Put Me in Coach

  • QIC: Bubba Gump & Zima
  • When: 07/18/15
  • Pax: Peach, Italian Job, Dark Helmet, Smiley Face, Bojangles, Apache, Limp Biskit, Bob Vila (FNG), Scout (FNG) Respect!, Santini, OSHA, Popeye, Silver Bullet, Scarecrow, Gavel, Fusion, Cerrano, Spider-Man, Mugshot, Bubba Gump, Zima and 1 other I didn't get
  • Posted In: The Fort

YHC received a call from Bubba Gump Wednesday evening asking if he could co-lead the Q at the Patriot this coming Saturday. Having never posted there yet, I jumped at the chance. I really wanted to check out what all the hubbub was about in Rock Hill. Place has been growing like crazy and adding AOs left and right. A few of us arrived early for some BRR extra credit and some long-winded story telling from Bubba Gump (you got to get their early). As the last few gentlemen rolled in, BG started us off as we moseyed towards the fields…

The Thang:
Mosey to one of the soccer fields…
COP for 10 Merkin (IC) / 20 SSH (IC) / 10 Merkin (IC) / 20 SSH (IC) / Can’t recall the full count but this is close.

Recover while Coach BG rattles off some #Clemson statistics and how it’s only 54 days until football season. He’s set up some cones (actually cereal bowls from Walmart because they were on sale and a steal) and begins to outline our first exercise.

Football Conditioning
2 lines formed for 4 rounds of football drills / Alternating Cones Back and Forth
1. Bear Crawls – Speed Chop Down Line
2. Back Pedal – Speed Chop Down Line
3. Side Shuffle – Speed Chop Down Line
4. Zig Zag – Speed Chop Down Line
Each round ended with 10/10/10 OYO of Merkin, LBCs and Squats

Mosey to another Soccer Field for some BLIMPS
Burpees (5)
Lunge Walk (10)
IW (15)
Merkins (20)
Plank Jacks (25)
Squats (30)

Finish up the first half with some assorted ABLAB and a few minutes of Bubba Gump reminding us to be #beintentional, #beproactive and #beready. Think about someone this week that you can lift up. F3 is about being Third. Hand off to YHC.

SSH while the cones are being collected. We never leave the 6 behind, especially when they’re serving the PAX by cleaning up our mess. Mosey back to the parking lot and to the track. YHC lays down the #endurance work about to be had.

Chain Sprints
2 Stations on opposite sides of the track. 2 Groups always running while the other 2 groups are doing the work at opposing stations on the track. Runners relieve the workers and the workers begin to run (think run half lap, exercise, half lap, exercise, etc.)
Station 1: Burpees / Bomb Jacks / Tuck Jumps
Station 2: LBCs / Flutters / Freddies
Looks easy on paper but is far from the truth. Everyone’s heart rates were jacked. #cardio

Once completed, mosey to the center of the fields for some Jack Webb 1:4 count to 10. Always the crowd pleaser. Good to see Santini get in 400+ Merkins with my 2 Qs this week. I know there were others but was loving his #mubblechatter.

With only a few minutes to spare I had the Pax line up at the end of the field, complete a 20 yard burpee broad jump series and then sprint to the other end. Turn around and sprint/jog back. Mosey to COT.

Great work by the PAX Saturday morning. The Patriot is a great AO of which I only saw a glimpse. I will definitely be back soon. Great words and storytelling from Bubba Gump. Be intentional and reach out to those who may need to be lifted up. That’s why we’re here. Also loved the #mumblechatter going on between Apache and Italian Job. Whatever you guys are doing, keep it up (high energy). F3 is such a great force. My first post ever I was unsure and nervous about these workouts in the AM. But I took that step. And kept making leaps to post more, get to know the guys, get out and serve with some of them, start leading workouts, etc. You probably know a few #sadclowns out there that need this. Get out there and EH them. All it takes is that first step. Be intentional, be proactive and be ready. Welcome FNGs Bob Vila and Scout!

