OG, Old School Smoker at WEP

Run around WEP path with stops for warm-up exercises:
Mountain Climbers
Hillbilly Walkers
Peter Parkers
Freddy Mercurys

OldBay on Q:
Ladder on far-side hill
– Imperial Walkers (1 at bottom) : Burpees (7 at top)

Run down to amphitheater stage
Partner Up for Dora – One partner run from amphitheater up path, then back and climb front of stage.
– 100 Merkins
– 200 LBCs
– 300 Squats

Handoff to ChickenHawk for 2nd half
Mosey to wall on far side of Springs building and partner.
– one partner does chin-ups on wall while other runs. Flapjack until 50 chin-ups done between partners.
– repeat with balls-to-the-wall (up, down, merkin)

Mosey to another wall. Pass coupon while pax take turns doing bear crawls.

Mosey back to COT for a bit of Mary.

Pax choice:
– American hammers
– Rosaledas
– Flutters (100, called by Walker)
– may have been more exercise, but I blacked out during the Flutters.

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Memorial Day WOD

– yes
– 10x Burpees / 22x various other exercises
– mosey around Amphitheatre
– rinse and repeat
– sandbag carry to stop sign and combined with other exercises
– by popular demand: Airborne Hip’s
– read newsletter
– was held

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Farewell Repeat Farewell

CakeBoss led mosey down trail towards Harris Street
Stop every 100 yards for exercise
Tap out (head spin 2.0) assisted 1st time with leading
Get to Harris street park and get partner. (Can’t do life without others in your life) partner 1 suicides
Partner 2 exercise (Merkin, leg lifts, CDDs)
Flip flop

Partner 1 bear crawl path full circle
Partner 2 5 burpees then chase #1

Mosey up Harris Street
Every 2nd light pole do 10 calf raises

Hand off to Pusher
DORA 1-2-3
Partner 1 runs around church
Partner 2 Merkins, big boys, squats

Mosey down street to spring’s old office park for some Mary

Jailbreak to COT

Repeat moving to Chucktown and will be missed as a leader in The Fort but we will pray for him and his growing family and know he will always be with us.

Pusher says take your vitamins and say your prayers and you’ll be strong like him👏🏻🥓🎸🔥

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Park Swings & Broga

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, MNC
Ran around the track at WEP stopping at each hanging swing (9 bench swing stops) performing a set of exercises at each swing
Round 1 – 10 burpees at each swing
Round 2 – 20 Merkins
Round 3 20 Squats
Round 4 – 20 LBCs
Finished with ~ 3 miles of running
Closed out with 10 minutes of Broga
COT: Closed in Prayer

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Tour De Fort Parks

SSH/Cherry Pickers/Imperial Walkers/Side Shuffles/Knees to Butt/High Knees/Kareoke
Mosey to Harris Street Park-25 count – Merkins, Big Boys, Sumo Squats.
Shuttles at basketball court 5x’s 10 Bobby Hurleys mid court and base line.
Mosey to Millstone Park-25 count -Carolina Dry Docks, Box Cutters, Lunges.
Mosey to Veterans Park – 25 count -Mike Tysons, American Hammers, Mountain Climbers
Mosey to Springs Global parking lot. W/ help of site Q Grinder complete Dora w/ Merkins and LBC’s.
Mosey to Pike parking lot and did wall sits until legs gave out and balls to wall last HIM standing.
Mosey back to WEP
MARY:Grinder led Jane Fonda workout.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Highway trash pick up, Canoli Run.

COT: prayers/praises for all the MOMS

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Wrapping up AKA#4

WARMUP: SSH X 30, Imperial Walker X 15, Squat X 15, Merkin X 10, Lunge X 15, Mountain Climer X 15, Dry Docks X 10, Burpees X 10, Monkey Humpers X 15, SSH X 30
THE THANG: Mosey to band lot, HIIT workout. 45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest. 4 rounds of each. Merkins, Squats, Burpees, Mountain Climbers. Mosey to Pull up bars. Try to get 4 sets of: Pull Ups – 5, Dry Docks – 20, Big Boys – 20, Diamonds – 10. Mosey to front parking lot for Mary.
MARY: All X25 – Flutters, Hello Dolly, Freddy Mercury, Rosalittas, Box Cutter. Mosey back to COT for cool down stretch.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli run, blood drive
COT: Prayers for FNG StageLeft for his upcoming move, Luka and Vuvazella. Thanks to all the PAX that supported AKA#4.

