Short but not quick mosey, SSH, Merkins, Mtn Climbers, and Windmills.
Mosey to the wall and have a seat. Chairs not provided. Take turns 10 yd bear crawl, 2 burpees or 5 mtn climbers, bear crawl back. Of course Fishstix had to step up with a reverse bear crawl back. I think he learned that from the Alcatraz bear, because his form was on point.
Wrapped and moseyed to the next station for Dora with 100 Dips, 200 Squats , 300 LBCs. The partner mosey was short so the reps stayed short too.
Wrapped and moseyed back to the starting point for a 10 minute 4 Corners exercise.
Mountain Climbers – Mosey
American Hammers – Toy Soldiers
Squats – Mosey
Lunges – Butt Kickers
MARY: Wrapped with 5 minutes of Abs.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Prepare for The Fort’s CSAUP trifecta. Bethel Men’s Shelter meal on 7/4. Fort Mill Care Center lawn on Saturdays. Lots going on. Read the newsletter and use your gifts to support your community.
COT: prayers for safe travels, children at camp and parents missing them, health concerns and recovery from surgery, wisdom and patience as parents for 2.0’s make their own choices. All concerns unsaid. Slapshot wrapped with our prayer.
Thank you. It is always an honor to lead and learn from this community.
– Smuggler