07/24-25 24 Hours of Booty (Bike Race for Cancer : Check with Cerrano, Spider-Man, Sir Topham)
08/07 Speaker Series with School Leaders (at Eternal Church 6:00 AM)
08/08 Gladiator Games at IL
08/08 World’s Largest Coffeeteria at Applebee’s (Rock Hill)
08/08 F3 Golf (Check with Jekyll)
08/08 Help with the Fort Mill Care Center Move
08/15 Crime Stoppers Pancake Breakfast at Fatz in Rock Hill
10/24 Mud Run (Teams are forming)

Lifting up all the prayers and praise of the Pax
Prayer that you can share F3 with one person this week
Prayers to be intentional, proactive and ready

Zima & Bubba Gump

TClap |

Birthday or Anniversary at THE RANCH?

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 07/16/15
  • Pax: McGruff, Change Order, Copperfield, Dark Helmet, Montelango, TPS, Anchorman, Back Draft, Spiderman, Sharp Shooter, Lug Nut, Stang, Decibel
  • Posted In: The Fort, The Ranch

14 men posted at THE RANCH to celebrate this site hitting the 1 year mark. I’m not sure if it’s a birthday or anniversary but either way, my goal was to treat the PAX to a workout that would keep THE RANCH proud. A few miles away, Jeckyl was running his Board of Pain and while we didn’t have the board or it’s legendary Coleman camping light, I did want to honor the board by stealing some of its content. After a brief disclaimer, we were off.

Short jog around the lot taking us to the picnic tables where we circled up and claimed a spot on a bench.
Dead Lift (feet together, legs straight, touch your toes) 2 sets of 10
Bench Lunges (regular lunges but with stepping onto the benches)
Slow Derkins

20 Jump Ups onto the bench. I didn’t bother to see how sturdy the benches were but we made do.
Big lap around the parking lot
20 Derkins
Big lap around the parking lot

Circle up in the field for an honor to the board of pain
150 Calf Raises: 50 toes out, 50 toes straight, 50 toes in; Run a lap
100 Merkins; Run a lap

Mosey to the Middle School hill
Jacobs Ladder on the hill. Run to the top for 7 burpees then down for 1 3-way jumping lunge. Back up for 6 burpees then down for 2 3-way jumping lunges. Keep this going until you get to 1 burpee and 7 3-way jumping lunges.

Circle up for some words and a peak into where I’ve been struggling the last few days. I’m learning that when you burn the candle at both ends, not only do you flame out sooner but your unable to be the husband/father God designed you to be. Thank God for fresh starts.

Grab a rock from the drainage ditch but leave the snakes, they won’t like what we’re about to do.
Russian Twist with rock passing. Line up in a straight line just beyond shoulder to shoulder. Everyone gets in the R.T. position and does 2 twists then passes their rock to the left. Keep twisting after you’ve passed your rock until all the rocks are at the end of the line. Do this in reverse, passing all the rocks back to the other end of the line.

I had much more planned but as always, the time always passes faster than planned when on Q.

Announcements: CAH tomorrow 7pm, Cerrano, Sir Topham Hat and Spiderman still raising money for 24 hours of Booty bike ride to raise money for cancer research, 8/8 is a busy day (Gladiator Games at Indian Land, Colombia Mission team Fundraiser 8am at Rock Hill Applebees, Golf Outing at Carolina Lakes), 9/12 Camp Care 5K followed by Premature Oktoberfest at OMB.

Prayer Requests: Thank God for new days and the blessing that each new day brings a clean slate. Apologize to those you need to, extend a hand, say a prayer, ask for forgiveness and move on. Prayers for Anchorman’s friend Courtney battling cancer. Prayers for Victory Sports Outreach as they conduct sports camps in low-income areas. Pray and reach out to our neighbors. Praise for Decibel’s new business and now having the keys in hand.

Always an honor.

