
Missing Rebel, Esso stepped up and declared the run to Walmart. All cooperated.

Looking forward to July 4th convergence, Triple CSAUP, Live Right Acceleration this Friday.

Please consider signing up for lawn mowing at Care Center.


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Merkins, Squats and Burpees oh My

Standing Ab Twist (tighten you core)
Toy soldier
Karaoke to the right
Flap Jack to the left
Bear crawl to the drain
Then LT Dan to the end of the parking lot

Mosey over to the parking lot behind Dunkin

100 Merkins
Run to the end of Lake Vista Dr

200 Squats
Run to the end of Lake Vista Dr

20 Burpees
Run to the end of Lake Vista Dr

Run back to COT


WW2 Sit ups
Worst Worst LBC’s

3 CSAUP’s, convergence, invergence

Prayers and praises
Sky Q knows

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3 leg tour

WARMUP: Ditch Witch led!

THE THANG: YHC had a plan pulled from previous Alcatraz backblasts, but it was a pretty morning. So, here’s a list of what we DID NOT do:
– 30 pull ups
– 45 burpees
– 90 squats
– 120 dips
– and laps (thanks Decibel)
and/or a ladder courtesy of Backdraft
– 10 burpees
– 20 jumping lunges
– 30 Carolina Dry Docks
– 40 jump squats
– 50 merkins
Instead we covered 3.5ish miles and stopped occasionally to regroup. We went to the end of Anchorage, Windward, and Point Clear. At the stops, we did some exercises in cadence, some yoga, or just considered the myriad of ways this workout siphoned and what a jerk YHC is.
MARY: led by the PAX in a circle
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 3 CSAUPS this summer – in the
COT: a stirring word from Aquaman on the importance of all 3 Fs. Keep posting.

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Choose your own fate card ruck

Rick through Kingsley

3 mile ruck with 2 pain stations
Ranger merkins
Hand release merkins
American Hammers

Ended with flutters


Happy hour at Emilio’s
7/4 Convergence

Family health fellowship

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Colosseum 6-18-24

Imperial Walkers
hillbilly Walkers
Tappy Taps

Light Jog
Wall sits while a PAX does an inchworm to curb and back
At the track, do exercise then run a lap
– 12 o clock – 50 squats
– 3 o clock – 50 merkins
– 6 o clock – 50 dips
– 9 o clock – 50 mountain climbers
The Grinder at the entrance to GHMS
– Partner Up: Partner 1 do a bear crawl up to the next light
– Partner 2: run to the next light and come back to get your partner and run back to the light
– Switch – Partner 2 does Bear crawl, Partner 1 runs
– When Partner 1 starts again, do Crab Walk. Switch back to Bear Crawl at next cycle.

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Run, Plank, Exercise, Repeat: The ‘Are We There Yet?

YHC arrived 10 minutes early. As usual, Badlands was out for a Pre-Run.

– 5 SSH (IC)

The Thing
– Mosey 0.40 miles to the first Baxter entrance.
– Plank for the 6.
– 10 Low Slow Squats (feet together).
– 10 Merkins.
– 15 WW2 Sit-ups.

– Mosey 0.60 miles to the Sutton Rd 160 Intersection.
– Algore for the 6.
– Monkey humpers for active recovery.

– Mosey 0.50 miles to Flight Plan COT.
– 10 Lt. Dan’s (IC). Counting cadence was tricky, so we were off on the count.
– 10 Lunges each leg to make up for the Lt. Dan count.
– 10 Foxholes (WW2 Sit-up then flip over to a Merkin).

– Mosey 0.45 miles to Sutton Rd and Richards Crossing.
– Algore for the 6.

– Mosey 0.25 miles to the small hill on Richards Crossing.
– Plank for the 6.
– 3 hill repeats up to the sign and back.
– Basketball drill: side shuffle, bounce off the curb to the sign.
– Nur up to the top of the hill.

– Mosey 0.30 miles to the Mushroom Pool parking lot.
– Plank up for the 6.
– 7 Windmills (IC).
– 9 Chain Breakers (IC).

– Mosey to COT.
– With plenty of time left, we did 4 suicides in the parking lot.
– Still some time on the clock, so we did 10 Worst Worst LBCs.
– Attempted Imperial Walker Squats (IC) but messed up the cadence.

– Hog and Coyote next Saturday.
– The Sweaty Barry after that.
– Tortoise and the Hare.
– Jaeger.

Prayers & Praises:
– Suplex: Praise for finding F3 and absolutely getting after it.
– Punchlist: Prayers as he ventures out and builds a home in York, renting for a year.
– YHC: Asking the Pax to be more vulnerable in COT.

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Kettlebell Chaos: Four Rounds of Fury with 20 Swingers

Rolled in with seconds to spare, hopped out grabbed the kettlebells and gave the disclaimer.
Warm up :
Cherry Pickers
Stretch the hamstrings reach to the right foot, then the center then the left foot, back to center.
Overhead claps.

The Thang:
Round 1
45 Seconds of Kettle Bell Goblet Squats
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Kettlebell Imperial Goblet Squats
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Kettlebell Lower Leg Lunges
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
Run a lap around the parkinglot

Round 2
45 Seconds of Right Leg Roman Dead Lift
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Left Leg Roman Dead Lift
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Wide Leg Kettlebell Deadlift
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
Lap around the Parking lot with the kettle bell hit the speed bump rifle carry, make it to the turn regular, hit the next speed bump riffle carry, get to the turn regular till you get back to the start.

Round 3
45 Seconds of Kettlebell Pass Under Lunges
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Right Arm Kettlebell Bent Over Rows
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Left Arm Kettlebell Bent Over Rows
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
Lap around the parkinglot with the kettlebell make it around the bend and slowsy to the next bend then regular till we get back to the start.

Round 4
45 Seconds of Kettlebell Overhead Press
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Right Arm Kettlebell Chest Press On Your Six
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Left Arm Kettlebell Chest Press On Your Six
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
Time is is up Recover.

Announcements, Prayers and Praises

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Ruck & Block Grind: The Ultimate Shoulder Challenge!

Showed up with only Falcon Crest there, and the PAX started to trickle in.

A few exercises to get started.

The Thing:
Grab a cinder block and speed ruck to cones in the car lane.

Round 1:
– 10 Cinder Block Squat, Curl to Overhead Press
– Ruck to large cone on the right:
– 5 Man Makers
– 10 Ruck Push-ups
– 15 Overhead Ruck Hold Squats
– Speed Ruck around the parking lot

Round 2: Rinse and repeat
– This time, further ruck around more of the parking lot.

Round 3: Rinse and repeat
– This time, ruck the immediate parking lot and then around the field.

Round 4: Rinse and repeat
– Bring the block with you.

After Exercise:
– Carry block to the bottom of the hill going to Walmart.

Light Post Challenges:

1. 1st Light Post:
– Farmer carry your ruck and a cinder block.
– Perform 10 cinder block curls.
– Hold cinder block straight out in front of you for a 10 count.

1. 2nd Light Post:
– Farmer carry your ruck and a cinder block.
– Perform 10 cinder block squats to curls.
– Hold cinder block straight out in front of you for a 10 count.

1. 3rd Light Post:
– Farmer carry your ruck and a cinder block.
– Perform 10 cinder block squats to curls to overhead press.
– Hold cinder block straight out in front of you for a 10 count.

Once completed, farmer carry your ruck and cinder block to the entrance of the school. Then, put the ruck back on and get the cinder block back any way you can.

It was a shoulder smoke show!

Announcements, Prayers, and Praises:

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