Tortoise and Hare 2025

Preblast: The Tortoise And The Hare
Date: 2025-06-14
Time: 08:00
Q: @Beaker


30# Ruck
To celebrate their newfound friendship and the Tortoise and the Hare decided to organize an annual relay race for all the animals in the forest. This relay race would commemorate their initial rivalry and highlight the importance of both speed and persistence.The relay race became a beloved tradition. The friendship between the Tortoise and the Hare remained a symbol of unity and cooperation, reminding everyone that they could achieve great things by appreciating and supporting each other.
The Tortoise and The Hare will be a relay CSAUP with equal amounts of Ruckers(Tortoises) and Runners (Hares). Teams can consist of 2 or 4 players.
No team? Show up and you’ll be added onto one!
Each person runs a lap on a track as fast as possible, handing off to the next leg. Ruck weight has to be at least 30#. The distance covered will be 13 miles.2 man team – 6.5 miles (26 laps)/person
4 man team – 3.25 miles (13 laps)/person
Teams can mix and match who runs and who rucks, but it has to alternate between running slick and rucking.
E.g., Person 1 runs lap 1 slick. Person 2 rucks lap 2. Person 3 runs slick, person 4 rucks, etc. until all laps are complete.
REGISTRATION:Pick your team size, name, and members and register at the link below


(why didn’t you just click the Register link at the top of the page? Come on! Get to it!!!)

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“The Luka” aka Fast 5 – The World’s Fastest 5K Relay April 12, 2025

From the producers of famous CSAUPs such as:

The ClaveBoss 5k

The Sweati

The Barry & Sweati Barry

…. and because of the sheer awesomeness of bacon, The Fort presents – Fast 5, The World’s Fastest 5K: back from the archives to support our very own Vuvuzella and his family.

“Fast 5, The World’s Fastest 5K” is a far cry from your standard 5K. That’s Right, 5 Men (or Women, that’s right open to all) run a break-neck pace for 1 Kilometer each. Why you ask a 5K relay? Because it’s CSAUP…mostly S but this one does have PURPOSE. Think of this as a mini-Blue Ridge Relay, but instead of hauling butt in the mountains for 200 miles, we’re just running circles around Pleasant Knoll Middle School track and be done in 30mins.

Vuvu’s son needs a procedure and its in Mexico and its life changing. This costs a boatload, so we want to help fill the boat for Luka to have a life changing procedure. We are asking for $50/runner/$250 per team. Goal is 20 teams or 100 runners to get $5k in the boat.

Will the Sons of Ballantyne come and defend their title from years ago? Will Lake Wylie or Rock Hill send their Studs to claim glory? Will CSPAN run a lap short again? Will there be more bacon? Yes, there will be much much more!

When, Who, Why, How? Some of these questions are answered below:

Pleasant Knoll Middle School Track
2320 Pleasant Road
Fort Mill, SC 29715

Date & Time
April 12, 2025 at 3:00 PM (starting on-time)

2ndF After
Print Shop for post race where fellowship and stories will commence as well as BBQ lunch from Wegmans

Rules: Each 5 man team must have at least 1 Clydesdale (200+ lbs) or 1 50+ F3 Man (RESPECT!) If you have a 60+ you will get a 30sec deduction from time

Awards: Bragging Rights for the 1st Place Team and Probably some cheesy trophy from Good Will

Start forming your teams now! Bring an FNG! This event will be bigger and better! More teams! More Regions!

Sign Up –> ( just fill the form out!!)

Once signed up, Payment instructions via PayPal or directly to VUVU’s Go Fund Me will be sent to team

Here are some particulars about the event. This is a loose/non-regulated relay race.  Here are the semantics:

  • Each Team will be provided with a baton or bacon
  • Each Team Member will run 2.5 laps around the track (slightly longer than 1K each)
  • Exchange Zones will be marked on opposite sides of the track where batons are to be exchanged
  • Exchange Zones are 1st Come 1st Serve as it pertains to lanes (1st to Exchange Zone may exchange in lane 1, 2nd in lane 2, etc.). Will explain on race day!
  • We will be self regulating and timing.  I will communicate to the Team Captains the process.