TClap |

Kickboxing at Eagle’s Nest

  • QIC: Italian Job
  • When: 7/14/15
  • Pax: Lugnut, Lucky Charm, Fusion, Gepetto, Catfish, Apache, Scarecrow, Sgt. York, Swamp Fox, Toro, Smiley Face, Bogey, Senator Tressel, FNG – Mugshot
  • Posted In: The Fort

15 of Rock Hill’s finest, including FNG Mugshot, came out to enjoy a glorious gloom beating at Eagle’s Nest. The weather was perfect – 75 degrees with limited humidity and cool wet grass. We started with a short jaunt down Alumni Drive to the fountain in front of Tillman Hall.

The Thang

  • 2 minute elbow plank (plenty of mumble chatter)
  • 25 SSH
  • 25 MNC
  • 25 IW
  • 15 Windmill
  • 15 Merkins

Mosey to amphitheater

Partner up. Wheel barrow up, bear crawl across, wheel barrow down, bear crawl across.


Mosey to greenspace

Clock Merkins (1 at 1:00, 2 at 2:00…all the way to 12 at 12:00)

Dealer’s choice ab lab

  • Russian Twists
  • Hello Dolly
  • Wipers
  • Freddies
  • Flutters
  • Boats and Canoes (great job Mugshot leading on your first time out)
  • LBCs

Mosey to columns outside of DeGiorgio Center

  • People’s Chair with punches (helps take your mind off the squats)
  • 10 Kickboxing Burpees (Burpee, punch, punch, knee, knee)
  • Walking lunges with front kick
  • 20 Dips
  • 20 Derkins

Mosey to green space for Seal Team Situps (on Sen. Tressel’s count)

YHC took a few minutes to explain why we do what we do. As F3 brothers, we get up early to do this in order to strengthen each other and become better men for our communities. This AO (Eagle’s Nest) is named as such because Winthrop competes in Division I athletics as the Eagles. Eagles are a symbol of strength, leadership, and vision. Isaiah 40:31 says, “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

We fly high above our peers because we get up early and work. We work in the rain, in the cold, and in the heat. I encourage each of you to continue posting. Know that you will never post alone. We are here for each other. Keep pushing each other. The only way to get better and to keep pushing – keep trying – just do it.

Thanks Catfish for letting me Q with you guys. I will definitely be back.


08/08 Gladiator Games at IL
08/08 World’s Largest Coffeeteria at Applebee’s (Rock Hill)
07/17 CAH at 7:00 PM (Contact Decibel or Chicken Hawk)

Sen. Tressel’s neighbor Beth in the hospital for autoimmune disease

Wheels and his marriage

Lucky Charm’s son John

TClap |

I’m Super! Thanks for Asking

  • QIC: Zima
  • When: 07/14/15
  • Pax: Cheddah, Dawg Pound, Seacrest, Axl, Cerrano, Bam Bam! (FNG), Santini, Greenwave, Trojan, Sir Topham Hat, Hasselhoff, Pusher, Longshanks, Chaser, Maximus, Spider-Man, Crabcakes, Zima
  • Posted In: The Colosseum, The Fort

YHC has been looking forward to Q the Colosseum, but a little issue with my back prolonged it for a few weeks (thanks to CSPAN and Chaser for covering and swapping). I really wanted to put something together that would challenge the PAX but also wouldn’t break my body, so what unfolded could be considered a series of unfortunate events…

The Thang:

Run from the parking lot to the other parking lot where I’m pretty sure every COP has happened since the AO opened (you know, the one where that dude hangs out in his car during the school year at 5:15 AM…actually not sure when he gets there but it’s a little weird with a dude in his car only a dozen or so feet away from a COP…but I digress, where was I?)

SSH X25 (IC)
Windmills X15 (IC)
Cherry Pickers X10 (IC)

Dirty Dozen COP (Unfortunate Event #1)*
*45 seconds of cardio intensive exercise OYO and AMRAP, 15 second rest in between

1. Burpees
2. Mountain Climbers
3. Bomb Jacks
4. Plank Jacks
5. Tuck Jumps
6. SSH
7. Burpees
8. Mountain Climbers
9. Bomb Jacks
10. Plank Jacks
11. Tuck Jumps
12. Plank/Recover

Run to the front parking lot for the next (#ManMaker) unfortunate event!

