Why did you come?

  • QIC: Jekyll
  • When: 12/22/2015
  • Pax: El Diablo, Howitzer, Geronimo, Dark Helmet, Gecko, Funhouse, Spiderman, Fishsticks
  • Posted In: The Fort

9 pax gathered in the gloom.  Moderate cold and pouring rain that would make Noah proud.  I asked the question “why did you come today?”  Answers: “The right thing to do”, “keep a commitment”, “for you(my brothers)”.  Aye.  Indeed it was an easy day to throw in the towel.  Everyone got better today.

I’ve done this Q twice before (atleast) and it ALWAYS delivers.  It’s about endurance and pushing your self. We hit all of the major food groups: burpees(arms, legs), Bomb jacks(legs), Lunge walks(more legs), Carolina Dry Docks( shoulders), Bear Crawl(shoulders), LBC (abs), Ab Lab(more abs), Cardio( each lap was 1/2 mile).

COP: SSH, Squat, IW, Windmill

The Thang:

Start at Bank. Run to bottom of Hill.  5 Burpees.

Run up Hill. 5 Bombjacks.

Run to Wall- Lunge walk length of wall (48) then 10 CDD

Run to Bank- Bear Crawl length of bank then 20 LBC

1 lap includes 1/2 mile run

Finish with 6 MOM as we wait for the #six.

AYG back to COT


Great showing of enouragement and grit today.  All got 4 laps (2 miles).  Leaders got in 5(2.5 miles).  El Diablo on his 3 post showing what this thing is about.  Howitzer now in top 1/4 of Pax fitness level. Dont sleep on him.  YHC probably won the VT today but Geronimo may have edged me.  How does one smile and talk through that much pain.  #jumpsoutofairplanes.  I’m tired of typing how fast Fishsticks is.  Gecko challenged on the lead group.  Funhouse got miles before and after.  Spiderman and Dark Helmet discussed Star Wars Theories on their peaceful jaunt.

Big prayers for STH’s mom as she battles cancer a third time

Have a truely wonderful Christmas


TClap |

Look! It’s a Parade!

  • QIC: Flat Tire, Pusher
  • When: 12/19/2015
  • Pax: High Life, DD, Trucker, Dog Pound, Airborne, Javert, CSPAN, MacGyver, Longshanks, Menthol, Dark Helmet, Peabody, Santini, Solid State, Magnum, Dozer, Atticus, Boeheim, Repeat, WWL, Package, +1 that left early and I can't remember. Apologies.
  • Posted In: The Fort

24 able bodied men enjoyed a brisk morning workout at WEP on 12/19.  Flat Tire started the PAX off with some familiar warm-up exercises with festive new holiday names. Pusher was a last minute replacement Q after a family medical emergency sidelined Sir Topham Hat (praying for your family brother), and he promptly led us on a parade of horrible through Fort Mill.  Here’s what we did:

The Thang:

Mosey around the jogging path to the other side of the park and COP in crispy, frost covered grass.  All exercises IC:

Reindeer Hops (SSH) x 25

Elf Jacks (squat jacks) x  20

Yule Log Jacks (plank jacks) x 20

Abominable Merkins (merkins) x 10

Santa’s Walker (imperial walkers) x 20

Squats with Calf Raises x 20

Mosey to the path and a 1/10th mile marker.  Path is a .6 mile loop.  Accumulating exercises at each marker:

1st marker:  5 merkins

2nd marker:  5 merkins + 10 squats

3rd marker:  5 merkins + 10 squats + 15 Mountain Climbers

4th marker:  5 merkins + 10 squats + 15 MC + 20 LBC

5th marker:  5 merkins + 10 squats + 15 MC + 20 LBC + 25 Monkey Humpers

6th marker:  5 merkins + 10 squats + 15 MC + 20 LBC + 25 MH + 30 SSH

Hand the whistle over to Pusher.  He informed the PAX that the men of F3 Summerville marched in their cities Christmas Parade. It just so happens that the Fort Mill parade route went right by our AO so, after grabbing some chalk (wait, what?) Pusher started our own parade.

