Looking for the ? over the ladder ?

Disclaimer provided and salutations

In reps of 10, 12, & 15
Wind mills
Moroccan night club
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
Cherry Pickers
Ladder runs: List of movements in the following rep sets. All movements must be completed then run :man-running: a lap around the lot before starting the next set of reps.
Reps sets were 30, 20, 10, & 5
List of movements:
Bomb Jacks
Calf Raises
Flutter Kicks
Carolina Dry Docks
American Hammers
Mountain Climbers

MARY: Yes, Return to COT for 10 mins of Broga and shared about journey to my first half marathon: Setting goals, staying consistent, DFQ, and surrounding yourself with people that will motivate and support you.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter, thanksgiving convergence, etc
COT: Always stays in COT.

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What do we need hands for

WARMUP: Spider-Man ran away…right away. And I don’t think I had said anything yet. Guess he just felt like runnn-ning.

Quick disclaimer as in 3 seconds fast. We call that efficient when you don’t have any rookies.

Ran to the parking lot over by the Indian restaurant for some warmup. Started with SSH, windmills, low slow squats, slow merkins, mountain climbers, and cherry pickers. Some of us didn’t even use our arms to stretch – pretty amazing.
THE THANG: 3 exercises, ran maybe a 100 meter loop, and did the exercises again.

Exercises were 20, 20, 40…and you picked which numbers applied to which exercises.
1. Merkins
2. Squats
3. Shoulder taps (double count)

1. Lunges
2. American hammers (double count)
3. Calf raises

1. CDD
2. Plank jacks
3. Seal jacks

1. Dips (on your planking partner)
2. Flutters (double count)
3. Overhead claps

Some of this was counted in cadence, some was done OYO.
MARY: Bandcamp took us out in some stretching
COT: always

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Brick laying at the yard

WARMUP: ssh, imp walkers, windmills, Peter Parker’s and shoulder taps, all in cadence
THE THANG: 2 workout stations were set up at opposite ends of the school parking lot. Each had a list of exercises/rep counts eg 40 flutters. In the middle was a basketball goal and the middle school walking track. Pax would proceed to one station and do the first listed exercise. They would return to the middle and shoot a shot. If it goes in, just run a lap and proceed to station 2 to do the first exercise there. If the shot misses, 10 derkins, then run a lap and proceed to station two. Repeat this until time.

We quit a little early and played a game of knockout – we’re bad at basketball
MARY: we went around the circle, but there were 2 set of burpees called, so Mary got a little out of control, and then the dog licked someone’s butt

We checked all the boxes today
COT: y

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Hybrid Theory

Run lap.
Side Straddle Hop
American Hammer
Plank, remain in plank put right & then left arm in the air

Complete an exercise on the list. Run lap. Repeat. The lap begins with a 10 pace bear crawl.

List of Exercises:
40 Big Boys
40 Merkins
40 Low Slow Squats
20 Big Boys
20 Merkins
20 Low Slow Squats
30 second plank
30 Bench Dips
30 Calf Raise on the Curve
Choose your own exercise for the rest of the workout.
– Hominy announced that he will be taking over the Site Q for <#C03GHN4R98U> beginning on Saturday, December 7th, 2024.
– Come to Thanksgiving convergence.
– Read your newsletter for more announcements.
Let’s go out and make an impact on others this week!

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Falling Over on the Elbow

WARMUP: imperial squat walkers

THE THANG: ruck around, find out. 3.5 miles
Stopped for a couple step ups, merkins, Bulgarian split squats

Found Dark Helmet at Coach’s Box for his 10 F3 anniversary.

Shuffled back. Cornerstone fell over, freaking YHC out

Thanksgiving Convergence (0630 at The Ranch)
Xmas Party (12/21)
D2D10k (1/25)

COT: was held

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21 Gun Salute

WARMUP: yea, that’s important. Especially at 0500
21 Gun Salute:
– 400 meter run
– 21 merkins
– 21 bomb jacks
– 21 swings with cindy
– 15 burpees
– 9 pull-ups
– repeat for 21 minutes
11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month
– 11 squat thruster with cindy
– 11 Bulgarian split squats
– 11 squat thruster with a curl at the bottom
– 11 Bulgarian split squats
– 11 manmakers no merkin
– 11 Bulgarian split squats with cindy
– 11 manmakers with cindy
– Toes to bar
– Chest to bar
– Pigeon Lunge
As much of a loud mouth liberal and ungrateful American as I may appear to be, I am extremely grateful for the freedoms enshrined in the constitution that allow me to be so, and so publicly. It’s an honor to recognize the individuals who have served in the military to defend the constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic. Happy Veteran’s Day.

Welcome to the Marine Veteran now known as ODB!

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If you do it long enough, you’ll feel it

WARMUP: quick disclaimer when YHC identified no new pax, got a quick raise of hands on “new’ish” Pax that may not have Q’d a lot since this was Q school themed. Also a refresher for how Qs need to lead. Took off on a mosey down the hill to the school parking lot. Once we got there, did a few exercises in cadence, with the commands to be used for all Qs. One thing to remember is to give the commands with authority and ensure they are clear. If you screw up the words, that can always be improved, but with the right authority and simple instruction, that will at least make the men follow you. Last Call got to practice calling cadence for the group – he did just fine.

Back up the hill for a quick stop at the pull up bars. Lesson here was rinse and repeat can be your friend and standing in the middle facing the Pax is a good way to deliver instruction. We did 4 sets of 3 pull ups followed by 3 burpees. Everyone loved it.
THE THANG: We ran all the way to the band parking lot and we stopped along the way. Goal here was to stop and plank or big a tree to not lose the 6.

Once we got to the band parking lot, there were exercises, see picture, that had 2 pieces of paper on both sidelines. We started at the top and did 1 exercise, then ran to the other side where we started with that exercise. Then moved our way down the list to the next exercises.

We focused on cadence counting, OYO, single vs double count or exercises that are in cadence 4 count. When we got to shoulder presses / raise the roof, 50 was the number and we decided double count would work because raising the roof is easy…unless you do a lot. Of course the burn begins to take effect. Lesson here is stick to your Q plan and modify as the Q as needed, but don’t Q it if you can’t do it.
MARY: Ran back to COT where Rumbling and Marty called out a few exercises in cadence – they also did just fine.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter for sure
COT: completed with a round the horn CSPAN special

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Drop, smack and poke KB workout / invigorating

WARMUP: mosey, windmills, arm circles, hillbillies, down dog, merkins
THE THANG: 20 reps of all exercises
Rd 1: strength and stability
– goblet
– single arm shoulder press
– On swings
– Single leg deadlift
– Halo

Rd 2 power & explosiveness
– clean to press
– Lateral lunches
– Snatch
– Curls
– Figure 8’s

Rd 3: conditioning and burnout
– man makers
– Tricep
– American kb swings
– Merkins
– Plank pull throughs
MARY: no
ANNOUNCEMENTS: please Register For this free run https://criout.regfox.com/cri-401k-charity-fun-run


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