Biscuits and light poles

WARMUP: Various exercises while doing laps around outside of parking lot. Somehow biscuits were brought up and for the rest of the time everyone discussed their favorite biscuit restaurant and topping.
THE THANG: Start at point where road split for the football parking. 5 bombjacks, run to 2nd light pole, 10 merkins, 10 squats, back to start for 5 bombjacks, run to 1st light pole for 10 merkins, 10 squats, back to start for 5 bombjacks. That’s one round. Each round we moved up a light pole, kept the bombjacks, and let PAX pick exercises. 3:2 was seal jacks and LBCs. 4:3 was diamond merkins and plank jacks. 5:4 was jump squats and flutter(?). Finally 6:5 was shoulder taps and mountain climbers. Times up, back to COT.
COT: Pretty sure a few PAX had biscuits later this morning. Lots of recommendations for places to try around town. Fun group this morning and we got some good work in. Thx for the opportunity Bassomatic!

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Ballroom Slam

Started with a Short mosey run
Warmup: SSH (12xI/C); windmills; Imperial Walkers; Low Slow Sqts; big arm circles; peter parkers; parker peters; plank stretches
-mosey run-
Thang 1: tracks: do transportation, then the exercise called.
Toy soldiers walk – called bobby hurley’s
Bear crawl – merkins
Lunge walk – smurf jacks
-mosey run-
Thang 2: bench work, we did:
Step ups, inclines, butt touch squats, declines, calf raises, dips
-mosey run-
Thang 3: wall work:
Wall sit, pass slam ball, slam the slam ball, btw
-mosey run to shovel flag-
Thang 4: heavy ball toss.
Senator Tressel

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They’re Playing Baaaasketball…..”

WARMUP: Stretch Lab: Abe Vigoda, Cherry Pickers, Downward Dog, Honeymooner, Left over right, Right over left, Pidgeon Stretch, Trunk Twisters
THE THANG: Mosey to gym entrance, CDD, Peter Parker’s. People’s Chair up against the wall, bear crawl to the curb & back, burpees.
Mosey to the B’ball court. Two teams play HORSE. Any airballs or bricks warrant a burpee from that team. Blame the early morning cold weather for the burpees that resulted. The PAX preferred wind sprints, up and down the court to keep warm.
MARY: Ab Lab to close out the last 4 minutes before COT
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 5K, Upcoming Convergence.
COT: Prayers for PAX’s personal health and families.

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Track and Stack at the Ballroom

YHC was humbled to be asked to Q at the Ballroom. Heading into D2D, there is a feeling across the Fort of preparation for the big event. However, YHC wanted to challenge the Pax to make a downpainment on the day with a track inspired workout.

Mosey to the parking lot beside the playground
Windmills x 10
Diamond merkins x 5
SSH x 20
WAM x 5
MNC x 20
Merkins x 5
IW x 20
Diamonds x 5
Mtn x 20
WAM x 5
Monkey Humpers x 20
Merkins x 5

Mosey to the football field


Track and Stack
Run 200 meters followed by 5 burpees
Run 200 meters followed by 5 burpees and 10 merkins
Continue to stack each 200 with 15 LBCs, 20 SSH, 25 squats, 30 mtn climbers, 35 OH clap and 40 flutters

Mosey back to the flag for 3 minutes of Mary

Trash pickup coming on 3/22
Convergence on 3/14
Jaegar on 3/15

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The Sheldon Cooper

I picked up the substitute Q stick from <@UN6PTD007> as he’s DR this week and he picked up one of mine from a few weeks ago.

WARMUP: Mosey over to the track. The obligatory SSH, Morrocan nightclubs, windmills

THE THANG: The Sheldon Cooper. 10 rounds of descending reps. Run a lap around the track, perform 10 burpees, 10 squats, 10 merkins and 10 big boys. Continue this pattern and decrease your rep count by one after each lap.

This was intentionally chosen so that each pax could push themselves as hard as they could, regardless of the pax around them. This provided some good fellowship for a few and the ability to go hard for others.

MARY: Planks and Peter Parkers

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D, Jaeger, Convergence. Read the Newsletter

COT: Prayers for new job opportunities, health, and healing.