1st stop on the parade at the Springs Building parking lot.  1 minute to do as many burpees as you can.  Write your number in chalk.

2nd stop in the front lot of UC Synergetic.  1 minute of merkins.  Write your number

3rd stop Main street next to Hobo’s.  1 minute of jump squats.  Write your number.

4th stop St. John’s Methodist.  Jumping lunges.  Number

Final stop at Unity Presbyterian.  Plank until the 6.  Continued with that theme as Pusher led the group through plank-o-rama.  Recover while Pusher challenged the group to recognize your accomplishments of 2015 while striving to do better and greater things in the coming year.  To get a jump start, retrace the parade route and do ONE MORE than your previous effort at the pain stations.  Santini eloquently added: “take that you over-achievers!

Somehow the PAX made it back right on time for COT.

Prayer Requests:

CTH’s mom, many PAX down with injuries, job needs, travel grace.

It’s an honor to serve with you brothers!


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Yeti Preview Run…It’s a Beast!

Temperatures are dropping and this thing is coming!  If you don’t know it by now, the Yeti CSAUP is coming to The Fort on 02.20.2016.  And it’s a Beast!  YHC and the brave few decided to give the Yeti track a preview.  If you don’t know what I am talking about, go HERE and get educated on this upcoming event.

The track was originally intended to begin at The Pantheon and end at The Reservation, but the route proved to be too dangerous for PAX, like most IL workouts.  Thus the route change has been made to include Pantheon-Ballroom-Coop-Run ‘N Gun-Pantheon.  All in all it is approximately 18 miles of suck!  We decided to give the new route a shot.  So off we went.

The Thang
We met at Pantheon at 0530 and began running a fellowship pace towards Ballroom. We passed Ballroom feeling confident but realized there’s another 15 miles ahead of us. Smooth running to The Coop to meet up with Geronimo and Sasquatch. Coop to RNG is another 6 miles and wave to the PAX warming up at WEP. RNG to Pantheon and another 6 miles to give us a little north of 18 miles total. The route is “fairly” safe with the caveat that you need to be on your toes from Ballroom to Coop on the Gold Hill Bypass. Once we add 4-5 pain stations, this will be the Epic beatdown of the winter.

*Cerrano is the Pace Master. All his splits are the same!
*Maximus needed some coaxing to keep his pace in check. This paid off for miles 17 and 18.
*Maximus is a lot smarter than he looks. He placed several water and fueling stations along the route beforehand. He’d reach behind a bush and pull out a bottle of water and a snickers bar. Well played!
*Crash can run 12+ miles with Pneumonia-like symptoms. He’s a man!
*Spider-Man just puts in the work! He’s all heart!
*Axl needs a name change to “Pit Stop”. Seriously though, he’s running mileage he hasn’t seen in 10 plus years.
*Sasquatch and Geronimo are fast! Period!

Other interesting notes:
*There are several things you should not eat the night before running 18+, we’ll leave it at that
*If you’re running in the Yeti category, start training, it’s not easy!
*From the past few weeks experiences, we’ll have several areas marked for when nature calls. I can’t speak highly enough of the QT facilities and staff
*We will have a conversation on safety the morning of the event. The safety of the PAX is number one!

Last Words:
*This will be a 4+ hour event, so plan accordingly
*Fort Mill BBQ will be opening early for a 2nd F event immediately following the Yeti (Ms and 2.0s are invited)
*We will have water stations but you may want to consider alternate fuels (gu, gels, jelly beans, etc.)
*There will be several opportunities to train long distances up to the event. Keep an eye out for tweets from myself, Crash and Cerrano
*If you’re not signed up, do it now before your #cyberbullied into it. Sign up HERE

Any questions? Hit me up on the Twitter Machine or in COT


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Explosive Dynamic Actions at Varsity

  • QIC: Geronimo
  • When: 12/18/15
  • Pax: Sasquatch, Mission Impossible, Duke Nukem, Cross Check, Geronimo
  • Posted In: The Fort, Varsity

YHC arrived at the AO wondering whether this would be a time trial on this new workout, or if some of the PAX would be joining in. The course was marked and one car arrived. Hmm… one car… at least there would be someone to give YHC CPR later. Another car arrived and the AO was nearly prepped. Then PAX came piling out of all the doors of the first, as it turned out, Clowncar.

