WhatDid a VQ do at The Coop?

13 Pax at The Coop today anointed another New Q as Geronimo asked WhatDid, YHC, to take a shot a leading the faithful. I had weeks to plan, prep and basically steal any and all moves I’ve learned over the past two years from many other Q’s.  While the excitement built up, my weinke continued to take many turns but I finally locked it down.

After giving an abbreviated and unrehearsed warning and disclaimer as no FNG’s were present, I got us underway with an immediate set of 10 burpees.  I just needed to get that first move out of the way and launch the Pax.  Then:

Mosey to basketball court on lower campus to, all IC:


Squat – 20

Bear crawl (Reverse Bear Crawl on set 3)

Left leg speed skater -20

Bear crawl (Reverse Bear Crawl on set 3)

Right leg speed skater – 20

Bear crawl

Squat – 20

Solid warm up followed by a long Mosey, up a few hills, around the back of the school to the opposite side of the same parking lot. Then the fun began.

Splitting the parking lot into quarters designated by cones (used as weinke), the Pax performed the following 3X

Squat – 20

Bear crawl (Reverse Bear Crawl on set 3)

Left leg speed skater -20

Bear crawl (Reverse Bear Crawl on set 3)

Right leg speed skater – 20

Bear crawl

Squat – 20

After 240 iterations of some form of a squat, we planked it up and waited for the sixth.

As our legs were not yet warmed up, the pax formed two lines and we did an Indian run up to the painted football field in the top parking lot. (Run went a bit sideways towards the end)

We centered up at the 50 Yard lined for what I call the PAIN-X. YHC got out early and setup station cones in the 4 corners of the field.  The setup made for a nice split out of the Pax, in an X like formation, to each corner.  So WhatDid he put on tap?

Split the pax into 4 at the 50 on the X and each group did 10 burpees, then the pax sprint 50 yards to your 1st of 4 cones. Perform the exercise on the cone then sprint 50 yards back to the X. 10 more burpees, and repeat 4 more times. Here’s what the cones had waiting for the pax.

Corner one.

1) merkins – 20

2) bomb jacks – 20


Corner 2

1) Carolina dry docks -20

2) shoulder taps – 20


Corner 3

1) wide arm merkins –  20

2) right arm dry docks – 10

Corner 4

1) diamond push ups – 20

2) left arm dry docks

Total of 500 Yards of sprints (you can imagine it turned into a mosey for some) 50 burpees (felt like 500).

Mosey back to COT for nameroma, praises and announcements.


  • First, where would you find a Sasquatch? Oh, that’s right, out in the distant rising out of the woods and already 3 miles under his belt as he chose to run to the AO. And, of course, run home afterwards.
  • Lots of chatter about the poor lighting behind the school and the countless pot holes and trenches on the access road behind it. With the Q having the only headlamp, you might want to think about sticking with him or getting one yourself
  • Nice work by Peabody and few others that got out there and are recovering from a some injuries.
  • Which, sticking with the Q, reminds me how lonely it can get to lead if no one is following you. While today it was likely due to unbalanced Adrenalin in the VQ’s step, it could mean a bigger problem if you find yourself leading and no one follows.
  • This months is all about Leadership (last month was love), which is a staple in our F3 diet. But, make sure you’re thinking about your leadership at home, with your family, with your employers/employees and in your community.  As a leader we empower people to use their gifts and live to their potential.


  • Vanilla Ice’s 14 YO nieces, Ashland, is facing challenges as she adapts to new schools and the environment it puts her in. Keep him, his family and her in your prayers as they work to right her direction.
  • SkateorDie’s wife’s grandmother isn’t doing well. She’s 90 but we need to keep her in our thoughts and prayers.
  • This Saturday Sasquatch will be offering a stretching/PT discussion at the Fort (WEP) at 0630 pre-work out.
  • Upcoming Charlotte Leadership Forum. March 15th at 6:30 AM at Christ Church on Providence Road (1412 Providence Rd). Topic is Fatherhood.
TClap |

The Fort – “Classic” beat down for Classy PAX

  • QIC: Cake Boss & Double D
  • When: 02/27/16
  • Pax: Mainframe, MacGyver, Tesh, Rebel, Flat Tire, Rooney, Beacon, Ginsu, L'il E, Javert, Mr Clean
  • Posted In: The Fort

Gorgeous Saturday morning in the Carolinas and it was slowly getting brighter as the sun rose above the horizon. 13 men posted to The Fort, the original AO for Fort Mill in Sept 2012. It is a Classic AO and deserves all the respect and honor its earned. Many of PAX have started at The Fort and have posted there over the years. Double D being a founder of The Fort and YHC starting in fall of 2012 as well remember the workouts when we never left the park, but always felt the pain. Today The Fort region has become a run club and in search of creative pain mechanisms, however Double D and I chose to honor our AO and make it a “Classic” workout this day.