Super21 (Unfortunate Event #2)*
*Increasing Merkin/Squat series beginning 1/1, 2/2, 3/3 and so on until you complete with 21 Merkins and 21 Squats. Total count is 231 of each exercise or a bit more if you were doing some EC to bring in the six.

Jog over to the entrance to the school facing downhill.

Quadraphilia (Unfortunate Event #3)*
*Very simple routine. Run all out downhill to the gate and then run backwards up the hill for 4 minutes. Think the PAX got 3 series in.

Immediately turn towards where we began and sprint to a random lamp post, 20 Low Slow Flutters (IC), Run to another lamp post further down, 20 Freddies (IC), Jailbreak to COT.

Grateful to be a part of F3 Nation and more so of the Fort and it’s fine leaders. Great to see so many of the PAX running in to the AO (get those #BRR miles in). It’s an honor and a responsibility to Q for you guys and so I take it seriously. Each time I will give you 100% and hope that you give it back, enjoy yourself (somewhat), and get to feel somewhat of a burn, or at least take a nap later in the day. Mumblechatter was light this morning but I was trying to catch my breath for the majority of it. Somehow Super21 turned the Merkin and the Squat into a cardio exercise. Have a feeling that one will be showing up again. Oh, and welcome FNG Bam Bam!

But in all honesty, let’s talk less about the workout and focus more on what was mentioned in COT. F3 is also about developing strong male relationships and finding that person to hold you accountable. Many men will let things go untended in their life and over time, things can spin out of control and you will find yourself in a bad place. Finding men (at least one) who can make you accountable. Who can ask the meaningful questions. The “hard to answer” questions. Iron sharpens Iron guys. But you got to be willing to let it. That brother could have been speaking about me, you, any one of us. Deep down we are broken and need each other to lift the other up, hold them accountable, and do life together. I for one am encouraged by these words and hope that you are too.

07/24-25 24 Hours of Booty (Bike Race for Cancer : Check with Cerrano, Spider-Man, Sir Topham)
08/07 Speaker Series with School Leaders (at Eternal Church 6:00 AM)
08/08 Gladiator Games at IL
08/08 World’s Largest Coffeeteria at Applebee’s (Rock Hill)
08/08 F3 Golf (Check with Jekyll)
07/17 CAH at 7:00 PM (Contact Decibel or Chicken Hawk)
09/12 Camp Care 5K and Premature Oktoberfest (Contact Decibel)
10/24 Mud Run (Teams are forming)

Decibel and Maximus’ wife opening new business
Prayer for safe travels for Tatanka
Santini lifting a brother up who is having problems in his marriage. Also praying that each of us has someone keeping us accountable.
Prayers for Zima staying focused and in the Word
Prayers for Dawg Pound’s Minister friend who is going to be with the Lord. Pray for his family and church family.


TClap |

A Whole Lotta Mosey

  • QIC: Zima & Decibel
  • When: 07/11/15
  • Pax: Spider-Man, Copperfield, Crash, Axl, Photo Bomb, Minute-Man, White Lightning, Smuggler, Decibel, Zima
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort

It was a balmy morning at Alcatraz and apparent that the Dome was on the fritz. While several men were curious about this whole Q school thing, 8 others were more curious as to what type of #beatdown lay in store at the hands of YHC and Decibel. They got a schooling of their own. While we waited for a few to hit two wheels in the parking lot, YHC gave an abbreviated disclaimer (No FNGs) and stalled for the remainder to join the PAX. With that we Ran…

The Thang:

Run from parking lot around Fire Station and continue to the hill behind Alcatraz.
Run 3 loops of the back hill. SSH until the 6 comes in. All told, we clocked 1 mile of hills for a warmup (#BRR).

