178 Year Anniversary of The Naval Academy

It was a cool crisp morning in the Fort but fear not, the mumble chatter kept us warm.

Quick warm up and we mosey 10 feet over to the field behind the AO.

Gave a quick history of the founding of the US Naval Academy by historian, educator, and secretary of The Navy George Bancroft. It was founded on 10/10/1845 in Annapolis Maryland to improve unsatisfactory methods of instructing midshipmen.

10 Burpees (October)/10 Flutter (10th Day)/18 Squats & 45 Monkey Humpers (year of pain). Mode of transportation was a Yog (Soft J).

We did:

– 80 Burpees
– 60 Flutters
– 72 Squats
– 90 Monkey Humpers

Moseyed across the street to the hill of pain for some 7’s with a bear crawl as the mode of transportation.

– 6 Kraken Burpees
– 1 V-Up

Back to COT for announcements, prayers, and praises.


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PRE-WORKOUT: Pullups with Trucker

WARMUP: Run back and forth two times in the Runde parking lot


After a brief introduction including some history of Alcatraz, Funhouse kicked off COP with 50 SSH, (although I believe 100 were planned in homage to Santini). From there it was imperial walker x 10, hillbilly walker x 10. Before we got to the meat of the workout, YHC called out a classic Alcatraz upper body workout called Green Sally (Decibel/2014). It’s a song by Moby called ‘Flower’ where you plank when he sings ‘Green Sally Up’ and drop to 6″ when he sings ‘Green Sally Down’. It’s pretty tough to complete the whole song and I don’t think anyone did today. But, you have to have monster shoulder strength. Because we had a large group today, we split them in half and started our Q’s:

Funhouse on Q:
The Wheel of Pain (Funhouse/2013)
Each PAX gets a cone with an excercise and reps.
40 yard diameter circle with a cone in the middle.
Do the excercise on the cone, run to the middle and out to the cone to the right.

Freddy Mercury – 25
Lunges – 30
Burpees – 15
Merkins – 15
Rosalita- 30
Squats – 25
LBC – 25
Burpees – 10
SSH – 30
Parker Peter – 25
Plank Punches – 30
Mountain Climbers – 30
Merkins – 15

Senator Tressel on Q
Mosey to the bottom of the hill on Tara Tea Drive for ‘Quadzilla’ (Zima/2018)
Group 1 does squats while Group 2 runs backwards up the hill and does 5 bombjacks at the hilltop. Run back down and flapjack. Rinse and repeat 2 more times.

Mosey to the playground for pullups, step ups, and ab exercises (Senator Tressel/2013) We did 2 rounds today

Mosey to the wall by the concessions stand and split into two groups.
Group 1 does Peoples chair and passes a kettle bell (White Lightning/2018), while Group 2, runs to the fence, hops over it, sprints up the hill, does 3 burpees at the top, and runs back to the wall. Flapjack. (Jekyll/2017) We did 2 rounds today.

Form a line for tunnel of love (stolen from Santini at WEP/2012)

MARY: Hello Dolly x 20, Seal walk (Cornhole/2013), Navy Seal Team Sit Ups (Santini/Trucker 2013)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

COT: Today we celebrated 10 years at Runde Park by paying homage to some of the classic beatdowns led by the great Q’s of Alcatraz. Funhouse and I drew an Alcatraz record 32 Pax and that made me very proud (of course, we advertised heavily, offered free coffee, beer, cake, and closed the other two Saturday AO’s so maybe that had something to do with it – LOL). Although, attendance at bootcamps on Saturdays isn’t what is used to be, I will post whenever I am able. Runde Park has been my home on Saturday mornings, and even after all these years, I still look forward to getting up early, meeting the Pax at 6:30, and doing that tough bootcamp workout. Many thanks to all that posted with us this morning and special thanks to our current and former site Q’s: Funhouse, Smuggler, Trucker, Skipper, and Uber for their leadership and help pulling this all together. I appreciate all you guys!

Prayers: ST’S mom with cancer, DD’s friends with a new pregnancy, Long Duck recovering from burns and back injury

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2024 The Fort Dam to Dam Fundraising Initiative

Every year, several of us enthusiastically participate in the Dam to Dam Relay. Wondering what that is? The Dam to Dam Relay is an exhilarating 100K team relay that stretches from Lake Murray Dam in Lexington, SC, all the way to Lake Greenwood Dam in Greenwood. This adventure involves teams of 6, 4, or 3 runners sharing a van over a span of 8-10 hours.


But, why do we embark on this journey? It’s for the fellowship, to push our limits, and to encouraging others to do the same. Over the past five years, our partnership with local charities has culminated in raising over $100,000, which has immensely benefitted our community. Notably, the efforts of dedicated HIM’s produced the F3 Fort Mill Community Scholarship, benefiting all three Fort Mill High Schools.


Now, it’s that pivotal moment when we push our limits and accelerate. We do this selflessly and with the hope we inspire others to do the same along the way. This year, our collaboration is with Bethel Shelters, and we’ll continue supporting the F3 Fort Mill Community Scholarship. Our ambitious goal is to raise $50,000 or more, with proceeds evenly split between the two esteemed organizations.


