Yard Dogs

  • QIC: Stang
  • When: 04/23/16
  • Pax: Assassin, Spiderman, What Did, Rebel, Rice-A-Roni, Freon, FNG-Two Buck, Chedda, Gilmore, Barry Manilow, Hasselhoff, Stang
  • Posted In: Millllkshake, The Fort



Mosey around back of school then some Butt Kickers followed by High Knees, Toy Soldiers, Side Shuffle L then R.

25 SSH

15 Merkins

Pass Throughs Left Leg then R Leg

The Thang

We did a format of a Tabata doing 8 exercises at various reps. Each exercise had a minute to complete reps, whatever time you had left after done reps was your rest. Everything x 2

1.) 25 Merkins

2.) 20 CDD

3.) 10 Burpees

4.) 25 SSH

5.) 15 Bomb Jacks

6.) 20 Dips

7.) 25 LBC

8.) 25 Squats


Next up grab partner for some running and ab work. One partner runs around car pickup line while other does these AB exercises, then flip.

1.) Box Cutters

2.) Flutter Kicks

3.) Hello Dolly

4.) Heel Touchs my favorite

5.) American Hammers

2 rounds of peoples chair

We then did some bear crawls to first light pole lunged to next pole bear crawl to third pole then lunged to flag pole.

Mosey to parking lot in front of school for some Broad Jumps to first white line then duck walk to 2nd broad jump to third and duck walk to 4th line.

Chedda insisted we had to do some Balls To The Wall. so we did a 20 count for him.



Spiderman is going to be doing the 24 hours of Booty bicycle ride this coming end of July. He needs some fellas to join his team Team LibStrong. I myself am definitely not going to miss this awesome event. So lets show our fella pax some support.

Mud run this Sat. the 30th


Pray for my memory guys i forgot the prayer requests even before we had prayer afterwards.


Thanks Old Bay for letting me Q this awesome site. Finally got it in without my work getting in the way. Only took 5 months.

Stang out


TClap |

River Rat’s Return to ManU

  • QIC: River Rat
  • When: 4/28/16
  • Pax: Bull, Black Hawk, Scrappy (FNG), Popeye, Schrute, Reborn, Van Wilder, JAG, Radar, Samurai, Sgt. York, Waterboy, Deacon, Cool Table, Sapper, Full House, Turbine, Hot Sauce, Apache, Saw Dust, River Rat, Italian Job, Bogey
  • Posted In: The Fort

Another beautiful day in paradise with 22 of Rock Hill’s finest…and 1 additional #HIM from Fort Mill. 23 for a ManU beatdown is pretty solid. Disclaimer was disclaimed, FNG was welcomed, and mumblechatter started. Here’s what we did…

Warm Up

  • SSH
  • IW
  • Merkins
  • MNCs

The Thang

Long mosey around the entire shopping center (down to the Events Center, past Chili’s, to the wall at Books a Million)

  • People’s Chair (x2)
  • BTTW
  • People’s Chair (x2)
  • High Knees to Pier 1
  • Butt Kickers to Michaels
  • Bear Crawl to Dick’s Sporting Goods
  • Sprint to Panera

Mosey to the Fountain

  • 20 Irkins
  • 20 Dirkins
  • 20 Dips
  • 20 Box Jumps
  • 20 Calf Raises
  • Shampoo

Mosey to the Cinemas

  • 11’s (1 pull-up, half lap, 10 American Hammers, half lap, repeat until 10 pull-ups and 1 American Hammer).

Mosey to COT

  • Mountain Climbers
  • Merkins
  • LBCs


Here we grow again! Always a pleasure to share the gloom with this group of men. So excited about the direction this group is taking and I’m proud to be a part of it. Rock Hill has had 6 FNGs this week! Welcome to our newest brother of the gloom – Scrappy.