Run to the field Parking Lot and circle up for a…

Dirty Dozen COP (45 seconds OYO and AMRAP/15 seconds rest) – Remember to Breath
• Burpees
• Mtn Climbers
• Bomb Jacks
• Tuck Jumps
• Plank (Your Welcome)
• Repeato!

Run to far ball field and partner up

Partner 1 – BTTW while partner 2 runs the field, jumps fence, runs up hill, does 5 bomb jacks and returns. Flapjack until I stay stop. We completed 3 before YHC…

Handed it over to Decibel

50 yard sprints x2
Crab walk to bear crawl
20 burpees OYO

Mosey to the wall:

10 step ups each leg and 20 dips
Rinse and repeat

Mosey to hill for chain sprints.

3 groups: one group running at all times and two groups doing exercises (1 at top of the hill and other at bottom).

Round 1: Top: Merkins | Bottom: Twisting elbow plank
Round 2: Top: CDD Bottom | Bottom: LBC
Round 3: Top: Dips Bottom | Bottom: X/Os
Last Hill –> Run halfway up hill backwards

Rosalita x15

Mosey to field to Crab walk then backward bear crawl to COT

What was billed on the Twitter Machine as a stroll through Runde turned into something quite different. For the entire hour the PAX was on the move with little to no rest. When one exercise ended we were already on to the next. YHC and Decibel were pleased with all the hard work put in by the PAX. Two visits to the hills this morning with little to no complaints (they may have been trying to catch their breath). Lots of #mumblechatter until we hit the cardio intensive COP. Think I’ll be keeping that in the rotation. There was a question in the air on whether Sally would make an appearance, but alas, she #fartsacked. Decibel is by no means a one trick pony. Guy is always bringing something new to the table. Again, great work by the PAX who just pushed it 100% right up to COT.

08/08 Gladiator Games at IL
08/08 World’s Largest Coffeeteria at Applebee’s (Rock Hill)
08/08 F3 Golf
07/17 CAH at 7:00 PM (Contact Decibel or Chicken Hawk)
09/12 Camp Care 5K and Premature Oktoberfest (Contact Decibel)
10/24 Mud Run (Teams are forming)

Prayers for Karen and Todd who lost their 14 y/o daughter a year ago to a brain aneurysm
Prayers and Praise for Decibel opening his new Audiology practice in 2 weeks. Prayers for patience with people, vendors, etc.

Always Honored,
Zima & Decibel Out!

TClap |

40 at the Fort – Q School – Extra Credit – Attention to detail

  • QIC: Rooney & WWL
  • When: 07/11/15
  • Pax: Hasselhoff, Corruption, Dark Helmet, Sherlock, Bayheim, Maximus, Davinci, Assasin, Sweeper, Royale, Bottom Dweller, Catfish, Lil E, Transpland, Old Bay, Seargant York, Seacrest, Mainframe, Chaser, Leah, CSPAN, Jeckyl, Skinner, Fish Sticks, Spitz, McGuyver, Chowda, Socrates, Huckleberry, Masterpiece, Funhouse, Solid State, Greenwave, 1-9er, Highlife, Tata, Wheels, Mr. Hand, Twister, WWL, Rooney
  • Posted In: The Fort

Lots of extra-credit this AM! A number of PAX ran from Chic-Fil-A to WEP at 6 AM. Many of the PAX from our region attended either Q school 101 or 201. Funhouse ran from Tega Cay to WEP in preparation for his #BRR 30 miles assigned to him this week!

40 Pax (including 2 FNGs) met for a 7 AM workout with WWL and myself! After the disclaimer and prayer we hit the big ball!

-Indian Run warm-up around the park on walking path (half one way and half the other)
-Plank when we get back to the starting point (Wait for the six)
-Mosey out to the field

Warm up:
-20 SSH
-20 LSS
-10 Peter Paker’s
-10 Parker Peter’s
-20 Windmills
-20 SSH

I messed up the cadence on multiple occasions … was appropriately ribbed by the PAX which continued throughout!