Winners may or may not win a pound of Bacon but have exclusive bragging rights until next installment!

2.0 Race following the Fast 5. One Lap with all they got!

You are encouraged to invite your family and friends!  The more people who partake in this nonsense the better. The Postrace afterwards will be a great time of fellowship and regaling of the event that took only a few minutes to complete.


This just In! Since this is an “endurance” race, we thought we should open up a 2-Man Ultra Team option (no requirements). So if you think you’re good enough, put your team together and show us what you got! Use the link above.

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AKA 2025

With the growing expansion of the Eastside and the Westside’s established greatness, the ass kicking starts earlier than ever in March on 3/18 at Currahee. In March, we will also have Dawn Patrol on 3/20, Golden Corral on 3/25, The Ranch on 3/27, and finally March 31st at Flight Plan.

After this warmup, the April games begin!

Get ready for an epic Ass Kickin’ April of mind blowing Qs and a Special Event happening on April 2 at the JOC for the Qvs.Q finale.

F3 KickAss March – April 2025 Calendar FINAL-1

It’s the Tour de Fort


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F3 Mental Battle WOD 2025

For 2025, The F3 Mental Battle has a new WOD!  Huge T Claps to Short Circuit from F3 Alliance for submitting this workout of the day.

Any time in March is great for you to share this workout with the Pax.

If you are on X or Instagram, please share photos or videos of your WOD at @f3mentalbattle.

And away we go!

Welcome to F3! This morning we will be performing the Mental Battle BD for 2025. Our goals
this morning are to get 1% better physically and mentally.

The mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups, for men, for the invigoration
of male community leadership. At its core, our mission is to defeat sad clown syndrome in the
lives of all men.

F3 operates on 5 core principles…
1) We are open to ALL men.
2) We are free of charge.
3) We meet outside no matter the weather.
4) We are peer led in a rotating fashion, which means everyone takes a turn.
5) And we always end in a Circle of Trust.

I am not a professional. I am not aware of any of your injuries. Please push yourself but don’t
hurt yourself. Modify as necessary.

Abe Vigodas x 10 (in cadence)
Michael Phelps x 10 (in cadence)
Willie May Hays x 10 ( echo count, each side)
SSH x 20 (in cadence)

There are two statistics I want to share with you as we get started.
1) 40% of men polled for a Men’s Mental Health study said they had never spoken to
anyone about their mental health. 40% of men also said it would take thoughts of suicide
or self harm before they would seek professional help.
2) 77% of men have suffered with symptoms of negative mental health.

Let’s start by supporting the 77%.

PAX perform a 77 burpee BUY IN as a group with accumulative reps. Once 77 burpees are
reached, the group moves onto the THANG.


Sticking with our NO OYO approach to the Mental Battle, this morning we are doing a Double
DORA . It’s similar to a DORA but because of NOYO (never on your own) you will always work
with a partner or travel with a partner.*

DOUBLE DORA – PAX partner up, and then each pair partners with another pair so four PAX
total. This is run as a traditional DORA with one partner working and the other traveling. The
only difference is that the PAX always has another guy working with him or traveling with him.
Reps still accumulate between the partnered PAX.

Lunges x 100 (2:1)
Merkins x 200
Side Straddle Hops x 300
Double DORA Travel
Sprint 40 yards and then mosey back.

The group of four will most likely finish all together. PAX who complete the work quickly should
encourage the brothers still working and maybe jump in with reps if they need the help.

If time allows…
Little Baby Crunches x 20 (In Cadence)
Box Cutters x 20 (In Cadence)
Flutter Kicks x 20 (In Cadence)
Big Boy Sit Ups x 77 accumulative as a group for BUY OUT*
*Perform BBS just as you did the burpees for BUY IN.