  • Bull – dude is getting better every day. I still don’t see how he wears long sleeves in this warm weather.
  • Black Hawk – he’s already brought a friend and its only week 1. Great work, brother!
  • Scrappy (FNG) – welcome to the PAX.
  • Popeye – its always a good day when Popeye joins us.
  • Schrute – great leadership, as always.
  • Reborn – the man, the myth, the legend!
  • Van Wilder – showing off the guns this morning. Don’t let his mild manner fool you, dude is a BEAST!
  • JAG – glad to have you on board. I can tell you have a lot of wisdom and leadership to share with our PAX.
  • Radar – rolling in a couple minutes late but making up for it with solid form.
  • Samurai – respect for this guy. 54 and passing the youngins’ like they were sitting still.
  • Sgt. York – does anyone do as much, as well, without wincing as this guy?
  • Waterboy – don’t think we didn’t hear you rocking out to Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock when you left today. After all, It takes two to make a thing go right. It takes two to make it outta sight.
  • Deacon – my brother from another mother – always a pleasure to have you down south of the river.
  • Cool Table – welcome back to week 2. Glad you’re with us.
  • Sapper – TClaps to this guy. Already counting in cadence like a pro.
  • Full House – day 2 for this man of God. Proud to have you with us.
  • Turbine – such a great encourager. Thanks for being here.
  • Hot Sauce – if you haven’t taken the time to talk to this guy, please do. The man has faith that can move mountains.
  • Apache – the king of mumble chatter! Love working out with my boy, Jaime Diaz.
  • Saw Dust – welcome back, Kotter. Glad to have you back with us.
  • River Rat – no rust at all. Great Q, bro.
  • Bogey – Elvis! This guy almost made it to the end before nature called. More impressively, he turned two and returned in under 5 minutes. That has to be a record!

The mumblechatter this morning was strong – like the smell of my gloves strong. But more importantly, the fellowship was phenomenal. At the end of River Rat’s beating, Apache had something he had to get off his chest. Tuesday night he got a call from his mom saying the doctor’s feared her cancer had returned. We fervently prayed for her in her time of need. Guess what happened next? The scans came back negative! Same thing happened to Full House’s M this week. How awesome is that?

Our God is a mighty God. He can do anything! Just remember that this week when the deck looks stacked against you. Our God is bigger than your pain, anxiety, and fear. The same God that conquered death lives inside you. So fear not, you can do this!

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16


There’s a lot going on over the next few months. Read the newsletter.

  • Q School tomorrow @0445 at Petra (behind Bojangles on Cherry)
  • Special Olympics Torch Run 5/6 @0800 Cherry Park to City Hall. 3ish mile slow mosey. Wear your F3 gear.
  • Suck it up Buttercup – 5/7 @0700 at Old Town
  • F3 Dads – A night with the Knights – 5/14 @1805
  • F3 Goes to WWC – 5/19 @1745
  • Fastest 5K – 5/21 @1600 – get your teams together. You won’t want to miss this. Bring the family for a tailgate afterwards.


  • Continue to lift up our brothers recovering from injury (Riddler, Tinker Toy)
  • Pray for Catfish’s M
  • All those spoken and unspoken
  • JAG’s son heading off to Boot Camp
TClap |

Tempo – Molokai looked easier on MapMyRun

  • QIC: Funhouse
  • When: 04/28/2016
  • Pax: SlumLord, Gecko, Gears, Decible, White Lightnin, Senator T, FreeBird, Bing, Howitzer, AquaMan
  • Posted In: Tempo, The Fort

11 men posted to a 64 degree Tempo to see what this Molokai 5 miler was all about.  Well, 2.5 miles uphill is what it is all about.  Everything looks better on paper.

Gecko was the Beast of the Day coming in first, not breathing hard or sweating.

Check out Bing’s tweet about the elevation change…. #BRR route

TClap |

Apache’s 1-year Anniversary

  • QIC: Apache, Italian Job, Popeye
  • When: 4/25/16
  • Pax: Mayhem, Sgt. York, Blueprint, Samurai, JAG, Reborn, Van Wilder, Chappie, Pistol, Stang, Radar, Burgundy, Corruption, Bill Nye, Schrute, Waterboy, Apache, Italian Job, Popeye
  • Posted In: The Fort

19 PAX came to #OldTown to honor our brother, Apache on his 1-year anniversary with F3. He’s the epitome of a #HIM and we are proud to call him our’s.

Warm-Up (Apache)

  • SSH
  • Merkins
  • Italian Night Clubs
  • Burpees

Long mosey to the Hot Box.

The Thang (Italian Job)

Exercises were performed at the levels below. After completing the 1st five levels, we descended to level 1 and started over. Exercises included:

  • A merican Hammers (25 in cadence at level 1)
  • P rison Cell Push-ups (10 OYO at level 3)
  • A lternating Shoulder Taps (15 each arm at level 5)
  • C arolina Dry Docks (20 in cadence at level 1)
  • H ello Dollies (20 in cadence at level 3)
  • E levens (Burpees and Squats at level 5)

Mosey to the stairway to heaven in downtown for Popeye’s Merkin Mountain.

