
WARMUP: Mosey to the gym entrance – windmills (I/C & trucker-approved) and Cherry pickers (I/C). Mosey to the back of the school at bus loop – imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers and low slow squats with Moroccan night clubs all in cadence. Mosey to benches for dips I/C and Bulgarian split squats (Single count)

THE THANG: at the poles varying exercises of 11’s were completed in pairs. Mode of transport between the poles was lunge walking and lieutenant Dan’s. Every 3 sets or so – YHC called mosey around the car loop.

After completing the poles pax moseyed to the basketball court for four corners of 11 & 11 – notable callout of gas pumpers at one corner by twister.

From there – PAX Moseyed to the dumpster where pax did 20 d/c monkey humpers (facing footloose of course).

Mosey to gym entrance for dips and a little Broga- but just a little.

Mosey to cot for Mary

MARY: a few of airborne’s hip exercises and a inner thigh stretch brought us to 0600

COT: 5th core principle

Thanks for the call Boogie Down. Always an honor to lead.


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Extra Thanksgiving Pounds

See the route posted in the comments below- 2 loops completed for almost 3.5 miles total. Majority of pax were given 2lb weights to hold in each hand. At each point of the “T”, pax completed 15 SSHs, 10 lunges (single count), and 5 burpees – all exercises completed whilst holding aforementioned weights. 10-12 sets completed.

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27 – ALL of them were there

WARMUP: mosey to the high school gym parking lot for:
Windmills x 10 (d/c, i/c)
Cherry pickers x 10 (i/c)
Imperial walkers x 10 (I/c)
Hillbilly walkers x 10 (I/c)
Seal jacks x 15 (I/c)
Down dog, walk dogs
Merkins x 10 (I/c)
Should taps x 10 (I/c)

Hand off to warning track for the main event


Light poles are the Diamond
4 rounds
Home base – pole 1 – 5 burpees
1st base – pole 2 – 10 Bobby hurleys
2nd base – pole 3 – 15 LBC’s
3rd base – pole 4 – 20 merkins

Mosey to hill out to Munn road
Partner DORA – partner 1 runs, partner 2 does exercises and then flapjack
100 – Shoulder Taps
200 – LBC’s
300 – squats

On to the high school wall for BTTW.  Holding for an excessive period of time.  Once time was called pax moseyed to COT

MARY: Time for one minute of flutters.
COT: 5th core principle

Warning Track and YHC were given AAR’s and pax were dismissed after COT.

Always a privilege to see an accelerating HIM rise at The Coach’s Box.  T-Claps Warning Track.


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Set your Goals…then crush em!!

Dynamic warmup with running, lunges, karaoke, shuffling to various locations and performing various exercises
Side straddle hops
Hill Billy walkers
Low slow squats
Hello Dolly’s
Step Ups

Up and down hill at main entrance
Accumulating exercises ever stop
1 Merkin down the hill
1 Merkin 2 big boys up the hill
1 Merkin, 2 Big boys, 3 plankjacks down the hill

Get the idea

4 full squats
5 burpees
6 Wide Arm Merkins
7 SSHs
8 Flutters
9 Jump Squats
10 Donkey kick

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Set your Goals…then crush em!!

Dynamic warmup with running, lunges, karaoke, shuffling to various locations and performing various exercises
Side straddle hops
Hill Billy walkers
Low slow squats
Hello Dolly’s
Step Ups

Up and down hill at main entrance
Accumulating exercises ever stop
1 Merkin down the hill
1 Merkin 2 big boys up the hill
1 Merkin, 2 Big boys, 3 plankjacks down the hill

Get the idea

4 full squats
5 burpees
6 Wide Arm Merkins
7 SSHs
8 Flutters
9 Jump Squats
10 Donkey kick

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Set your Goals…then crush em!!

Dynamic warmup with running, lunges, karaoke, shuffling to various locations and performing various exercises
Side straddle hops
Hill Billy walkers
Low slow squats
Hello Dolly’s
Step Ups

Up and down hill at main entrance
Accumulating exercises ever stop
1 Merkin down the hill
1 Merkin 2 big boys up the hill
1 Merkin, 2 Big boys, 3 plankjacks down the hill

Get the idea

4 full squats
5 burpees
6 Wide Arm Merkins
7 SSHs
8 Flutters
9 Jump Squats
10 Donkey kick

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Walk like your favorite Bear or Crab!

Ran up that big ole hill
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly walkers
Cherry Pickers
Moroccan Night Clubs
Run back down big ole hill

Part I: First Baptist Parking lot, stop at each island
Do this set 3x
5 reps burpees
10 reps merkins
15 reps jump squats
20 reps WWII sit-ups

Mode of Transport between islands:
1st time – Cubbie Crawl
2nd time – Crab Walk
3rd time – Lunge Walk

Part II: relay races
Team planks until your turn

Part III: Print Shop
Dora, 1 set
5 x pull-ups
5 x dips
1 trip down the monkey bars
LBCs until your partner returns

Plank out to Ram Jam with Merkins on “Bam-a-Lam”

Bourbon and BBQ this Friday
Convergence on Thanksgiving, 6:30 at the Ranch

Named Cobbler!
We recited the 5 rules of F3 for Cobbler’s (and some of our own) benefit 😀
I brought up how I’ve had a Whetstone for 3 months and it has really helped me find more consistency with posting. Can’t wait to dig deeper and keep accelerating!
Had a moment of silence so men could pray on their own.

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Better Late Than Never

WARMUP: Mosey around front/bus loop, stopping periodically for some exercises: Side Straddle Hops, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, Moroccan Night Clubs, Windmills.

THE THANG: PAX partnered up & we attacked some exercises, DORA-style, with increasing rep requirements. PAX1 did exercises while PAX2 did some method of transport, then flapjack until the rep count was hit & move on to the next.

1. 50 Burpees / Run across parking lot (to the far marching band endzone) & back
2. 100 Dry Docks / Lunges (think to the 50yd line) & back
3. 150 Merkins / Run across & back
4. 200 Squats / Bear Crawl (think to the 30yd line, maybe it was the 50 again) & back
5. 250 LBC’s / Run across & back
6. 300 Calf Raises (equal doses of toes in/out/straight) / Broad Jump to the 50yd line & back

We got done around 05:53:23. With time left for dessert, we enjoyed a 6min AMRAP of 20x Mtn Climbers > 10x Diamond Merks > 20x Flutters > 10x Box Cutters

Made our way back to COT.

MARY: None

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Make sure you’re getting your newsletter. Once that’s been confirmed, make sure you’re reading it.

COT: Stays in COT but praises were shared and prayers requested.

Thanks for the opportunity @Cyclops!

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Go run somewhere

WARMUP: stretch
THE THANG: run to Brayden light. Loop through a couple times come back.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: BBQ Bourbon, Slash thing Sat, pints padre, that is all
COT: prayers& praises. Be thankful for all our blessings.

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