A Fran-tastic time atop the hill

9 Motivators
Peter Parkers
Low slow squats

With 7 men and 3 sandbags:

Stop along the way for
10 squats
10 merkins

At the top
Fran-ish (Fran is a benchmark Crossfit workout. It’s supposed to be Thrusters and pullups)

Return to COT on time

I’m not a professional, but we landed the plane at precisely 0600 so no need to fill some extra time with nonsense

Sober October
CRI Training


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MP – Sep 7 – Your mom would’ve been proud

WARMUP: This is MP. That’s not really a thing.
THE THANG: Running with pushups
MARY: No chicks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: The 5th Core Principle

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Sandbags and logs

WARMUP: Windmills, 4 count squats, imperial Walker’s, merkins, then light ruck shuffle to loosen everything up.
THE THANG: Buy in: every 2:30 complete the following w/ruck on entire time: 10 squat cleans w/sandbag, 10 merkins, 10 OH sandbag press and 10 bentover sandbag rows. 4 rounds for 10 mins total. Honestly this was a terrible idea. It takes almost the entire 2:30 to complete so very little rest between rounds.
Quick break to recover them grab a couple of sandbags and move to back of school. Grab the logs, 3 PAX per log and move them back to front of school. Each team front rack carried their log the length of the parking lot. On other end perform 10 team overhead log presses then 10 team log squats. Front rack carry log back to start point. Set log down then complete the following: 3 rounds of 3 exercises. 1st round is 21 reps of each, 2nd round is 15, and last round is 9. 3 exercises were front ruck squats, overhead ruck presses, and swings.
Pick up the logs and take them back to spot behind school. Grab sandbags and move back to cars. Couple of minutes left so another 3 round, 3 exercise routine. This time reps are 15, 10, then 5. Exercises were overhead lunges, ruck curls, and flutters. Times up. Work was done and no one was injured. Successful morning!
Thx Sprocket for the opportunity.

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Into the woods

WARMUP: We don’t need no stinking warmup

THE THANG: Stop! Slow mosey time down the hill to the circle island

IC x 10: calf raises, MNC

Slow mosey up the hill into the woods and back down the hill to the same island:

IC x 10 cr, MNC, step ups

Slow mosey to the back of the campus. Double time weaving through islands.

Slow mosey to amphitheater.

IC x 10: cr, MNC, su, squat (mind the noise lest Gladys report you)

Slow mosey through fire pit, across street to front parking lot. Head toward Starbucks, slow mosey to yoga and move into next lane toward 160.

Form line facing buildings, shuffle left, midway between islands, face 160 shuffle right. Slow mosey to end and return leg across parking lot. Double time from mid point of leg to end. Head to COT

MARY: Nope! Not today

ANNOUNCEMENTS: There were some. Any questions – NEWSLETTER

COT: Was held

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Worked to silence

– yes and various with some mosey
– jack webb: 1-4 push-up and LBC
– hill repeat dora: 100x big boy / 200x squat / 300x American hammer
– airborne hip flex
– read newsletter
– bier-ruck on 9/28: 6@6for6
– was held

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Leg Day

WARMUP: Dynamic Stretches
THE THANG: Dora! Dora! Dora! Hills, bearcrawls, kraken burpees, and monkey humpers galore
MARY: LBCs x 200 and Stang is more flexible than anyone could have guessed.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 6k 6pm 6 Biers
COT: Occupations, back to school cold season

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WARMUP: Run to the golf course
Start on #1
Tee boxes – 10 merkins
Greens – 15 squats, 20 LBCs

Most got through 6, some got 9 holes. All ran 3 miles.

Run back to COT
Read your newsletter
Remember we aren’t promised another day. Love on your family even when it’s hard. Give grace even to those that show you no grace.

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Heart Rates & Deck of Cards

WARMUP: Run around the school then the large loop doing a variety of warmup exercises along the way.
THE THANG: It’s the deck of cards:
Hearts: Burpees
Diamonds: Staggered Merkins
Clubs: Plank Jacks I/C
Spades: Butt Kickers I/C
Total count of each: 104
(4) Wild Cards: 25 Flutter Kicks I/C

MARY: See above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Blood Drive & engage some 2nd F opportunities, ya’ll, whether that be with a large group or 1:1.
COT: It stays at COT.

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In Honor Of September, 11, 2001

WARMUP: All PAX but Shield dropped in the plank with their ears wide open to listen to our brother Shield share his experience as an NYPD officer on 9/11/2001. This included the names of a few of Shield’s fallen brothers. Some of us have been fortunate enough to hear him talk about that day but every time I hear it, I take away something new. This morning was no different.
Following the plank, we mentioned a few numbers of significance for the PAX to think about:
9 & 11: This was obvious
22: Years since that day 22yrs ago
100: The number of days Ground Zero in NY smoldered
ALL PAX 100 Side Straddle Hops (50 in cadence) & 22 Burpees

THE THANG: Grab your bell and meet over by Clickbait’s trailer where we had more gear. Everyone has a weight of some kind for the following 9 exercises:
11x Kettle Bell Swings
11x Thrusters
11x Goblet Squats
11x Bent Over Rows
11x Overhead Tricep Extensions
11x Big Boy Sit-ups w/ Weight
11x Bicep Curls
11x Standing Lunges
11x Overhead Press

We went through these 9 exercises one more time and occasionally modified the cadence.

In groups of 4, we all got to experience the 200lb sand bags for 4 reps, taking the bag from the hips, to the shoulders, to an overhead position, back to the shoulders and finally, back to the hips. If we weren’t on the 200lb sand bag, we did the same evolution with our own coupon.

Then, back to 22 Side Straddle Hops & 11 Burpees.

MARY: Throughout
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots in the newsletter & THE BLOOD DRIVE
COT: Indeed

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