*Please use this time to share your story of mental battle or allow the PAX to share freely. This is a great opportunity to break down barriers and be vulnerable. Some more statistics are below for your reference if you feel like sharing.

“The biggest cause of mental health issues in men’s lives are: work pressure (32%), financial issues (31%), and their health (23%).”

“Of the 40% of men who have never spoken about their mental health, 29% are “too embarrassed” to speak about it; 20% say there is a “negative stigma” on the issue.”

“Men in the United States die by suicide at a rate four times higher, than women.  Yet men are diagnosed with depression and mood disorders at far lower rates.”

“Studies found that during the pandemic, U.S. men reported slightly lower rates of anxiety than women, but had higher rates of depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation than their female counterparts. The uncertainty of the pandemic, loneliness from social distancing, financial stresses, relationship challenges, and other contextual factors contributed to increased rates of men having difficulty sleeping, alcohol and substance use, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms triggered by the experience of mechanical ventilation treatment and  hospitalization.”

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Introducing 3F AO – Practicing The Way

Have you ever wondered if it’s actually possible to live the life that God has called us to in the Bible?  Pray without ceasing.  Show mercy as Jesus showed mercy.  Don’t be anxious about anything.  Love God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.

These are very lofty goals that can seem out of reach or even unrealistic in our day-to-day life in this modern world.  Most of us settle for church attendance, scripture reading, an occasional bible study or small group and trying our best to be a moral person.  These things are good, but often we find ourselves still struggling to find the level of character change we are hoping for.  What if it was actually possible to pray without ceasing and still function in our day-to-day life?  What if it were totally within our grasp to be merciful instead of angry to those who have wronged us or better yet, to those we love most.

AO Practicing The Way is an 8-week temporary 3rdF AO intended to be a primer in spiritual formation in the ways of Jesus.  We will follow the teachings and do the exercises laid out in Practicing The Way – The Course (check out this LINK).


Who are you following?  Who, or what, are you being formed by?

The question is not are you following someone or something.  The question is not rather or not you are being formed by someone or something.  The question is who.  The question is what is forming you.

Each of us are being formed every day, every moment.  Our decisions, our environments, our habits, our relationships – they are all continuously forming us into the persons we are and the persons we are becoming.  This is an invitation into a lifelong journey of spiritual formation by following the way of Jesus Christ.  To be with Jesus. To be like Jesus.  To do what Jesus did.

The Course from Practicing The Way will consist of video teachings, discussion prompts and practices for each individual to try and report back to the group for everyone to learn and be sharpened.

Come join us and together let’s learn to be apprentices of Jesus and to go against the grain of our world in order to be who God has always meant for us to be.

Additional Details:

  • Divac and Gekko will be your co-q’s
  • Sessions will be each Tuesday at Gekko’s house from 0515-0615 starting Jan 14
  • Registration is required in order to have an accurate headcount for our host and to join the group on  where resources can be accessed for free.
  • DM or text Divac to register (847-544-8997)
  • The book is highly encouraged, as it tracks along with each session, but not required. Find it on Amazon here.

Disclaimer:  Your Q’s have no special training, nor have we figured out how to live perfectly this life we are seeking.  We are humble and hungry seekers of living life in the ways of Jesus and we know that we can’t do it alone.

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Bourbon Raffle for Children’s Attention Home

The D2D25 Bourbon Raffle is on!
A Buffalo Trace distillery collection.
5 bottles up for grabs!
750mL each of the following
Buffalo Trace
Eagle Rare
Col EH Taylor
Weller Antique 107
Each will be a prize.
5 opportunities to win with your entries. If you’re lucky you’ll win more than one. More may be added later.
$20 each
6 for $100
11 for $150
15 for $200
23 for $300
Drawing will be held on Saturday November 23rd. It will be open to non F3 people as well.
All proceeds will go towards F3 The Fort Dam to Dam 2025 charities- The Fort Scholarship Foundation and The Children’s Attention Home.
To purchase tickets:
Cash in person.
2. Vemno:
Last 4 of cell is 1794
3. Paypal: @EricRansone
In the notes be sure to give your full name, F3 name, cell phone, and how many tickets you want.
Local only. Winners to arrange pickup.
Spread the word. Good luck and thanks for supporting The Fort D2D charity efforts!