It was 5:15 and the PAX ambushed YHC as the final sidewalk chalk was being applied.

The disclaimer and then Mosey.

The Warm up:

Mosey around the lot with high knees, butt kicks, karaoke.

Circle up at the band practice lot.

ALL IC because ‘Army Training Sir!’

SSH x 30

IW x 20

Windmills x 15

Crab kicks x 15

2 leg Donkey Kicks x 15

Line up on the end line

Bear crawl 20 yds

Crab walk 20 yds

Run it out to the end line.


The Thang:

The name of the game was activities that incorporated explosive/dynamic movements. Two lanes with 4 stations outlining an activity and repetitions were lined out going uphill toward the HS. At the bottom of the hill was a bell stand (need to get a better bell). PAX were divided evenly, more or less, between the lanes. Starting at the bottom, staying in their lane, PAX moved up, station to station to the top then ran back to the bottom to ring the bell. Next, switch lanes and repeat.

Lane 1

#1 Lateral Jumps x20 4ct

#2 Plyo Push-up (Clap Merkin) x 20

#3 Box Broad Jump x5

#4 Jump Lunge x20

Lane 2

#1 Speed Skaters x20 2ct

#2 In&Out Merkins x10-ish following the ladder drawn on the lot

#3 Dot Drill x5 in&out, x5 single leg each leg, x5 in&out with 180 turn at each end

#4 180 Squat jumps x20

Mosey to the Pull-up bars

4 Pull-ups

4 Toes to the bar

Run down the hill and back up.

3 Pull-ups

3 Toes to the bar

Continue the ladder until 1.

Mosey back to lot for Hello dollies, Rosalitas, Flutters, and LBCs.



For its inauguration, the challenge was for all PAX to complete 2 cycles on each lane (i.e. 4 bell rings each). The next time YHC brings this out of the bag, there will be less reps at each station, with more focus on form. There may also be some competition added or an aggregate group goal for total cycles completed.

The PAX pushed hard through this challenging course. Not much chatter through the lanes. No-one spilled merlot, though YHC may have been on the verge a couple times. It’s always an honor to lead men that make to choice to be out there, men that ask for a beatdown, then come back for a second helping. Keep pushing yourselves and challenge your brothers out in the gloom.


Christmas party. Joe Davis run. Read the newsletter and check the tweeter.


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The 3L’s leaders Leading Leaders

  • QIC: Apache / VQ Good nieghbor
  • Pax: Fusion, Riddler, Turbine, Sgt. York, Senator Tressel, River Rat, Boots, Catfish, Popeye
  • Posted In: The Fort

With my Q coming up at the famous eagles nest I wanted to share the experience with a guy that has really put his heart and soul in the F3 world of the Gloom!!! So I asked Good neighbor if he wanted to VQ with me and jumped to the opportunity. We discussed the workout and wanted the majority of the event like a true #HIM that he is.

So we circled up and gave the disclaimer with no FNG’s par taking in the gloom. And discussed being a motivator not a de motivator in life and think about how others feel by your actions and words. Hard to remove the shoe once it’s inserted, for say…

The Thang:

Combination of a pair of exercises done in cadence 10 times in 3 sets = 30

  1. Merkins / SSH IC x 10
  2. Italian night clubs/small arm circles x 10
  3. LBC / The flutters x 10

Next count off by 1 / 2,s

1’s stayed at the line 2’s mosey to curb

1’s bear crawled to the 2s, while the 2’s performed Merkins and then switched over for 2 rounds

That was YHC’s warm up and handed it off to The Good Neighbor.

