Thanksgiving Day “Fun Run” with FunHouse

OK PAX, you are already getting up to head to The Ranch @ 0600 for the Thanksgiving Day festivities.  So why not allow yourself some more caloric intake for the day by joining YHC for the First Annual Thanksgiving Day Fun Run!  Here are the details:

Place: Trail Head Park (Tempo)

Time: Launch 0500

Distance: ~5.5 miles

YHC hates to run alone, so meet at Trail Head with headlights and reflective gear to make this a Thanksgiving that your legs wont forget!

You will need to get a ride back to Trail Head… so Hit a Brother up.

TClap |

Hills are alive at Tempo

  • QIC: FunHouse
  • When: 11/17/2016
  • Pax: Gears, Jeeves, FishSticks, Senator T, Decible, Gecko
  • Posted In: Tempo, The Fort

7 PAX joined up for a hill workout that proved to be too much for YHC.

The Thang:

Run 1.75 miles to bottom of huge hill, run up, .25 miles, run down, .25 miles X 5.

Run back +1 mile back.

It sucked.

TClap |

Independence Pyramid

  • QIC: Samurai
  • When: 11/21/16
  • Pax: YHC (Respect), Blackhawk, PCH, Rip Stick, Red Fish, Chuckie(Respect) and FNG The Beacon
  • Posted In: The Fort

The only BAD workout is a Fartsacked post!!!

0515 7 HIMs posted in the Cold morning air to push the rock and get better together.  Not much mumble chatter early due to the cold but it did not stay that way too long.  Disclaimers were given and as soon as the warm up was done it was off to Egypt to see the Pyramids.  Man was I humbled to lead this group today, every time I get to Q I am honored to stand in the middle and try to bring out the best in each other, better together!!!

Warm up

SSH     15

Right over Left repeat opposite

Windmill     15

Arm stretch

Merkins     10

Mosey to the first of the Pyramid

At Stonehenge  we started with

Step ups      20 each leg

Low Slow Squats     15

Mosey to the Eagle Front Statue

Irkins    20

Derkins     20

Dips     30

Mosey to a front parking lot for a duo

Merkins     25

Run the parking lot

LBC     25

Run the parking lot

Mosey to Scholar’s Walk

Lt. Dan 1 light pole

Bear Crawl 1 light pole

Squat Broad Jump 1 light pole

Mosey to the bottom of the Amphitheater

Plank Jacks     25

Sprint to the top of the stairs then recover jog back

Box Cutters     20

Sprint to the top of the stairs then recover jog back

Then the start back down the Pyramid, all but one of the exercise stations but the parking lot due to time were sweated out.

While recovering from the mosey to the Eagle Statue, I discussed Mailman’s sermon from yesterday at PHOP about our time we have each day.  Fitting with the theme of the month Margin.  Mailman explained that we have 2 boxes in our daily life.  The spiritual box which we have bible reading, praying and church going, the second box is the secular box which is everything else in your day like driving to work, raising your kids, work and work out things.  Then he explained that all the secular things can be placed in the spiritual box also.  All things we do in our day should put Christ in it whether your work make someone see Christ in  you, driving to drop off the kids call someone and check to see how they are doing and see if you can help in any way.  You can see the direction of the message.  Put Christ in our lives in all we do, it pleases God.

Blackhawk great leadership and thanks for keeping me on time and task.  True HIM

PCH much admiration for continuing to bring Rip Stick and be a positive role model for him.  Great work today.

Rip Stick man am I proud of you for getting out of a warm bed and posting every morning.  I know you are getting stronger by the day and will be a great leader someday.

Red Fish nice finally posting with you and your solid work today proved well.

Chuckie as always you are a solid HIM.  Man of God and someone that has physically transformed since joining the Gloom.  With the Respects we need to stick together and work smart and harder to hang with the younger PAX.  Great work.

The Beacon what a pleasure to have you come out on this cool morning.  Hope to see you again soon in the Gloom and great first workout!!!

Lets all welcome Richard Carr “The Beacon”  to the PAX, he was Head locked by Dog Pound but was not able to join us.  Great work.

Prayed are for the injured and sick PAX and all family members.

