Circle of death

Moroccan Night Club
Imperial Walkers
Mountain Climbers
10 man makers
squat hold with the bell
Turkish get ups
10 man makers

The Thang:
Partner up for Catch me if you can. One partner did 10 merkins and the other partner carried both bells. The first partner then caught up and swapped.

Next up was 6 cones with exercises that we rotated through.
20 Burpees
20 Curls
20 Seated one arm presses
20 American Hanmmers
20 Goblet Squats
20 Single Leg Dead lifts(oil derricks)

The PAX got in 3 rotations or more around the circle.

Overhead one arm carry the bell back to the COT.

10 V-ups with bell
LBC’s in Cadence

The Site Q duties were passed from @airborne to @happy hour. Airborne has done a great job with this site and we look forward to Happy Hour’s leadership. We had 2 FNG’s which was great.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

TClap |

I don’t know much but I know Uhaul

Windmills, monacan Nite clubs, squats, merkins, sumo squats toy soldiers, lunges
3 sets of ten: 3 sets of 5 exercises 10 reps each take lap. Most got two full rounds in
Did some Mary with Bushwood
10 yr anniversary coming up
LOTS PRAYERS DOE health concerns. Praise for Battle Bots anniversary 👏🏻🥓

TClap |

Snake Pit – 3.23

8 PAX split off with Bushwood. I’m 100% certain Tesh’s backblast will be more interesting to read than mine. (I’ll tag him on Twitter and Slack to confirm this fact.) That left 8 PAX with kettlebells for the Snake Pit

The Thang:

Warmup alla cart of the top of my head based on what I felt my body needed. YHC was on Q; so, YHC went with what YHC knew.
Merkins (slow count)
Around the World (AKA: Kettlebell Sling Shot)
1 Burpee

Flow 1:
5 reps each
Goblet Squat
Side Lunge
Deck Squat (click the link…these suck)
then 4 reps
3 reps
2 reps
1 reps as a full flow

Small Lap and some yoga

Flow 2: 5 reps, then 4, 3, 2, 1
Over Head Press
Suitcase Row
Clean and Squat

Small lap and no yoga

Flow 3: 5 reps, 4, 3, 2, 1
Single Leg Deadlift
High Pull

A little bit of yoga (Birdcage does not enjoy pigeon lunge

Workout felt deceptively challenging

Dark Helmet-esque Report:
@WagonWheel has the tough work of being @Slash’s pastor
@Slash believes Encanto is a “foreign” film
@3D_Alex Geyling thinks it’s hilarious when somebody’s “dad” is escorted out of a theater for spoiling the movie and possibly being a “hobo”
@B.O.B. Is appropriately fearful of celebratory gunfire.
This is better than: @Sugarbug and YHC. We are unnecessarily fearful of unsuspecting coming across quicksand in our daily lives. Thanks Atreyu
@birdcage_f3 believes crossbreeding with an octopus is possible
@Drop Thrill doesn’t understand They/Them, but crushed today’s workout


I struggle with being a musician in a time of WAR (Ukraine/Russia at the moment). I was a sophomore music major during 9/11/2001 and viscerally remember feeling useless. Leonard Bernstein said: “We musicians, like everyone else, are numb with sorrow… Our music will never again be quite the same. This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before.” (he was speaking on JFK’s assassination.)

When I read an account from the last journalists in Mauripol, I again felt useless. My students and I spend so much practice and work exerting for something so ephemeral with no lasting product past last night’s performance. There’s a question of the validity of our efforts when so many suffer needlessly.

But this journalist’s account is a story. And many of the most lasting stories in our culture are turned to art (drama–> tv, stage, film). And much of what sticks in our minds and works in our hearts is through stories turned to lyrics and set to music. So, my individual labors may not single-handedly yield a song that awakens a generation, but my students may sing, write, teach, perform in a concert that does. Or at the very least, I’ll make d@mn sure that we work to make music more beautifully and devotedly than every before. And I’ll trust that the world will be a more beautiful place.

Men: stick with what gifts you’ve been given and the talents you worked to develop

Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

It dit-int rain

We had a few at a damp parking lot, but no rain (U-haul.)

Started by stretching just enough to get Funhouse a little grumpy ’cause he could feel something coming.

