Honoring our Vet’s

– 22x SSH / 11x Windmill / 22x IW
– mosey complete round around WEP
– 11x exercises with 11x reps each
– after completing above mosey a round around WEP
– rinse and repeat
– had some time left for Jack Webb and Sally with squats
– read your newsletter
– was held

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Could’ve been worse


Moseyed up the Massey St Hill to the parking lot.
Counted off into 3 groups to engage in a DORA style workout.
50 Merkins, 100 BBs, & 150 squats per pax in your team. As the group completes the exercise, a pax runs down the hill and back. Swap out till all reps are done.

Moseyed over to the parking lot behind Springs Global on McCammon St for another DORA style. Maintaining the same group,
25 half burpees (down to merkin and back up stopping at the squat position as 1 rep), 50 Mike Tyson’s, 100 LBCs. 1 pax from each group runs to the end of the parking lot and back. Swap out till reps are completed.

Headed over to the parking lot with the big wall by Pike for some wall sits and merkins. Lined up on the wall, and from the outside in, each pax would do 10 merkins then back on to the wall. Once we got to the center, repeat going back to the ends.

Headed over to COT to wrap up with 10 burpees OYO

MARY: had a little lamb?

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Lack of Creativity, Excess of Difficulty

One Mile Warm Up to Dave Gibson, across 160 to Emory and around to Brayden Pkwy. Sun 6 pace for the front men.

Hill Suicides
Start at base of Brayden hill, run up, run down.
At Median Break
10, 20, 30 Merkins/Flutters
10, 20, 30 Curb Dips/American Hammers
10, 20, 30 CDD’s/Hello Dollies

Do your ten at the first median, back to the bottom. Then twenty at the second median, and back to the bottom. Hit the top at 160, 30 reps, back to bottom.

After three laps, head back to Earth Fare for COT. Looped the building to make it an even four miles before calling it. Five 8 Count Bodybuilder’s to end.

Strong work by all. The Brayden hill is unforgiving.

THERE WILL BE MEAT at the bourbon tasting on 11/18
This week we’ve also got Change Order’s Veteran’s Day clay shoot – 11/11. Hit up CO for more details.
Chad 1000x is on Thursday at S2S.

Prayers for Band Camp traveling for work. Safe travels, brother.
Praise for Poppins’ leadership at the Bethel men’s shelter
Prayers/praise for our attentiveness as fathers and husbands.
Praise for the new faces today.

Olaf’s prayer hit me right between the eyes. He dropped a timely prayer request after a weekend of distracted parenting. How much presence would my kids perceive that I give, if I asked them? Am I giving them all of me, or only some of me?

Thanks for the tap today, Badlands.

Punch List out.

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Sharknado Again?

WARMUP: We ran 1/4 mile and did the usual except for SSH’s they suck and Hill Billy Walkers are better.
THE THANG: Sharknado was called again because I’m not original and couldn’t think of anything else to do, so twice in a month seemed fine to me. Also I know how much Trucker loves it. The hand release Merkins where just for Cyclops. Here’s how it went.

10 Burpees / Run down Hill and back to top
20 Hand Release Merkins / Run down and back up
20 Big Boy Sit-ups/ Run down and back up
20 Monkey Humpers / Run down and back up
20 Scorpion Dry Docks / Run down and back up

Goal was to do entire cycle 5 times, most made it to three complete rounds. This shut up the mumble chatter very quickly as we got 3 miles in just three rounds.

MARY: Returned to COT for 5 minutes of stretching as I try to do at end of all my Q’s.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam To Dam Golf Tournament is Friday December 9th at 10:00AM Waterford Golf Club in Rock Hill. Contact Stang with any questions.
COT It was done.

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Spooky pumpkin of pain and suffering

The usual

Spooky pumpkin of pain. To the tunes of Halloween
DORA style – man in the middle does 10 manmakers as the timer
1. Squats
2. Deadlifts
3. Lawnmower pulls
4. Chest press
5. Overhead press
6. Clave raises
7. LBC
8. Flutters
9. Swings
10. Snatch
11. Clean
12. Push-ups with bell
13. Pull overs
14. Reverse Lunges

Last round, we switched it up for 20 american style KB swings (that’s the ones where it goes over your head). Finished right at 6

MARY: no time

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Zima Miles

It was dark. It was dank. Visibility was low, but the pain was high. After giving an overly thorough disclaimer, collecting everyone’s social security number, and signing a waiver, we were off for a quick mosey around the park.

