Mystery Filthy Fifty at Crows Nest

As I was heading out the door, I was asked to Q today. I had already been thinking about the Weinke for my next Q the same week, so obviously I threw all that out the door and started over as I was driving to the AO

Completely forgot the disclaimer for a bunch of vets though, so ooops.

Moseyed around toward the Y with the standard butt kickers, toy soldiers, bear crawl… wait what? and then stayed in plank as we crawled into a circle for some stretching and warmup

Partner DORA 1-2-3
Pointed out a short distance to run and swap with your partner through 100 merkins, 200 squats and 300 LBCs (a classic in my opinion)

I keep with me a brown paper bag of exercises printed out into baseball card sleeves (mega cheap guys, maybe have one in your arsenal as well just in case) so we did 50 OYO of each exercise that was drawn by the PAX

In no particular order
Monkey Humper
Pistol Squat
Big Boys
Inchworm Merkin (this was slooooooow)
Overhead clap
Apollo Creed – no one could agree or remember what this was so we did something Wolverine called out where you sit up like an American Hammer but instead of twisting, you alternate punch and alternate bicycle kick your legs out. makes more sense when you see it, need to name it

Moseyed back for 4 MoM (dolly, box cutters, protractor)
And ended the workout with 5 burpees as expected 6:00:01 was the time

Sweati July 14 at First Baptist Fort Mill – in the newsletter
Homebrew,DaVinci,NASA doing the GoRuckLight in Colulmbia on 6/30

Homebrew’s brother? is engaged now!
Witch Hunt is traveling to St Louis
Wolverine just hit 2 years in F3!!!
Nemo admitted he needs to have a better attitude even though his life is going great with a wonderful family, kids and job. AYE!!

TClap |

Steal the flag, pop the balloon

It started with bacon.

Well, really it started with Cha Ching’s Q last week, where fifth grade games were the theme of the day. In planning the weinke for today, YHC decided to stick with this theme, and the first game to come to mind was “Steal the Bacon.” So, six PAX posted in the gloom of Crow’s Nest for YHC’s take on an old favorite (that apparently nobody has heard of).

Disclaimer was given, and off we went on a mosey to one of the side drop-off lots for a quick warmup including knees-to-chest, quad stretches, side shuffles, karaokes, and toy soldiers. We also did a handful of side-straddle hops, low slow squats, windmills, merkins, downward dogs, and a honeymooner (just one…though, just one honeymooner sounds like a bad honeymoon).

Mosey back around to the front for


Five pink balloons, each with a card with an exercise tucked inside, were taped to cones at one end of a 50-yard stretch of road. PAX were divided into two teams and given the basic rules.

  • Complete the buy-in exercise, then go to far cone and back according to prescribed movement
  • Depending on round, assigned team member of winning team would pop balloon to determine group exercise.
  • Losing team on a given round would do five burpees before all PAX complete group exercise.
  • Rinse and repeat for all five balloons.

To add to the fun, every PAX was given a strip of fabric (cut up tee shirt) to serve as a flag/tail tucked into the back of his waistband. In addition to everything else, PAX were to protect their flag. If they lose it to another PAX, they were to immediately complete five burpees. They would then re-insert the flag and continue on. There was no limit to the number of times a PAX could lose his flag.

Round 1:

50 merkins, followed by a run down and back. First PAX back popped the balloon. Card exercise: 100 plank jacks.

Round 2:

40 monkey humpers followed by sneak gorilla down and back. Second PAX back popped the balloon. Card exercise: 30 breakdancer merkins.

Round 3:

30 CDD followed by bear crawl down and back. Third PAX (protect the six!) popped the balloon. Card exercise: 50 30 leg-cross squat turns. These apparently take some coordination. Who knew?

Round 4:

40 crab cakes followed by crab walk down and back. Third PAX back popped the balloon. We ended up popping both remaining balloons and choosing 50 hillbilly squat walkers as the final exercise (as opposed to 50 donkey kicks).

The flag football approach added a fun dynamic to the workout, leading to a killer workout that engaged the brain as well. The final round took a long time, as strategy played heavily into the completion of the crab walks. This actually turned out a lot better than anticipated. Look forward to bringing this one back around again.


  • PAINtheon on Wednesday
  • Hog and Coyote on Saturday
  • Sweati in July

Prayers and Praises

  • QBert and family back to the beach after the workout
  • Cha Ching and family and life with new baby

It was a hike to get to the AO, but man it was fun. Grateful for the chance to lead.


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Of Relays and Dance Parties

Truth be told, YHC is losing his mind.