Samurai out

TClap |

Opportunity knocks at the Ranch

  • QIC: Backdraft
  • When: 11/17/2016
  • Pax: What did, Fridge, Snap hook, Wapner, McGuiver, Backdraft
  • Posted In: The Fort, The Ranch

As I was pulling into the Ranch on this cool Thursday morning and thinking about getting the day started. I wondered who was going to have the Q of this hopefully terrible beat down. As I sat there a few more headlights started to pull in. I decided it was time to get out of the comforts of the warm truck and join the group in the cold. As it approached closer and closer to 0515 and no one appeared to be taking the reigns What did asked if I were the Q. When I said no he said well it looks like it will be a group Q than. Well this guy had a little different idea see it takes him back about 1 month prior and YHC missed his Q opportunity at this very same AO. Is this a gift from the Big man upstairs he thought? Well if it is or isn’t he was going to take it as it was. So we started with what I call a disclaimer (your on your own don’t blame me or F3 for whatever might happen).

We moseyed around to the back of the school  and circled up for warm-ups.

15 SSH’s, 15 IW’s, 15 windmills, 10 merkins, 10 peter parkers, 15 SSH’s 10 low slow squats.

Mosey to playground we did 5 strict pull ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats drop down 1 pull up on each set until you get to 1. Plank for the six.

Mosey back out to the road and pair up. time for a little Dora 1, 2, 3 while 1 partner does the exercise the other runs to the second light pole and back. 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBCs.

After this and all were a little gassed we took a short amount of time to talk about the word of the month which is Margin. To each this could have a total different meaning. But to YHC it means to give up some of his wasted time watching TV and being selficous and start giving more time to his M and what she might be needing. What did also spoke up and said he came up with a play calling sheet with activities for him and his family to do so that he did not waste time trying to figure it out. Awesome idea…

We than resumed with the workout and moseyed to the side of school for three sets of wall sits combined with dips on the benches. We finished at COT for an Abs set and COT.

Announcements were all from newsletter. (Thanksgiving workout, Christmas Party)

Prayers- Fridge’s stepmom and her battle with Cancer. Wapners dad and his battle with cancer also. Also for time and ability to make the most of our days.

I am still not sure who missed there Q but thanks for the opportunity to let me Q.

TClap |

F3 Energy at Gobble Wobble 5K 8K (31 HIMs)

  • QIC: Samurai
  • When: 11-19-2016
  • Pax: Turbine, Bogie, The Riddler, Mr. Big Stuff, Walker (Respect), Duck Hunt, Pescadore, Diopter, Honey Pot, Pad Eye, Jag(Respect), Anchor Bar(Respect), Italian Job, Captain America(2.0), Hulk(2.0), Flash, Crayola, Winchester, Blue Print, Schrute, Da Vinci(2.0), Cheeto, Popeye, Pony Tail(Respect), Incoming, Apache, Freon, Smiley Face(Respect), McEnroe, Samurai(Respect)
  • Posted In: The Fort

This had to be one of my highlights of F3, leading a group (31 HIMs, 3 2.0 and 6 Respects in the group) at the Gobble Wobble today!!!  The feeling was like herding cats for a few minutes but I understand it was the Pre-race hype and me being jacked up on C4.

F3 The Rock had a strong presence in the race and had the attention of many waiting for the start of the race.



Moroccan Night Clubs

Right over Left

Imperial Walkers

Hillbilly Walkers


Toy Solders

High Knees

Butt Kickers


As the race was getting ready to start we finished with Prayers and Concerns.  Italian Job again reminds us that the Christmas Party is coming up soon and needs all that are planning to attend sign up and pay the troll.  After the race today a Floor Installation Party will take place at Vuvuzela’s is an All Day Drop In.

The words today was to make memories and share with others what we are all about here in Rock Hill and look for ways to serve others.  Make an positive impact on our city.

Finished with a Ball of Man prayer.

The actual race was a blast running and watching the Pax pickup each other and spreading the F3 love in the crowd and displaying High Impact Men actions.  Apache passed out F3 stickers for us all to give out to the runners in hopes to Headlock as many as possible in Rock Hill.


