant.

17 A man of quick temper acts foolishly, and a man of evil devices is hated.

  • Teenagers…..enough said!! Seriously, let’s be slow to anger and wise with our words when things get sideways.

26 In the fear of the Lord one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge.

  • Just as our children look to us for refuge (food, money, shelter etc.) and have confidence in our abilities to provide, we too need to “Fear or Respect” our God knowing he is providing our every need with confidence.

Thanks for all the participation this morning. Hope more PAX post to Game Plan and give it a chance and be inspired by wisdom.

TClap |

Game Plan – Proverbs 11

11 PAX gathered in the first cold morning at Gameplan. It was a great discussion on values, standards, workethic and character.

Two of our favorite verses today:

21 Be assured, an evil person will not go unpunished,
but the offspring of the righteous will be delivered.
22 Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout
is a beautiful woman without discretion.

21 tells us that we live under a just God and our decisions effect more than just us. 22 tells us that not everything is as attractive as it may look at first, look a little closer!

Prayers for the Fort 1yr Anniversary gathering tonight. Bring a firend and give thanks for your band of brothers!


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