When I was asked to Q at the Deep for the return of the 0630 launch, my first thought was, “Hey! That AO is at a school. I don’t normally post at schools. I should do something to commemorate that.” Forget the fact that the majority of our AOs are at schools. That’s irrelevant. But, it does set us up for the dumb ideas that followed…

My memories of middle school in May involve basically two things: Field Day and the end-of-the-year dance. So, to harken back to the days of old, that became our theme for today. Twelve PAX (including one FNG) joined YHC for a baker’s dozen at Oakridge Middle. Here’s what we did (kinda):


Mosey around to the back of the school for our “field day” warm-up. Split into two teams for four relays:

  • Sprint (i.e., the basic relay)
  • Bear crawl
  • Broad jumps
  • Crab walks

That got our heart rates up and ready for the dance party. We moseyed back around to the front of the school for the fun to really begin.

The Thang

When I think of middle school dances, I think of songs you can’t really dance to, weird mixes, and lots of wallflower moments. So, we relived my childhood. Six songs. Wallflower between (people’s chair or balls to the wall each time). Today’s playlist:

  • Jukebox Hero – SSHs (slow and fast to match the music) during the verses, Rock Star jumps during the chorus/refrain/hook
  • I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) – Imperial Squat Walkers during the verses, bear crawl and crawl bear during the “well I would walk” segments, and donkey kicks during the “da da da da” parts. You know what I’m talking about, because you’re singing it in your head.
  • The Middle – LBCs during the verses, flutters during the refrain, and some Freddie Mercuries during the bridge/interlude/guitar solo
  • Smooth Criminal – Plank jacks during the verses and a merkin for every “okay” (“Annie just freaking answer him already!”)
  • Sorry – Hold boat throughout, dropping down and completing one V-up for every “sorry”
  • The Devil Went Down to Georgia – curb dips during the “singing,” crab cakes during the musical interludes/fiddle or guitar solos
  • I Will Survive – lateral plank walks with merkins during the refrain (longest version of this song ever, but the brief rain made it a little more manageable)

We actually left out the song with the burpees. That’ll be reserved for the next dance party.

Quick mosey back to COT.

No earth-shattering announcements that can’t be found in the newsletter, so read your newsletter. Prayers for teachers (and students and parents) as school wraps up, and for Whopper in his job search/potential promotion. Late request added for the shooting that happened down in Texas.

Cofeeteria at Dunkin because it’s cheaper (in many aspects of the word).

As for the (somehow now infamous) FNG naming, well, that story can be saved for a verbal diarrhea run with Q*bert. You’ll also want to ask Cha Ching about his comment regarding the arrival of “Mr. Wood.” Um…………

I appreciate everybody participating in the stupidness of this morning. I wanted it to be fun and different. I think that happened. Thanks to Shakespeare for the opportunity to lead, for changing the launch time to 0630, and for the speaker to blast the music.


TClap |

Russian Roulette

To start:

Simple stretching while I explained the idea of what I call Russian Roulette.  During the workout, rock songs from a 90s and 00s playlist were blasted on shuffle.  One song on the playlist would function as a punishment song and, if played, the entire group would have a punishment to complete during the length of the song.  Naturally, that song was by Nickelback because they might be the worst band of all time (as if having to listen to Nickelback wasn’t bad enough, the group would have something terrible to do during that time as well).


The Thang:

PAX split into pairs to work through 6 different stations of various exercises.  Each set of exercises were completed twice before moving on to another station.  Each station were as followed:

  1. 2x40lb Sandbag Farmers Carry, Medicine Ball Balance Merkin, LBC’s w/ 10lb weight
  2. Agility Ladder SSH’s, Dumbbell Tricep Extensions, Flutter Kicks
  3. Burpee Medicine Ball Slam, 40lb Sandbag Bicep Curl, Big Boy Situp w/ 10lb weight
  4. Jump Rope, 40lb Sandbag Squat w/ Overhead Press at the top, and Freddie Mercury’s
  5. Ski Jump Over Jump Rope, Carolina Dry Docks, Medicine Ball American Hammers
  6. Plyo Box Jumps or Step Ups, Band Chest Press, Dying Cockroach

Based on my observation, most PAX completed one full round plus a few extra stations in the time that we had.  Luckily for us, Nickelback never played.  Next time, when I shorten the playlist, we may not be so lucky.


P.S. – Just in case you weren’t aware… Nickelback sucks.

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Bucket-o-Pain – New and Improved With More Awfulness!!!