He had us mosey for a grand tour of the outer perimeter of the Winthrop university campus, F3 is not a running group??? Then went to the famous beat down inner workings of the campus and the stairs of sweat!!!!

Divide back up into the 1’s and 2’s

While the individual groups run up and back down the stairs the other group preforms

  1. Merkins
  2. Lbc
  3. Carolina dry docks
  4. Bomb jacks

The good neighbor handed back to YHC and we moseyed back to AO where I had the opportunity to test drive an idea of said workout that will be discussed at another date… It has a lot to do with “let a bear be a bear” and “How do get better at Merkins”

Prayers for all the F3 brothers who cant post keep in touch and phone or text them regularly. for all families in the holiday season and the true meaning.. Please read the weekly news letter a lot of events coming soon!!!!!

Aye!!!! Apache!!!!

TClap |

The Fort Christmas Party – Food and Toy Drive

As you guys are aware, the Christmas Party is this weekend. In true F3 fashion, we are taking this opportunity to give back to our community. Please consider bringing toys for the Children’s Attention Home  and/or bring some of the items below. The plan is to split the items between Fort Mill Care Center and Pilgrim’s Inn. Please consider being generous. This is our opportunity to be a blessing in our communities.

In addition to standard canned goods, Fort Mill Care Center needs:

Can fruit

Can Beef stew

Can Chili

Hearty soups

1-2 lb bags of rice





In addition to standard canned goods, Pilgrim’s Inn needs:

Paper goods – (toilet tissue and paper towels)

Garbage bags (lawn/garden size)

Liquid washing detergent

Cleaning supplies – Lysol (disinfectant spray, cleaning product), Pine Sol, and any other cleaning products

TClap |

The Fort: T. A. P. 2.0

  • QIC: Santini
  • When: 12/12
  • Pax: DD, Repeat, Gopher, Macgyver, backdraft, tesh, peabody, dozier, magnum, package, bubba gump, hasselhoff, mainframe, smuggler, jekyll
  • Posted In: The Fort

16 Pax gathered on a foggy Labor Day (strike that) December day for a return to Walter Elisha Park and Old School F3 Workout.  Complete with DD in the house.

During the Thanksgiving Convergence, The Pax were introduced to T. = Thanksgiving, A. = Awareness, and P. = Planning.  A framework for thinking about reflecting on 2015 and moving into 2016 with Impact.  Today, The frame was used to build on the Double T. A. P.  T= Trust, A = Accountability, and P = Purpose.  Santini discussed the importance of finding a man you can trust, build a partnership for accountability, and develop meaningful conversations driving to purpose and action as a High Impact Man.

Oh yes, we worked out to.

19 mountain climbers, mosey to Camel Backs.  Set of 3 up and down the camel backs with 5 burps at the top and 10 donkey kicks at the other.  Recover bottom of hill.  Sniper drills with 5 merkins we sprinkled throughout the workout.

Mosey to Sweet Baby Jesus.  Pain platoon with lunge sequence, squats, always a crowd pleaser.  Sprints in parking lot with old school situps up to 5 throughout sprints.  Mosey – Pledge of allegiance at Rosalita’s neighbors house.

Derkin, merkin, irkin, dip, box jumps, dips, box jumps, peter parkers, parker peters, (I forgot what we did – it was alot)  Mosey to 5 minutes of Mary.  LBC, CBLs, Feddy Mercury’s, Mosey to COT.

I heard someone say it was hard.  Felt like it.