The Thang:

Jack Webs on tree line (1 Merkin to 4 shoulder claps) – Bear Crawl to next tree – (Got up to 5 merkins and 20 shoulder claps)

Mosey to Playground and partner up
-Partner one – run around playground while partner two does dips (swap)
-Partner one – run around playground while partner two does derkins (swap)
-rinse and repeat
-Final set – Partner one – run around playground while partner two does dips (swap)

Hand off to WWL

Mosey to statue hill

Wheel Barrel carries:
-Four lines – lines 1 and 2 partner, lines 3 & 4 partner
-Wheel barrel 15 yards
-Mosey to back of line
-Reverse roles
-3x of each role (3 carries and 3 crawls)

Jump Squat Suicides:
-1st half the Pax ran suicides up hill marked by 3 trees – 5 jump squats at each tree
-2nd half of the Pax did Abs with WWL

Lesson on detail
WWL took the time to emphasis the importance and attention to detail in our lives, marriages, work, etc. It is the little things that make a big difference. Powerful and timely!

-1st half of the Pax did Abs with Funhouse
-2nd half of the Pax ran suicides up the hill marked by 3 trees – 5 jump squats at each tree

-Low Slow Squats

Partner Sprints (3 sets each)
-Partner one Sprint to the top of the hill while partner two does 10 merkins (rotate)
-Partner one Sprint to the top of the hill while partner two does 10 squats (rotate)
-Partner one Sprint to the top of the hill while partner two does 10 burpees (rotate)

Mosey to soccer field

Line up shoulder to should on the sideline:
-Karaoke across and back
-low slide across and back
-Sprint across and back


It is a pleasure and honor to serve the PAX and Co-Q with WWL!

TClap |

Fitness Test 7/7/15 – WEP – Chasing LongShanks

12 PAX showsed to the Fitness Test to gauge thier progress.  Quick shout outs to LongShanks as he killed the 1 miler in 5:39.  BirdCage get the “Pom-Pom” Trophy as he shaved CHOPPED off over 90 seconds from his previous mile time!  Lots of improvement for the PAX this quarter. EVERYONE improved on the run, most improved on the rest!  Come out next time to see what you have gained!

  7/7/2015 3/31/2015 Jan-15
NAME 1 Miler Push Ups Sit Ups Pull Ups 1 Miler Push Ups Sit Ups Pull Ups 1 Miler Push Ups Sit Ups Pull Ups
LongShanks 5:39 42 57 28 6:14 47 51 31 6:25 41 46 21
FunHouse 5:51 42 42 9 6:16 37 45 7        
Senator Tressel 5:59 44 38 22 6:20 53 40 20 6:18 47 37 20
MousePad 6:07 44 31 23                
Chaser 6:17 42 43 16 6:58 40 44 16        
CSPAN 6:29 50 39 13 7:00 45 45 8        
Boeheim 6:33 36 33 12         7:22 40 34 17
Repeat 6:35 55 40 18                
Dark Helmet 6:44 53 38 11                
Patent 6:47 41 41 5                
Javier 7:26 28 21 8                
BirdCage 7:58 27 21 2         9:36 28 30 0
TClap |

World’s Largest Coffeeateria!!

  • QIC: Cake Boss, Chicken Hawk, White Lightning, Free Bird, Bojangles, Gump, Maximus, Audit, Santini,
  • When: 08/08/2015
  • Pax: All F3 Nation
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort, The Reservation

World’s Largest Coffeeteria!!

8/8 – 0800-1000 @ Rock Hill Applebee’s (Dave Lyle Blvd)

All Saturday AOs to converge at World’s Largest Coffeeteria after all workouts.

Come be part of history as we pack this coffeeteria out with as many F3 brothers as possible and raise funds for a great cause.

$7.00 for pancakes, sausage and drink. (Can purchase tickets prior to event or at door)

Open to Ms and 2.0s.

