What the Beep test?

Warm up:
1 burpee
2 burpees
3 burpees
Shoulder Taps
4 burpees

Then we ran almost every hill I
YHC could find within the time frame. Even sprinted a few… We stopped for burpees or bomb jacks occasionally. Got stung by a Yellowjacket running too close to some bushes avoiding a car. Much rather it be me that got stung than someone else who might be severe allergic.

Before handing off we did called up/down pull-ups for 1 pax and squats for the other 5.

Handed over to Divac

The 20m multistage fitness test (MSFT) is a commonly used maximal running aerobic fitness test. It is also known as the 20 meter shuttle run test, beep or bleep test among other names. It is a maximal test involving continuous running between two lines 20m apart in time to recorded beeps

procedure: This test involves continuous running between two lines 20m apart in time to recorded beeps. For this reason the test is also often called the ‘beep’ or ‘bleep’ test. The participants stand behind one of the lines facing the second line, and begin running when instructed by the recording. The speed at the start is quite slow. The subject continues running between the two lines, turning when signaled by the recorded beeps. After about one minute, a sound indicates an increase in speed, and the beeps will be closer together. This continues each minute (level). If the line is reached before the beep sounds, the subject must wait until the beep sounds before continuing. If the line is not reached before the beep sounds, the subject is given a warning and must continue to run to the line, then turn and try to catch up with the pace within two more ‘beeps’. The subject is given a warning the first time they fail to reach the line (within 2 meters), and eliminated after the second warning.

30 BBS, 20 squats, 10 merkins until last man finishes (for the record, everyone was super gassed. no body got much past the sit ups -Band Camp)


3.5 miles total.
Finished with some Mary. Photobomb and Fishstix have some serious speed and core strength

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Add 4, carry the 2, divide by 1.21 gigawatz

WARMUP: quick mosey, low slow squats, cherry pickers, merkins (stayed here for a minute), mountain climbers, plank jack, honeymooner, downward dog, bomb jacks for DH…more mosey, ran to the thang
THE THANG: A pile of goodies awaited us. Partnered up and found 1 item to share. Partner 1 did the exercise and called out the number they thought they could hit, partner 2 ran to the corner of the parking lot. Switch when partner 2 returned who also shared their guess on reps while partner 1 ran. Penalties were given for over/under and hitting numbers (this was all made up on the spot and math came into play). We rotated after each partner did the one exercise and the penalty after each round.

Exercises included:
-45 lb plate: round 1 shrugs, round 2 calf raises
-sandbag: round 1 man maker, round 2 shoulder press
-35 lb KB: R1 swings, R2 curls
-30 lb KB: R1 squats, R2 pass through lunges
-25 lb KB: R1 triceps extension, R2 plank row
-Ruck: R1 merkins, R2 chest press

We made it to round 2 for about 2-3 rotations. Penalties included merkins, bomb jacks, flutters, burpees, diamond merkins, etc. How much you went over or under drove the number of exercises and some of these had a multiplier…there was zero rhyme or reason to this.
MARY: No Mary today.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots in the newsletter, check that out
COT: lift up Sawdust’s mom who recently fell and lost a friend this past week

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We got free wifi

– brief mosey, some SSH, IW and WM
– Dora: 100 pushup / 200 squats / 300 MonkeyHumpers (crowd pleaser) while partner runs around playground
– Jack Webb: Push-up and overhead claps, starting with 1-4 finish with 10-40
– 4-corners with mosey in-between
– corner 1: cindy’s: 10x overhead press + 10x swing
– corner 2: 60# sandbag squats + throw + low slow regular squats
– corner 3: 10x diamond merkin + 10x donkey kicks
– corner 4: 5x burpee + bearcrawl up the hill + 1 min horse riders hold (crowd pleaser as well)
– finish up with a good 10 min of core workout of various styles
– read your newsletter

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Co-Q at the Colosseum

It was warm and humid this morning at the Colosseum. I led the first 22.5 and Dark Helmet was set to take the second half. 10 Bootcampers were joined by Maximas, Gears and Vuvuzela who went running OYO.  

I led us off with a quick 10 SSH and then moseyed to my portion of the workout.

I wanted to do something hard but self contained. The first workout that came to mind was Iron Pax 2019 Week 1: The Killer B’s.  

Starting at Cone 1 you broad jump 10 yards to cone 2. Complete 10 burpees, 10 Bonnie Blairs, and 10 Big Boy Situps-
Broad Jump to cone 3 and repeat the exercises and the reps. Broad Jump to Cone 4 repeat the exercises and the reps.

Once through the cones YHC gave everyone the option to either BearCrawl back or Sprint back. (if you were seen not sprinting I blew the whistle and the offending PAX was given 5 burpees OYO) I only blew the whistle once….on myself because I love burpees apparently.

Our goal was to get through 4 times in the 20ish minutes. I’m happy to say everyone worked hard and we got through it.

Once my time was up Dark Helmet took over and we moseyed down towards the school entrance. He handed us all a pen/marker and some paper and asked us to write a message to Decibel and his son Noah who is recovering from an operation. Once we all wrote down our messages we then raced to his office to put the messages on the door. The first one there got to pick the routine for the next portion of the workout.

After a loooong mosey up the hill where YHC HR hit 190 I was able to get to the office first and got the chance to pick the next part of the workout. Starting at the top of the hill we ran back and did 15 merkins and 25 4-CT clutters 4 different cones.

At that point we were getting close to 6 and we all made a jailbreak to COT. We were reunited with the runners who I think did 7ish miles and joined in on some LBC’s and Hello Dolly’s as we hit 6:00.