9 bootcampers and 7 ruckers landed at Golden Corral for a buffet of painful options.  Drummond brought an FNG (later named “Manifold”) to partake in the meal.  Don’t know about any of the other bootcampers, but YHC was thankful not to be part of the rucking group when Rad rolled the giant tractor tire out of the back of his truck. No bueno.

5:15 arrived, and after a disclaimer was offered, the bootcampers took off for a mosey around Rite-Aid, down to the auto-repair place, and back to the front of Harris Teeter.  Stops were made along the way for various warm up exercises, including:

  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Sumo Squats
  • Peter Parkers
  • Dips
  • Windmills

38 Special came in hot, and caught up with us after our second stop on the warm-up run.

The Thang

At the stopping point in front of HT was the bucket of pain.  But this time the instructions were different than previous BoP appearances.  Here’s how it went:

  1. First exercise was drawn from the bucket.  Pax did 5 reps.
  2. Second exercise was drawn.  Pax did 10 reps of it, then repeated the 5 reps of the first exercise
  3. Third exercise was drawn.  Pax did 15 reps of it, then 10 of the second exercise, then 5 of the first.

Routine continued until 5 exercises were drawn (which had 25 reps).  Once completed, pax took a run around the entire front parking lot of the shopping center.  We had time to do this twice.  Here were the exercises.

  1. Round 1:
    1. 5 merkins
    2. 10 burpees
    3. 15 squat jacks
    4. 20 POGO (10 each leg)
    5. 25 plank punches
  2. Round 2:
    1. 5 jumping lunges
    2. 10 low, slow squats
    3. 15 moroccan night clubs
    4. 20 flying squirrels
    5. 25 Crab Cakes

After our second round (and run around the parking lot) we had time for a few minutes of Mary:

  • Flutters
  • LBCs
  • Chopsticks
  • Alphabet Soup
  • American Hammer

Time was up, and we headed back to COT.

Excellent work by all men.  T-Claps to Mainfold for his first post, and to 38 Special for his second post (in as many days). Thanks to Decibel for the privilege of Q’ing.


TClap |

Assault on Hill 5-11(Crows Nest)

This is the first Q I have had since at least january.  I knew I wanted to do something that would be a slog and make good use of the terrain at Crows Nest. After a brief mosey to do COP, We did a Bataan Death march(five burpees for the man in front) to the fence behind the elementary school and back to the big hill overlooking the baseball field.  The main event was to be a series of 5 elevens. hence the title:

1.Squats at top, merkins at bottom, (starting with 10 on bottom for all evolutions)

2. freddie mercury  top monkey humpers bottom

3. LBC top and Burpees bottom

4.Jump squats top and mountain climbers bottom

5.big boy sit ups up top and peter parkers at bottom

We only got to the third evolution about midway in, and I mixed up the order reading my winky in the dark, so the third evo we did jump squats up top instead of LBCs. Its probably good we hit time, because I could tell in myself and the PAX that we were running out of steam, practically walking up hill at the end.

I mentioned this to PAX in attendance that it dawned on me that the repetitive and difficult nature of the thang I devised was not unlike what I feel I am currently going through professionally. I have been working for nearly two weeks straight with no day off and no overtime compensation because I am salaried. I find myself in a job and career field in which I have no future I could see myself in. I live alone and with a schedule like mine its practically impossible for me to have a normal social or romantic life. But day after day I go in, because I am certain that this is not the end of the road. I know that six o clock will hit and I will not collapse. So too will I find a new opportunity. We didn’t take Hill 5-11 but we fought through it till the end.



TClap |

More Than a Workout at “The Creek??”

I was wondering whether or not to post a backblast, since this was an unofficial gathering. But the 5 core principles were met, there was a shovelflag, and more importantly – this is exactly what F3 is all about.

One of our dear PAX, Witch Hunt, who – I found out after a long time digging through his entire Twitter feed to find his VQ date – is one of the original core reasons we have any AOs on this side of the bridge, has been unable to post almost at all since the birth of his 2.2 (his third kid, still not sure how counting them works, wouldn’t the first be 2.1 and so on and collectively they are your 2.0s?). It had been decided at recent CoTs that we were going to try and bring the workout to him. So we got some guys together and found a time that Witch Hunt could go for a run and Royale met up with him and they ran over to the clubhouse to find several of us waiting for him. Surprise!!

Why did I need to find Witch Hunt’s VQ date though? Since this was a surprise mainly to get him back to a workout, I went and found his first BackBlast on the website so we could do the same Thang. May 14, 2016. I didn’t have much time to do recon in my neighborhood to see exactly how we could replicate this workout but I had some vague ideas of what was around.

