WARMUP: In the Field
25 SSH
10 HB Walkers
10 Merkins
10 Mt Climbers
Downward Dog
Honey Mooner
10 Peter Parker
10 Plank Jacks
Run a lap – CSAUP leaves
Big Bang – Circle up on cone in field. Q calls out an exercise and a #. Pax run to any edge and complete the exercise, then run back to the center and plank for the 6.
10 Merkins
20 lunges
30 American Hammers
20 bobby Hurley’s
10 burpees
Move to the hill – Bear crawl up for 11s
Big boys at the top and mike Tysons at the bottom
Partner up in Field (Grab Cones)
20yd partner wheelbarrow (switch back)
20yd partner carry (Anyway you like)
20 Wheel Barrow Pushup with Squat
20 plank hold- partner jumps on
20 reach and touch planks
Run the loop with 5 SSH at each bench
Mosey to COT for MARY
10 LBCs
10 Mike Tysons
10 Freddy Mercury’s
20 flutters
10 J-los