Double D thinks of Classic songs when he hears the word “Classic”. I could not help but think of classic cars and for me the 1967 RS/SS Camaro Convertible was always my favorite. Someday…..I keep saying of when I’ll own one, but until then….I just keep on truckin!

The Thang:


  • Double D- Mosey to Springs small lot SSH, IW, Mtn climbers, Slow Sumo Squat
  • Cake Boss- Peter Parkers, Plank, Parker Peters, Low Slow Squats, Carolina Dry Docks(CDDs)

Double D-

  • “Ring of Fire” — Merkins, diamond merkins, wide arm merkins, stagger right, stagger left, CDDs
  • “The Wall” — People’s Chair, wall pull ups, BTW (rinse & repeat)

Cake Boss- Mosey to Playground & partner up.

YHC brought up  the idea of Classic cars and the restoration process. if we think about how old cars are driven, worn and torn. Some left in barns or fields only to rust out and then land in a heap at a junk yard or crushed for recycle. Someone finds these cars and brings them in, saving it from the “heap” and sees the beauty in it and begins the process of making the car new again. They strip the car down to its frame, piece by piece rebuild it and one day roll it out of the garage brand new and Restored!

We as men live a similar life. We grow up after years of school and such, get jobs have familes and living the so called “dream” only to feel worn, torn and beat up some days. Looking at the calendar or the schedule to determine what is my day or week going to be like and how am I going to survive?? Well, for no reason other than living, Jesus takes us in and begins the process of making us new again. Through a relationship with him, he “Saves” us from the heap by stiping us down to our core…..our hearts…..he makes us new again and our gifts, beauty shines again. We become fully restored when Jesus comes again, but in the meantime we can rest in knowing he took us in, walks with us and talks with us and someday we will be in the best showroom condition ever. We just need to answer the door when he is knocking. To know more about this, reach out to Cake Boss.

  • ROUND #1 Pullups, Dips, Step Ups while partner takes lap around playground.
  • ROUND #2 Pullups, Dips, Step Ups while partner runs to path and back

Double D-

  • “Stairway to Heaven” — fwd lunge walk, 5 burpees, backward lunge walk, 10 burpees (rinse & repeat to top w/fwd and backward bear crawls for last 2 lamp posts)

Cake Boss- Mosey to sunshine on side of hill for 6 min of Mary

  • LBC (Elvis style)
  • Rosalitas (In Spanish)
  • Superman
  • Hello Dollys
  • Parachute
  • Freddy Mercury’s
  • Supermans
  • Flutter Kicks


Many prayers and testimonies of what F3 has meant to various men. It says a lot to hear the positive effects of fellowship and faith on men’s lives and their families.

We had a great Classic workout. I know I felt it Saturday night and Sunday all day. Thanks to MacGyver for the Q and Double D for teaming up with me. I truly am humbled and honored to lead and be a part of such a great group. You all are leaders and inspire me each day. Thank you!

Cake Boss

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“I’m sorry honey I can’t lift my arms.”

  • QIC: Popeye & Walker
  • When: 2-27-16
  • Pax: Italian Job, Peach, Bogey, Smoke Wagon, Snapper, Catfish, Boots, Popeye, Walker
  • Posted In: The Fort

Nine #HIM rolled out of the #fartsack on a Saturday morning fully aware that YHC and Walker were on the Q at the Patriot. Even with the warning of Walker on Q everyone in attendance swallowed the #redpill and sailed full steam into the storm ahead of them.

YHC took the first half with the following


Warm up:

  • SSH X15
  • WM X15
  • IW X15
  • MNC X15
  • MNC X15

MOSEY to Suliivan Ampetheater, in route we did:

  • High Knees
  • Butt Kickers
  • Bear Crawls

After finding a piece of wall the PAX did

  • IRKINS X20
  • DIPS X20

Mosey to the hill of pain, from there we commenced with a up hill Black Jack

  • Bottom of the Hill MONKEY HUMPERS
  • Top of the HIll MERKINS
  • The original plan was to go to 20 however YHC called an #Omaha at 10, and thankfully I did, because when Walker took over… Well I’ll just let you read for yourself the pain he had in store.