  • 25 Merkins, run to the top of the stairs (4 flights)
  • 20 Merkins, run to the top of the stairs
  • 15 Merkins, People’s Chair for the 6


It was an honor to be asked to Q for Apache’s 1-year celebration. He’s one of our favorite sons down here south of the river. He’s an encourager by nature and has never met a stranger. He’s the reason many PAX have come and stayed with us over the past 12 months.

  • Welcome FNG – JAG. Awesome work this morning, especially for your first time out.
  • Mayhem, glad to have you back. We expect to see you often now that the weather has warmed.
  • Sgt. York – always lead dog. Good work again this morning, brother.
  • Blueprint – welcome back after a few week hiatus. Glad you’re back!
  • Samurai – good to have you out on a Monday. Great effort this morning.
  • Reborn – thanks for coming back for the 6. True #HIM right there.
  • Van Wilder – is it me or are you getting better at this F3 thing?
  • Chappie – thanks for joining us in Rock Hill.
  • Pistol – TClaps and big time #Respect for this 57 year-old beast.
  • Stang – thanks for crossing the river. Always a joy to have you in the fold.
  • Radar – what was this, day 5 in a row? Wow!
  • Burgundy – the guy doesn’t sweat – no matter how tough the workout is.
  • Corruption – thanks for joining us south of the river. Always good to have this stud in the PAX.
  • Bill Nye – getting faster, stronger, and better every day.
  • Popeye – sorry I poached some of your time (I secretly did it to avoid the stairs).
  • Schrute – a leader leading leaders. Thanks for all you do.
  • Waterboy – losing weight so fast he’ll need a new wardrobe soon.
  • Apache – always a pleasure to have you around. Looking forward to many more years in the gloom together.

Announcements (check your email for details and links)

Q School – This week – Apr 26 (Tuesday) @ 0445 – Eagles Nest, Apr 29 (Friday) @ 0445 – Petra

Rock Hill 2 year Anniversary Convergence May 7 (Saturday) @ 0700 at OldTown

F3 DADS: A Night with the Knights May 14 (Saturday) @1805 – BB&T Ballpark

Prayer Requests

  • Riddler’s biopsy results and healing for his leg
  • All those struggling with cancer
  • The families of the PAX
TClap |

9 at the OG AO

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 04/23/16
  • Pax: Peabody, Digger, Mission Impossible, Ginsu, MacGuyver, Tesh, Cable Guy, Criss Cross
  • Posted In: Block Party, The Fort

So, nearly 3yrs into this F3 thing, I decided to test myself and see if I could Q an entire 60min post without a Wienke. No exaggeration, I still have every Wienke I’ve used from each Q. When given the opportunity to Q this original Fort Mill AO, there better be enough exercises and challenges between my ears to lead an effective and challenging beatdown. The final challenge of this endeavor is trying to remember what exactly we did. Once noted, I was reminded, “Max, don’t worry, nobody reads your BB anyways.”
With that in mind, I welcomed 8 other PAX and warned them that we might resemble a cat chasing a light, went through the disclaimer then we were off with a mosey to the 160 Parking Lot.

SSH, Squat, Mtn Climber, Windmill, Merkin
On the wall for Lunges and Wall Sits, snake style.
Stolen from Ginsu’s Q at the Ranch, we utilized the parking lot lines. Bear crawl 2 lines then 5 burpees, bear crawl 2 more then 5 burpees and repeat to the end. On the way back, it was lunge walk 4 spaces then 10 squats.

Mosey to the smallest parking lot in the world…next to the park entrance for some partner work and a modified Dora.
200 LBC’s while your partner runs the loop, flap jack and once finished, do 100 Merkins in the same fashion.

Mosey to the playground cause it wouldn’t be my Q unless we did.
10 Pull Ups & 20 Swing Crunches then repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 sets.

Mosey to the big hill, yeah, you know the one.
Sprint with All You Got (AYG) to the top then 10 of an ab exercise
Repeat 3 more times with 3 more ab exercises.
This is where I about splashed but I was able to keep it down and utter “Mosey”

On the big wall in the adjacent parking lot, we did the muscle ups, then seal team situps, then more muscle ups, then more ab stuff.
I might’ve missed a few things but nobody’s reading so it doesn’t matter, right?

Bring it back in for COT
Announcements: Big props to Ginsu for taking the Site Q reigns and a huge thank you to Macguyver for the leadership these last 2yrs. There is a lot of good things happening in the region so please read the weekly email.

Prayer Requests: Posting for a 2nd straight day and didn’t splash. Margin in our lives to lead effectively. Health of a daughter of one of our brothers. The beginning of an awesome adoption process for Ginsu’s family.

As you were.