A sampling of a few groups of exercises with a light jog in between:

KB Swings 15
Lawnmower Pulls 15 each arm
Tricept Extensions 15
Halo circles 20
Hillbilly Walker with Bell 10 each leg (20)

Squats 15
Deadlifts 20
KB Swings 20
Tricept Extensions 15
Around The World single count 20 

Lawnmower Pulls 15 each arm
Clean press 10 each arm (20)
Halo circles 20

Squats 15
Around The World single count 20
Shoulder Press 15

Lawnmower Pulls 15 each arm
Tricept Extensions 15
Deadlift 20
Clean press 10 each arm (20)

Unfortunately, at one point, we lost Funhouse. Something got pulled. Hope you are doing much better soon.

Prayers to the Cyclops fam.

We talked about the Mental Battle podcast dropping Friday with DH, DThrill and C-Span (who is moving to Dallas?)  Also great fellowship with the young turks who are married and engaged in being strong dads. I am glad to see so many under 40’s taking advantage of F3 and what it brings in building the I am Third. I am more than happy to chat about the mistakes I made as a young dad trying hard to make my mark (before F3 existed.)

Thanks to 3-D for the opportunity.

TClap |

Q School – Snake Pit (kettlebell/gear edition)

9 PAX for some Q school

Esso hit on the 5 core principles that every F3 workout shares.
Then YHC took over


We reviewed counting in cadence
– Next exercise is:
– Starting positions MOVE
– In cadence:
– EXERCISE, 1, 2, 3….

Then we had some PAX work on counting in cadence with various exercises. We worked it like an actor on stage calling for their lines. I fed them the 4 lines and they took off. Occasionally we adjusted for some correction or pointers, but these PAX can lead!

We had folks count: SSH and Merkins more than once (gotta practice). Then I encouraged them to learn to call 6-count Burpees in cadence for when they need to quiet the mumblechatter down.

Then we moved over to the Thang:
Written on the pavement was:
Overhead Press
Tricep Extension
Merkin on the bell
Skull Crusher
Lawnmover pulls

Initially I discussed the importance of having a list of exercises (weinke) written down to rely on. Doens’t have to be on the ground. Could be on a piece cardboard, index card in your pocket, back of a 12 pack, or sharpie on your arm: it is helpful to have your notes with you.

The first set we did 10 of each then planked up for a discussion.
Then we did 10 more of each and planked back up. When you’re actively resting between sets in a plank, it’s often a good time to share a message. F3 has THREE Fs!! If you’re just working to accelerate the 1st F, use the opportunity to Q as a moment to reflect and share how you’re doing on the other 2Fs. Think about 2nd F with your family, or your 3rd F as where you are on your faith journey.

In the gloom, PAX can see how fit you’re getting. But how fit are you to be a father, spouse, partner, friend, son, colleague, boss, communicator, facilitator, supporter…? How fit is your mind and spirit? How are you working to accelerate there? Be encouraged to bring some message, no matter how brief.

Then I called 10 more of these, and followed that round by immediately calling 20. This FINALLY got some PAX to balk and protest. Every one of these exercises was arm heavy, this is a POORLY PLANNED set of exercises.

We moved over to another bit of chalk on the ground:
Manmakers 1
Snatch 5
Merkins 10
Lunge 16
Flutter 20

This set allowed us to focus more on the entire body rather than just working one set of muscles to exhaustion and encouraging bad form or injury. It also steps things up as part of the weinke rather than relying on the Q to call reps.

YHC discussed using this a set with holding Al Gore between rounds to keep PAX together. Or possibly having a loop distance to run and allow PAX to more at their own pace. I like to keep everyone together and help exhort the PAX to move to the next exercise or finish their current reps. If you’re concerned about your fitness level or your speed relative to other PAX. Setting up a list of exercises and a loop distance between rounds allows the rabbits to move like rabbits and the Clydesdales to move like Clydesdales. It can even encourage more 2nd F as guys pair up or group up to work together. Maybe as the Q you choose to group with a newer guy or stay with the six to encourage guys as they’re accelerating.

We then moved to the final set of chalk on the ground. I’d paired up some exercises and then listed a mode of transportation. We were running low on time, so I gave the heads up to overprepare the weinke, and be willing to adapt and adjust. You’ve sometimes got to modify up or down (especially considering run distance) based on the PAX present, or you’ve got to cut when you’ve over planned.

So we just did:

Swings 20
Merkins 20
Bear Crawl – Crawl Bear from one island to another

Single Leg Deadlift 10
Manmakers 10
Sprint the parking lot and back

We returned to COT at 5:56 for some Mary (only one minute behind my schedule)

I had PAX practicing calling some Mary in a circle. For the newer PAX, I encouraged them to just call the same exercise the guy before did. You don’t have to think of something brand new to lead. In fact, it’s hilarious (to me) when we get a string of guys that all call Flutters and everyone is grumbling. Sometimes it’s the Qs job to silence mumblechatter, and sometimes you want to encourage it!