Proceeds to benefit F3 Colombia Mission Trip Team and Projects. All funds raised above goal will go directly to causes in Colombia to support the people there. Clean water, supplies, training….

On behalf of the team, I thank you for all the support our F3 brothers have given to us and we are truly humbled and honered!

See you at the World’s Laregest Coffeeteria!!

TClap |

July 4th Celebration #America

  • QIC: CSPAN and Pusher
  • When: 7/4/15
  • Pax: 32 Men from the Fort including 18 for a little extra credit (Horrible idea!)
  • Posted In: The Fort

In the spirit of “if there is no backblast, then there was no workout” it was time for YHC to put together the review of our July 4th workout. It was a pleasure leading the Pax with my friend CSPAN (#Nantan) and another great reminder of the type of men that we have at the Fort. If you are looking for #HIM in Fort Mill, Rock Hill, Indian Land or Tega Cay simply put “just post” at an AO and look around. They are everywhere! Since this was a very special occasion, the backblast is going to be a little different. So here goes…

“Sure, lets do that!?!”

In the last year,  I have really enjoyed getting to know more about CSPAN. As mentioned above, our region has a plethora of leaders and CSPAN stands out as one of the best. We regularly chat on opportunities and strategies for the Fort. Typically, this is about 5 minutes of the call and then the next 30-45 are general tomfoolery, life lessons about raising girls and picking on WWL (#easy target). This week our regular chat was going along well when he announced that he was Q at the Fort for the 4th. The discussion turned to BRR and then the light bulb went off. Lets run from Slow Burn to WEP, Q the Workout and then run back. Both of us knew that sounded horrible….so of course, we should do it!

The Trap

So a few days go by and there was no more chatter about the Q or the extra credit. YHC was kinda hoping that CSPAN would forget (#old) or maybe we both were just joking. Well, he was not. And not only that, he sent a group Tweet that tagged 10 people to join us. Little did they know, it was a trap!

The Thang

18 Men arrived at Slow Burn for the extra credit (Wow!). Proceeded to run 1.8 miles to WEP to meet with our other 14 brothers for the workout.



Various exercises X 10

Pledge of Allegiance

Run to Playground – Partner Up

Pull Ups, Dips, Squats (10 times!)

Handoff to Pusher – Determined to do something different…

Seal Team Sit Ups x 21

Drill Bits – Maybe a little agressive…

COT/BOM – Review the weekly email for announcements

Run 1.8 miles home

Coffeeteria at Dunkin

What we learned

  • The men of the Fort are humble and accountable and demonstrate the definition of #HIM. If you missed Dark Helmet EHing a guy at WEP during the workout, then you missed one of the best parts of F3. Great job Dark Helmet!
  • We live in the greatest country in the world and the brave men and women who have fought and continue to fight for our freedom are the true heroes. We recognized your continued effort on our behalf by keeping the flag moving throughout the park during the workout.
  • YHC is constantly reminded of how important F3 has become in my life.  There is no question that without F3, I would have fartsacked on the 4th and missed a great workout but more importantly, some great fellowship. Really enjoyed the conversation with Flat Tire on the way back to Slow Burn. He is a great man and continues to coach me in my running efforts. Stay with me!
  • Really proud of whats happening with the kids of the PAX. From the F3 Dads to seeing Sweeper  with his VQ or Jeter with his upcoming Q or the ongoing efforts at CAH, there is some great demonstration of leadership out there. Keep up the great work!
  • Lastly, CSPAN is a great Nantan for the Fort. Proud to be your friend!





TClap |

It’s simple… Show up. Work Hard.

  • QIC: Dark Helmet
  • When: 06/30/15
  • Pax: Pebbles, Copay, Spiderman, Decibel, Cerrano, DH (YHC).
  • Posted In: The Fort, The Ranch

6 men came out to work this AM. Not talk… Work.
No FNG’s, short disclaimer, time to work.
The Thang:

Mosey to cul-de-sac by ball field at Springfield Middle.


