4 corner for Pushers Bday

Pledge Allegiance

Run up Massey stop at Harris 15 Merkins 15 LBCs, 15 Squats
Run to Ardrey stop 15 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 15 Squats
Run To White stop 15 merkins, 15 LBCs, 15 squats.
Run to bottom of Harris stop 15 merkins, 15 LBCs, 15 Squats

Rinse and Repeat two more time for 3+ miles.

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King of the Hill

WARMUP: Mosey across street to Brayden. Windmills waiting on six
THE THANG: Run down to bottom of Brayden hill. Run up to first street (20 merkins) run back down. Flutters. Run up to second street (15 squats) run back down. Freddy Mercury’s. Run up to top of hill (10 bomb jacks) run back down. Hello Dollys. Run the Brayden loop and return to bottom of hill. Run up to top of hill (5 bomb jacks) back down to second street (10 squats) run down to first street (15 merkins) back up the hill across to COT.
MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas party, Bethel Men’s, relief efforts
COT: prayers for healing and those affected by the storm

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2024.37 Kitchen Sink

Move wights into place…

9/11 Memorial workout simulating 110 + roof (111) stair climb with sandbags and a parking lot with 37 spaces (373==11).

Split PAX into two teams for North and South Tower. Split teams into three groups each. At one end of parking lot (base of buildings) one group on each team will be performing KB lifts of their choosing (stipulation was to touch ground and then go over head, but that got lost in translation). One group will be performing burpees at each parking spot (or floor). One group will be carrying sandbags in between to relieve the other two groups.

As sandbag group relieves burpee group, he will proceed to the next available floor. (If he drops sandbag off at floor 25 while 25, 26, and 27 are doing burpees, he goes to 28.) There is an added mental exercise to count how many burpees/lifts you performed, and add that number to the number given to you associated with the bag you are carrying.

Demo: To start, floor 1, 2, and 3 will start with a bag and do that many burpees to preload the bag. Floor 1 will then run the bag to the lifters and hand it to the next available person. Lifter takes bag with 1, adds his lifts number (lets say 5) to 1. He then takes the sandbag, runs and hands it to burpee group at floor 4, tells him bag has 6 and runs to floor 7 to commence burpees. The man on floor 4 adds his burpee number (lets say 6) to the bag , runs, and hands it to the next available lifter and tells him the bag has 12.

Repeat until burpees have been performed at ever floor.

Run that back 3 times. (We got through 2… next time.)

Quick reminder that we will take for granted more than we will ever hope to contribute. We stand on the shoulders of giants and it was undeniably visceral on 9/11/2001 when we saw so many risk everything to help their brothers and sisters in need.

There’s two ways to make a living in this world… exploit systems or create value. I hope you get a chance at the latter. A rising tide lifts all boats.

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Be Consistent with Da Bell

WARMUP: Some warm up included
Lunge KB twist
Low slow squat
Reverse Lunge walk
Moroccan Nigjt Clubs
Hill Billy walkers
Sumo squats
4 rounds 20 seconds each
Good mornings
Overhead Press
Tri extension
Bent row
Between each round take a lap around islands

Wrap up with 6 exercises of Mary
Hello Dolly’s
Dying Cockroaches
Airborne hip moves
Big boys

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The Smokin Lucky 7

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Morrocon NC and Strawberry Pickers
Phase 1- Cheese Shredder
Phase 2 – Partner Up: 100 Merkins, 200 Plank Jacks, 300 Shoulder Taps, and 400 Mountain Climbers; While the one Partner was doing the exercises, the other was running a lap around the parking lot.
Phase 3 – Lucky 7s: Burpees and Squats
MARY: American Hammers, Gas Pumpers, and your hospital name signature with both of your feet together.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

There really shouldn’t be a way to edit these… it will entice men like Dark Helmet to “adjust” them from time to time…

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WARMUP: windmills, Cherry pickers, jog, morrocan night clubs, imperial and hillbilly walkers, seal jacks and take bells to the main lot.


Dora 1 – 50 swings, 100 squats, 150 curls, 100 squats, 50 swings

Dora 2 – 25 manmakers, 50 squats, 75 swings

Dora 3 – 25 goblet lunges, 50 swings

Back to COT for 3 minutes of stretching

MARY: Nope
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots – read your newsletter
COT: 5th core principle

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Bord of Pain OG

Run to back of school mixed in a few butt kickers, toy soldiers and high knees

OG Board of pain with a twist. No one has ever and dare I say will never complete the board in 45 mins. With that being said, I cut all reps in half except for calf raises. With the at being said, no one finished, but Tesh was a couple exercises away.

50 burpees
150 calf raises
50 ski abs
50 merkins
50 squats
100 LBCs
50 CDD
50 American Hammers
50 Mac Tar Jai
50 Jump squats
50 Mtn climbers
100 shoulder press
50 Mary Catherine
100 hello dolly
50 wide arm merkins
50 squat jacks
50 nippler
50 burpees


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Low Mileage

WARMUP: Jog the perimeter of the big lot with karaoke up and down a few rows (no KBs).
THE THANG: Back in the small lot for some Partner work:
P1: Overhead Press until P2 completes his work
P2: 10 Man Makers
P1: Turkish Get Ups (I received correction here which was greatly appreciated)
P2. 20 KB Situps
Carry your KB at the postion of 1/2 way up a bicep curl over to the circle by the football stadium entrance.
Overhead carry the KB up to the top of the hill.
Bear Crawl down
Nur back up
Overhead carry the KB down back to the bottom.
Back to the big parking lot:
P1: Run up and back a row while…
P2: Bent over rows with both KBs

P1: 10 Burpees
P2: Upright Rows
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yes (Hi Bandcamp)
COT: For Sure

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SSH, windmill (lots of moaning), merkin, honeymooner, down dog

Over by the track between the two schools we had 5 cones setup along one of the straight away.

Starting at the first come you are to travel by recommended mode of transportation to the each come. Each round will have two sets of exercises. Switch exercise at each cones

Rd 1 – lung walk, merkins 20, dips 20
Run a lap
Rd 2 – bear crawl, lunges 20, squats 20
Run a lap
Rd 3 – side lung walk, merkins 20, dips 20
Run a lap
Rd 4 – sideways bear crawl, lunges 20, squats 20
Run a lap
Rd 5 – rotate between bear crawl and lunge walk, LBCs 20, leg raises 10

Next moved to some super man’s for 5 rds and then finished off the workout with Airborne hip specials.


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Hive 9th Birthday

We gathered strong for a kettlebell celebration
WARMUP: Happy Hour led
Airborne had 10 minutes of EMOM
ran a lap
Band Camp had 10 minutes of EMOM (Free Smells splashed a little root beer cause he’s 19)
ran a lap
BOB had 10 minutes of EMOM
MARY: Airborne close with his hip extravaganza
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Grateful Longshanks kicked this AO off 9 years ago. Missed Uhaul being there, but otherwise we had all the former site Qs present
COT: Was held
Coffeeteria with Popppins leading afterwards.

Thanks Happy Hour for the push to celebrate!

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