Starfish 40

  • Center 40 merkins 40 squats
  • 40 fist merkins
  • 40 wide arm merkins
  • 40 diamond merkins
  • 40 staggered arm position merkins (20 each side)
  • Oh it ain’t over folks Rinse and Repeat but this time Starfish 20

Next we circled up to do the following… You guessed it… Merkins

  • 10 merkins with back of left hand down right hand palm down
  • 10 Merkins with back of right hand down , left hand palm down,
  • 10 merkins with back of both hands down (these exercises strengthen the tendons).

This was followed by A Walker specialty – ISO work.

  • Chest squeeze for 10 count
  • Bicep pull/ tricep push for 10 count
  • Left deltoid pull for 10 count
  • Right deltoid pull for 10 count (2 rounds of ISO work)

Mosey back to COT.

If you are trying to count all that maddness, according to Boots who kept score for the merkins, we ended up doing 555 (Tiple Nickle!) merkins with both Q’s totals added together. Thus the title of the BB.

MOLESKIN: YHC talked about how South Carolina is in the middle of the political spotlight for the last month. No matter what side of the line you follow, or which ever Saturday you voted; remember what happens in the race for the White House has very little effect on what happens in YOUR house.  The small changes you make in your life do matter. Telling your 2.0’s you love them daily, Telling your M you love her daily. Taking your 2.0’s to a Daddy Daughter Dance or a ball game.  Also getting your physical house (body) in order. Small steps! Last year when I started F3 I was a 280 lb. wad of chewed up bubble gum and blood pressure that was topping out in the 130’s / 80’s. Now after a year of getting my rear in gear and with the help from ALL of you keeping me motivated I’m now 25 lbs lighter and my BP yesterday was 118/68 (In your face heart disease!). If you think anyone that hold office can make your life better, you are fooling yourself. As Tinker Toy mentioned at ManU this week the circle of change starts with you! Aye!!

I know I have been absent from The Patriot for several weeks getting F3York off the ground, but thank you for allowing me to lead you HIGH IMPACT MEN today.

TClap |

The Foundation: Video resources for Regions leading Third F

  • QIC: Santini, Blackjack, Dredd, Jedi, & Dark Helmet
  • Pax: Men who dare to go deep on topics that might scare the average sad clown
  • Posted In: The Fort


Over the last several months, several Pax across the Charlotte Regions (and some in SC too) have come together to build out a series called The Foundation.  This series was intended to help prompt discussion and topics that would help in developing High Impact Men as they seek to go deep into the Third F.

There have been 3 in the series at this point.  The first was on Accountability, the second on finding a life of significance in a world of success, and the third was developing high impact goals, D2X, and One Word to capture the essence of this work for the year.  We have plans to continue these on Topics (March 15) on Fatherhood, and another on Finances (April).  Basically, any topic that we can speak truth, honesty, and no BS into the lives of other men.

We chose to record these 2 and share them with you as a resource for you and your region.  If you are reading this you probably care about this already and wondering what you can do to get this rolling in your region.  Simple.  Do it.  We are just taking steps one session at a time.  Find the biggest, messy, scary topic about life, faith, and family and then go after it.  If you want more information on it, we are here to help.

Below are two links.  (A big special thanks to Dark Helmet and his video/recording prowess)  The first is recorded out of The Fort on a sleeting morning in February.  The Fort tackled the idea of Accountability with a group of nearly 50 men.  Stinger, Chicken Hawk, Rebel, Repeat, and Santini talked about Whetstone, accountability and how it looks in a Man’s life.


The second was recorded on January 26th at Christ Church.  Jedi, Santini, & Dredd walked men through HIM, D2X, and One Word.

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Wandered from the Ruin

One of the nice things about the Colosseum is that it provides decent cover in the event of inclement weather (if that’s your sort of thing). Well, with the help of a few friends, we decided to ditch the friendly confines of our favorite Tuesday Roman ruin in favor of a new AO. With celebrity status-worthy Dark Helmet on Q at Golden Corral, he brought his PAX of 16 to meet up with my PAX of 5 (low in numbers but we’re a scrappy bunch) in the WalMart parking lot.