Hope the Q-school session was helpful and/or this backblast is useful for someone planning their next KB workout.

One last point with the kettlebells, form is important. If you don’t feel comfortable with an exercise DON’T call it. If you can’t DO IT, don’t Q IT! Or if you do want to do it anyway and aren’t sure, call/text Tesh the night before to make sure he posts. Then ask him to demonstrate. (that’s what I do. you’re welcome)

Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

A Dozen in the mist

When 19 HIM descended upon Bushwood and the Snake Pit, YHC did not know how the split would break out.  7 opted for no kettle bells and a ruck or a beatdown delivered by Olaf but 11 HIM chose to join YHC for a 4 corners style workout  – parts of which may have surprised a few folks and parts were likely expected (consistency is a trait we are trying to sharpen after all).

At 0500, YHC came upon a large parking lot and with no rain falling, sidewalk chalk was decreed the flavor of the day to sketch out the work that was to follow.  Upon completing the 4 corners of 3 exercises each, an arrival happened at 0511.  The next 4 minutes of mumble chatter and the joy of seeing fellow brothers in the gloom ensued until 0515 arrived, when Olaf disclaimed us enthusiastically.  With that, we were off.  Here’s what happened.


Noticing that a total of 12 PAX brought bells, the math worked out favorably to break up into groups of 3 (more on the significance of that later).  We walked/jogged/ran/moseyed with our bells to Corner number 1 of the parking lot.  After completing 10 windmills IC, 3 bells were left and the PAX and 9 bells moseyed to

Corner #2 – after 10 Imperial Walkers were done in cadence, 3 bells were left and PAX and 6 bells moseyed to….

Corner #3 – after 10 Hillbilly Walkers in cadence, 3 bells were left and the PAX and the last 3 bells moseyed to…..

Corner #4 – the last 3 bells were left and we circled up to complete COP of:

5 burpees, 10 low slow squats, after squat #10 the people’s chair was held while we completed 10 moroccan night clubs and 10 air presses in cadence.  Bobber was notably pleased at this sequence and we recovered to begin 4 corners in groups of 3 – the main event.

Groups of 3 completed all 3 exercises in counts of 9, 22 and 21 – fittingly aligned with today’s date.  Upon completion, PAX ran to the next corner and continued this effort for 30 ish minutes with the kettle bells left at each station (more on that later).  The lucky exercises were:

Corner 1 – 9 thrusters, 21 chest presses, 22 flutters with press

Corner 2 – 9 manmakers, 21 hammer curls, 22 squats

Corner 3 – 9 burpees, 22 swings, 21 upright rows

Corner 4 – 9 flying squirrels, 22 merkins on the bell (11 each side), 21 LBC’s with the bell

PAX completed nearly 2 rounds and got their money’s worth.

All bells were then brought back to corner #1 at 0555 and YHC posed the following thoughts:

NMM – Ecclesiastes 4:12 tells us that though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves but a cord of three strands (the number of PAX per group) is not easily broken.  PAX were assigned 3 per corner for a reason beyond the math.  We reflected on this as well as the significance of being a part of as shield lock and how we are better with this in our life than not.  It ensures that we are also leaving no man behind per F3’s credo.

The different weights of kettle bells represent the fact that, in life, we never know what weight we will be asked to carry – the same way no PAX knew this morning what weights would be at which stations (other than their own of course) but we do know that a weight shared among many becomes less and less of a burden and more of a joy.  As we work through and overcome struggles and challenges, we realize that the joy on the other side is worth the work, the pain, the sacrifice and the abandonment of ourselves in serving and being there for others – living 3rd.

My thanks goes out to 3D for the call to the bullpen and the opportunity to Q #eastofthepeachstand.

Honored to share the gloom with you all.  Until next time,


TClap |

Bells. Apparently at Abercrombie and Fitch…

I forgot how fun it is to Q gear workouts. I haven’t actually participated in a gear workout in (checks notes) a long time.  I was excited to have 3D’s invitation, but it took a few tries to get a date that would actually work.  I mean, it’s east of the Peach Stand. Foreign territory. Almost its own region.  I’ve never even seen the high school where this AO is located…

So when the date came, I found a sitter for Pantheon, loaded up the car, and started on the long journey to the Snake Pit.

the gloom

I needed time for setup so I arrived at 0500 with a list of bad ideas, my just under 100lb sandbag,  and sidewalk chalk my 2.0’s probably won’t know is missing.