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10th Annual Clave Boss 5k/10k Christmas Convergence

It’s the most wonderful time of year and not for shopping and lights and eggnog but because it’s the 10th annual Clave Boss Christmas 🎅🏼 Convergence

💪🏻 🔥 🎄 💥 💪🏻 🔥 🎄

Here’s the run down:
Date: Tuesday12/24/23
Place: Fort Mill Middle School “THE YARD”
💥0600-10k launch
💥0610-5k launch
💥0715ish-Bootcamp launch (Some HIMs Qing)
💥0830ish-Poppins Sweatwaters Coffee and stuff…yes that stuff

This is opportunity to bring family neighbors and kotters out for a great morning to push yourself physically but also have awesome 2nd F.

ALL levels of PAX can do the 5k and bootcamp as it will be challenging but no man will be left behind.

Barry Manilow approved all of this and like the Honey Badger, I don’t care what the critics say.

Keep Posting!! See you In Da Gloom!

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Q- School – 2024

This October at Ring of Fire it’s the latest edition of Q-School. Whether you are a seasoned Pax or a newer Pax come out on 10/9 to learn the fundamentals of how to Q. Cadence calling, commands, and workout structure will all be covered.

In addition, and more importantly, learn more about WHY we do the things we do in the gloom and how every workout and every Q is intentionally designed to serve our larger mission in F3.

See you all out there!

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🚨 Leaders on the Links Golf Tournament 10/28/2024 At 1:30PM 🚨

Ready to hit the greens and support an incredible cause? The Leaders on the Links Golf Tournament is happening at Fort Mill Golf Club on October 28th, and we want YOU to be part of it! All proceeds will benefit the Children’s Attention Home and the F3 Fort Mill Community Scholarship—two amazing organizations making a real difference in our community.

⏰ Don’t wait—team registration is $500, but after 10/21, fees go up to $600. Get your team locked in now!

🏌️‍♂️ Sponsorships Available (deadline 10/14):

  • Hole Sponsor: $150 – Custom sign at one of the holes.
  • Silver Sponsor: $300 – Custom sign at one of the holes + banner recognition at the event.
  • Gold Sponsor: $600 – 1 golf team (4 players) + custom sign at one of the holes + banner recognition.
  • Platinum Sponsor: $1,000 – 2 golf teams (8 players) + custom sign at one of the holes + banner recognition + special recognition at the check presentation + social media shoutouts.

🎁 We need your help! We’re also looking for raffle prize donations—every contribution counts toward making this event a big success!

📅 Mark the date:
🗓 October 28th
📍 Fort Mill Golf Club

🔗 Register or sponsor today at before spots fill up and prices increase!

🔗Looking to volunteer?  Sign up at

Don’t miss out—get involved, have some fun, and make a difference for Children’s Attention Home and the F3 Fort Mill Community Scholarship! 💥

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Sundae Ruck 2024

WHAT:   On Saturday September 21st at 4PM come out to Sofrito’s hood for the inaugural Sundae Ruck !  We will use all modes of transport via the Little Sugar Creek Greenway for a Pit Stop at Carolina Scoops in downtown Pineville for some ice cream and head back!  Roughly 2.5 Miles one way!  This will be a family affair M & 2.0 friendly event.  Bring out your bicycles, skates, scooters, rucks and dogs.

WHY:   F3 has changed my life!  Our kiddos and families should get a chance to meet the brothers we hang out with, lean on with, and have become our extended family.
We will launch from Sugar Creek Greenway entrance on my street.  3106 Gilroy Drive , Indian Land

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