I won’t take credit for this but I loved the idea and just might do it again. If we lengthen the time, add a few twists and turns and get the heart rate up, we might call it a Black Diamond. So after the last of the headlights made their way in the Colosseum, we took off. After a .5mi mosey to the intersection with 160, we did a brief warm up of:
Moroccan Night Club
After another .5mi mosey to the WalMart parking lot, we had a few minutes to kill which let us do the following:
Carolina Dry Docks

We then saw the headlights begin to trickle into the lot but little did I know at the time, Dark Helmet robbed the other AO’s of their PAX and he brought 15 other guys with him. With a big circle formed, we got the run-down from DH on the importance of 212 and what happens when you add that 1 degree, from 211 to 212. He’s much better with words and it’s his message, so you’ll have to read his BB to get the knowledge.

So with a partner, you’ll do 212 each of the following exercises. The key is however that you each do your respective exercise until one of you reaches failure. At that point, flapjack until you’ve collectively reached 212 of each:

Merkins & Flutter Kicks
followed by
Dips & LBC’s

The time passed too quickly so we all had to part ways back to our starting AO’s. Crash, thanks for the idea…this will surface again.
Announcements: P200 meeting tonight. Many opportunities in the weekly email.
Prayers/Praises: Successful surgeries, Pregnancies, Health of the PAX, Health at the office after discouraging news, our homes. Tap into WHETSTONE if you haven’t already.

As you were.

TClap |

Hollow man Exorcism at the Mini Convergence

  • QIC: Deacon and Chicken Hawk
  • When: 03/20/2016
  • Pax: Barry Manilow, Skinner, Rebel, Red Banjo, Magnum, Frost Bite, Twister, Double D, Lil E, Mcgyver, Main Frame, Gopher, Tesh, Hemmingway, Magic Man, Charger, Gilmore, Assassin, Freon, The Speaker, Cheddar, Old Bay, Quick Books, MP
  • Posted In: Millllkshake, The Fort
Twenty six men converged on Leroy Springs Rec Complex from the Yard and The Fort typical work outs.  On a morning, that had no expectations other than Deacon and I expected at least 2 Yeti-less warriors but 26 exceeded expectations.  It was a great morning with temperatures in the upper 40s which was gloom weather that was much appreciated. Thank you to all the Pax for the opportunity to lead the group through some exercise for the mind, body and soul!

Mosey to the parking lot in the front of the building.

Warm-up: SSH (30x), IW (20x), WM (15x), Sumo Squats (15x), MC (15x), CDDs (15x), Calf Raises (40x)

Mosey to the tennis courts.

People’s Chair (5x), Extreme CDDs (15x). Rinse & Repeat (3x)

Mosey to the parking lot near the tennis courts.

One partner runs around the islands in the parking lot. The other does exercises then alternate until the team of two has done: Freddie Mercuries (200x), Donkey Kicks (60x), LBCS  (300x)

Mosey to tennis wall

Partner 1 –  balls to the wall

Partner 2 – 15, 10, 5 Burpees

Rotate after each round of Burpees

Louis Zamperini – Count off my 3s and individually go through 2min pain stations.

3 stations (2 minutes each)

  Run Steps (10 squats at the bottom)

     Round of dips and leg lifts between rounds

  Run Bases ( 10 bomb jacks at home base)

      Round of Boats and Canoes and Dying Cockroaches

  Push sled (Merkins when not pushing)

 Mosey to COT


We discussed this month’s 3rd F focus of love during our workout today. Men often run from the “love” topic because we’ve been taught to be emotionless since our youth. When we were boys, we were told to “walk it off” or “stop crying” when we got hurt. Most boys are raised to be emotionally hollow men.

Men have learned harness our  emotions. It’s problematic when we release bottled  emotions negatively (e.g. rage, alcoholism and other addictions). What if we could use our emotions for good?

An example of someone using their  emotions for good is the 22 girl who saved her dad by lifted a car to save her dad. She found her dad pinned under a car. This young lady channeled her emotions into a rage that gave her the strength to lift and fling the car off her dad. See the story here. https://youtu.be/kzb23873nA4

Are you using your emotions in negative or positive ways? Be aware of your emotions and tend to the emotional needs of others.


TClap |

Coupons, Cones and ‘Merica!

  • QIC: Apache & Popeye
  • When: 2/20/16
  • Pax: Nunchuck, Highpockets, Drifter, Mayflower
  • Posted In: The Fort

While it seemed most of all the other PAX were chasing the Yeti in Fort Mill, 6 #HIM in York woke up to continue to grow F3 in York and tame the Dragon.

This AO shows YHC and many other the potential for so much fitness pain.