After some hellos and virtually no disclaimer…, sorry lots going on in my head at the time and no one was listening to me anyways since it was so informal, we did a long mosey through the neighborhood trail and found a deep, steep hill to attempt some hills with Krakens at the top. This was a quick Omaha since the hill was not “flat” at all….. and you could barely find any footing. So instead we did laps around the gazebo and did 5 Krakens, then 4, 3, 2, and finally 1. This was simply labeled ‘The Deep’

Next we ran all the way back to the clubhouse for some ‘F3 Baseball’. Seems I have not spent much time, if any, on a baseball diamond so our diamond was much much larger than I’m told it’s supposed to be. One pair of PAX would run a lap around the clubhouse and pool while the rest did an exercise at the current “plate”. All pairs had to finish a lap before moving on to the next “plate”. This was a lot of merkins…

Home – Merkins
First – Squats
Second – LBCs
Third – SSHs

Something I added in to the mix, my neighborhood is redoing the mulch on the playground so I offered to move a couple of pallets of mulch from the parking lot =)

We then did a few hundred feet or bear crawl to get back to home plate.

Last thing on the original backblast ‘Walk the Plank’. This needed some modifying because I’m not sure what a front plank is, when there was also a pushup plank and a forearm plank on the list. Either way, we started in plank for :30 rotated up on one side for :30 rotated to the back for :30, other side for :30, then forearm for :30. This was definitely pushing the limit, which means it was the perfect time for 5 burpees to finish things off.

Prayers/Praises and a super long 2nd F in the parking lot afterwards. YHC had a blast on this one everyone. This is the real reason I keep posting.

P.S. Jedi could not stop laughing the whole night. Also, be warned if you ever ask him about a Doctor in Paraguay.

TClap |

Learn your Exicon at the Deep

The Deep is starting to see some sunshine when we get started so it’s nice to see everyone’s faces during the pre-mumblechatter. We stretched it out and moseyed over to the track at the other school.

Warm-ups were
SSH IC x20
Mountain Climbers IC x15
Moroccan Nightclub IC x20
Cotton Picker IC x20
Imperial Walker IC x20

found a white line on the football field and started some of my crazy Exicon treasures.

First DMC,
duck-walk roughly 10 yards, 10 merkins, crawl bear back to start
D roughly 15 yards, 15 M, C back
DMC 20, make sense now?

On the same white line, using a bench on the sideline for the finish line did some Jacob’s Ladder of Merkins and LBCs, the count was 11 and the mode of transportation was Crab Walk!! OUCH

Found some other barely painted lines…. isn’t this supposed to be a football field??
Double Quarter Pounder looks like a great long exercise, but it feels even better!!
25 yard Sprint, 25 Merkins, Lunge Walk back
50 yard Sprint, 50 Squats, Lunge Walk Back
75 yard Sprint, 75 Mountain Climbers, Lunge Walk Back
100 yard Sprint, 100 SSH
then I added some cheese to our burger with one Kraken Burpee

Went over to the playground and split into groups of 3. While partner 1 ran a lap around the playground, partner 2 and 3 did an exercise. Each partner would run before switching stations. Each group started at a different station to give us room to spread out.
Station 1 – Pull ups / Chin ups
Station 2 – Dips on the parallel bars
Station 3 – Derkins on the swings

Mosey all the way back to CoT for some quick Flutter/Dolly/Superman and, as always, 5 burpees to finish off

– Get ready to overnight ruck at the Mastodon in York May 25!!!
– Lake Wylie mini-region is looking to get our own CSAUP started, more info soon

Ask Whopper about the puma!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It was getting a little windy (super windy) so we quickly started moving. As a special treatment for the 2 P200 runners showing up so soon after the big day, they got to control our 10 counts and replace any exercise set with 5 burpees (we had no 10 counts and I don’t think anything was replaced with Burpees)

Mosey around the bus lane? for some warmups
SSH IC x20
Calf Raises IC x10
MoroccanNC IC x20
Cotton Pickers IC x10

I kept the warmups relatively easy and repetitive to encourage mumblechatter and get some storeis out of our P200 PAX. I was glad we had a crew who was able to walk and chew gum at the same time.

Partner’d up and went down to the bottom of the smaller hill (Not the Green Giant unfortunately)
One partern ran up the hill and back while the other partner did an exercise then switch
I picked some spelling partner routines from the Exicon

One-Leg Burpee
Plank Jack
Other-Leg Burpee

Overhead Claps
Big Boys

Everyone handled this really well so we ran back up the hill and continued to mosey around the backside of the school. I tried the single file run again (I think Indian run is the wrong name, is it Spartan Run?) Front PAX drops for 5 merkins, catches up to the line and yells DROP. We went through the full rotation twice, everyone took it upon themself to run in any random direction or shape when they were the lead which kept it interesting.

