Laces In 11:2019

14 PAX gathered in the Lenten gloom. 10 Laced up bootcampers stayed IN and 4 runners went OUT. With a disclaimer and a reminder that YHC makes no claims as to the efficacy of the following workout, we were off:

Mosey to spot outside the cafeteria
SSH x50 (almost all cadence counts began slowly and got faster. See the NMM.)
Acceleration talk
Mtn Climbers x20
Windmill x10
Moroccan Night Club x20
BTTW w/ shoulder tap x10

Mosey to band practice lot
Set up on the line
Run 100+yards
25% 50% 75% 95%, Bear Crawl the entire length, 100% (accelerating)

Mosey to spot between the main building and the band/ceramics wing
Hold People’s Chair while each PAX completes 5 burpees
10 count
Hold People’s Chair while each PAX says their 2019 word of the year
PAX echo the word of the year in affirmation

Mosey to the front entrance
Dips x20
Derkins x10

Mosey back to COT running up and down the tennis bleachers and around the back (there’s two barely visible benches back there, be careful if you take that route).

Down Dog to Piegon Lunges
Standing and Seated Forward Bend

Flutters x20 (variable tempo on the count)
Dying Cockroach x20 (variable tempo on the count)



In this Lenten season, I find myself contemplating the Christian discipline of self denial and examination that relate to accelerating man and issues that hinder acceleration (The Jester).

When PAX commit to accelerating towards advantage, then deceleration may (must?) take place in areas of a man’s life that hinder acceleration. Like deciding to run a race with a weight attached, we can remove the handicap by our choices, systems, and structures (my word for 2019). An accelerating man is continually refocusing on what is important and what is essential for each of the three Fs. Where in our life to we need to decelerate to maximize acceleration?

My challenge as a Q is to build 2nd and 3rd F elements into the 1st F workout. For this one, I  accelerated most cadence counts and occasionally decelerating the count (especially in Flutters) to help emphasize the additional physical gain from moving faster or slower.

Great to post with such a illustrious group of HIMs; an honor and a privilege to lead them.

-Band Camp dismissed

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Keep it Simple

I had planned out the workout the prior evening, but as more and more men (+ 2 FNGs) showed up I decided to simplify the workout.  Albert Einstein said “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. ”  After the disclaimer, we jogged to the backside of Harris Teeter by following the trail of garbage truck juices freshly dropped on the payment like an early morning rain shower.


SSH x 20

Imperial walker x 15

WIndmill x 15

Merkin x 10

Plank Stretches

Mountain Climber x 15

Peter Parker x 10


Next, we partnered up for Dora 1-2-3.

Exercises:  100 merkins, 200 Squats, and 300 LBCs

One partner ran to the end of the parking lot and back while the other partner performed the exercise above.  Switch roles when returned.

Next, we killed some time with a burpee broad jump between  the light posts.  It seem to be a crowd pleaser on Monday so I thought it would be good to see if it got the same response. We then mosyed to the retaining wall behind the service station for two rounds of dips (15), derkins (15), and step ups (20).  We finished up with a wall sit/bear crawl combination the length of the Harris Teeter building and one set of flutters.

Returned to COT.

We had two FNGs this morning.  Q who works as a engineer for a company that designs car seats.  His name “BOB” – Baby on board.  Mike who is from PA enjoys hockey. His name “Slapstick”.  TClaps to Wrangler for bring both guys out to the workout.



Injured Pax


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Preparedness and other life skills @ Quagmire

7 was the number for life lessons on preparedness by YHC.
The disclaimer was disclaimed and we were off for a short mosey after a brief intro on what it means to be prepared.
Circle up for some COP:
Morocan Night Clubs, Burpees, Suicide squats, windmills, a circle of merkins, a circle of humpers.

Discuss what being prepared during a workout means and asked PAX who had some form of emergency contact information on them in case of an emergency. 4 PAX had nothing so it was determined that the penalty was 10 merkins each, split into two sets cause YHC sadly can’t bang out 40 straight at the moment. A short plug for ROADID was given and then we were off for some more fun.
Mosey over behind smoothie store for some bearcrawl races. Half lap race each team finishing when the last member crosses the finish line. Those sucked plenty so we capped it at one full lap and mosey to find snowman’s truck full of goodies.
The truck was found and to nobody’s surprise there were heavy things inside that YHC asked the PAX to pick up and carry around. LIFE training on preparedness really kicked into full effect now.
Half of the PAXs planked up facing the other half while a ruck was placed in between each pair. Once YHC yelled out “go” the PAX on one side would jump up grab ruck and take off full sprint towards the end of Home Depot while the other PAX would perform 5 merkins then sprint to catch PAX carrying Rucks. This was a life lesson in kidnapping prevention. PAX had a lot of kids total so we did that a few times alternating the chaser and chase-E.
More lessons on preparedness with a discussion on who has emergency responder training? A scenario was created where three logs located in the back of the snowmobile represented fellow PAX that have suffered some life-threatening injury while participating in the beatdown. Challenged the PAX to respond as if real life situation and tested situational awareness of the group. PAX determined given the proximity of the injured logs it was probably best to carry each over to the emergency department on the other side of Rivergate shopping center since nobody except YHC had a phone and I refused to let anyone use mine as a penalty for being unprepared. Made it to the stoplight before stopping to reflect on what would have been the best plan for care in a real emergency. The consensus was that every situation is different and the more you can be prepared and think through the terrible situations beforehand the better prepared you can be to react. Dropped logs off at the snowmobile and humped it back to COT. Two minutes late but PAX was dragging after rucking those logs and kid snatching.