Apache started the group off with the following


  • SSH X30 (IC)
  • Stretch out the soreness with a little left leg over right & right leg over left.
  • Merkins X10 (IC)

Mosey to Apache’s cones of pain. Apache found some coupons (Rock) and everyone grabbed one.

With the coupon we did

  • X20 Squats
  • Run to each of the cones with coupon
  • X20 CDD
  • X20 Merking
  • X20 Burpees
  • X20 SSH
  • X20 Monkey Humpers

I didn’t mention there was a hill involved with bear crawls.

Apache then handed the reigns off to Nunchuck to give him a little VQ action I can’t remember the count but there where

  • Side lunge squats
  • WM
  • SSH
  • Cresent Kicks

Nunchuck gave us a little mole skin from the word about David stepping up when no one else would to face Goliath.

Then YHC took over.  We moseyed over to the cougar statue.  I spoke about how it was our civic duty as Americans to vote. We can not complain about who’s elected if we don’t vote. In the 2012’s presidential election only 54% of the registered voters in America cast a ballot. It’s sad to think in a country where so many people gave their lives for us to have the freedom to vote a little more than half used their right to cast a ballot. SO to encourage the PAX to vote and tell their families, friends & neighbors to vote we partnered up  to do the following

while one man runs the other does

  • X54 Irkins
  • X54 Merkins
  • X54 Dirkins
  • X54 Dips

Mosey to the hill next to the baseball fields.

This year America turns 240 years old so with your partner one runs the hill while the other does

  • X60 Squats
  • X60 Monkey Humpers
  • X60 SSH
  • X60 Calf Raises
  • Equal 240

Mose to the wall next to the drop off circle.

I talked about how in America fought against communism and led the charge to help bring down the Berlin Wall. So we did a little people’s chair to try and break down that wall.  About a minutes worth with a little Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes.

Mosey to the COT for 5 Captain Thors (America’s)


YHC & Apache are honored to lead these York men who have decided to take the #redpill to work to grow F3 in York and beyond.

TClap |

“Risen” 2nd/3rd F Outing to Movies


It is the season of LENT and for those that don’t know what that is, it is a time for preparation for Easter and the death, burial and Resurrection of Jesus. For Christians, this is the most important action, event sign of love that God has done for all people. Without it, there is no Christianity and the world would definitely be a different place.

So, there is a movie out called “Risen” that I think would be a cool 2nd F event to get some pizza, beer and fellowship and secondly open up some questions about what this event means to each of us from a 3rd F view. We will follow up on this at Crossroads the following Tuesday 3/1.

Bringing M’s and 2.0s are up to your discretion, however movie is PG-13 and a bit violent for sub 13.

No need to sign up or over commit, but I encourage the PAX to come out and see where it leads.

What: Dinner/Beer/Movie

Date: 2/25/16

Time: 6:00 Mellow Mushroom 7:15 Showtime

Place: Mellow Mushroom/Manchester Theater

Contact Cake Boss with Questions


TClap |

Tabata breakdown of muscle groups

  • QIC: Backdraft
  • When: 02/19/16
  • Pax: Airborne, Geronimo, Backdraft
  • Posted In: The Fort, The Hive

only 3 brave souls showed up for a backdraft led Q of kettlebells. Might need to work on my twitter headlocks better or maybe most were just plain scared. Some may have laid low to get rest before some challenge tomorrow called the Yeti. Others may have gone to see an old friend that was in town and Qing down the road. Welcome home Tatanka. Heres the details to the suck.


Mosey around parking lot

Circle up for 20 SSHs, 20 IWs, 20 Windmills, 20 Mtn Climbers,

Line up for dynamic stretching from light pole to light pole high knees, karaoke facing school, butt kickers, karaoke facing football field.

Circle up and let the clock on Tabata begin.

  1. KB one handed swings (switch from arm to arm at each rest period) followed by 10 merkins in cadence.
  2. Figure 8s , followed by 8 merkins in cadence
  3. Goblet Squats followed by 10 merkins in cadence
  4. One handed shoulder presses ( switch from arm to arm during rest periods) followed by 10 merkins
  5. Arm curls (switch from arm to arm during rest periods) followed by 10 merkins.


announcements- read the newsletter

Prayers to Howlitzer wife.