TClap |

Respect the 50’s

  • QIC: Cornhole
  • When: 04/12/16
  • Pax: Double D, Cerrano, Pusher, Smuggler, Jekyll, Corruption, Bubba Gump, Boeheim, Change Order, Senator Tressel, Sasquatch, Royale, Zima, Whoppner, Turbine, Gears, Anchor Man, Willy, Bing, What Did, MacGyver, Main Frame, Fish Sticks, Wezer, Solid State, Spiderman, AXL, Speaker, Bolt, Old Bay, Aquaman, Santini, Ca Ching, Java, Tesh, FNG Noid, Stang, Smokey, Tater, Cheddar, Cake Boss, Howitzer, Short Sale, Twister, Gekko, Trucker, Decibel, Gatsby, Sir TophamHat, Rock Trill, Houshka, Mash, CSPAN, El Diablo, Repeat, Crash, Long Shanks, Dark Helmet, Chaser, Flat Tire, Little E, WWL
  • Posted In: Golden Corral, The Fort

What started out as an attempt to silently step into my 50’s with a Q, quickly changed and word got out about my upcoming move into “Respect” territory. A simple request was put out by a few fellow PAX (Royale, Gears, Zima) to get 50 to my Q. Well in normal F3 fashion things quickly escalated and all the region AO’s were closed and PAX were directed to Golden Corral. Result, 63 PAX showed up! Humbled and honored but not surprised. A testament to what F3 can do when a call to action presents itself. Whether its to celebrate a milestone, support a certain calling of community support or assisting others in time of need you guys make it happen. The list is huge and will continue to grow because each of you represent the “Iam3rd” mentality.

The Thang
I think everyone was expecting a easy workout, you know being 50 and all, but I couldn’t dis”respect” those that have gone before me.

9 min rotations
Warm up
Mosey past Burn Bootcamp
SSH – 50
10 each IW, Windmill, Squats, Merkins
Broke in 4 groups and moseyed to rotate through each station
1-Express Lube 5 sets x 10
Step ups
2-Grass area – PVC pipes
Jack Webs 1-5 to 5-25
Tricep ext – 25
Jack Webs 6-30 to 10-50
Tricep ext – 25
3 – 9 Rounds – 2 sets x 25
LBC – Mtn Climbers
Flutter kicks – Peter Parkers
Hello Dollies – Parker Peters
4 – Run behind HT 5 cones
10 burbees each cone

A HUGE shoutout to my fellow “Respects” Senator Tressel, Tater and Twister for stepping up to ensure some sort of order and control of the PAX. Couldn’t have done it without you.

Thank you for the needed accountability to continually improve and being living examples of what being #HIM is all about.
Honored to start my days with you and call you my brothers.

I thank each one of you for making this a truly special day.
Humbly Cornhole, 50, Out.

TClap |

The 49ers

  • QIC: Cornhole
  • When: 04/11/16
  • Pax: Vinny, Rock, Tater, Witch Hunt, Mr. Clean, Main Frame, Smokey, Bing, Puddles, Bart, White Lightening, Gears, Zima, Fish Sticks, Whoppner, Royale, Mr. T.
  • Posted In: Quagmire, The Fort

18 PAX came to bury the last of the 40’s before moving onto the land of respect.

Warm Up
Mosey – 25 SSH
High knees – 25 IW
Butt kickers – 25 Moroccan Nite Club
Shuffle – 25 Squats
Karaoke – 25 LBC’s
The Thang
Set of three then mosey to next corner of parking lot
10 Merkins, 10 Hello Dollies, 10 Mtn Climb
10 Dips, 10 Freddie Mercuries, 10 Peter Parkers
10 Wide Arm Merkins, 10 Loungers, 10 Parker Peters
10 CDD, 10 Flutters Kicks, 10 Bomb Jacks
9 Diamond Merkins, 9 Rosa Litas, 9 Monkey Humpers
Jack Web – Slowly
Cool Down
Mosey – 24 SSH
High knees – 24 IW
Butt kickers – 24 Moroccan Nite Club
Shuffle – 24 Squats
Karaoke – 24 LBC’s

Mud Run – The Deep needs two Q’s – Bing & Main Frame stepped up
3rd F – Fatherhood at Eternal Church Office – Behind Zaxby’s – All other 3rd F’s converging
Fast 5 – 5 PAX for 1 K each – Tailgate afterwards

Royale – Sister in Law to find the right path
Whoppner – Barnett Family
Rock – Strength of emotional healing – loss

TClap |

The Italian Cake Boss – or – The Italian Cake Job

  • QIC: Cake Boss, Italian Job
  • When: 4/16/16
  • Pax: Walker, Peach, Pistol, Gauge, Catfish, Hot Sauce, Aqualung, White Lightning, Mr. Clean, Pick- 6, Cake Boss, Italian Job
  • Posted In: The Fort

11 of this region’s finest joined YHC for a Patriot beatdown and a lesson on “fatherhood.”

