Swinging into the week

WARMUP: Ten minutes of non stop reps
THE THANG: Man makers to farmers carry. Swings to overhead carry. Dora with goblet squats, flutters, lunges, American hammers, dead lifts and big boys.
MARY: More swings
ANNOUNCEMENTS: See newsletter.
COT: Prayers for a good week.

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Good Mornings x 10

Disruption in the form of Olaf arrived around this time and removed to large metal poles from the bed of his truck.

Windmill x 10
Calve Stretch
MNC x 10


Mosey to Walgreens. Pax completed a March Madness bracket special, completing:

64 SSH
32 LBC’s
16 Merkins
8 Bobby Hurleys  
4 Burpees
2 Big Boys
1 Diamond Merkin

*1 lap around Walgreens after completion of each exercise.

Mosey to Grace church parking lot. In honor of 11 seed Duquesne, completed a round of 11’s with Merkins and Big Boys. Olaf continued to kindly share coupons.

Next completed a static round of 6’s in honor of the fallen 6 seed (including my own SC Gamecocks). Bobby Hurley’s and Lunges.

Mosey back to COT. Finished up with about 4 minutes of Mary.

Thanks to all who showed and the opportunity to lead! Go Dukes and all the other disruptors to status quo!


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Composition notebooks, Red Truck Men, a lot of site promotion

COT: Indeed

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Good Mornings x 10

Disruption in the form of Olaf arrived around this time and removed to large metal poles from the bed of his truck.

Windmill x 10
Calve Stretch
MNC x 10


Mosey to Walgreens. Pax completed a March Madness bracket special, completing:

64 SSH
32 LBC’s
16 Merkins
8 Bobby Hurleys  
4 Burpees
2 Big Boys
1 Diamond Merkin

*1 lap around Walgreens after completion of each exercise.

Mosey to Grace church parking lot. In honor of 11 seed Duquesne, completed a round of 11’s with Merkins and Big Boys. Olaf continued to kindly share coupons.

Next completed a static round of 6’s in honor of the fallen 6 seed (including my own SC Gamecocks). Bobby Hurley’s and Lunges.

Mosey back to COT. Finished up with about 4 minutes of Mary.

Thanks to all who showed and the opportunity to lead! Go Dukes and all the other disruptors to status quo!


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Composition notebooks, Red Truck Men, a lot of site promotion

COT: Indeed

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To the 50….and beyond

Nice morning for Acceleration at The Box. First day on site as Site Q and on the the Q as well. Middle and Upper Management present to ensure flag in ground and disclaimer read. Following Qsource, the topic today was “M”.

Mosey, SSH x 26 (IC), Windmill x 10 (IC), stretched the calves, MNC x 15 (IC)

Spur #1 – Accelerating Fellowship requires Relational Rhythm –> Preparedness. Goal is not a static state of balance.


Mosey to hill closest to Hwy 21
Down and up the hill x 3. Burpees at the top, Merkins at the Bottom. (15-10-5). Complete 20 reps each hill completion (i.e. 15 burpees/5 merkins, 10/10, 5 burpees/15 merkins).

Spur – You do not meet your M at the 50 yard line. This is not a balancing act, it may not be fair. You go beyond the 50 and to the endzone if need be.

To illustrate this, we did a 4th round down and up the hill even though the thought was we were doing 3 and recovering.

We then moseyed to the pull up bars for some AMRAP. We made it through 4 rounds of: 5 pullups – 10 merkins – 15 squats – 20 LBCs. Then partnered PAX up. One PAX would hang from pullups bars while the other held 6 inches merkins. Loser had to complete 5 burpees. Rotate.

Mosey back to benches.

Spur #2 – The M is the most important relationship –> Quiver of arrows to target the M in the Concentrica

Mosey to the 50 yard line on the band lot football field. Reminder that we do not stop at the 50.

Spur #3 – Accelerating the M requires skill and love –> 1) Maintenance = Deceleration, 2) Culture is a Jester, 3) No 50 yard line, 4) M is not your best friend, 5) Joy > Happiness.

Finished with some diamond merkins, flutters, protractor and freddie mercuries. Mosey back to COT.

MARY: A little
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Blood Drive, Hanging with Stang
COT: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/davewillis/a-prayer-for-today/

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We have options

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: 3,4,5 mile run options and 2.75 mile ruck
ANNOUNCEMENTS: acceleration project, blood drive
COT: families, Jed’s surgery, marriages

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2024.10 The Coach’s Box

Warmup then run to parking lot on way to pullup bars.

1st order of business get the HR up as quickly as possible:
4x Suicides distance was 1 to 5 parking spaces

2nd order of business is endurance and strength
20min AMRAP:
5xToes to bar
10x Squat jumps
10x Merkins
10x Lunges (EL)

Run back to 2x Suicides


Discussion on Servants and Masters. All the “things” of this world are good Servants but bad Masters: money, food, popularity, aesthetics, power… So how do you keep them in their proper place? It’s Discipline (1st F), Council (2nd F), and Mission (3rd F). So you wonder why this thing of F3 works, but it’s a model for behavior that works on so many levels.

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The Carpenter

*WARMUP:*  side straddle hop, merkin
*THE THANG:* Kettle Bell one arm swing with three second pause overhead 10rep per arm double arm overhead with 3 second pause 15rep 20 swing and catch in opposite hand Sumo Squat 25 between each set run 75 yards do 10 hand release merkins then run back second set was one arm snatch overhead 10 reps bent over one arm row 15 swing catch 20 last set is rinse and repeat of first one

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The Carpenter

*WARMUP:*  side straddle hop, merkin
*THE THANG:* Kettle Bell one arm swing with three second pause overhead 10rep per arm double arm overhead with 3 second pause 15rep 20 swing and catch in opposite hand Sumo Squat 25 between each set run 75 yards do 10 hand release merkins then run back second set was one arm snatch overhead 10 reps bent over one arm row 15 swing catch 20 last set is rinse and repeat of first one

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That Veronica Vaughn

SSH x 20 (IC)
Cherry Pickers x 10 (IC)
IW x 10 (IC)
HW X 10 (IC)

The Thang:
Billy Madison Goes Back to School

Mosey to bus parking lot
Run down and back and perform 1 exercise of 12 reps
This concludes 1st grade
So and so forth until 12th grade is complete


Calf Raises
Shoulder Taps
Good Mornings
Big Boys
American Hammers

936 total exercise reps
1+ miles of running

Mary: Finished with a couple minutes of Mary and Dark Helmet demanding excellence in cadence counting, much to the crowds displeasure.

Announcements: We announced some things.

COT: There was a circle and trust in and around it.

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That Veronica Vaughn

SSH x 20 (IC)
Cherry Pickers x 10 (IC)
IW x 10 (IC)
HW X 10 (IC)

The Thang:
Billy Madison Goes Back to School

Mosey to bus parking lot
Run down and back and perform 1 exercise of 12 reps
This concludes 1st grade
So and so forth until 12th grade is complete


Calf Raises
Shoulder Taps
Good Mornings
Big Boys
American Hammers

936 total exercise reps
1+ miles of running

Mary: Finished with a couple minutes of Mary and Dark Helmet demanding excellence in cadence counting, much to the crowds displeasure.

Announcements: We announced some things.

COT: There was a circle and trust in and around it.

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