Blast from the Past

WARMUP: We welcomed two pax from years past and far off locales, Chino Grande and Uncle Sam! Then we got after it.
THE THANG: Based on a late night call from the bullpen by Cake Boss, the plan all along was to include the pax. We did some warmup moseying, then found our way to the far West side of the school and proceeded to follow a pearls-on-a-string path driven by each pax in Fartlek style. Each pax picked a destination, a form of transit and an exercise for the group once we reached the destination. Then he passed the baton to another pax. In each case, the pax shared how long he’s been posting and a bit about what brought him out to F3 and kept him posting. All learned, and all sweated. A good morning with welcome friends! Thanks for the Q stick CB!
COT: Yes! it’s one of the 5 core principles!

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The Round up

WARMUP: yea, we did that. Ran around. Some SSH. Some Carioca, Some Imperial and Hillbilly walkers, Ran some more

5 pull-ups
10 merkins (of various forms)
15 squats with the cinder block
20 swings with the cinder block
4 rounds

Mosey away for a reprieve. So a little leg work for the 6 and mosey some more

Mosey back for one more round

MARY: J-Lo and some Yoga

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter is 1/4

COT: Happened. Good sharing. Come take part.

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78 is magic number

WARMUP: windmills, low slow squats, Moroccan nightclubs, windmills
THE THANG: jog down to elementary school loop and find a home along wall. 2 rounds of wall sits and elbow planks. 13s (since it’s Dec 13) was the main course. Bottom of hill 1 merkin, run to top of hill to pull up bars, 13 pull-ups. Back down for 2-11, you know the drill. If you couldn’t do a pull up then 3 second dead hang per pull up. Ended up with 78 pull-ups and pushups. Had time for a quick Mary of leg raises.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter
COT: prayers for end of semester school

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Childhood Celebrity Crush Mumblechatter

WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Pickers, Imperial Walkers
THE THANG: Jog from Flag to Opposite Corner of Lot for some Pain Stations:
10 Reps each per Stations
Tricep Pulls
Squat Jacks
Bent Over Chest Rows
Over Head SB Throws
KB Swings
KB Squats
Flutter Kick w/Chest Press
Shoulder Taps
Reverse Lunges

All stations = 1 Round
After each Round move over to the Side Shuffle vs Skip Lap
Rinse and Repeat
MARY: She was missed !
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Shank w/Stang, Bethel Service, and reminder to read your newsletter !
COT: Always Stays in COT !!!

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Wrong! 5 Burpees!

WARMUP: mosey
THE THANG: 4 went rucking
6 bootcamp
Run neighborhood at every corner do
10 no cheat merkins
15 squats
20 flutters

Did two loops total 1-2mi
MARY: COT 2-3min of Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter

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Bass down under

Theme was to stay together. Short mosey down the hill to a dry spot for some Broga. Threw in a couple of mtn climbers and WAM. We stayed together and did a slight mosey to the base of the hill where the fun started.

7s was the call starting with 1 squat run up the hill to the stop sign and do 6 merkins. They key was to stay together. This is where the fun started with the Aussie accent for the remainder of the workout.

All right mates once we finish with the 7s we headed to the crikey pull up bars. Did a quick 5 and hit the blocks (Cindy blocks that is) for some down under beat down. The call was wall sits for undisclosed moment of time. We did 3 sets of curls with a wall sits in between and did I mention block on the legs makes a nice table for shrimp on the barbie. Followed that up with overhead presses.

It was time to make another move up another hill to the benches where we watched Ruby Slippers pick up garbage. Better to leave it better than what you found it. Time for a little Aussie AMRAP to firm up the pax. The call was 1 minute of decline merkins (lots of complaint with that one), then dips, step ups, calf raises or was it 🦘 raises not sure. Then finished off with the 1minute of burpee finally. Back to COT

No Mary cause Rebel doesn’t like to get wet.

Thanks for the opportunity Cakeboss

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Bruttaly Sweet Revenge

WARMUP: Dynamic warmup by running around the perimeter of the COT parking lot performing high knees, butt kickers, and Karaoke on both sides.
THE THANG: Experienced a brutal workout at The Badger on Monday and it became the inspiration for the following.
Complete 10 rounds by the ROTC building near the pullup bars
10 Pull Ups
15 OH Presses w/Cindy
15 Squats w/Cindy
15 KB Swings w/Cindy
15 Big Boys w/Cindy
Then run down to the bottom of the hill and perform 2 Kraken burpees on your first trip. When you completed the Kraken burpees run back to the top of the hill and repeat. Every time you come down to the bottom of the hill increase the Kraken burpee reps by 2. Some of us made it to round 7, most of us finished on rounds 5 or 6. All of us got our moneys worth.

MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter and charities
COT: Lots of prayer requests for healing!

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