Announcements included F3 Dads, the Site Change of the Swamp, and a makeup of the Misogi. Prayers for health, mental, physical and spiritual.

Always great to Q and especially grateful for partnering with DOAH today. Thanks to all who showed!

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The Ghost of Band Camp Haunts Alcatraz

WARMUP: Mosey to the roundabout for some COP fun — mtn climbers, Parker Peter, SSH, IW, HW, Carioca, burpees
THE THANG: Mosey to one of those Hawaiian names side streets
Plank series on a side street
Mosey to cul de sac on right and continue down to the golf course for a
Jacob’s ladder (jumping lunges at bottom, 3-way calf raises at top)
Mosey back home

Handoff to Trucker

Back on the mosey train (somewhat surprisingly) over to that nasty neighborhood hill right off the park entrance (oh no!) down to the bottom

10 Merkins
Nur to the top
10 LBCs
rinse and repeat for 3 rounds
(The Suck got very real by this point!)

Pearls on a strong out past the tennis courts to the short wall by the golf course with several stops for LBCs, merkins, flutters, dips, derkins, etc. Same drill on the return to the firehouse for more of the same, then a continuation on the path around Runde with stops for pain and a final sprint home.


Swamp and Quagmire relocations coming this week.
QSource mtg returning 6/21 at Baxter Starbucks after workouts
F3 Dads starting 6/11 for 4 weeks at WEP at 0900

The spirit of Band Camp was with us front he start as YHC mistake preferred to Backdraft as BC — that only fired up BD to prove himself, and he did, coming in as king ong with Fishstix. nice work!

Great to Q with BAOPS OG Trucker! for the record, I told him I would focus on cardio, hills and legs so he could cover the rest of the body. He did cover the rest but not without giving us all a real beating of the hill, cardio and leg flavor. nice work!

great to have Masterpiece in the gloom after a long stretch off. T-claps to Decibel for getting him back out. great to have MP’s EH of Paint Can put for his first Alcatraz rodeo — great job pushing through a tough morning!

Thx to Skipper for the invite and the leadership at Alcatraz!

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Where the heck do I Park

WARMUP: slow mosey with butt kickers, high knees, toy soldiers. 20 SSH, 10 windmills, 10 IW, 10 weedpullers.
THE THANG: combination of catch me if you can and adding an exercise each trip. During catch me if you can. 1 partner farmer carries the KB. Partner 2 does an exercise and catches then and switch. Do this until the exercise point.
Start with 10 KB Swing. Then onto round 1. Round 1 – 1 burpee. Add 10 rows each side to kn swings
Round 2 – 2 merkins.  Add 10 chest press each side
Round 3 – 3 jump Squats. Add 10 biceps curls each side.
Round 4 – 4 lunges. Add 20 squats
Round 5 – 5 LBC’s. Add 20 triceps extensions
Round 6 – 4 Carolina Dry docks. 10 shoulder press each side.

5 minutes of Mary to end the workout.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: do a CSAUP. Challenge yourself.
COT:Cohibas mom having knee surgery. SugarBug and his M with adoption situation.

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Minnow Pond

WARMUP: run .8
THE THANG: golf course 9 holes with Merkins
MARY: took turns, flutters, tie touch, American hammers etc
COT: Funhouse traveling- vacation, Stang praise for young man staying with them , 🙌

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Pushups With Running Tour De Ft. Mill

WARMUP: Chest stretches, MNC, Arm Crossover Swings
THE THANG: Moseyed around WEP and side streets and stopped periodically to perform the following exercises: 30 merkins, 30 IC flutter kicks, 30 squats, 5 burpees. Completed 6 stops total. Total mileage 1.5 – 2 miles.
COT: Spoke briefly about how brothers should come along side each other to help during difficult times whatever they may be. Closed with various prayer concerns and giving thanks to God for the blessings he bestows on each of us.

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Currahee 24May2022

Some old man stretchy things and a few merkins

Heavy stuff we carried:
– 80lb bag
– 70lb bag
– 50lb bag
– Olaf’s Hammer of Justice
– Olaf’s 80lb bag of shit stuffed in a 60lb bag
– Log – it’s big, it’s heavy (-ish), it’s wood
– a 25lb KB
– maybe something else?

As a group, we carried the heavy things around the back of the school to the playground and put them down. Marked off roughly 40yards.
Did 11s with Ruck Merkins and Overhead Presses.

Carried the heavy stuff (everyone has to carry something different each time) out to the right and to the end of the fence. Bear crawled with rucks to fire hydrant and back.

Continued loop around back of school to small parking lot for some ruck curls.

Continued carrying heavy things to front lot to play a little catch me if you can.

Final movement was practicing carrying our body weight (or close to it) for about 200 yds.

It’s dudes only, bro.

These is where we tell people about up upcoming events.

This is our 5th Core Principle.

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Snarky Title

Old man warmup of windmills and strawberry pickers, or produce pickers, or cherry pickers, or whatever… some SSH, a couple of Merkins… you get the idea

We tested our fitness this morning.
2 min max push-ups
2 min max butterfly sit-ups
1 lap around the park in sub-5 minutes

Then we moved to the modified Spartan 300
Run 100 yards
5 burpees
Run back 100 yards
That’s one round. We did 5 rounds.

Finally, we farmer carried heavy things in a relay race style. It was a little dumb. Peabody cheated, which I didn’t mind since he was on my team.
The things were: Cindy, a 45lb ruck plate, a 60lb sandbag, and an 80lb sandbag.

She wasn’t there.

SEE ALSO MY REPORT IN THE #1stF channel on Slack…

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