U Haul was already in the parking lot. I could tell because when I got within ten yards of his car I suddenly felt a waive of acrimoniousness wash over me. (I kid, I kid… mostly). He was leaning on his trunk, or tailgate or whatever the heck you call the back of an SUV, listening to music that I imagine is generally best-suited for a night of Aldi wine, a can of nacho cheese, a bathtub, and 90’s teen drama on Netflix.

Really, though, it would do any PAX good to spend a few minutes in conversation with U Haul. He’ll help you understand what it’s like in a world without diplomacy, and you’ll be thankful for it. Especially if you don’t agree with him.

So anyways, I threw my sandbag on my back and hauled it over to the other part of the parking lot and started writing down all the bad ideas.

Upon my return to the flag area, U Haul was still busting out tunes that reminded me of all the times in high school all the kids I knew thought that Nickleback, The Verve Pipe and Green Day were writing music specifically for their sooouuuuul.

Lots of other PAX showed up and we found that there was an FNG in our midst. After a quick review of the five core principals and a disclaimer, the Bootcampers ran off with Sugar Daddy and…


A quick mosey around the parking lot by CoT, which was cut short by Tesh arriving a few minutes late and driving responsibly and predictably through my intended path. We also spotted one of those Jeep things pull in, which ended up being Pudge who ran laps solo without showing up to CoT. You do you, Pudge.

the thang

Pick up the bells and head to the other side of the parking lot where I have 8 parking spaces with fun activities. But there are 11 of us, and so we wrote down two extras. Do I remember the order? No. I do not, but they were:

  1. Bag Carry
  2. Farmer Carry
  3. Swings
  4. Curls
  5. Upright Row
  6. Bent over row
  7. Chest Press
  8. Swings (yes, a second swings slot, because they’re awesome)
  9. Goblet Squat
  10. Tricep Extensions
  11. Wood choppers (some people called them hay bailers)

The carry slot had the sandbag, Henry**, in it. I’d known that not a lot of people would be all that keen on lifting this beast up on their back to carry it around the parking lot, so I figured whomever was next to the bag could assist in loading the carrier, or could simply do a shared carry (also a beast of task, considering how shifty the weight is in that bag).  We had more people than I was expecting, and it was odd, so I made the call to just have one PAX carry the bag, and the other farmer carry the bells. Or they can co-carry. So long as every PAX carried twice.

After the instructions were explained, I started playing some music that I knew full well only I really liked. But after years of hearing music I don’t like, I figure now we’re even.  For the record, I don’t even remember which playlist it was that I was on… but it was probably something called “Shuffle Syndrom” from Spotify.  Or similar.

After a full rotation we dropped the weight and lined up by the sidewalk for two sets of suicides.

Suicides were simple enough. Three stopping points. At the end of each run, drop for 5 merkins and run back to start (no merkins at the start). Here I changed up the music to Project 86 to fit the mood for running.  The second suicide traded pushups for squats.

We had about 5 minutes left, and I took the now somewhat winded PAX back over to the weights where we did 30s sessions with 10s breaks until time. (with the carry subbed out for deadlift of the bells or bag, whichever you prefer).

**The bag is named Henry because you’re supposed to name them, and I used to work for this dude who was an absolute slave driver, but without that job I’d never be where I am today.


Took roll call and had our FNG hang out in the middle to talk about himself. Being from Albequreckey(?)… I’m sure you can spell it if you live there, people had a lot of fun finding things unique to the state and we settled on “Tumbleweed”… before the really bad stuff came out.

Lots of announcements and things to do coming up and some prayers offered up.


First off, I’m thankful to have been able to get out of bed (very early) in order to Q this morning so far away from home, so thanks 3D for making time for me to Q.

Today I learned that there are different rules east of the Peach Stand.  For instance, when a TWSS was dropped people were genuinely surprised at the 5 burpee penalty/reward. Also, you can’t use big words like “caprices”.

And, now, I’ve never spent any time in an Ambercroby and Finch before, but I have walked by it, so when one of the PAX commented on the music that he felt like he was shopping there, I thought, “yeah, I look like those models. I get why you said that” (cannot recall which PAX said this, but I’m certain that’s what they were thinking).

If you plan to make people farmer carry someone else’s bell, make sure you’re going to be carrying Tesh’s bell.  Which I did… by chance. But I don’t mind appearing magnanimous. I mean, “nice”.