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Munitions Work

Three pax posted at the Fort.
Started with a run down the trail to Harris St park (~1/2mi).
The 6@6 ruckers came around the corner upon our arrival at the park, so we all joined up for a warmup:
SSHs, windmills, imperial walkers, Moroccan n/c, Low slow squats, big arm circles, peterparkers, plank stretches.
Ruckers left and we three went to the basketball court:
Thang1: Relays: 20 mountain climbers at the baseline, run to ½ court and do 30 mountain climbers, run back to baseline, run to far court and do 40 mtn climbers, tun back to baseline.
Thang 2: at benches: step ups (10 each leg), incline merkins (12 I/C), dips (12 I/C), butt touch squats (12), decline merkins (10 I/C), calf raises (15).
Next we ran down Harris St to Massey, and Massey up to Pike’s large parking lot (~0.7mi).
Thang 3: Munitions factory: pax do low plank for 1 min (this is home), then bear crawl about 100 yards (this is your commute), then do work at your factory making BOMBS (pax do 25 each of: burpees, OH claps, merkins, big boy sit ups, squats), then commute back home doing a nur, then low plank again for 1 min.
Next we ran down to White St and over to McCannon to the side parking lot at Springs.
Thang 4: fish tracks: pax do transportation movement until Q says halt and do exercise noted. We did: toy soldiers – bobby hurleys; bear crawls – merkins; lunge walks – smurf jacks (sneaky quad buster).
Then to Thang 4: wall work: Wall sits (with pax doing consecutive 10 counts; repeat), and then balls to the wall contest (go until pax drop).
Next run back to shovel flag for some mary…we did the Sally (Moby’s Flower) routine where leg raises for “bring sally up” and 6 inch leg hold on “bring sally down”.
Fini, COT.
Prayers for travel and marriages and families.

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420 Prep

Ran to Pike Eng. aux lot
45 sec AMRAP with 15 sec rest in between
Mnt Climbers
Bomb Jacks
S.S. Hops
Squat Thrusts
Ran to Craft Axe lot
45 sec AMRAP with 15 sec rest in between
Peter Parkers

Ran to Fort Mill Church of God lot
Escalator of burpees using the parking spaces 16,back to home, 15, back to home, 14 back to home…all the way to 1 rep (136 total burpees)
Ran to Veteran’s Park for stretching
Ran to WEP
Finished with the Airborne signature hip align and flexor exercise – left side 10 forward extensions, 10 reverse extensions, 10 full leg swings, 10 outward leg lifts, 10 clockwise circles, 10 counterclockwise circles, 10 bicycle pumps. Switch sides and repeat.

COT: Closed in prayer

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An Easter Escaltor With Visting Gods Houses Along The Way

WARMUP: Run to the top of the hill and perform these in cadence
Imperial walkers
Cherry pickers

THE THANG: Run to Fort Mill Church of the Nazarene
2 Burpee Broad Jumps
5 Low Slow Merkins
10 Mike Tysons
15 CDD’s

Run to Fort Mill Church of God
2 Burpee Broad Jumps
5 Slow Merkins
10 Mike Tysons
15 CDD’s
20 squat position Morrocan night clubs

Run to St John’s United Methodist Church
2 Burpee Broad Jumps
5 Slow Merkins
10 Mike Tysons
15 CDD’s
20 squat position Morrocan night clubs
25 LBC

Run to Unity Presbyterian Church
2 Burpee Broad Jumps
5 Slow Merkins
10 Mike Tysons
15 CDD’s
20 squat position Morrocan night clubs
25 LBC
30 monkey humpers

Run to St Paul’s Episcopal Church
2 Burpee Broad Jumps
5 Slow Merkins
10 Mike Tysons
15 CDD’s
20 squat position Morrocan night clubs
25 LBC
30 monkey humpers
35 Calf raises.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your news letter, Waxhaw’s WTF CSAUP, Lake Wyllie’s upcoming Ruck CSAUP

COT: CSPAN Style prayer request.

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Masters week &. 9 holes of golf

WARMUP: Mosey to the millstone parking lot for various exercises with burpees sprinkled in
THE THANG:  9 holes of golf – counts always adding up to 18 – burpees at the tee box and squats at the green: 16-2, 14-4, etc. pax played par 5’s 4’s and 3’s – covered almost 3 miles on this alone. Afterwards, pax moseyed to veterans park for a pledge to honor all who serve our country.
MARY: no time – Stang thought it more important we stretch, so after 5 burpees upon getting back to WEP, we did.
ANNOUNCEMENTS:  took place
COT: 5th core principle

Thanks, Grinder, for the call out. Honored to lead where it all started. 👁

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