Hilly Fort Mill

Neff Ct. to Dudley, down to Felts. Felts down to the second entrance of Callahan making a left. Loop back around to Felts. Felts up to Thomas Knapp loop back to Dudley. Dudley to Dragon way around the backside of Dolby Bridge elementary, back to COT.

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Parting is such sweet sorrow

Tomahawk came with one mission and one mission only, to take ass and kick names. It has been a great few months reviving this long forgotten relic. I can’t think of a better way to send Tomahawk back to the depths than with todays Gladiator Games.

It renewed my faith in the pax that they aren’t ALL squishy. Sure some still cant do a proper lunge (Bandcamp), but I saw hope. Hope that pax don’t stay complacent, hope that harder AOs like Tallawah and Kitchen Sink become the new norm, and hope that we will continue to push each other.

Who knows, maybe Tomahawk will be needed again one day. But for now… Birdcage signing off

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Bushwood or Bust….

WARMUP: SSH. Cherry Pickers, Merks, Rebel Merks, Diamond Merks, Imperial Walkers, Nightclubs, Squats, Honey Mooner, Downward Doggie, Windmills, Mosey…
THE THANG: Keep it simple: Mini – Ladder – start at 5 reps w each rung in ladder adding one rep ( 6, 7, 8, and 9) 5 Bomb Jax, 6 Diamond Merks, 7 Big Boys, 8 Donkey Kicks, 9 Seal Jax!
Next up – some 11s ( that Bass couldn’t wait to get started )
We started top of the hill with Bobby Hurleys then moseying down around the bend and up the Hill to a spot so close to the starting point ( other side of road) and knocked out Plank Jax to keep the math working…
Called an audible half way thru to assist with the hill climbs and descents- finished out the 11s on a flatter area of the entrance. Almost infringed on the Minnow Pond parameters ( but who was measuring the total ground covered??)

MARY: 4 mins of Mary completed with a solid use of Heels to Heaven by Gemini who challenged the Pax up to a 15 count ….when the mumblechatter began after passing the standard 10 count! Nice work by all!
COT: Prayers for Geraldine who was being comforted at Hospice ( prayers for Slash and family), Family ( teenagers for ChickHawk), health and fellowship as we head into Summer.

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The Gladiator Games are Coming…

Its not often Trucker has a good idea, but credit is due where its due. YHC will revive the contest of champions where survival is the best case scenario. The object is to get to the end of the course as fast as you can, simple. Pax will start 2-5 minutes apart and fight their way to the end. This 20 minutes ass kick fest will have you taking the rest of the week off. Forget the UVU shxt. This is UV Everyone. Top time takes the title of Gladiator until the games return again….if they ever do. Last running of the bulls was nearly 8 years ago and a Gastonia Pax took the crown.

Lets see if all these cute little murphs and black diamond workouts have done anything to prepare you. There’s gonna be more than a sink there so be prepared for what’s beyond.

Synchronize your watches to converge at Catawba Ridge Football Parking Lot at a special start time of 5am. Ill take your reading this an an HC

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Burpees Anyone?

Football yarmarkers.
10 Yard Line – 10 Burpees
20 Yard Line – 20 Bombjacks
30 Yard Line – 30 Flutters
40 Yard Line – 40 Squats
50 Yard Line – 50 LBCs

Mode of transportation was running 🏃‍♂️.

We did 110 Burpees, 120 Bombjacks, 160 Flutters, 200 Squats, and 100 LBCs.

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