Samurai out

TClap |

Thanksgiving convergence Food Drive

PAX – As we prepare for our annual Thanksgiving convergence (PREBLAST BELOW)

The Fort Mill Care Center is looking for donations to help kick off their Christmas Holiday Food Drive. We will be looking for canned vegetables, dry stuffing mix, instant mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, etc., as donations to be dropped off to them the Monday after Thanksgiving. On Thursday, please plan to bring any items you are led to bring to convergence.

If you will not be in town, please consider an early donation and leave it with the various site Q’s and I will coordinate pick up from them. We’ve always been a generous PAX and we all look forward to ways we can give back. There will be other opportunities as well, such as Operation Sweet Tooth and Turkey Trot. Aye!

TClap |

The CHOICE is yours as a NoCo Brother Crosses State Lines!

  • QIC: Olive
  • When: 11/12/16
  • Pax: Gatsby, Drop Thrill, Change Order, Stang, Bonsai, Squirell, Big Papi, Bolt, Trucker, Twister, Rooney, Package, Red Eye, Atlas, Longshanks, CSpan, Back Fraft, Chicken WIng, Mission Impossible, Pusher, The Fridge, MacGyver, Hasselhoff, Dinger, Flat Tire, Peabody, Ginsu, Jiffy, Senator Tressel, Bounty Hunter, Newt, Anchor Man, Barry Manilow, Jeckyl, Olive.
  • Posted In: The Fort

Today, I was graciously welcomed with open arms and ears by my fellow brothers across state lines.  I was bestowed with the honor to Q WEP today and admittedly, I was a touch nervous.  Not for the workout itself, but what my message would be and how could I deliver it in front of this group of men.  When texting with Longshanks the night before, he said speak from the heart and God will fill me with the words.  Well I took his advice, prayed and was ready to lead.

I arrived quite early, threw on my ruck and began laying down the cones to create the NoCo “Middle Earth” for the rendition of The Sharknado.  I planted the Sweet Tooth shovel flag in the middle and headed back to the lot as the cars started rolling in.  Never intended for it but got a good 1.2 miles of rucking in before the beat down.  As 0700 hours approached, I called out the minute warnings and at time…we mosey to the center of the field.  Amazingly I got my first BS call for not giving the #Disclaimer…We do things a little differently in the North County…I will pay you back later!

Warm O Rama

#Disclaimer- Are you happy now boys?

Pledge of Allegiance


Cotton Picker x10IC

Toy Soldier x10IC

Monkey Humper x10 IC

American x10 IC

Mountain Climber x10 IC


Drive by from Maximus



Many of the Pax do no me…some did not and I wanted to let them know why I was here and not just at WEP, but here on this Earth.  I explained that my little girl was taken from me and my family and have every reason not to be HERE.  I prefer, so does my M and 2.1, to be with HER.  But we can’t.  And the reality is I am weaker, I have lost passion for activity such as Spartan races, other CSAUP events, routine things as weekend trips, birthday parties and others because the memories and reminders are too painful.  I have gained 30 pounds.  I am in constant depression.  I have had one day of sobriety in the 6 months and 6 days since Sweet Tooth passed away.  But yet, I am STILL HERE.  One reason I neglected to mention at this point but hope I delivered during the CoT prayer was my faith.  Another reason, the support of my F3 brothers.  I explained how Jimmy Olsen and Mooch came to NY to support me.  Helped create the ST shovel flag to remind me, and all those in NY that F3 has my 6.  I explained how Mooch gave me this card with a prayer called “Carry” and it means so much to me and I shared it.


Obviously, I am not in the shape or mindset to carry any of you, the Pax to or for anything.  But what occurred to me, and what I shared is that through the efforts of keeping my daughter’s spirit alive through Operation Sweet Tooth, a Not for Profit, I will be carrying someone…a stranger.  A child that is sick, homeless, without friends or family, hopes or dreams.  OST will be able to “carry” that spirit so a child knows a stranger cares.  You, the Pax of F3, are sharing this burden with me.  And together, with your help, your support just might give my M and I the strength, to begin healing…and be able to “Carry Each Other”.  As I closed, I looked around the circle, bowed and gave my heartfelt thanks and gratitude.


“Now, who wants to get their ass kicked!?”