I urge you, each one of you, to join our noble cause. Whether you’re joining us on the run or simply want to partake in our exciting events, see below for more details:


  • **10/14**: Join our poker tournament at the Springfield Clubhouse from 6 pm-12 am, spearheaded by our brethren, Fogerty and Kaiser. New to this year!


  • **11/10**: The renowned BBQ and Bourbon event, masterminded by Cyclops, is up next. Whether you’re there for the bourbon or just for Wegmans’ mouthwatering BBQ, this event stands as a testament to our fundraising spirit.


  • **12/8**: Experience ‘Shanking with Stang’ by our unique, sock-misplacing, trail runner who may or may not disappear in the woods for a short period of time, Stang. A little trivia: he’s a southpaw, but only in golf go figure!


  • **1/27**: The highly anticipated Dam to Dam Bar 10k is up, brought to life by our inspirational HIMs: Hardwood, L-Train, Long Duck, Console, Floppy Disc, Harry Carry, and many others. This is truly an event of the year!


  • **2/2**: A novel addition this year is the wine dinner, curated by the retired Nathan Pusher. An excellent opportunity to treat your M’s as a thank-you for all the support they’ve rendered by letting you have the hall passes to attend these events.


  • Date TBD – Finally, we have skeet shooting, under the adept guidance of our brother, Change Order. Don’t fret about equipment; it’s all provided.


As we wrap up, remember to not only participate but also get your companies, neighbors, and family members involved. Introduce them to this thing we call F3 through our 2nd F events. If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering (as we consistently need assistance for our events), please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Thank you Men lets crush it this year!

YHC, Conerstone

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WARMUP: Welcome, disclaimer (lame today) and explanation of route.
THE THANG: Take the walking path toward town and take a left on Skipper and a right onto Tom Hall St. Follow Tom Hall and right onto Main St back to 160. Right on 160 and left onto Massey Street (up that hill) all the way to Harris. Right on Harris, right on Ardrey, left on 160 and back on the trail to COT. About 4 miles total
MARY: No Mary was done today
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Alcatraz 10 yr anniversary workout this Saturday at Runde Park. Dam to Dam 10K and fundraising events starting now. Support your local community
COT: Prayers for my mom with dementia and terminal cancer, and the men and women serving our country.

This was my first Q at Clydesdales and the 1st time I’ve Q’d a run in several years. It was great to be back on that familiar trail and to spend time time with my friends Twister and Change Order. The cool fall weather was the icing on the cake. What a great way to start the day!

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Whetstone morning

WARMUP: Undertaker led the warmup which consisted or merkins, windmill, mountain climbers, LBC
THE THANG: Since the theme was Whetstone we partnered up and did the exercises on an individual count. Partners are there to encourage and push.  Went to the Basketball court area between the schools.  See exercises below.  Halfway through each exercise run to the 2 light pole.  At the end of each exercise run the drop off circle in front of the school.


50 Merkins
50 WAM
50 Dips

50 CDD
75 Monkey Humpers
75 Squats

Moseyed back to COT and finished with flutters Hello Dolly and LBC.

COT: Prayers lifted for Long Duck recovery, those battling addiction and parenting.

Thanks Rebound for the opportunity to lead. If you don’t have a Whetstone relationship talk to those in a relationship to begin the process to finding a blade or stone. We all need someone in our life that can smooth out some of the valleys and potholes we can find ourselves in.

Rebel out!!!

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Coach Dr. Seuss

9 motivators
Low slow squats

Would you like burpees here? Or there?

You do not like them.
So you say.
Try them! Try them!
And you may.
Try them and you may, I say.

Suicide runs at each 10 yard line 1 burpee at each turnaround

Mozy to pull-up bars
1 minute Dead hangs and planks

Stations – hub and spoke style

Hub: 2 pull-ups

10 reps each
Station 1

Station 2

Station 3
Bear crawl across pavement 2x

Station 4

Station 5
Bomb jacks
Mountain climbers

Round 2 do everything in slow cadence. 6 count burpees

<2 minutes of gut work ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sober October. See slack for deets COT:

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Happy 11th Anniversary

WARMUP: mosey to a random lot for 11 of various exercises

THE THANG: mosey to the east of Lowe’s for 11’s – hand release merkins and squats. Mosey to rail behind Lowe’s for 3 sets of 11’s – dips followed by merkins, dips and wide arm merkins and dips and diamonds.

Mosey to the mulch piles for more 11’s – flying squirrels and lunges.

Mosey to cot doing 2 flying squirrels after every island.

With 1 minute to spare pax stretched and did a 20 second body destroyer.

MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: affirmative and in the newsletter you should read.
COT: 5th core principle

Thanks for the call Peach Stand. Honored to lead on the 11th anniversary of the fort. Keep giving away what’s been generously given us.


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When does Broga begin?

WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walkers, windmills, plank Stretches
Simple lap around the prison walls. First stop, pull up bars – 3 reps
Second stop- stairs near hill, Hand release merkins – 5 reps
Third stop- bottom of hill, diamond merkins – 5 reps
Forth stop – top of hill, wide arrow merkins- 5 reps
last stop- back to parking lot, man makers and squat thruster – 5 reps each
+1 rep each lap
Last lap was shorted time
MARY: body destroyer

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Forgot there were a few hills….but just a few

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: run to river district and back
MARY: it’s a running AO- some did broga #freedtolead
COT: 5th core principle

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