TClap |

From Zero to Black Jacks

  • QIC: Popeye
  • When: 12/11/15
  • Pax: The Riddler, Good Neighbor, Catfish, River Rat
  • Posted In: The Fort
YHC has been MIA for the past 10 days healing from a back injury sustained at #EaglesNest, and then becoming bait for 30 plus Police Bloodhounds for training at work.  So being the Q at #Petra was my first work out in awhile so we took it a little slow. It is suppose to be a #SlowBurn anyway.
FIVE #HIM came to #Petra to see what was in store.
Warm Up:
Slow mosey around the parking lot to warm up the legs.
Stretch –
  • Toes -Right over left left over right – hamies – quads – Back
  • IW X15
  • Mr Miyagi’s – (Back bows) X15
  • MNC X15
  • Osprey X15 (Big MNC ar)m circles
  • Merkins X15
  • SSH X15
Slow Mosey around the parking lot
  • lunge walk 2 parking rows
  • run back
  • nur two rows
  • run back
  • high knees
  • run back
  • butt kickers
  • run back
  • bear crawl
  • run back
  • toy soldier
  • run back
  • karaoke (left & right)
  • run back
Black Jack 1 to 20 – Bottom of the Parking lot hill merkins – Top of the hill Squats
Done.  There was a little #MumbleChatter of how this work out started out pretty easy and then ramped up to suck.  It was unintentional.
Reminder to the PAX that lets build each other up while going through these work outs.  There’s a reason for the term “Modify if Necessary”.  With our type A, competitive personalities, we could lose sight of good form and safety. Work outs are not a sprint but a run.  For example, when a Q calls for 20 burpees don’t throw out your back (as I literally did) trying to beat the other guy.  Do what you can with good form. Speed will come.  Modify if necessary is a good thing.
As always, thanks for allowing me to lead you #HIM.
TClap |

Call to Action for local families in need- Christmas Village Toy Store items needed


The Christmas Village Toy Store needs help ASAP!! Call to ACTION!

Please consider picking up a game, toy or something from the wish list below for the Toy Store.

This is hosted by Forest Hill Church, but part of a larger group of organizations to help local families in our community provide a Christmas for their children.

If you can participate, please drop your item off directly at Forest Hill Church or you can bring to Slow Burn/Chicken n Wizdim Friday morning.

Any questions, reach out to Cake Boss.

Be a part of providing joy and dignity for families in our communities this Christmas.

The Christmas Village Toy Store provides a “hand up” for local families who want to purchase affordable new toys for their children at Christmas.

Rather than simply giving a handout of toys to at-risk families, we believe in empowering families to purchase Christmas gifts for their own children.

Every aspect of the Christmas Village Toy Store is dependent on our amazing volunteers. From distributing Wish Lists, to pricing gifts, to setting up the shelves and decorations, to limitless hospitality serving roles during Store hours, there are a variety of ways to get involved and to be a part of this memorable annual event.


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  • QIC: White Lighting
  • When: 12/8/2015
  • Pax: Fish Sticks, Howitzer, Short Sale, Lego Land, and Free Bird
  • Posted In: Golden Corral, The Fort

Six strong men showed up for the Golden Corral buffet this morning.  Everyone cashed in their coupons and received a cinder block that was used to burnout our shoulders and arms.

The Thang:

 Light Jog behind Teeter

Side Straddle Hop, Imperial Walker, Cherry Pickers, Mountain Climbers, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Windmill – all x 15

Grab a Cinder Block

Curls – 1 minute – Merkins x 10

Curls – 1 minute – Bear Crawl / Jog back

Curls – 1 minute – Squats x 20

Curls – 1 minute – Lap around light pole

Curls – 1 minute – LBC’s x 20

Rinse and Repeat with Overhead Press and Chest Press – Arms and shoulders were officially smoked.

With a couple of minutes remaining we worked out abs:  Protractor and Freddy Mercury.

Moleskin: YHC’s goal was to burnout our arms and shoulders this morning.  After watching Free Bird’s arms shake while pouring a cup of coffee at Cross Roads I believe the goal was accomplished. It’s always an honor to lead a group of men that are committed to making themselves and the others around them better.

Check the newsletter for announcements on:  F3 Christmas Party, F3 Dads Star Wars movie, Childrens Attention Home, Joe Davis 5K and 10K, New Years Day Baxter Trail Run, and other events that are not coming to my mind at this time.





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