No Run Dora

Had my weinkie prepared by Wed. afternoon. Participated in the SweatyBarry on Thursday night. Immediately afterwards grabbed the weinkie and reduced the rep count by half. I and the rest of the PAX this morning thank you .

WARMUP: Started with 2 laps around the Bob Jones parking lot while mixing in some high knees, buttkickers, and karaoke. Circled up near the flag and performed the following: 10xMNCsinIC, 1 burpee OYO, 10xCPsinIC, 2 burpees OYO, 10xLSSsinIC, 3 burpees OYO, 10xIWsinIC, 4 burpees OYO, 10xHWsinIC, 5 burpees OYO. We were warm and ready.

50 – Alternating KB Lift, Clean & Press
1 partner performs the exercise until the other partner completes 10 Kraken Burpees, then switch until total rep count is completed

75 – Alternating 1 Arm KB swings
1 partner performs the exercise until the other partner completes 20 SSH IC, then switch until total rep count is completed

125 – 2-handed KB Thrusters
1 partner performs the exercise until the other partner completes 20 MCs IC, then switch until total rep count is completed

150 – KB Bent Over Rows
1 partner performs the exercise until the other partner completes 25 LBCs IC, then switch until total rep count is completed

175 – 2-handed KB Swings
1 partner performs the exercise until the other partner completes 25 Flutters IC, then switch until total rep count is completed

MARY: No time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: CSAUPS, Blood drive in Massey this weekend, lots of 2nd F opportunities out there so get involved, read your newsletter.

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Sweaty Masey Marathon Prep

WARMUP: Discuss the route
THE THANG: A 4-mile run through the Masey neighborhood and Dobys Bridge with some hills along the way
MARY: American Hammers and Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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WARMUP: Count the out: 10
THE THANG: Oxford Route
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Flag Handoff, CSAUP galore, Emilio’s 2nd F, F3 Dads
COT: Struggles of having 2.0 stay home on video games vs out of house with friends and risk of drugs and other dangers.

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Monkey in the middle

WARMUP: ssh, windmills, pickers

One pax starts on exercises. Second pax runs to far end of lot and starts SSH, 3rd pax runs to 2nd pax to relieve him. This continued until the first pax completed 100 ab wheels, 200 burpees and 300 spider man merkins, did not complete merkins
MARY: yes
COT: yes

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Death by overtime

WARMUP: A quick mosey followed by side straddle hops, windmills, Moroccan night clubs and imperial walkers.
THE THANG: Core Crusher Circuits, each circuit done 3 times
First circuit: Merkins 12 Reps, LBC’s 25 reps, Squats 20 reps, Mountain climbers 20 reps double count
Second circuit: High plank shoulder taps 10 reps each shoulder, Monkey Humpers 30 reps, Peter Parker – Parker Peter 10 reps each, Freddie Mercury 20 reps
Followed by a double dose of Circle of Hell with cruelty being imposed on the pac by the pac
MARY: Diamond Merkins, more mountain climbers, Peter Parker’s, Parker Peter’s and a little stretching to bring us home.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: check your newsletter
COT: Prayers for good health and recovery for a number of people, prayers for Dark Helmet’s father

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Hangin’, Bangin’ & Running

WARMUP: Mosey to the 50yd line, arm circles, MNC, downward dog, honeymooners.
THE THANG: Partner Up at 50yd line. Run to the end zone while partner pushes them out:

100 Kettlebell Merkins
200 American Hammers
300 Kettlebell Lunges


100/200 Lat Rows / Tricep Extension
300 Kettlebell LBCs
400 Goblet Squats

Last set was reduced for sake of time although all Pax were hitting hard!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers for sick family members, students.

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