Title TBD

Disclaimer then mosey up Massey to Pike parking lot. Normal warmup stuff. Then everyone get on end of parking line. Bear crawl to opposite line, 5 merkins, crawl bear back to start, 5 mtn climbers. Repeat this movement 5 times. Jog down and back up Massey.
Next set used 3 lines for suicides. 21 jump squats, 21 lunges, 21 Apolo ohnos, run 3 line suicide. 15 of each then run suicide. 9 of each then run suicide.
Next set uses the 3 lines plus far curb. Run to 1, 20 merkins, back to start, run to 2, 15 seal Jack’s, back to start, run to 3, 10 plank Jack’s, back to start, run to 4, 5 bombjacks. Next round drop the 1st line, do 2,3,&4. Next round just do 3&4.
Finished with ‘who’s the king’. Start w/1 burpee and 20 shoulder taps (L+R=1). You have 60 seconds to complete and whatever time is left is what you have to rest. Add a burpee each minute. If you don’t finish the round then you’re out and you just do 5 burpees per min for remaining. Several made it through the 7 burpee round before time was up. I think everyone was OK that time was up. Back to COT to share core principles with FNGs. Solid work by all the PAX. Thx for the opportunity Soup2Nuts!

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Title TBD

Disclaimer then mosey up Massey to Pike parking lot. Normal warmup stuff. Then everyone get on end of parking line. Bear crawl to opposite line, 5 merkins, crawl bear back to start, 5 mtn climbers. Repeat this movement 5 times. Jog down and back up Massey.
Next set used 3 lines for suicides. 21 jump squats, 21 lunges, 21 Apolo ohnos, run 3 line suicide. 15 of each then run suicide. 9 of each then run suicide.
Next set uses the 3 lines plus far curb. Run to 1, 20 merkins, back to start, run to 2, 15 seal Jack’s, back to start, run to 3, 10 plank Jack’s, back to start, run to 4, 5 bombjacks. Next round drop the 1st line, do 2,3,&4. Next round just do 3&4.
Finished with ‘who’s the king’. Start w/1 burpee and 20 shoulder taps (L+R=1). You have 60 seconds to complete and whatever time is left is what you have to rest. Add a burpee each minute. If you don’t finish the round then you’re out and you just do 5 burpees per min for remaining. Several made it through the 7 burpee round before time was up. I think everyone was OK that time was up. Back to COT to share core principles with FNGs. Solid work by all the PAX. Thx for the opportunity Soup2Nuts!

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WARMUP: SSH, Cherry pickers, IW, HW

THE THANG: In light of the Q Source topic of DRP, the weinke reflected the Spurs.
1. “A man needs help to get right.”
The first portion of the workout was a team effort. Teams of 2 had to complete 50 merkins, 50 big boys, and 50 squats total reps.

During the next portion of the workout we discussed the second spur
2. “A man must turn pro to get right.”
Second workout 25 minutes of 100yd sprints EMOM.
Turning pro means that you’re making the decision every day to work towards your goals, being a true HIM. Often times with the help of a Disrupter.

Third spur is “Discretion is a cage with velvet bars”
This means that when you give yourself too many options, giving up is easy. Before every workout the disclaimer is made “modify if necessary” and too often we modify our goals to make it easier to quit.

Wrapped up the workout with 50 merkins, 50 big boys, and 50 squats. If you finished before someone else, take a portion of their reps to help them finish up as well. A man needs help to get right.
Final buy out was a 200yd sprint.


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Deep in the Honeycomb at The Hive

Few exercises to get the PAX loose

8 exercises
4 rounds
30 yard run and abs in between each round

Couple Mary moves
Just don’t say you’re being intentional…put some action behind the words and do something 👏🏻🥓🔥👆🏻

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Burpees, Bombjacks and Pullups….Oh My

Warm Up
Windmill (IC)
Mosey to top of Massey Hill
Downward Dog, stretch the calves

The Thang
Massey Hill
Run to bottom and top x 5
At the top:
-20 shoulder taps
-15 planks jacks
-10 good mornings
Mosey to Fort Mill Church of the Nazarene Parking Lot

Nazarene Parking Lot
11’s with Burpees and Bomb Jacks
Started at 1 burpee and 10 bomb jacks and went to 7 burpees/4 bomb jacks
Mosey to Print Shop pull up bars

Print Shop Pull up bars
5 pull ups
10 merkins
15 squats
20 LBCs
25 calve raises
We did about 15 minutes and failed some and then failed some more
Mozy back to COT

Mary: 1 minute of flutters

2/24 get in a car and go support our brother, Helmet
3/1 Q School
3/2 Print Shop
3/9 Spring Invergence

COT: Prayers for leadership

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Metal 🤘🏻

WARMUP: SSH, merkins, arm circles, squats
THE THANG: Tabata 60 secs on, 60secs off:

Halo, Merkin, swing, Flutter, Row, LBC, Goblet Squat, Jump squat, Single Leg Dead lift, Alt Lunge.

We got through 2 rounds of this full body upper middle and lower workout. Lots of great mumble chatter mostly about the hair metal play list. Let’s just say it was a generational divide!

All worked hard and felt it the next day.
Aye! Jekyll

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Kettle Bell Blues

WARMUP: mosey to parking lot with bells to warmup. SSL,IW,Merkins, Low Slow Squat, peach pickers, wind mills.
100- American Hammers w Bell – mosey 100 yds and back
100 -lunges w Bell – mosey 100 yds and back
100-tricep extensions- mosey 100 yds and back.

AMRAP – 45 seconds
Goblet Squats
Chest Press

Mosey to Large Hill (7’s)
Man Makers

MARY: not really
Announcements: Post at Block Party on Tuesdays
COT: prayers for health (physical,mental, spiritual)

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LDP 10 Count Buffet

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Moracan night clubs, mosey to the thang

THE THANG: 10 Count buffet-Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Shoulder Taps, Big Boy Situps, LBC’s, SSH, Lunges, Squats, Bobby Hurley’s, Dips completed 10 of each, ran lap after each round

MARY: Flutters, Freddy Mercury’s, Big Boys

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Pints and Padres, Bethel Men’s Shelter

COT: 1 prayer or praise from each lifted up

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Luck 7 Island Party

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Imperial Walkers, Strawberry Pickers, and Broga
THE THANG: Mosey around the parking to side wall of HT. At wall, we did 3 rounds of Balls to the Wall and Wall Sits for 10, 5, and 3 countdown.
Then Island Party Began:
At the Islands, we started at first Island with 10 Burpees, Then next Island, we did 20 Shoulder Taps, then next Island we did 30 Bomb Jacks, and 40 Squats. Each round we used a different mode of transportation between the islands with Round 1 being a bear crawl, then Round 2 was lunges, and final round was Crab Walk. Final exercise was the Cheese Shredder.
MARY: American Hammers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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share your burdens with a group

WARMUP: dynamic stretching Broga
THE THANG: pick 6 burdens plus the qsource board and make a lap around the band lot light polls. Time to beat decreased each round. Guys from sole to soul joined us for a lap. Everyone pushed hard and worked together as a team.
We did some 6 count foundational burpees
COT: prayers for us to be the husband’s our wives deserve and fathers that resemble our heavenly Father’s love.

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