SS Hops
Tappy Taps
Moroccan Night Clubs
Polish Mating Dance (Goofball)

The Thang 1:
7’s on the walking path. Merkins on top of the hill (not Chip Hill) and Squats at the bottom of the hill (again not Chip Hill). Mode of transportation was running.

Mosey over to the parking lot.
Dying Cockroaches 🪳
Big Boy Sit-ups
American Hammers

Mosey over to the grass field for a Jack Webb. It was 1 lap around the field and 4 v-ups. We did a total of 10 laps and 220 v-ups. It was glorious.

Back to COT for stretching, announcements, prayers/praises. There was a meeting of the Bob’s at the Tega Cay Deli afterwards for some deep discussions over coffee.

JWow out.

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Band Camp took the hill

Very delayed in writing this but since Band Camp finally came to a ruck workout and keeps ‘reminding’ me about it, I’ll try to remember what we did.
Ruck up and grab sandbags and head over to small field for some sandbag relays. Grab everything and head over to base of heart attack hill. Partner up and split taking sandbags up the hill. Drop the sandbags at the top and head back down. This trip up no straps. Suitcase, fireman, overhead, however you want to carry your ruck up the hill. Almost lost Tinsel to hills namesake bit his BP finally came down. Link the sandbags together for team weight. Everyone rotated on and off to help carry the weight most of the way back to COT. Times almost up so break apart the sandbags and huff it back for COT. Thanks for the Q opportunity Divac! And I promise next year when Band Camp returns the back blast will be prompt.

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Orange is the new NC State Red

WARMUP: mossy to playground for SSH, IW, HW, merkins
THE THANG: Each PAX completed 10 pull-ups then ran the path. For round 1, 15 merkins at each swing. Complete another 10 pull-ups and repeat path with 20 LBCs at each swing. Complete another 10 pull-ups and repeat path with 15 squats. Wrap it up with 10 pull-ups. Not sure Dark Helmet completed pull-ups or proper merkins since he was in the dark the entire time. Slapshot was leader as he’s trying to encourage PSU football team to whip up on that school to the south (No Pusher that doesn’t mean South Carolina) – Ohio State. Maximus wore the new NC State colors orange for his failed bet on them beating Clemson (but the ACC is a basketball conference not football conference 🤷‍♂️). Band camp never stops pushing PAX and Kermit is still in cloud 9 for Tennessee (the real orange) for beating the other school to the south (again, not South Carolina nor Georgia). Bobber even posted and complained that the monkey bars were wet (isn’t he a fisherman? Aren’t they always wet?)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: skeet shooting sign ups!! Shower curtain collecting coats
COT: prayers for Shower Curtain continued healing, balance – even better harmony.

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Freeze warning

WARMUP: A jog down the hill for some COP. Tesh was shirtless.
THE THANG: after running back to our bells, a four corner AMRAP session ensued. 8 minutes for as many rounds as possible of the following:

Corner 1 – 5 manmakers 10 merkins on the bell 15 swings and 20 tricep extensions

Corner 2 – 5 burpees, 10 goblet squats, 15 swings, 20 curls

Corner 3 – 5 manmakers, 10 lunges, 15 swings, 20 calf raises

Corner 4 – 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 swings, 20 curls

MARY: had to hustle back at make 0600
COT: you had to be there.

Thanks 3D for the opportunity. Always an honor to lead.


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Cuts like a knife-Get Sharper(Wet Stone&Blade)

THE THANG: Re-start Wet Stone and the blade relationship.
The value in the relationship:
1.Makes you better
2.helps someone else.
3.a confidant for life
4.Helping another person is Gods plan for all of us.
5.Life is better not alone
6. gain perspective on the way you see things.

Who to pick as a Wet Stone; Someone who has something you want or like or respect.
1.Paece and happiness
2.a good attitude
3. A good relationship with spouse /God
4.Content with what they have
5.Responsible or dependable
6.A good friend
7.A good leader
8. Great shape


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