WARMUP: Mosey in the parking lot with some stretchy stuff.
THE THANG: Mogadishu Mile History – “Three Rangers Foundation”
In the late Summer of 1993, then-President Bill Clinton deployed a Special Operations Task Force (Task Force Ranger) to Mogadishu, Somalia, to capture Somali warlord Mohammed Farah-Adid. The bulk of that Task Force was composed of American Rangers from the 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment. On 3-4 October 1993, Task Force Ranger became embroiled with Somalia militiamen in an overnight gun battle, the intensity of which was likened, at the time, to the most intense firefights in Vietnam. (This story is captured and told in Mark Bowden’s best-selling book, “Blackhawk Down,” as well as in the major motion picture, by the same name.)
On the afternoon of 3 October 1993, Task Force Ranger boarded Army helicopters for what was expected to be a “textbook” raid to capture two of Adid’s lieutenants. Using rocket-propelled grenades, Somalia militiamen shot down two US Blackhawk helicopters, turning a planned raid into an unexpected rescue mission. Driving that change of mission was the galvanized commitment of American Rangers to “never leave a fallen comrade.”
When the US and Pakistani relief convoy arrived on the morning of 4 October to relieve the battered Ranger force and return them to the Mogadishu Olympic Stadium, there was only enough room in the armored vehicles for the dead and severely wounded. The walking wounded and the few unscathed Rangers would move from the helicopter crash site to the Olympic Stadium on foot – a distance of about a mile – all the while still under attack from rocket-propelled grenades and small arms fire. At the end of the battle, 18 Americans were dead and 73 were wounded, and one was captured. To those moving by foot on the morning of 4 October, that relatively short but lethal distance between the helicopter crash site and the Olympic Stadium became known as “The Mogadishu Mile.”

I neglected to remember the significance of the rep count 19. It represents the 18 service members killed + 1 captured.

4 Rounds to be completed with a coupon. Options were Ruck, Cinder Block, Kettle Bell. Never lose contact with your coupon. Shield & Click Bait completed this with a weight vest.

19 Ground-to-Overheads
19 Squats with coupon racked on the front
19 Push Ups: 19 with left hand on the coupon then 19 with right hand on the coupon (38 push ups per round)
400m run with coupon

Once we completed that WOD, we went to the pull up bars.
One man on every bar for 19 pull ups. Every remaining man holds a 6″ plank until all pull ups are completed. Flapjack.

MARY: A few of these exercises for 19 reps.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM Camp, Independence Day Convergence, Stuff The Bus
COT: Yes

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Tour of Campus

25 SSH
10 HB Walkers
10 Merkins
10 Mt Climbers

Mosey down the back road
10 merkins and 10 SSH at each light pole
Mosey back
10 squats and 10 overhead claps at each pole

Head to the basketball court – partner up
Partner 1 toy soldiers down and back
Partner 2 does burpees – 100
Partner 1 bear crawl across the court & lunge walk back
Partner 2 does LBCs – 200

Mosey to COT for MARY
10 Birddog crunches each side)
10 Shoulder taps
10 Elbow to knee Bicycle
20 flutters
COT: It happened with a long prayer at the end

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Shieldlock vs Shieldlock

Get ready! The next couple of months are going to get crazy at #ao-Varsity as the ShieldLocks around The Fort show us what they’ve got! Each week we’ll have an entire Shieldlock co-Q a workout for those brave enough to show up. Lets see which Shieldlock brings the most pain!
First on deck are the FortHorsemen. There will be cindy’s, there will be bar work, there will be running, and a little something extra. Show to know this Friday at #AO-Varsity!

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Shieldlock vs. Shieldlock!

Get ready! The next couple of months are going to get crazy at #ao-Varsity as the ShieldLocks around The Fort show us what they’ve got! Each week we’ll have an entire Shieldlock co-Q a workout for those brave enough to show up. Lets see which Shieldlock brings the most pain!
First on deck are the FortHorsemen. There will be cindy’s, there will be bar work, there will be running, and a little something extra. Show to know this Friday at #AO-Varsity!

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Halting Ring of Fire

17 pax posted at Ring of Fire.

Started with a run. Did some Toy Soldiers and carioca.

Warm up with: SSHs, windmills, imperial walkers, Moroccan n/c, Low slow squats, big arm circles, peterparkers, plank stretches.

Ran around to the back of NaFo.

Did bench work: step ups (10 each leg), incline merkins (12 I/C), dips (12 I/C), butt touch squats (12), decline merkins (10 I/C), calf raises (18).

Proceeded to run some more, and stopped at the band practice lot. Did “Munitions factory”:
Pax do low plank for 1 min (this is home), then bear crawl about 100 yards (this is your commute), then do work at your factory making BOMBS (pax do 25 each of: burpees, OH claps, merkins, big boy sit ups, squats), then commute back home doing a nur, then plank for the six.

Then we ran to the pull up bars.

Did 6 pull ups and 6 toes-to-bar
Next run back to shovel flag for some mary…we did the Sally (Moby’s Flower) routine where leg raises for “bring sally up” and 6 inch leg hold on “bring sally down”.

Fini, COT.
HALT = Hurt, Angry, Lonely, Tired. These can be triggers for our Jester. Be aware so that you might be able to break the cycle.

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2 Mile Run & bear crawl & crawl Bear Bonanza

WARMUP: The Usual
THE THANG: 2 Mile Run; Followed by 5 merkins, 25 Yard Bear Crawl, 25 Yard crawl Bear, 5 Burpees, 50 Yard run, 50 Yard Nur, 5 Burpees, 50 Yard run, 5 merkins ( Up to 10 Rounds, I made 6)
MARY: None
COT: Thoughts for Splinters Mom (Peace at Home), and My Nephew (Have fun with Rock and roll, but not too much fun)

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Cinco De Mayo History Lesson

WARMUP: Lap around parking lot ending inside football stadium gates.
THE THANG: Cinco De Mayo History lesson. Fun exercises while the PAX learned. Cinco De Mayo is a celebration of the victory of the Battle of Puebla De los Angeles in 1862.
5 Burpees
18 Merkins
62 Overhead claps
The battle was against the French. 20 Freddy Mercury’s
Pueblo de las Angeles: 10 Flying Squirrels
1861 Mexico defaulted on loans to Europe hence the invasion. 18 Werkins | 61 Moroccan Night Clubs
The countries Mexico default to were Britain, Spain, and France.
Britain: 10 Bonnie Blairs Spain: 10 Sumo Squats
The leader of France was Napoleon III: 10 Nolan Ryan’s each side
France: 6000 troops. Mexico: 2000 troops. 2 laps around the track.
France eventually withdrew from Mexico 1867. 18 Diamond Merkins | 67 SSH
Mexican Independence Day: Sept. 16 1810
18 Ranger Merkins | Burpees
MARY: LBCs, Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: prayers for healing

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