TClap |

Two Wolves and the Great Battle

  • QIC: Italian Job
  • When: 2/15/16
  • Pax: CSPAN, Longshanks, Schrute, Van Wilder, Boots, Snapper, Apache
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort

With many of our brother’s heading north for a Muthaship Monday beatdown, YHC decided to bring the pain south of the state line. 8 of us toured Rock Hill and got a little better in the process.

From my understanding the “Warm Up” at Mutha is a mile run in at a quick pace. With that in mind, we took off at a sub-7:30 pace toward the Hot Box. Since this isn’t the normal path we take, we lost half the PAX along the way. We did however find a late arrival, Boots, on the way back. Once we reconvened, we added a warmup to get us back to our normal routine.

  • 25 SSH in cadence
  • 20 IW in cadence
  • 15 Windmill in cadence
  • Left over Right
  • Right over Left
  • Middle

Mosey to the Hot Box

  • Partner Up. Partner 1 ran the ramps while partner 2 ran the stairs. Meet at the top for 25 Patty Cake Merkins. Run back down.
  • Flapjack – Partner 2 ran the ramps and Partner 1 ran the stairs. Run back down.
  • Shampoo
  • Ascending Testicles (a terrible choice)
    • 10 Merkins at 15 degrees
    • 10 Merkins at 45 degrees
    • 10 BTTW Merkins (if you got it)
  • Partner 1 Wheelbarrow up the ramp, lunge the in between, wheelbarrow up the next ramp, lunge, trade off with Partner 2.
  • Shampoo
  • Bear Crawl up the ramp, lunge in between, Crab Walk up the ramp, lunge, Nur the final ramp.
  • People’s Chair (2 rounds)
  • Run down 2 levels followed by
    • 10 pullups each
  • Run down 1 level
    • 10 pullups or 30 calf raises

Long mosey to COT


As always, it was a pleasure to lead my fellow brothers this morning. I enjoy spending 45 minutes on a cold morning getting better because of my brothers. It was great having our guests from across the river. CSPAN and Longshanks are always welcome down in Old Town. Great hustle today Schrute – getting faster every week! Van Wilder, I’m so proud to see you working your tail off. You are CRUSHING it and we’ve noticed your progress. Boots, thanks for joining us. We know this training is getting you prepared for your next journey in a few months. Awesome work Snapper. While your classmates are sleeping, you are working. I never had that discipline at your age. Apache, thanks for your leadership. The PAX enjoy having you around and your encouragement is appreciated.

To our fartsacking brothers, you missed a good one (looking at you Burgundy, Posh, Sgt. York, Tinker Toy, Riddler, River Rat, and Popeye). We’ll see you soon.

On a serious note, Apache shared something a few months ago that stayed with me. He shared the story of an old Cherokee man telling his grandson about life and the battle of good and evil.

“A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.” The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?” The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

Men, the enemy is all around us. He is wanting to destroy our marriages, our friendships, and our lives. He’s not always dressed in red with horns and a pitchfork. Often times he takes the forms of your desires. As he tells you that what you’re doing is okay, and no one is getting hurt, he is slowly chopping away at your base, like a lumberjack takes aim at a tree. The pleasure he has you seeking may be enjoyable for a season, but you will fall. And when you fall, it will hurt. Take time to analyze your life. Which wolf are you feeding? Which wolf is winning? Which wolf do you want to have control of your life? Make a stand today to feed the right one and fight the good fight.


Rock Hill Daddy-Daughter Dance – Feb 19 (Friday) @1900 – Tickets for this 2.0 event go on sale this Monday Jan 18th and will sell out fast. If you have that special little lady 2.0 in your life, take her to a dance. See the flier for details.

Yeti #CSAUP This Weekend – This Saturday @0600 – The Yeti is almost upon us.  It’s not too late to sign-up for any combination of this 17 mile #CSAUP event.  Even if you forget to sign-up, feel free to come participate or help.  Check the pre-blast here for details.

Krispy Kreme Race Run 4 Reading – Feb 27 @0830 – Fountain Park in Rock Hill – This 4 mile race consists of running 2 miles, eating a dozen doughnuts, then running 2 miles. A non-doughnut option is available too. Proceeds benefit the Early Learning Partnership of York County. Check out the pre-blast for more info.

F3 5 Year Party – Ticket’s On Sale – Mar 5 @1900 – The Fillmore Charlotte (map)–  The party is for all F3 pax and their M’s. Live Music and Food provided.  Tickets officially on sale now.  Get more info and purchase your tickets.

Prayer Requests

Families, ailing Pax, Emma’s leukemia diagnosis, loss of loved ones



TClap |