NMM: Thanks to the guys for accepting me for the idiot I am. Well at least giving me the respect to humor me while I am the Q and go along with my stupid absurd plans for a workout. They are always a little bit weird but never boring and I am grateful for the opportunity to lead.

Thanks for the opportunity JEDI.

Until the snow melts from all my warm hugs….

TClap |

We’re going “Jack Webb” today…

Started out a bit chilly so YHC jumped in with the disclaimer and we took off for a mosey…that was about maybe 100 yards in change.  This workout had been predetermined to be “leg friendly and minimal running” and that bar was set immediately.

In the warmup, we did the “Shady” home warmup with incorporated getting the body stretched and blood pumping.  Warmup included: SSH, Mary Catherine of some sorts (no name for what looks like an elliptical movement), stretch of shoulders and arms, cherry pickers, windmill, squats, Moroccan night clubs, low slow squats, merkins, and finally some runner stretches.

After the warmup, we got into the Thang.  Immediate partnering up ensued, size didn’t matter, but picking someone you didn’t know very well did.  Incorporated into the Thang was going to be encouraged mumble chatter with your partner to get to know them – how’d they get their name, what’s their hospital name (not the name of the hospital), where they grew up, work, etc.  Kind of like a COT naming 101 session.  As my word of the year is “listen”, part of the message today was getting to know your fellow PAX.

Here’ the gauntlet that was laid down using “Jack Webb” as the theme:

  • Classic Jack Webb – 1 merkin, 4 overhead claps; 2 merkins, 8 overhead, etc. up to 10 merkins and 40 overhead
  • With your partner – 1 mak-tar-jai, 4 plank hand slaps; 2 MTJ, 8 hand slaps…all the way up to 10 and 40
  • Also together with your partner – 1 crab foot slap (don’t recall the actual name but get in crab position and lift left leg up and slap with right hand, alternate feet and hand = 1 rep), 4 LBCs…this up to 10 crabs and 40 LBC
  • Last together with your partner – 1 burpee, 4 squats.  This was get as many as you can b/c of time which I believe partners were in the 8 burpee, 32 squat range
  • In the last few min we did some MARY and called it a morning

As we wrapped up, getting to know the PAX 1 person at a time is important as that accountability and personal level of basic “I know where you’re from and I’m listening to who you are” helps develop and enrich your shieldlock.

It took zero movement to get to COT where we did name-o-rama, announcements and a quick roundtable of prayers and praises.  Enjoyed the push this am and especially the welcomed mumble chatter.  Looking forward to next time!


TClap |

Laces In 2019.08

So for the beat down portion of this I was trying to accomplish an under 30 second max effort and a 3 minute max effort.  So the 30 second effort was a 100 yard dash and the 3 minute max reps of burpees.  This was flanked by other exercises but generally, I wanted to hit the two shorter metabolic pathways (google it) this morning.

Because we were doing sprints, there was a longer warmup period than usual.  After the obligatory SSH there was windmills, squats, merkins, and slow MNCs (full rotaion) .  Then the warmup for legs which includes your karaoke, buttkickers, high knees, and WWL power skips.

Sprint, some talking for cooldown, sissy squats, (or Greek god Sisyphus squat, again google it) peter pointers x4
Mosey to patio
Peoples chair 2 min w arm flutters, B2W w/ 10x should taps
3min max reps Burpees
Peoples chair 1 min w calf raises, B2W 30 seconds
Mosey to COT for more slow MNCs

I kinda went over the two prevalent “feel good” hormones in the body: dopamine and serotonin.  Dopamine is associated with addiction while serotonin is associated with well being.  The body can get easily addicted to dopamine release, and once associated, addictions will “cross pollinate” and an addictive personality is born.  So please look for addictive patterns and don’t feed them, in yourselves or others.

On the other hand, serotonin is not really tied to addiction as it is slow releasing  usually requires some sort of initial effort or discomfort.  Exercise  stretching, breathing, as well as cold exposure and meditation all influence serotonin.  But most is created in your stomach.  So feed your stomach and not your mouth.

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10 Accelerating Together

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