Taking the Conga Line Through Life

WARMUP: Bit of a mosey and short COP with mumblechatter from Bonsai on the Qs Disclaimer. No, it wasn’t perfect. It also wasn’t missed entirely (except you Bonsai).

THE THANG: Two sets of accumulator series 5x / 10x / 15x /20x / 25x with bear crawls or crawl bears in between. one series was all lower body, one all core. along the way we did a conga line mosey weaving through all the posts of the carpool awning at the school.

MESSAGE: Workout and message today were geared around life not moving in a straight line. it hasn’t for me in career, fitness, faith, marriage, finances, etc. there have been ups and downs and twists and turns. too often I fall into the trap of blaming myself or someone else for the downticks when in fact that’s just part of the journey. and in fact it’s those downticks when I have the most to learn and grow. so take the attitude about the #Suck from the Gloom and apply it to the #Suck in the rest of your life — Embrace It!

thanks for the invite Triple Lindy and the AKA spirit Funhouse and pax! always an honor to lead.

COT: It was Day 2 of AKA and we had a great showing and energy level. some new faces (FITS) and some welcome kotters (Naked and Afraid).

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Jack Webbish

WARMUP: Hillbilly Walkers, Moroccan Night Club, Windmill, Toy Soldier, Karaoke, Down Dog, Honeymooner, Soccer Hip Thingy
THE THANG: Jack Webb Theme ×8
Dry People – Peter Parker Mercury – Seal Humpers – Calf Merkins – Low Slow LBC – Overhead Rosalitas – 8  1 Ros, 4 OH
Broga: Child’s Pose, Cat/Cow, Downdog, HoneyMooner, On back – Stretch – Curve L/R

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Handstands, burpees, and bear crawls oh my!

Mozy to the wall
Low Slow Squat
CDD and chill

Balls to the wall
It was at this point Sasquatch joined us
10 handstand pushups OYO
People’s chair
10 wall squats
Balls to the wall
10 handstand pushups OYO
20 burpees

mozy to roundabout
bear crawl around roundabout
20 burpees – to control the amount of chatter. There are people sleeping in those apartments ya know.
A2G (deep squat) for the 6

mozy to second roundabout
bear crawl around roundabout. Turns out this one is bigger. Who knew?
Olaf joined the group
20 more burpees to keep em quiet
Plank for the 6

mozy back to first roundabout
crab walk around
Plank for the 6

Mozy back to Red Bowl
3 corners, 10 reps each:
1) Big Boys and 2count Flutters
2) Burpees!!
3) Jump Squats and Bomb Jacks
The pattern was 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, etc.
Funhouse joined us somewhere in here

Flutters, Peter Parkers, and LBCs

Men’s shelter next week – Battle Bot
Blood Drive – 3D
Cannoli run
New 3rd F on Wednesdays – Kaiser
4/20 Partake – Battle Bot
Download “In Love While Parenting” App. It’s free – Olaf


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Physical 100 Aptitude Test

Imperial walkers
Wind mills
Cherry pickers


Mosey across the breeze way to the middle of the track. I had cones setup approximately 25 feet apart.

Round 1 – shuttle run
With a timer set the goal is to make from one cone to the other before the timer goes off. If you miss the timer you must do 3 kraken burpees and jump back in

5 rounds of 20sec
5 rounds of 18sec
5 rounds of 16sec
5 rounds of 14sec
5 rounds of 12sec
10 rounds of 10sec
10 rounds of 9sec – this is where it really strayed to get hard
10 rounds of 8sec
10 rounds of 7sec – this was as far as we could make it and Old Bay was the only one.

Round 2 The tail of Ouroboros
There are 4 pax, we all start at opposite ends of the tracks
Run around the track if you tag some one they drop and do 2 burpees

Old bay was the victor of the day.

Announcements and Praise & Prayers

Off to coffeeria

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Vulnerable Sevens with a twist

Quick mosey, SSH, Moroccan night clubs, windmills, low slow squats, low slow merkins

7 reps of the following:

Hand release merkin
4 count calf raise
Pull ups
Knee raises
Over the shoulder sandbag toss
Diamond merkins

Run down the hill to the stop sign, NUR back

We did 4 rounds of this with some life testimony in between rounds.

