- QIC: Bubba Gump & Zima
- When: 07/18/15
- Pax: Peach, Italian Job, Dark Helmet, Smiley Face, Bojangles, Apache, Limp Biskit, Bob Vila (FNG), Scout (FNG) Respect!, Santini, OSHA, Popeye, Silver Bullet, Scarecrow, Gavel, Fusion, Cerrano, Spider-Man, Mugshot, Bubba Gump, Zima and 1 other I didn't get
- Posted In: The Fort
YHC received a call from Bubba Gump Wednesday evening asking if he could co-lead the Q at the Patriot this coming Saturday. Having never posted there yet, I jumped at the chance. I really wanted to check out what all the hubbub was about in Rock Hill. Place has been growing like crazy and adding AOs left and right. A few of us arrived early for some BRR extra credit and some long-winded story telling from Bubba Gump (you got to get their early). As the last few gentlemen rolled in, BG started us off as we moseyed towards the fields…
The Thang:
Mosey to one of the soccer fields…
COP for 10 Merkin (IC) / 20 SSH (IC) / 10 Merkin (IC) / 20 SSH (IC) / Can’t recall the full count but this is close.
Recover while Coach BG rattles off some #Clemson statistics and how it’s only 54 days until football season. He’s set up some cones (actually cereal bowls from Walmart because they were on sale and a steal) and begins to outline our first exercise.
Football Conditioning
2 lines formed for 4 rounds of football drills / Alternating Cones Back and Forth
1. Bear Crawls – Speed Chop Down Line
2. Back Pedal – Speed Chop Down Line
3. Side Shuffle – Speed Chop Down Line
4. Zig Zag – Speed Chop Down Line
Each round ended with 10/10/10 OYO of Merkin, LBCs and Squats
Mosey to another Soccer Field for some BLIMPS
Burpees (5)
Lunge Walk (10)
IW (15)
Merkins (20)
Plank Jacks (25)
Squats (30)
Finish up the first half with some assorted ABLAB and a few minutes of Bubba Gump reminding us to be #beintentional, #beproactive and #beready. Think about someone this week that you can lift up. F3 is about being Third. Hand off to YHC.
SSH while the cones are being collected. We never leave the 6 behind, especially when they’re serving the PAX by cleaning up our mess. Mosey back to the parking lot and to the track. YHC lays down the #endurance work about to be had.
Chain Sprints
2 Stations on opposite sides of the track. 2 Groups always running while the other 2 groups are doing the work at opposing stations on the track. Runners relieve the workers and the workers begin to run (think run half lap, exercise, half lap, exercise, etc.)
Station 1: Burpees / Bomb Jacks / Tuck Jumps
Station 2: LBCs / Flutters / Freddies
Looks easy on paper but is far from the truth. Everyone’s heart rates were jacked. #cardio
Once completed, mosey to the center of the fields for some Jack Webb 1:4 count to 10. Always the crowd pleaser. Good to see Santini get in 400+ Merkins with my 2 Qs this week. I know there were others but was loving his #mubblechatter.
With only a few minutes to spare I had the Pax line up at the end of the field, complete a 20 yard burpee broad jump series and then sprint to the other end. Turn around and sprint/jog back. Mosey to COT.
Great work by the PAX Saturday morning. The Patriot is a great AO of which I only saw a glimpse. I will definitely be back soon. Great words and storytelling from Bubba Gump. Be intentional and reach out to those who may need to be lifted up. That’s why we’re here. Also loved the #mumblechatter going on between Apache and Italian Job. Whatever you guys are doing, keep it up (high energy). F3 is such a great force. My first post ever I was unsure and nervous about these workouts in the AM. But I took that step. And kept making leaps to post more, get to know the guys, get out and serve with some of them, start leading workouts, etc. You probably know a few #sadclowns out there that need this. Get out there and EH them. All it takes is that first step. Be intentional, be proactive and be ready. Welcome FNGs Bob Vila and Scout!
07/24-25 24 Hours of Booty (Bike Race for Cancer : Check with Cerrano, Spider-Man, Sir Topham)
08/07 Speaker Series with School Leaders (at Eternal Church 6:00 AM)
08/08 Gladiator Games at IL
08/08 World’s Largest Coffeeteria at Applebee’s (Rock Hill)
08/08 F3 Golf (Check with Jekyll)
08/08 Help with the Fort Mill Care Center Move
08/15 Crime Stoppers Pancake Breakfast at Fatz in Rock Hill
10/24 Mud Run (Teams are forming)
Lifting up all the prayers and praise of the Pax
Prayer that you can share F3 with one person this week
Prayers to be intentional, proactive and ready
Zima & Bubba Gump