Warm Up

• 25 SSHs (In Cadence)
• 20 IW (In Cadence)
• 40 Moroccan Night Clubs (In Cadence)
• 15 Wind Mills (In Cadence)
• L over R Stretch
• R over L Stretch
• Middle Stretch

The Thang

Mosey to side drive next to football field.

YHC introduced The Patriot PAX to a B.O.M.B.S. beatdown. PAX partnered up. While one ran the circle, the other performed the exercise. Totals were aggregate between the teams
• Burpees (50)
• Overhead Claps (100)
• Merkins (150)
• Big Boy Situps (200)
• Squats (250)

Handoff to Cake Boss

Mosey to wall for People’s Chair and 10 count Shoulder Press

Mosey to mini-amphitheater

Cake Boss spoke on “fatherhood.” To summarize what makes us good Fathers:
• #1-Follow HIM – Need to die to self daily
• #2-Love & Respect M, even when it’s hard
• #3-Time – be present with 2.0s

Ladder exercises
After each new exercise run 40 yard lap #=reps 1-Bomb Jack 2-Merkins 3-Freddy’s 4-Squats 5-Burpees 6-Dips

Mosey to grass for cool down

• 10 Inchworm Merkins
• 10 I Surrenders
• 20 Seal Jacks
• 10 LBCs
• 10 Maktar Jais
• Superman
• 10 Hello Dolly
• 10 Rosalitas
• Parachute
• 15 Flutter Kicks

It is always a pleasure to share a workout with Cake Boss (#HIM). We had a great time with this crew. 3 #Respects (Walker, Peach, and Pistol) made the young guns looks slow. Big thanks to White Lightning, Mr. Clean, and Pick-6 for crossing the river and joining us in the gloom. Great to have Aqualung back in the saddle. Anyone interested in racing Gauge should think twice unless you like losing. Always good to have Catfish with us. His leadership and mumble chatter make the Q’s job much easier. Hot Sauce, glad to have you back. I can tell you’re getting stronger after only a few weeks.

Once again, thanks men for joining us for the fun. Remember if you want the world to change, it has to start with you, your home, and your kids. Trust the Sky Q, if you want a piece, keep the peace (thanks, Walker), and spend time with who really matters…your 2.0s. Great work, PAX!


• MudRun 4/30 in Gaston SC. Still time to sign up
• Fastest 5K – 5/21 get your teams together now
• F3 Dads – 5/14 Night at the Knights with your 2.0s
• Hog and Cayote – 6/18
• More details to come about Come See Me tailgate
• More details to come about Suck It Up Buttercup – 5/7

Check your email for additional announcements and details

TClap |

F3 Goes to the WWC – Pre-blast

  • QIC: WWL
  • When: 05/19/16
  • Pax: All Pax, Ms, 2.0s
  • Posted In: The Fort

Ok, at the request of several Pax, here’ is the pre-blast for the “F3 Goes to the WWC” event!

The USNWC’s 1100 acres offers a wide variety of outdoor activities for all ages and skill levels, including whitewater rafting and kayaking, flatwater kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding, rock climbing, zip lines, ropes courses, a canopy tour, and mountain biking on 25+ mile trail system.

Here are the details for the event:
– Thursday, May 19th, 1830 (06:30pm)
– U.S. National Whitewater Center, 5000 Whitewater Center Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28214
– ~45min workout
– Workout options include: trail run (with OCR obstacle option along the way) or a mountain bike ride
– Post workout, pax can shower at the WWC facilities or proceed directly to food, beer, live music and fellowship
– Live music entertainment provided by Samantha Fish – http://usnwc.org/samantha-fish/
– The entire family is ENCOURAGED to participate, there is plenty of things for kids, mini ropes/obstacle course, rock climbing, etc
– Parking costs $5, or you can pay $40 for an annual parking pass
– Plan to park at the far southern end of the gravel parking lot, make a left after paying the parking attendant and head to the end, look for shovel flag

There is no registration or signups, this is just a meet up, workout, hangout deal.

1stF, 2ndF, food, beer, live music, what more could you ask for?!?!

Hit me up with any questions, find more info about WWC- http://usnwc.org/

Yours truly,

TClap |