MARY: 3 minutes of broga


COT: 5th core principle

Tinsel OUT!

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That’s Ten For Ten!

WARMUP: We did a few exercises at 25 each and talked about 3/25 being the anniversary of Fury 325 opening at Carowinds 8 years ago.
THE THANG: we completed the Mental Battle WOD https://f3thefort.com/2023/03/02/406760/ with some modifications.

MARY: Just time for a little.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Congratulations to Longshanks on his marriage yesterday!
COT: Pray for mental wellness and those mentioned in COT.

The Thrill is gone.

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Mosey to the elementary loop. SSH
Mosey to the end of the loop. Windmill
Mosey to the road. Low Slow Squat
Mosey you the sidewalk
11s starting with 1 BBSU, run to school main entrance, 10 leg lifts
10 Bomb Jacks courtesy of Change Order’s TWSS
11s starting with 1 dip, run south to the first light for 10 merkins
10 count
arrange the PAX on the concrete, backs to the rising sun. Hold low horse stance (kinda like an Al Gore) for 30s, then right and left forward stances (back leg straight, front knee 90 degree bend)
leg stretches and mosey to CoT

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Some sorta CSAUP going on, read the NL
COT: everyone calls out a way to live third that they will do today (no trading responsibility, selfless actions), the PAX did great
Best mumblechatter I’ve heard in a long time, beautiful morning to be out

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Full Moon Fever

WARMUP: My 3rd Q of the month I decided to change it up and run the Category 5 WOD which I learned in Cape Fear in August 2020 after a typical warmup.

Cat 1 – Merkins
Cat 2 – Merkins, Squats
Cat 3 – Merkins, Squats, LBCs
Cat 4 – Merkins, Squats, LBCs, Lunges
Cat 5 – Merkins, Squats, LBCs, Lunges, Diamond

Thanks for coming along brothers for a full moon workout to start the day.

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4 Horsemen Preview The 23 Mental Battle WOD

The pax got a sneak peek at the Mental Battle WOD for 2023.

Starfish workout after the warmup with the following exercises and returning to the center each time for 20 squats

Round 1 – Shoulder Tap x15 (Double  Count)
Round 2 – Add Mountain Climbers x15 (Double Count)
Round 3 – Add Peter Parkers x15 (Double Count)
Round 4 – Add Donkey Kicks x15 (Double Count)

Round 1 – Monkey Humpers x20
Round 2 – Add Bonny Blairs x20 (Single Count)
Round 3 – Add  Side Lunges x20 (Single Count)
Round 4 – Add Jump Squats x20
Station 4 (Peer Led)

Round 1 – LBCs x25
Round 2 – Add Freddy Mercuries x25 (Double Count)
Round 3 – Add Heels to Heaven x25
Round 4 – Add Superman

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38 Specials borderline triumphant return to the Gloom

it was my borderline triumph at return of the gloom after having injured my ankle back on January 31st! I would have felt like it was a lot more triumphant if during the first side startle hot my ankle didn’t tell me I had to stop doing these pretty quickly.
WARMUP: SSH, low slow squat, windmill
round one
count off and pair up for a simple DORA. 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC. the partner not doing reps farmer carries both bells ~60m (it really adds up over time)
round two
everyone grabbed their bells and walk to the north end of the parking lot. where a deck of cards with all of the faces removed dictated what we would do next. hearts were curls, clubs were shoulder, press, diamonds or chest press, and spades were deadlifts. any jokers were a run up the hill and every six cards we would mosey down to the end of the parking lot back. unfortunately my shuffling skills were terrible because both Jokers ended up being at the bottom . I noticed this and very secretly inserted one of the jokers into the middle of the deck but not high enough. apparently that we would get to it, much to everyone’s great annoyance
MARY: 60 seconds of flutter with a chest press
ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots of sea sops and events coming up
COT: asked everyone to think about responsibilities that they may not want or may feel a bit of animosity toward and reflect on why and how to deflect or reduce the stress they feel from that

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