We split into two groups as Peabody grabbed the Pax that converged who wanted a more moderate workout and I grabbed the remaining and led them to cone number one and gave the details of SHARKNADO!

The Thang:

Exercises are always to be done at this cone.

15 burpees, run a lap around the strategically placed cones.

20 Diamond Mericans, Lap

20 WWII Sit-ups, Lap

20 Mericans, Lap

20 Scorpian Dry Docs alternating the Leg, Lap.

Rinse and Repeato.

Usually the goal is to complete 4 tornados but I wanted to make sure there was some time for fun and MARY.  With about 15 minutes left I called time.
Each Lap equated to .20 miles so each tornado was exactly 1 mile.  The Pax completed anywhere from 2.5 to 4 miles.

There was an amazing amount of mumblechatter.  The Pax attempted to audible the workout to 30 seconds of standing, or airborne mindbenders or something else less strenuous.  Thankfully the You vs You mentality prevailed and there was none of those shenanigans.  One Pax, Squirrel, did miss out on some of the fun as he was “carrying” a little excess baggage…Thankfully he used the port a jon and did not contribute to the doggy piles in our route.

Once time had been called, I gathered the Pax in a straight line to make sure we got out of the tornado through the tunnel, the Tunnel of Love.  This was my “fun” element.  It was a pretty long line with 34 remaining Pax and by the time YHC finished up the tunnel, it was a little crooked.  I guess we needed some maintenance.  Fun times had by all!  Well maybe not but that is my story and I am sticking to it.


Gathered the Pax to circle up again around the flag and drop to their 6.

Dying Cockroach x15 IC


Low Flutter x15 IC

Low Dolly x15 IC

Homer to Marge x3 with 5 down slow count

Freddy Mercury x15 IC

Superman/Banana x 5

Recover Recover!


Heartfelt Moleskin

It was great to see some familiar faces, meet new Pax and put a face with a twitter handle.

Shout out to my hometown boys from Hicksville, Long Island who came out to support.  Big Papi, Squirrel and Gatsby.

I appreciated the EH to come down and Q from Maximus and CSpan even though Maximus was only able to give a quick hug during his drive by.  Still appreciated.

Enjoyed the mumblechatter and yes…this exercise is definitely a rump kicker. You are welcome.

There are definitely some beasts down in this neck of the woods as some of the Pax seemed eager for extra credit laps.  God bless you!

And of course, a humble thank you for my brother and fellow Spartan Longshanks.  I truly value our friendship that we have developed and I am always grateful for your support and encouragement.  I am sorry I left out the burpee train…And I am glad I get to see your other side…but I won’t tell!

T Claps to Peabody for converging and letting me work his group in the beginning and end!


Great work being done by The Fort brothers on collaborating on ways to bring minorities into F3.  F3 is for everyone.  Our country may be divided, but there is no reason F3 should be.  Keep up the great work and keep an eye out for Chicken Hawk’s Back Blast…must read.

Purchase your tickets to the Christmas party.  Your brother Italian Job fronted the cash…don’t leave him with an awful credit card bill.  I would hate to see the interest he will charge you in return.

Hit up Longshanks for Operation Sweet Tooth.  His PB has links to the Children’s Attention Home and Levine for items needed.  Again, much appreciation for all your support on keeping my daughter’s, and our spirit alive.

If I missed something, I apologize.  Give me a shout out and I will make sure I add it.


US Military Veterans:

We thank you for your sacrifice, your service, and you willingness to lay it all on the line for millions of strangers who count on you to do so.  My grandfather fought in WW2 and received a Purple Heart.  My uncles served in WW2 and Vietnam and earned the same.  I come from a military family and I never walk past a brother, or sister, without them letting them know my appreciation.  We saw this at Chick O’teria (Coffeeteria at Chick Fil A) when two veterans where there enjoying each other’s company.  They even asked us what the deal was with our group.  As great as F3 is when it comes to fraternity and brotherhood, we don’t hold a matchstick to those who fought for our country.  The highlight of my day was thanking them and blessing them for our service.  And Tclaps to all those who have served and lead by example within F3…of course, that goes without saying, to the F3 Nantaan himself, Dredd.  Thank you for traveling North of your comfort zone to help with the Veteran’s Pier.  I wish I was there but I HC’d months ago…and I honor my word…and I had a message that was important to deliver.



