3rd Manion WOD with the AKA crew

WARMUP: mumblechatter

Manion WOD
29 squats with ruck (with sandbags when available)
1/4 mile ruck (shared sandbags)
7 rounds

We did an extra rounds as time allowed for extra credit

MARY: mumblechatter
ANNOUNCEMENTS: sign up for blood donations🩸
COT: prayers for families, kids and teachers during the last stretch of the school year

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Not a Mile


Good Morning
Around the World
Merkin (slow count)

10 Swings
10 Goblet Squats
10 Merkins
Move (bear craw, waiter carry, suitcase carry)
10 Swings
9 Goblet Squats
9 Merkins
Down to:
10 Swings
1 Goblet Squat
1 Merkin

1 Clean
1 Racked Lunge
1 Press
Each side
2 Cleans
2 Racked Reverse Lunges
2 Presses
Each side
Got up to 5 reps

Head back toward COT
stopping occasionally for
1 thruster
1 manmaker
1 burpee snatch each side

NMM: Good Friday
I’m afraid that, like Peter after the Last Supper, I’m more willing to fight for Jesus than to die for him.

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AKA jack-Web-inar

WARMUP: mosey, Moroccan night clubs, windmills, cherry pickers, low slow squats, los slow merkins

THE THANG: 4 jack webs with a short mosey in between.

1 merkin – 4 shoulder taps progressive to 10 merkins – 40 shoulder taps (total 55 merkins, 220 shoulder taps)

Take a lap

1 monkey humper – 4 calf raises progressive to 10 monkey humpers – 40 calf raise (total 55 MH, 220 CR)

Take half a lap to the soccer field

1 big boy sit-up – 4 American hammers progressive to 10 BBSU – 40 AH (total 55 BBSU, 220 AH) we had to throw some body destroyers in between and did Superman’s at the end to stretch our abs and lower back.

Half a lap

1 side straddle hop – 4 triceps dips progressive to 10 SSH – 40 TD (you guessed it 55 SSH, 220 TD)

Super slow slow mosey to COT, next time I Q I have to make sure to bring lots of cheese for all the whine we had.

MARY: Moroccan night clubs, windmills, walking dogs and honeymooners
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: prayers for kids, families and people recovering from injuries and surgeries.


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The Peacemaker


Very quick demo of what was coming. 12 exercises pulled from the intro dance to Peacemaker.
The board:

Oh, and everyone grab a 4.5lb paver for each hand. They’re brand new so the gloves are to keep your skin from being sliced open.


HIIT workouts with all 12 exercises. Everyone, just use the beat!
1. Squat lat pull w/alt leg raise
2. Dumbell scarecrow
3. Lat pulls w/alt high knees
4. Al Gore tricep extensions. Arms out, elbows turned UP
5. Apollo Ono with shrug/lat pull/whatever felt right
6. Overhead press (with optional pelvic thrust)
7. Lunges with full arm motion
8. Side arm lat raises
9. Hillbilly walker
10. Scarecrow again
11. Slow, full arm circles with one arm, holding the other out. Guitar hero style
12. overhead press to tricep extesion and back

We did the above for:
1. 90 seconds on, 20 seconds rest
2. Take a break with a long lap around the parking lot
3. 30 seconds on, 12 seconds rest
4. Two of each, straight down the line, try not to mess up or burpees
5. Everyone did fine, so 10 burpees as a reward
6. Two each one more time, because the ruckers needed to know what they were missing

Spotify playlist:

Video of our last two minutes is here (as caught by the TeslaCam):


Funhouse talking about what AKA is all about
Tinsel talks about the Manion WOD at Chupacabra on 4/29
YHC letting everyone know that we can soon start posting BBs in Slack, and to update your names or you won’t get tagged


Talked about F3 being open to all men. While YHC is reasonably certain that most of the men there was some flavor of christian, I asked men to bow their heads for a moment of murmuring silence. When complete I also said I don’t want to ignore things that are difficult in each others lives. grab the man next to you if you need to talk about something. This is CoT, and we trust.