  • 50 SSH (ludicrous speed)
  • 30 CDD
  • 15 Merkins
  • 20 IW
  • 50 Mountain Climbers
  • 15 Burpees in cadence

Mosey to stairs

Down the 1st set of stairs, 10 plyo merkins and partner up

  • Partner carry up the stairs (it’s about 25 stairs with landings every 6 stairs or so)
  • 20 jump tucks
  • Run down
  • Other Partner carry up the stairs
  • 50 LBCs
  • Run down
  • Wheelbarrow up the stairs
  • 20 flying squirrels
  • Run down
  • Wheelbarrow up the stairs
  • Run down
  • Backward Bear Crawl up stairs

Mosey to the lot in front of middle school (1/4 mi. loop)

Partner up. Pax 1 does exercise while Pax 2 runs lap. Swap out and continue the exercise until each amount of reps are complete. The exercises and reps are: 50- Burpees / 100- Overhead Claps / 150- Merkins / 200- Big Boy Sit-ups / 250- Squats

Partner carry lap (switch as needed over the full 1/4 mile)

Mosey back for a little Mary. 20 or so a piece of Flutters, LBCs, Hello Dollies


Announcements: CAH event Friday (7/3) @ 7pm – still need help there – contact Chicken Hawk or Decibel or Cake Boss / Gladiator Games on 8/8 then go to Applebee’s in Rock Hill for “World’s Largest Coffeeteria” raising money for the Colombia Mission Trip.
Prayers for Decibel and his new venture, for Spiderman’s Father-in-law, for all other PAX in need.

Nobody reads this stuff anyway, so whatever… 🙂 BUT!
This is NOT a call-out. This is a general observation from one PAX (this guy), so don’t go getting #butthurt anybody…

I’ve noticed that lately there has been a fair amount of smack talk. Ok, maybe a LOT of smack talk amongst a lot of PAX. Now look, I enjoy a good ribbing as much as the next guy. Heck, my mouth is one of the bigger ones out there. I love the back and forth. I love the friendly competition. It’s when it turns into some high-school machismo bullsh*t, that it gets old. Fast. Hey, I get it. We’re all like little boys sometimes, out there pushing ourselves and our limits, testing to see how far is too far. But, and don’t get offended, if you are out there for that alone, then I fear you may be missing the point.

See, the 1st F, the fitness, is only the spark. It’s the magnet that gets a #SadClown out and away from his #Mascot life and on his way to becoming a #HIM. It’s the rest of the stuff that makes the real difference. Progressing to 2nd F stuff, and on to 3rd F stuff, not religious stuff necessarily (though it could be that), but the desire, the NEED, to look outside yourself and lift another. THAT’S what we’re ultimately here for. To be a beacon of hope and support to another guy who needs our help. Not just some friendly encouragement when he’s the 6 at a workout, but some REAL, in the dirt, lift with your legs, encouragement when he’s the 6 in his life. When his marriage is in the toilet. When he loses his job. When he isn’t able to relate to his kids anymore. When he finds himself struggling with addiction to whatever it may be. The rest is nice, but it’s not what it’s about. Our body one day will not be able (unless you’re Senator Tressel) to sustain this level of activity… So what will you have then? If you only came to prove you were some kind of badass at the 1st F stuff, then it isn’t going to be much. I promise. I 100% guarantee that the time will come in your life (if it hasn’t already) when you will need that help. You will be that guy.

All I’m saying is, how much more could we be? What if? What if we remembered that we were all on the same team, that yes, we should try and work harder than the guy next to us, but NOT because we need to prove we are better than him, but because we are trying to become a #HIM. What if we got real about ourselves and quit trying to pretend like our lives are perfect and we don’t need anyone because we are too afraid to let our guard down? What if we breathed twice as much encouragement as we did badassery? What if we dug deep to our core and stepped out of our mental and emotional cage and let loose with care for our fellow PAX in a way they weren’t expecting. Well… I think then we will have tapped into a whole new level of awesome… That’s what if…

Helmet out…

TClap |