I took us out today.  Amazing how over 6 months ago and even time before that, that I was afraid to take my brothers out in prayer.  Things change.  But one thing that doesn’t is God.  He is loving.  He is caring.  He is with us.  And what he gave us in addition to our bodies, are our minds.  And with that, the power of CHOICE!

Each and every day you make choices.  Even the smallest, seemingly trivial choices today can have a dramatic impact down the road, even if you don’t know it.  Today, and every day I choose to live.  That may seem like a no brainer, but for my wife and I, this is a choice.  How I choose to live, is according to Him.  I have all the reasons and all the excuses to choose to live otherwise.  That is not the path I choose.  That is not leadership.  That is not invigorating the male community.  That would not help anyone, including myself or family to succumb to that choice.  No.  I choose to make the wise choice.  Whether it was 6 months ago, yesterday, today or tomorrow…I choose Him, and I choose to be one day closer to my baby and ensure that I walk a life that allows me to do it.  And I encourage every one of you, to help inspire others, to choose the path of worthiness and righteousness so that can be one day those you touch can be one day closer to their light…whatever it may be.

“Live Life, Own Every Second and Never, Never Take Anything For Granted!”

Humbly yours,


TClap |

Two Marines go old school

  • QIC: Backdrfat and CSpan
  • When: 11/11/2016
  • Pax: Trucker, Rebel, Twister, Destiny, Change Order, Cakeboss, Dilbert, CSpan, Deacon, Flat Tire, Culture Club, Deep Dish, Gilmore, Barry Manilow, Geronimo, TPS, Cotton Eye, Bolt, Spark Plug, Beacon, Red eye, Atticus, Backdraft, Socrates
  • Posted In: Slow Burn, The Fort

This week has brought a lot of emotions out of not only myself but most of America. We elected a new President. Some were ecstatic and some were mad. No matter the outcome if you were for it or against it, it showed that we as men of our communities, our state, our Country have a lot of work to do. We have men in this County that need to be reminded of the sacrifice that was given to them by many great men who were willing to sign up and defend our rights. The right to elect a President, the right to protest if the outcome wasn’t to your liking. We have these rights because of Veterans.

Veterans Day brings memories to my head of the great times I had not only growing up a military brat, getting moved from base to base, from the west coast to the east coast. It really reminds me of the awesome men I got to travel the world with, train with, and to have a bond with that can never be broken. Some refer to the United States Marine Corps as the largest fraternity in the world. I think there right. If was proven when Cspan asked if I would like to share his Q on this Veterans day. Also the day after our 241st birthday. The day started with 23 guys all wanting to get better and show some love to those who defend us and our families.

CSpan started off with the disclaimer and set us up into two columns. We double timed it stopped periodically to do various exercises along the way. We learned that the marine Corps was born in 1775. We did 1 burpee for  the 1, 7 merkins for the 7, 7 squats for the other 7 and 5 more burpees for the 5.

We than double timed it to another spot and learned Cspan carried an M16 which fires a 5.56 round do 5 burpees and 56 lbc’s,

double time he also carried a 9mm pistol. 9 burpees.

double time he carried a machine gun that shot a 7.62 round. 7 merkins, 6 squats, 2 burpees.

Have Geronimo come forward who spent time in the Army. He wanted to do some tuck jumps because he jumped out of airplanes.

Hand of to Backdraft.

Double time to empire pizza. get in single file line the next group of exercises were done in cadence. After each set you were to bear crawl half the parking lot get up sprint other half turn around bear crawl and sprint back.

the exercises were as follows.

side straddle hop x 20, merkins x 20, mountain climbers x 20, 8 count body builders x 10, flutter kicks x 20, protractor x 10, squats x 15.

we than moseyed to wall for a 45 second wall sit. Double time back to COT.

announcements: Go to wep tomorrow Olive from Isotope will be Qing, discussion @ 0600 tomorrow on racial divide.

Prayers: Veterans, marriages, kids.