I’d been thinking about this workout for weeks, basically the first time I saw the intro credits for Peacemaker, I knew I had to bring this to an AO near me. And it just so happened that I had the Swamp on AKA, so I watched that credit sequence over and over until I had a solid, awful, dumb, stupid workout ready to share with whatever AKA groupies were brave enough to drive out to Rivergate.
I knew it was going to make guys feel dumb, stupid, perhaps even embarrassed, but the smiles went on for miles, and the shoulders have been successfully melted. Mublechatter was epic, everyone had a great time, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to have brought a fun, shoulder smoking Friday morning to The Fort. Thanks for putting me on the calendar, Slapshot!
Peacemaker intro:

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Light pole Tour of Pain

WARMUP: maybe one SSH
Ran around the outside of CRHS campus. Every light pole directly on your path stop and do exercises with KB. First 10 poles do 5 reps of first set. Next 10, 10 reps of 2nd. Next 10, 15 of 3rd set.



Tricep extensions
Calf raises

By the time we go to the front of the school and started the 3rd set BC ran back and pushed the 6 up to all finish for COT.


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4 Corners of The Ballroom

Welcome to Bonus Ass Kicking April

We had 19 at the Ballroom for a glorious 4 corners of pain!

Every morning we post, we go to one of the ‘corners’ of our region but in the end we are all one of The Fort PAX.

It was great to see so many PAX on this chilly March  morning. Special shout out to Beaker for posting for the second time in 2 days! Great job and keep posting, also great work 3D supporting him

The Thang:

We started off with a warm up:

15 SSH

15 Wind Mills

15 Imperial Walkers

Break out to groups at each corner.

Round 1 – mode of transportation- karaoke

Corner 1: 10 wide arm merkins, 20 mtn     climbers single count,

Corner 2: 10 big boys, 20 dying cockroaches do

Corner 3: 10 burpees, 20 grave diggers, single Ct

Corner 4 : 10 plank jacks , 20 Peter Parker’s

After all 4 corners were done we gathered at top of hill leading to bridge until the 6 was is in. Morrocacan Night clubs were done while we waited. We then moseyed down to the bridge and back as a recovery from the  4 corners.

Then it was onto Round 2!

Round 2 –  mode of transportation- nerr

C1:  15 jump squats, 15 low slow squats

C2:  15 box cutters, 15 American Hammers

C3: 15 monkey humpers, 15 Cherry Pickers

C4: 10 hand release Merkins, 20 SSH

After all 4 corners were done we gathered at top of hill leading to bridge until the 6 was is in. Morrocacan Night clubs were done while we waited. We then moseyed down to the bridge and back as a recovery from the  4 corners.

We completed a second set of rounds 1 and 2 substituting Moroccan Night clubs for flutters.

After the second set was completed, we did a

Batman Death March around the school with the 6 doing SSH

That brought us back to COT

Great work by all today

-Yard Sale

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I’m Back and Better Than Ever… Well, I’m Back at Least…

Following my 2 year hiatus I have returned and apparently been showing up enough to be voluntold that my fans have been waiting for my return to the Q… That or they had an opening and needed it filled, I chose to believe the former…

We started with a brief warm-up with some SSH, windmill, imperial walkers and hillbilly walkers and then began with the inflation impacted “Suns Out, Guns Out” buy in… 30 curls and 30 triceps extensions.  Following that  we turned on my little app with our very friendly coach and and began a little HIIT set to Foo Fighters in honor of their lost drummer.  Each exercise consisted of 4 sets of 30 seconds on and 10 second rest.  Every 3 exercises were separated by a more cardio based movement done in 2 sets of 50 seconds on and 10 seconds off

-Dead Lift

-Goblet Squat


-SSH (50 sec x 2)

-Pull Through



-Mountain Climbers (50 sec x 2)


-Calf Raises


-Swings (50 sec x 2)

Following these sets we returned to COT to buy out at 30 reps of curls and triceps extensions.

We had the honor of welcoming a new PAX member this morning.  Welcome Beaker.  It was great to meet you and hope to see you in the gloom soon

The we formed into COT with announcements and prayer requests

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