We lined up next to the loading dock and looked maybe 20-25 yards away to the curb and grass and I prepped everyone for some sprints immediately followed by 10 merkins. We did this 5 times and I took the time on the walk back to unload some form of wisdom

The English word abide means to follow instructions, be obedient, endure and follow through on a task. Jesus entered this world to expand our definitions of very basic words. He took everything in the Law and added a layer of humility and selflessness. Inspired us to look inward and realize our depravity instead of focusing on whatever we could do outwardly. How does this apply to abiding? These questions lay in front of us: How are we abiding? Who are we abiding in? Why are we abiding? It should be our goal to walk with Jesus, to do as he did, read his Word and live life in a manner as similar as possible to the way Jesus lived and taught. I mentioned the the apostle John really likes our current word of the month but more on that later.

It was super fun to talk for about 30 seconds then just yell SPRINT and watch them scramble before getting back to my word of the month chat. Again we did this 5 times with 10 merkins each time.

Mosey all the way back near CoT and found some good low brick wall around the playground for step ups. I led a modified W.A.S.H. I’ll call the ‘Partner WASHing machine’
While one partner was doing step ups (left leg first) the other partner would do 10 reps of an exercise then switch. Both PAX did left legs, then right leg, which meant everyone did 20 of each of these—-

American Hammers
Hillbilly Walkers
hand-release Werkins

We then found a nice patch of grass for some 1:4 ratio Jack Webb (plank jacks, not merkins) incrementing all the way to 10 plank jacks, 40 overhead claps

This was a super great push for all PAX as we made sure no one dropped arms during the last 40 and finished all together

I am starting a thing where I end all workouts with 5 burpees so watch out!

1 John 2:6 whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked
1 John 3:6 No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him………
1 John 4:16 God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him
(while technically out of context, please read around it, they hold meaning in context)
QBert out

TClap |

Deck of Death – Uno at PoopDeck

A cold chilly wind was blowing over the marina this morning as 6 HIMs joined the Poopdeck to take a little break and play some cards since all the P200 runners are resting in preparation for the big day.

After a regular dislaimer – adding that we would be staying close to CoT so phones did not need to be brought along in case of emergency – did a mosey around the lot with high knees, toy soldier, toe walk and heel walk.

Circle of Pain
21s (QIC calls out in cadence and then goes silent, all PAX must stop after 21 reps or suffer a penalty exercise)
Mountain Climbers

Lined up on a parking lot line for an Deck of death with Uno cards
Yellow – Mike Tyson Merkins
Red – Bearpee (burpee reps with a 20yard bear crawl)
Blue – Bobby Hurley with Knee tuck
Green – Monkey Humper reps with 20 yard duck walk
Skip – 10 count
Draw 2 – 2 Absolutions (8 count combo in plank of frog tucks, mactarjai and plank jack
Draw 4 – 4 Captain Thor (big boy with 4 single count american hammer)

49 Mike Tysons
18 Burpees 60 yard bear crawl
32 Bobby Hurley knee tucks
57 Monkey humpers 140 yard duck walk
40 count rest
24 absolutions
8 Capt Thor

Men, abiding as defined by Webster is to act in accordance with a rule, decision or recommendation, but Jesus came to this world to heighten and deepen our understanding of what is right and to bring matters into the heart as inward thoughts and feelings and not just outward actions. Abiding in Jesus is obeying and acting in accordance with others rules, decisions and recommendations and adding on a layer of selflessness, respect, and humility. If asked to go one mile, go two. If asked for your shirt, give your coat also. This was the word left with the PAX this morning

Indian Run around the parking lot, front PAX drops for 5 merkins then catches up to the line to yell DROP to the new line leader, everyone dropped twice

Lunge walk ALL THE WAY from the little restaurant back to CoT, you LKW PAX must be hurting just reading that now.

2 minutes of flutter, hello dolly and protractor to call it a day

Wild Thing’s kid – prayers that the attitude is a passing moment and not a prolonged phase of life
Homebrew’s M – new baby, less sleep, we all understand and are supporting you
IcedT’s son – is moving to a nval base in FL to be closer to his son’s wife
Respectable Olaf’s family – they just moved here a few weeks ago and are going through those normal struggles
Picasso – prayers to let fleeting matters go away and only dwell on what matters
QBert – wife is putting in more daytime hours at the hospital to prepare for the change to night shift and stressing about being ready for the higher level of responsibility and autonomy


TClap |