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Dancing the Tariffs Away

Imperial Walkers
Low slow squats
Hillbilly Walkers
Plank with some stretching

Mosey to front of school
12 Dips
5 step ups each leg
3 rounds
Mosey to back of school
Wall sit while 1 PAX goes up and down stairs
20 quick steps
5 irkins
15 quick steps
5 irkins
10 quick steps
5 irkins
Mosey to football field
10 squats
Lunge walk 10 yard
10 merkins
Mosey back to goal
10 squats
Lunge walk to 20 yard
10 merkins
Mosey back to goal

Rinse and repeat to the 50
2nd round
Same distances
Reverse lunge walk
Sumo squats
Plank jacks
Reverse mosey to goal line

Freddy mercurys
Read Newsletter
By not accepting God’s free gift of Grace we trample on the sacrifice he has provided for us.
Let’s instead honor the sacrifice and accept that free gift which is in our best interests :pray: :fire: :point_up_2: :raised_hands:

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Music, Merkins, and Moroccan Night Clubs

Six Booters and four Ruckers converged on Ball Room this morning for a music-themed workout. Conditions were cold and wet (33 and foggy). Here’s what we did.

Warm Up
– 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
– 10 Windmills (IC)

Mosey around the lot to the covered walkway in front of the school

The Thang
The workout consisted of nine songs where an exercise was performed until a trigger word started another exercise

Song 1 – “Africa” by Toto
4m 32s of SSHs
Trigger Word: Africa – Burpees (7 total)

Song 2 – “You Can Call Me Al” by Paul Simon
4m 36s of Plank
Trigger Word: Al – Plank Jacks (4 total)

Song 3 – “Wagon Wheel” by Old Crow Medicine Show
3m 56s of Imperial Walkers
Trigger Words: Rock Me – Bomb Jacks (18)

Song 4 – “Another One Bites the Dust” by Queen
3m 43s of Plank
Tigger Word: Dust – Merkins (18)

Song 5 – “The Joker” by Steve Miller Band
3m 39s of American Hammers
Trigger Word: I’m – LBCs (32)

Song 6 – “Pour Some Sugar on Me” by Def Leppard
4m 56s of Moroccan Night Clubs
Trigger Word: Sugar – OH Claps (19)

Song 7 – “Wildflowers” by Tom Petty
3m 14s of Squats
Trigger Word: You – Flying Squirrels (24)

Song 8 – “Hotel California” by The Eagles
6m 32s of Calf Raises
Trigger Word: California – Burpees(4)

Song 9 – “Money for Nothing” by Dire Straits
4m 39s of People’s Chair
Trigger Word: Money – Merkins (17)

Who knew five minutes of Moroccan Night Clubs could wreck you? Today’s beatdown proved you don’t have to run far to get a good workout. Thanks for the opportunity <@U790WHUKC> and happy birthday <@U6AS1MBPG>. And great to catch up with our Ruckers at the end.

Remember to celebrate your wins louder than you mourn your losses. Progress deserves more energy than regret. Should’ve, would’ve, and could’ve steal too much joy. The windshield is larger than the rearview mirror for a reason.


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Weighed Down

WARMUP: yea, this is important. did SSH for a while because Esso was late. He apparently “went to block party” and then remembered we were going to ballroom today.

THE THANG: ran around exploring

Found a 15 space parking lot
1 merkin
2 squats
3 burpees
4 merkin
5 squats
6 burpees
7 merkin
8 squats
9 burpees
10 merkin
11 squats
12 overhead claps (by request)
13 merkin
14 squats
15 overhead claps

Started to do that again, but I just didn’t wanna. Was hoping more PAX would gripe about it. But they didn’t they were either too cold to complain, or knew I might actually go through with it if they did.

Mosey some more
some squats, lunges, cossak squats

Mosey some more found a hill
bear crawl, donkey kicks, back down
crawl bear, donkey kicks, back down

Mosey some more found the basketball court
5 squats run to the middle 5 jump squats
back to start
5 squats run to far end 5 lunges
did that a few times

MARY: did some hip flexibility work. Barry did not seem to be a fan, but I know he really enjoyed it in his heart.

COT: had to be there. Bass is a stellar Site Q. It was an honor to lead

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Peace out

Short warmup with laps around the parking lot. Did exercises in between. Barry and 8 covered a lot of ground on mumble chatter topics. Covered a couple of miles and smiles.

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Broke back mtn.

WARMUP: The usual SSH, windmills, cherry pickers other stuff
THE THANG: the goal was to stay warm which we did. Mosey around the whole campus and did some exercises. pax chose a card interestingly only had 4 cards to choose from. Card 1 sets of 10 flutters, SSH, Mtn climbers, American hammers and shoulder taps. Run to next stop. Card 2 sets of 20 monkey humpers, calf raises, sumo squats, seal jacks, and weezy Jefferson’s. Run to next stop. Card 3 merkins, big boys, squats, LBCs, and plank Jax. Sets of 15. Run to next stop. Card 4 amer hammers, mtn. Climbers, squats, SSHs, and Rosalitas. Run to flag bench work tris bis and stuff.
Did I mention there were a lot of women running around talking. Btw I led all this with a hurt back. Hence broke back.
MARY: Pax choice

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