TClap |

Covering ground at the Pit

My apologies for breaking my own self-imposed 48hr Backblast rule but I appreciate the grace. It’s been a few weeks since my last time leading men from the Q spot so it was good to be back. What did we do? I’m so glad you asked:

Disclaimer and Polaroid took the BC’ers while the KB’ers stayed with me.
Your typical warm up exercises and some pretty good chatter if I remember correctly. If I don’t remember correctly, there’s a chance you don’t either.
Next, we did an atypical thing, we ran around the school…without the KBs. That was a 1mi warm up.
5 Man Makers with the KB
10 KB Swings / 20 lunges (10 ea leg) / 30 Curls (15 I/C)
Run down to the bottom of the hill. 5 Burpees. Run back up. 5 Burpees

10 KB Swings / 20 Leg Raises w/ KB at a 45 / 30 Flutters w/ a press
5 KB Man Makers / Run down to the bottom of the hill. 5 Burpees. Run back up. 5 Burpees

2min Plank
10 Very sloooooow squats I/C / 20 Thrusters / 30 Calf Raises

2min Plank / 5 KB Man Makers

Thanks for the invite.

TClap |

Humane, Inhumane, Inhuman

Some 14 PAX broke off from the larger Bushwood/Snake Pit conglomerate with a kettlebell in their hand

Yoga – much to everyone’s “enjoyment”
KB Windmill – nobody even pretended to like this one
Large Arm Circles
Shoulder Taps
Mountain Climbers

Short Mosey:

Dan John’s Humane Burpee
15 KB Swings
5 Goblet Squats
5 Merkins
15 KB Swings (It was here that BOB tweaked his back)
4 Goblet Squats
4 Merkins
15 KB Swings
3 Goblet Squats
3 Merkins
15 KB Swings
2 Goblet Squats
2 Merkins
15 KB Swings
1 Goblet Squats
1 Merkins

Short Mosey

YHC interpretation of an Inhumane Burpee (5 rounds)
15 KB Swings
5 Goblet Squats
5 Merkins
15 KB Swings
5 Goblet Squats
5 Merkins
15 KB Swings
5 Goblet Squats
5 Merkins
15 KB Swings
5 Goblet Squats
5 Merkins
15 KB Swings
5 Goblet Squats
5 Merkins

Short Mosey

Break from the routine:
10 R Single Leg Deadlifts
10 L Single Leg Deadlifts
10 R High Pulls
10 L High Pulls
10 R Racked Split Squat
10 L Racked Split Squat

5 R Single Leg Deadlifts
5 L Single Leg Deadlifts
5 R High Pulls
5 L High Pulls
5 R Overhead Split Squat
5 L Overhead Split Squat

Short Mosey – taking a new path

YHC’s addition of Inhuman Burpee (5 rounds)
15 KB Swings
6 Goblet Squats
6 Merkins
15 KB Swings
7 Goblet Squats
7 Merkins
15 KB Swings
8 Goblet Squats
8 Merkins
15 KB Swings
9 Goblet Squats
9 Merkins
15 KB Swings
10 Goblet Squats
10 Merkins

(interspersed this with 1 rep of pistol squat or burpee snatch between for variety)


Genesis 3:9
First question in the Bible is God asking “Where are you?” Let us be the men who can answer and not hide. To say “here I am Lord.”

Praises: Gotcha Day, that we still have work, new babies
Prayers: job losses, work surprises, cancer, snake bite, surgery recovery, BOB’s back

Thanks for the opportunity to lead 3D:

Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

The Snake Pit Site Q 6-17-20 Beatdown

10 PAX posted for a 6-17-20 workout

6 stations

17 exercises total

20 reps each

3D led a short lap around the parking lot.  Props to DropThrill for keeping up with the PAX.  You are getting stronger brother! Short warmup of some stretching and loosening stuff. Mumblechatter was heavy this morning

The fun.  OYO on most counts, but stayed together for each exercise.

Station 1 – Curls, Low Slow Squats, American Hammer

Lungewalk 20-30 yards

Station 2 – Overhead Press (L+R 20 each), Figure 8 (10 each direction)

Sidelunges 20-30 yds

Station 3 – Tricep Extensions, Uhauls, Halos (10 each direction)

Bearcrawl 20-30 yds

Station 4 – KB Swings, Snatch (20 L + R each)

Overhead Carry 50 yds

Station 5 – Skull Crusher, BB Situp with Thruster (note Birdcage refused to do thruster so as not to impact his Father’s Day “activities”)

Reverse Lunges 20-30yds

Station 6 – Single Leg Deadlifts (20 each L+R), Bent over Rows (20 each L+R)

KB run 100 yds back to COT (modification of a more direct mosey back)

8 min of Mary

COT and group photo for Cash

TClap |