TClap |

Laces Out, YASSOs In

  • QIC: WWL
  • When: 11/10/16
  • Pax: Repeat, Rooney, Sasquatch, Hi-Hat
  • Posted In: Laces Out, The Fort

5 pax ascended on the newly resurfaced and painted FMHS track at 0500 (Hi-Hat opted for a solo warmup mile prior to).

The Thang:
warm up lap (400M)
Dynamic warmup- karaoke, high knees, side shuffle, butt kicks, toy solders, and the WWL special WWL’s or powerskips as they are known in the running community.

Start of the YASSOs, 800M 5k pace followed by a 400M cool down, rinse and repeat, target 6-8 YASSOs.

Cool down lap.

Static stretching lead by Sasquatch.


Felt good to be back on the FMHS track, YHC/Rooney/Menthol spent a many cold rainy morning out there last winter training for Kiawah…

Sasquatch and Hi-Hat tore up the track, rest of us paced through it!

TClap |

Field of Burpees

  • QIC: Crab Cakes
  • When: 11/05/2016
  • Pax: Socrates, Maximus, Peabody, Callsign Charlie (FNG), Airborne, Longshanks, Ginsu, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Fort

9 brave men searched for their gifts, strengths, and successes throughout Downtown Fort Mill this morning.  From the sounds of it – if you accept a dinner invite from Ginsu you also accept your fate of posting to The Fort the following morning.  One FNG found out dinner with Ginsu is not all beer bread spinach dip and a nice Cab.  We ran through the disclaimer and also asked the question – What do you see in the mirror?  If you’re like YHC you see your weaknesses, past sins, and past failures.  However, the #SkyQ sees your strengths, your gifts, and your past successes.  He knows everything about you yet He looks beyond the negative and finds the positive.  Imagine if you looked in the mirror and saw you as He sees you.  Imagine how that would change your day and the day of your loved ones.  The Pax were asked to think about their strengths as we embarked on this cool crisp morning.

The Thang:

Little baby jog to the 160 Lot for dynamic warmup:

High Knees

Butt Kickers

Side Shuffle Left

Side Shuffle Right

Karaokes Left

Karaokes Right

World Wide Leaders (Power Skips – #trademark)

Long Strides

75% Sprint

There – you’re warmed up.  Let’s Mosey.

Little baby jog to the Springs Building entrance for some Step Downs (yes they are different than Step Ups) 20 on your right – 15 Derkins – 20 on your left.  Let’s Mosey.

Little baby jog to Veterans Park for the Pledge.  Veterans Day is coming up this week – time to remember and reflect on what was sacrificed for you and your loved ones.

Froggers x 10

Peter Parks x 10

Mountain Climbers x 10

Parker Petes  x 10

Little baby jog to the Downtown Fort Mill parking lot.  Partner up – size does not matter.  Partner 1 run around lot through Downtown Fort Mill and then back.  Partner 2 does LBCs with your feet on the ground.  Flapjack.  Rinse Repeat with perfect merkins.  Flapjack.  Rinse Repeat with reverse crunches.  Flapjack.  Give me a 10-count or two.  Let’s Mosey.

Little baby jog to the field next to Veteran’s Park.  Or as it will be known today – The Field of Burpees.  Let’s do burpee broad jumps until you touch asphalt (going THIS direction, you knuckleheads).  Crowd Pleaser!!!!  More 10-counts.  Let’s Mosey.

Little baby jog to the back bank lot.  Let’s do 11’s with CDD’s at the top and squats at the bottom.  More 10-counts.  Let’s Mosey.

Little baby jog to the 160 lot where we started for some Mary.  Flutters, LBC’s with feet on the ground, Superman, More Flutters.  Jailbreak to COT.


That was some strong work men!  Great job by all and great job by FNG – Callsign Charlie!  Not an easy first post.  You gotta watch out for those Ginsu dinner invites.  We spent the post COT time debating how many pounds of muscle Peabody has put on since last year.  He blushed and guessed 25 at least.  Others were skeptical.  Thanks to Ginsu for leading siteQ at The Fort.  Always remember – ain’t no workout like a WEP workout.  Honored to lead.

Final takeaway – try to see yourself in a better light next time you look in the mirror.  Your family and friends see your best qualities.  He sees your strengths and successes.  Start to see you as He sees you and use that to make a difference in your home and community.  Aye!

TClap |