Preparedness at the Coaches Box

Weather was 32 degrees and chilly but the lights were on and YHC was prepped for a Q to discuss Jester and Preparedness

Simply defined, the Jester is temptation of the flesh that hinders Acceleration. It is a stumbling block that a man continuously trips over in his effort to become a Pro.

The Jester tells a man several lies including:

1. You are the boss of me
2. You are what you do
3. You are not a bad guy
4. Jester and Virtue can coexist
5. You can’t live, if living is without me

But the antidote to the Jester is preparedness, preparing for what is expected and what is unexpected. The addition of love to this preparation leads to diminishing the Jester. But it is a battle that a Man must fight throughout his life.


Mosey to the front of FMHS

Plank Jacks

Mosey to the band lot

Deconstructed Burpee – STAR model

Burpees in the middle x 5
Bobby Hurley x 25
Squats x 25
Merkins IC 12
Mtn Climbers x 25

Mosey to pull up bars

Grip Strength work
Partner 1 – hang
Partner 2 – Mary

Rinse and Repeat x 3

Mosey home for COT

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LDP 10 Count Buffet

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Moracan night clubs, mosey to the thang

THE THANG: 10 Count buffet-Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Shoulder Taps, Big Boy Situps, LBC’s, SSH, Lunges, Squats, Bobby Hurley’s, Dips completed 10 of each, ran lap after each round

MARY: Flutters, Freddy Mercury’s, Big Boys

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Pints and Padres, Bethel Men’s Shelter

COT: 1 prayer or praise from each lifted up

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share your burdens with a group

WARMUP: dynamic stretching Broga
THE THANG: pick 6 burdens plus the qsource board and make a lap around the band lot light polls. Time to beat decreased each round. Guys from sole to soul joined us for a lap. Everyone pushed hard and worked together as a team.
We did some 6 count foundational burpees
COT: prayers for us to be the husband’s our wives deserve and fathers that resemble our heavenly Father’s love.

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share your burdens with a group

WARMUP: dynamic stretching Broga
THE THANG: pick 6 burdens plus the qsource board and make a lap around the band lot light polls. Time to beat decreased each round. Guys from sole to soul joined us for a lap. Everyone pushed hard and worked together as a team.
We did some 6 count foundational burpees
COT: prayers for us to be the husband’s our wives deserve and fathers that resemble our heavenly Father’s love.

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Tim Horton’s 50 Yard Line Battle

It was a brisk morning and the mumble chatter was on fire. Quick warmup and we were off.

Partner 7s with slap merkins and partner sit-up’s.

Mosey’ed over to the band parking lot for some Canadian football.

10 Burpees
20 Bomb Jacks
30 Monkey Humpers
40 Flutters
50 Shoulder Taps
40 LBCs
30 Lunges
20 Squats
10 Merkins

Back to COT for prayers and praises.

– JWow

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Dora the disruptor

WARMUP: cherry pickers, little baby circles (both directions) and Moroccan night clubs
THE THANG: Dora with partner
Round 1: 100Merkins, 150 LBC’s, 200 Mountain Climbers
Round 2: 100 side straddle hops, 150 squats, 200 shoulder taps
Rinse and repeat
MARY: flutters, American hammer, hello dolly, merkins?
ANNOUNCEMENTS: d2db 10k, acceleration project
COT: families, marriges, rolloff’s M, shower curtains father in law

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8-Blocker: Partner Work

WARMUP: Typical stuff
– 200 yds partner carry
– 200 yd wheelbarrow
– 200 yd partner push
DORA – partner runs a lap while other partner:
– 50 burpees
– 100 decline merkins
– 150 dips
– 200 step ups

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Pushing with a Purpose

– SSH, WM, mosey to hill
– Dora: 100x pushups, 200x humpers, 300x calve raises // run to stop sign at hilltop
– 4-corners: various gear at each corner, bear crawl to next station after timer went off
– Airborne hips
– read newsletter
– was held

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The 2 big questions

WARMUP: mosey to the band stand after disclaiming- all exercises I/C – SSH, MNC, windmills, imperial and hillbilly walkers, merkins and planks.

THE THANG: two important questions – pax started by answering question 1 with the two words you want to be said in describing you in 2024.  After answering with the chalk, pax moseyed to the bus loop for 7’s. The exercises changed with each lap.

Mosey to the side lot for question 2 – “what will you do to make your answer to question 1 clear?”  Then pax took the hill and changed the mode of transportation every few light poles until the top was crested.

5 merkins at very light pole on the way back to COT.  Note: there were a lot of light poles.

MARY:  No time
COT: 5th core principle

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The 2 bug questions

WARMUP: mosey to the band stand after disclaiming- all exercises I/C – SSH, MNC, windmills, imperial and hillbilly walkers, merkins and planks.

THE THANG: two important questions – pax started by answering question 1 with the two words you want to be said in describing you in 2024.  After answering with the chalk, pax moseyed to the bus loop for 7’s. The exercises changed with each lap.

Mosey to the side lot for question 2 – “what will you do to make your answer to question 1 clear?”  Then pax took the hill and changed the mode of transportation every few light poles until the top was crested.

5 merkins at very light pole on the way back to COT.  Note: there were a lot of light poles.

MARY:  No time
COT: 5th core principle

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